2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 13, 1997
Continued from Page 1A
sightly at the University, the overall
national average decreased .3 percent
from 1994. The highest default rate, in
.1990, was at 22.4 percent.
'"We must acknowledge greater
vigilance and more aggressive col-
lections efforts involving each of the
participants in the federal student
loan programs - including stu-
dents, schools, guarantee agencies
and the Department of Education,"
Secretary of Education Richard
Riley said at a press conference yes-
terday. "Further, the strength of the
economy and the resulting low
employment rate helped borrowers
enter into repayment and stick with
Butts said there are many factors
that contribute to the University's
high academic standing and student
loan default rates are relatively
"The University of Michigan is well
regarded on a whole host of fronts,"
Butts said. "I don't think our loan
default rate makes a big difference."
Continued from Page 1A,
Nagrant also said the store is not
designed to send larger businesses into
bankruptcy, but rather to aid students.
"We're only trying to provide stu-
dents with a little savings and conve-
nience," Nagrant said.
MSA representatives are currently
trying to persuade professors to give
their coursepacks to the new store for
next term.
"I would say to professors that you're
going to save your students money. It
will provide them with one-stop shop-
ping for coursepacks and books, and
professors will be helping to provide
work-study jobs," Nagrant said.
LSA first-year student Matt Studt
said the current system needs revi-
"It's a pain to go out and stand in
lines to buy books, and then go to other
places and stand in lines again for
coursepacks,' Studt said. "Having it in
the basement of the Union is a good
idea. It's a central location."
The store will employ work-study
students to produce and sell the packs.
MSA plans to help pay their salaries as
"We plan to subsidize labor so it
doesn't go into the price of the coursep-
ack," Nagrant said.
The coursepacks will be put together
in a room below the Michigan Union
Bookstore and then be placed on the
shelves next to the books for the course.
In addition, MSA will buy copiers with
the help of the School of Literature,
Science & Arts from Linear Copiers.
Two convicted in New York bombing
NEW YORK - Two men were convicted yesterday of conspiracy in the World
Trade Center bombing, including one portrayed by prosecutors as one of history's
most sinister terrorists and the architect of the 1993 attack.
The federal court jury answered a prosecutor's plea to make Ramzi Yousef and
an accomplice, Eyad Ismoil, pay for plotting to kill a quarter of a million peo*
by toppling two 1 10-story towers like dominoes across lower Manhattan.
The conspiracy charge carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.
The bombing killed six people, injured more than 1,000 and did considerable
damage to the World Trade Center buildings, but they withstood the explosion.
The attack also stole from many Americans a sense of safety from the kind of
Middle East terrorism they had only read about before.
Yousef and Ismoil both fled oh commercial flights the night of the bombing. A
$2 million reward for Yousef helped lead to his capture in Pakistan in 1995, the
same year Ismoil was picked up in Jordan.
By then, four Islamic extremists had already been convicted of conspiracy in the
case and each sentenced to 240 years in prison by U.S. District Judge Kevin Dul
who presided over the current trial as well.
Yousef last year represented himself when he was convicted of conspiracy 'for
killing a Japanese man with a bomb he put on a plane in December 1994.
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Clinton, Gore go
before the FBI
WASHINGTON - Taking their
investigation to the highest level, FBI
agents and federal prosecutors interro-
gated President Clinton and Vice
President Al Gore about questionable
campaign fund-raising calls.
The interviews - which took place
Tuesday but were not disclosed until
yesterday - came three weeks before
Attorney General Janet Reno must
decide whether to seek a special prose-
cutor to carry the investigation beyond
the preliminary stage.
Neither Clinton nor Gore was under
oath, although it is a felony in any case
to lie to the FBI. Both men have pub-
licly denied any wrongdoing.
Clinton was questioned at length by
two FBI agents and four Justice
Department prosecutors in the presi-
dential study on the second floor of the
White House residence, the same place
where he was interviewed earlier in the
Whitewater probe. Gore was inter-
viewed at the vice presidential mansion.
"We answered all of their ques-
tions," Clinton attorney David Kendall
urors interviewed@
or K~aczynsk trial
Theodore Kaczynski watched atten-
tively yesterday as some of his prospec-
tive jurors confided their anguish about
imposing the death penalty -even in a
case as notorious as the deadly
Unabomber killings.
"It is my conclusion that the dea
penalty does not serve a useful p
pose," one elderly man said. But when
pressed, the man said he could impose
death, because "it is the law of the land
and has to be applied."
The man was one of three prospects
to pass muster in the first round of
meticulous jury questioning.
Prosecutors and the defense will seat a
panel of 12 jurors and six alternates to
judge the Montana hermit on char
which could send him to his death.
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1112 U.N. assembly backs
el.com reform initiative
phase of U.N. Secretary-General Kofi
Annan's broad reform plan for the
United Nations was approved yesterday
by the U.N. General Assembly.
The 185-member assembly endorsed
Annan's managerial reorganization of
the world body, a plan that is intended to
save about $100 million a year. Approval
was by a consensus resolution of the
General Assembly, meaning there was
no formal vote. It followed five weeks of
sometimes intense debate on the
reforms, mainly behind closed doors.
Annan hailed the action as "an
important moment in the history of the
United Nations." But he is still awaiting
action on a second set of reforms
proposing structural changes in the
The moves endorsed yesterday are
mainly administrative and include
installation of a cabinet-style admin-
istration surrounding Annan; creation
of a new department of disarmament;
consolidation of the U.N.'s human
rights operations under the direction
of Mary Robinson, the former Iri
president recently appointed U.
high commissioner for human rights;
and expanding the role of private
environmental, social, legal, labor
and business advocacy groups in
U.N. activities.
U.S. sends more
planes to Turkey
ANKARA, Turkey - The UniS
States has beefed up the allied air force
based in Turkey that controls the "no-
fly" zone in northern Iraq, responding
to increased violations by Iraqi aircraft,
a senior Western official said yesterday.
Over the last week and a half, four F-
16 fighters and five KC-135 tankers
have arrived at Incirlik Air Base near
Adana in southern Turkey, including four
tankers on Monday, the official said.
The official said the increase in
allied force here is not related to
escalating tension.
- Compiled from Daily wire repots.
I I:
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mondav through Fridav during the fall and winter terms by
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