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One hundred seven years ofeditorialfreedom
October 30, 1997
First-year enrollment hits new high
By Janet Adamy
aily Staff Reporter
With the largest first-year class ever,
University enrollment reached record levels this
year, according to an official student count
r sed Tuesday.
The class of 2001 has 5,534 students - 207
more than the fall 1996 entering class.
Associate Provost Lester Monts said the
increase was not intentional, but the result of an
inability to predict how many accepted students
would decide to enroll in the University.
"We always accept more students than we even-
tually enroll," Monts said. "(This year) we had
more students send in enrollment deposits than we
*hile the number of minority students
remained relatively stable, the number of stu-
dents whose primary racial identity is unknown
grew substantially, from 1,326 students in 1996
to 1,679 students, or 5.1 percent of the entering
Monts said the increase was not affected by
recent attention to race-based admissions as a
result of anti-affirmative action lawsuits against
the University of Texas and the passage of
California's Proposition 209.
"I think that a lot of students resent the whole
notion of racial categories to start with," Monts
said. "A lot of students don't feel that the racial
categories designated by the state and federal gov-
ernments apply to them."
Vice President for University Relations Walter
Harrison attributed the jump to an increased atten-
tion to race nationwide.
"The general discussion of race in this coun-
try has led a lot of people to think about how
they mark these boxes," Harrison said. "I think'
more people are reflecting on the nature of their
own race, and that's manifested in this trend."
Harrison also said he is concerned about the
increase in the size of the incoming classes over
the past eight years.
"1 can understand that this year we jumped up,
but since this has been happening over the last
eight years, we should have a discussion about
how big we want to be as a university," Harrison
The number of international students grew from
3,200 in 1996 to 3,371 this fall, or 9.1 percent of
the student body.
"The reputation of the University of Michigan
as a premier, outstanding institution is worldwide,"
Monts said. "I'm sure news of the education our
alums received here is being passed on to others in
various parts of the world."
Enrollment statistics break down in the follow-
ing ways:
While the student .body contains about
2,000 more men than women, the incoming
first-year class was evenly split between
between genders.
* Enrollment of black students dipped slightly,
from 2,870 in 1996 to 2,842, making up 8.6 per-
cent of the student body.
The overall number of white students also
declined, from 22,826 in 1996 to 22,761 - or 69.5
F t-yeq
nro IIment
Enrollment numbers for this
year's incoming class
surged to more than 5,500,
reaching an all-time high for
first-year students.
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'93 '94 '95 '96 '97
meeting has
positive tones
Gal and Dave Easterbrook, along with their son Adam, who is holding a picture of is sister Ashley, are establishing a scholarship for a sophomore in the School of
Nursing program in memory of their daughter, who would have been a first-year Nursing student this fall.
lund memIONizes inComing U' student
US.-Sino summit con-
cludes with agreements
on wide range of issues
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton and Chinese President Jiang
Zemin concluded a summit meeting
yesterday by reaching agreements on a
broad range of security, economic,
environmental and law-enforcement
issues, even as they
acknowledged stark
and seemingly irrec-
oncilable differences
over human rights.
The summit, the
first between the;
United States and
China since 1989,
culminaied a long
effort to restore rela-
tions disrupted by Jiang
Beijing's crackdown that year on pro-
democracy demonstrators in
Tiananmen Square. At a news confer-
ence with Jiang, Clinton hailed the out-
come as offering "the opportunity and
responsibility to build a future that is
more secure, more peaceful, more pros-
perous for both our people."
Yet the human rights issue, which
both leaders had sought to prevent from
dominating the agenda, surfaced vivid-
ly during the press conference, when
Jiang defended the crackdown and
Clinton, standing stiffly at his side,
replied that on human rights China is
"on the wrong side of history."
On other subjects, the summit meet-
ing gave both leaders much of what
they said they wanted. Clinton won
Chinese commitments to cooperate
with the United States on a range of
issues and move closer to full participa-
tion in global arrangments for arms
control and trade.
And Jiang, who has sought the inter-
national status achieved by the late
Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping during a
U.S. visit nearly two decades ago, got
the red-carpet welcome and 21-gun
salute he had coveted. The day was
crowned by a White House state dinner
attended by American executives of
some of the world's richest corpora-
tions, a testament to China's growing
clout as an emerging economic power.
In their private conversation, as
described by senior officials, and in
their news conference, Clinton and
Jiang struck opposing positions on the
question of individual freedoms and the
right of political dissent. Jiang publicly
defended the 1989 crackdown by say-
ing that "the Chinese Communist Party
of China and the Chinese government
have long drawn the correct conclusion
on this political disturbance."
Despite this unusual display of dis-
cord between heads of state who other-
wise were proclaiming their mutual
esteem, the summit unfolded mostly
along the lines senior administration
officials had predicted. The, overall
result appears to be the one Clinton
wanted: a network of expanding politi-
cal, military and economic ties that
could usher in a new era of cooperation
between two countries long at odds.
The two presidents said in a joint
statement that despite their differences
they "are determined to build toward a
constructive strategic partnership :.
through increasing cooperation to
meeting international challenges and
promote peace and development in the
world" - a declaration that hardly
See CHINA, Page 2A
By Alero Fregene
Daily Staff Reporter.
Early this year, Ashley Easterbrook gained admis-
sion into the University's School of Nursing. But
today she's not eating in the dining hall or rushing
back and forth to class.
In June, days before her graduation from Troy
High School, Ashley and her two friends, Andrew
Stindt and Michael Jamieson, were killed in a car
ccident when a drunken driver slammed into her
ontiac Grand Prix.
-Her parents, David and Gail Easterbrook, set up a
memorial scholarship fund to fulfill Ashley's dreams
to being a nurse. The fund will benefit a University
Nursing student and area Troy high school students.
"The reason we set this up is that Ashley had a
dream to serve others. But since she can't do this,,
obviously, we thought we'd do it for her,' David
Easterbrook said.
School of Nursing staff members remembered
Ashley from her interview and look forward to
working with the Easterbrook family.
"It was evident in my conversations with Ashley
that she reflected the values, love and support
strengthened by a lifetime of close family ties," said
Dr. Suzanne Boehm, Nursing assistant dean for stu-
dent affairs.
LSA first-year student Anne Kozowicz, Ashley's
best friend, said the scholarship fund is exactly what
Ashley would have wanted.
"Ashley loved to help others. That's what makes
the scholarship fund so great, because she enjoyed
helping people." Kozowicz said. "It's like continuing
her helping. She would have been so honored to
know that people would do this for her."
There will be four scholarships awarded from the
Ashley Easterbrook Memorial scholarship fund.
Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to gradu-
ating seniors from Troy High School, one $1,000
scholarship will go to a Troy Athens High School
graduating senior, and one $1,000 scholarship will
benefit a Nursing sophomore.
David Easterbrook said graduating seniors are eli-
gible for the scholarships if they work hard and
maintain a GPA of 3.74 or lower.
"Ashley always said that unless you were a 3.75 or
greater you couldn't get a scholarship. My daughter
erard Cohen-Vrignaud
Staff Reporter
Ditance and long lines did n(
would-be TV stars from swarm
Caeyesterday in hopes of m
An eclectic bunch gathered
the~ltcal bar as early as 8 a.m. t
Rea-World - Seattle" and
popular MTV programs feat
style footage of people living t
1 cross-country. Structured i
-participants live, sociali
quarrel in front of television ca
Stardom and adventure see
minds of most students waiting
"Of course, being on TV
said Eastern Michigan U
Riiidee Crumb. "I think it w
inla house with people who
ts pack bar in
of MTV fame
from 500 to 700 - to the hopefuls waiting in
line. No show officials were available last
ot stop hundreds of night to give definite numbers about the
Ling at Touchdown turnout..
taking a splash on The highest turnout for auditions this year was
700 in Washington, D.C.
inside and outside After a lengthy wait, some students expressed
o audition for "The frustration with the brief interviews.
"Road Rules." The "It was very short. After four hours of waiting,
ture documentary- you get interviewed for only five minutes," said
ogether and travel- LSA senior Andrea Muray.
n a soap opera for- "Real World" Director Craig Borders said he
ze and frequently was looking for "dynamic people."
imeras. . "We want someone who's going to stand out in
med to be on the a group," Borders said. "Obviously, we don't want
to be interviewed. only loud, obnoxious people"
is very exciting," It was doubtful, however, whether even the most
niversity student outgoing could make themselves heard in the
ould be fun to live noisy bar.
are totally differ- The atmosphere inside Touchdown Cafe was
fined, license
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Former University Chief of Urology Joseph
Oesterling, whose medical license was temporarily sus-
pended in August, learned Tuesday that his license will
be revoked for four months and that he will be fined
The Michigan state Board of Medicine issued an order
Tuesday imposing this penalty, along with a two-year proba-
The order also forces the doctor, who pleaded no contest to
felony charges of billing fraud in June, to take classes in
medical ethics and inform the board of his income every
three months.
Following his felony conviction, Oesterling's license
was suspended in August, in accordance with Michigan
state law. An administrative law judge reinstated it tem-
porarily. Oesterling had been allowed to practice until
Oesterling, once considered among of the nation's leading
prostate-cancer experts, resigned from his duties at the
I inherit in the wake of an eight-month investigation of his