The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 13, 1997 - 3A
Experts hone
estimate of
Moon's age
The Earth's moon was formed in a
cataclysmic collision that left the
Earth a melted rock about 4.5 billion
years ago, say two University geo-
Researchers Alexander Halliday and
Der-Chuen Lee said the two major
players in the collision weren't exactly
the two bodies we know today as the
Earth and the moon.
} In a paper in this week's issue of
Science magazine, Halliday and Der-
Chuen state that 50 million years after
the formation of the Earth, a planetoid
collided with Earth. The impact was
too forceful for the two bodies to
remain together as one large planet.
jnstead, the newly formed moon fell
away into a stable orbit around the
heavily battered Earth.
While the manner of the forma-
ion of the moon is generally agreed
upon by experts, a specific date for
its origin is not. Previously, astro-
physicists thought the Moon formed
at the same time as Earth and the
rest of the inner solar system 4.57
Pillion years ago.
Halliday and Der-Chuen used
Halfnium/Tungsten radioactive decay
,'analysis of moon rocks to peg a later
date for the Moon's origin - 4.5 to 4.2
billion years ago.
t Research experts
,gather in D.C.
Spurned in part by discussions
,,held at the University's 1996
.Wiesner Symposium, government
pfficials, scientists and University
0researchers met in Washington, D.C.
last month to discuss national
research policy.
Changes discussed would merge the
goals of government and University-
,ponsored research, and highlight how
society views research.
The 1996 Wiesner symposium
looked at principles for national pol-
Icy, pointing out how universities
should improve accountability for
the good of public investment in
Profs link light
energy to cells
University chemistry professors
have developed a new range of super-
molecules that are capable of convert-
ing sunlight into energy and illuminat-
*ng the DNA of living cells.
Working with University of Illinois
professors, chemistry Prof. Raoul
Kopelman uncovered molecules that
can funnel light energy though
branches, directing it to a specific
Work will continue with these mole-
cultes to create applications with varied
..chemical and physical properties.
Research is funded by the National
*Science Foundation.
University gets
Jaser patent
The University has secured a patent
for a new laser that emits a fine, highly
r nergetic and accurate beam.
The laser technology, developed by
*ientists at the Center of Ultrafast
Optical Science and the Kellogg Eye
Center, may be used for eye surgery as
Dell as engineering applications.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
David Bricker and Peter Romer-
' grads work
on heart pump
By Reilly Brennan
Daily Staff Reporter
Two alumni are taking what they
learned in the University's laboratories
and research facilities to significantly
help medical professionals and
improve the lives of their patients.
Scott Merz and Patrick Montoya have
begun a company, Michigan Critical
Care Consultants Inc., which is more
commonly known as MC3. The compa-
ny develops products for the medical
industry that help in surgical procedures.
MC3 was formed as a result of the
two alumni improving an existing prod-
uct, a heart pump. Their new and
improved pump, which handles extra-
corporeal circulation, is better designed
than other heart pumps because of its
safety features, Montoya said.
Merz said the University played a
factor in the private company's con-
ception, something MC3 recognizes
and appreciates.
"The program here is excellent for
biomedical engineering. We benefited
from the University, but the University
also benefits from us," Merz said. "They
get the royalties and publicity. The
University also holds the patents on the
products. They, in turn, license the prod-
ucts to us. It's a good relationship."
Merz, who received a Ph.D. in bio-
engineering, and Montoya, who
received a Ph.D. in mechanical engi-
neering, said the business aspect came
last - the two were most interested in
general medical research.
"This whole thing began as a result
of development work we did with Dr.
Bartlett," Montoya said. "It started as
kind of a side-project"
The Dr. Bartlett who Montoya
speaks of is the pair's primary connec-
tion to the University. Dr. Robert
Bartlett, a University professor of
surgery, is part owner in the company
and originally helped the two students
research their products when they were
students at the University.
Bartlett said the relationship
between the private company and the
University is something that is kept at
near lily-white standards, as a shared
contract makes sure all rules are in line
with University policy.
"As a private company, we definite-
ly maintain an arm's-length relation-
ship with the University," Bartlett said.
"Every detail of our relationship is
very clean and careful. We follow the
University alumni Scott Merz and Patrick Montoya founded Michigan Critical Care Consultants, Inc., a company that devel-
ops products for the medical industry that are used in surgical procedures.
letter of the law."
Merz added that a major part of the
University's role is to make the transi-
tion between research and experimen-
"Moving from the academic world to
the industrial application is an important
function of the University," Merz said.
Montoya and Merz have a full
research and prototyping facility at their
headquarters in Ann Arbor. MC3 is cur-
rently working on other products,
including a portable heart-lung machine
that will be contracted to the U.S. Army
and a treatment that prevents blood from
clotting on plastic materials.
"We're primarily a research and
development company" Montoya rid;
"We would like to continue developiig
products. We'd like to see more of our
products reach the market."
Companies look to link TV
with Internet technology
Dr. Bohdan Pichurko, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Slani
Hospital, right listens as Dr. Claud Young answers questions yesterday.
Cole-man Young in
critcal condition
By Asheley Riley
Daily StaffReporter
For most experienced Web surfers,
access to the Internet is as simple as
logging onto a computer account. But
changes in cyberspace could make the
experience even easier.
With the new technology, anyone with a
television can access the Internet through
their set. These new technology packages
are being called "Net computers:'
"The way this works is through a
device, much like those used to connect
televisions to cable," said Bruce
Leonard. an engineer and ITD affiliate.
Web TV Networks, a leader in the tele-
vision Internet market and a Microsoft
affiliate, first brought Internet access
through home television about a year ago.
"These types of systems usually con-
sist of a wireless keyboard and a set-top
box," Leonard said. "They basically run
at about $300 for the equipment."
Netscape, a company that makes
software for the World Wide Web, is
working to use such devices to give
consumers access to the Internet.
Netscape is currently the biggest pro-
ducer of Web browsers.
"We're really excited for it," said
Corporate Communications Associate
Jodi Kramer, who added that no release
date has been set. "With the demand for
the Internet still so high, we expect to do
quite well."
But LSA first-year student Andrea
Dawson said she would not buy a
device that links television to the
Internet since computers are already
plentiful on campus.
"I'll never buy that. Why should I
when a computer meets all my Internet
needs?" Dawson said.
While Internet-accessible televisions
give home users an enhanced viewing
experience, the systems also- require
modems, which occupy phone lines.
Engineering sophomore Craig Scott
uses an ethernet card, which he said lets
him access the Internet efficiently.
"I just got an ethernet card so that I
wouldn't have to use my phone line, so
I definitely wouldn't want something
like Web TV until they come out with
maybe a Web TV net card," Scott said.
One incentive for having access to the
"I definitely
wouldn't want
something like
Web TV."
-- Craig Scott
Engineering sophomore
Internet through television is the fact that
such devices are free. The service also
would change the way viewers follow
television programs. For example, TV
listings would be provided 48 hours in
advance, and viewers could search -for
information about their favorite stars
while watching them on television.
Though the devices linking television
and the Internet would most likely be
free, there is a catch: Providers would
sell monthly Internet-access fees, simi-
lar to how America Online charges cus-
tomers to use its services. Currently,
Web TV charges $19.95 per month to
access Internet services.
DETROIT (AP) Coleman
Young, Detroit's first black mayor
who served an unprecedented five
terms, was in critical condition after
suffering a cardiac arrest yesterday,
doctors said.
Young, 79, was in a coma on a ven-
tilator last night, said Dr. Bohdan
Pichurko, chief of pulmonary and
critical care medicine at Sinai
Young, who had advanced emphy-
sema and was hospitalized several
times in recent years for heart and res-
piratory problems, has been in inten-
sive care at Sinai Hospital since Aug.
12, for pneumonia and complications.
"I would never deny the possibility
of recovery,.but we know this situa-
tion is grave," Pichurko said. "This is
perhaps the most serious of all that
he's had to face."
, Young suffered the cardiac arrest
about 5:30 p.m. yesterday. It took about
40 minutes to resuscitate him and he
remained on a ventilator and a machine
to support his blood pressure.
'It's just a waiting game at this
point," said Dr. Claud Young, the for-
mer mayor's cousin.
Pichurko said it was too soon to
provide further information about his
"He has many serious and signifi-
cant medical problems," he said.
A longtime cigarette smoker, Young
has advanced emphysema and has
been hospitalized several times for
breathing problems. He was released
from Detroit Receiving Hospital on
July 15, after four days of treatment
for pneumonia in his upper right lung.
As Detroit's first black mayor, he
left office in 1993 after 20 years.
Since then, he has had a cornea
transplant, prostate gland surgery
and undergone treatment for an
irregular heartbeat. In March 1995,
he was hospitalized for 10 days fol-
lowing a minor stroke.
Claud Young said doctors had
hoped that the former mayor would be
released from the hospital either yes-
terday or today. The doctor said he had
talked to his cousin about 2 p.m. and
he was alert even though he had been
in and out of sleep.
Young was among several famous
Detroiters who got involved in the bid-
ding for Detroit casino licenses, which
is still pending. Young headed a group
with Rio Hotel and Casino Inc. of Las
Vegas that has already been taken out of
the running for a casino license.
U "Circle K Community Service Week
Meeting," 763-1755, Michigan
Union Lobby, 7 p.m.
U lntervarsity Christian Fellowship,
647-6857, Chemistry Building,
Room 1200, 7 p.m.
U Shulchan lvrlt, 769-0500, Cava
Java, Downstairs area, 5:30 p.m.
U Teach for America Information
Meeting, 997-7635, Amer's Deli,
Basement, 6 p.m.
U Undergraduate Black Male Dialogue
Group, 936-1372, West Quad,
Asubuhi Lounge, 7-9 p.m.
U University Alkido, 668-0464,
intramural Sports Building,
Wrestling Room, 5 p.m.
s happening in Ann Arbor today
Ownership of Challenges at Hall, Room 100, 7 p.m.
Home," Sponsored by Carroll J, U "Minority Marrow Registration
Haas, North Campus, GG Brown Drive," Sponsored by Minority
Building, lacocca Auditorium, Marrow Donor Coalition, Pierpont
U 4:30-5:30 p.m. Commons, Boulevard Room, 10
D "A Young Voice for Democracy and
the Environment: Hafsat Abiola," a.m.-6 p.m.
Sponsored by Environmental U "Teach for America information
Justice Group et.al, Law School, Meeting," Sponsored by Teach for
Room 100, 8 p.m. America, Amer's Deli, Basement,
U "Ben Yonas Quartet and Randy 6 p.m.
Napolean," Sponsored by
Michigan League Programming, SERVICES
Michigan League, League
Underground, 8-10 p.m.
U "Bionomics: The Market Economy U Campus Information Centers, 763-
as an Ecosystem," Sponsored by INFO, info@umich.edu, and
College Libertarians, Modern www.umich.edu/-info on the
Languages Building, Room B116, Worid Wide Web
7 p.m. U Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
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