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October 23, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-23

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One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom

October 23,1997





reorganze on


by Margene Erikson
aily Staff Reporter
After being absent for three years, the
iga Phi Epsilon fraternity is returning
o*pus. Representatives from the fra-
ernity's national office held an informa-
ional meeting for prospective members
'esterday in the Michigan Union.
The fraternity's national office closed
he original University chapter of Sig
-ps following alleged hazing incidents
nvolving alcohol. The campus chapter
hen agreed to close for four years, with
he understanding that the process of
ein tatement could begin this year.
as a very disappointing time and
mnfortunate for me and the other mem-
ers," said University alumnus and for-
ner Sig Ep President Scott Sandler
bout the University's chapter closing.
Sig Eps representatives stressed that
he new chapter would be a different
ind of fraternity and that the men who
igned up would be the founding
athers. The differences include individ-
ial meetings with interested students
n group initiation process.

"This meeting is to spread the word
and to help clarify information. It's also
to articulate how it's going to be differ-
ent," said Ryan Brennan, Sig Eps direc-
tor of new charter development.
Interfraternity Council adviser John
Mountz said I FC is excited to have the
fraternity back on campus.
"I think it's going to be an excellent
opportunity to have a new organization
on campus," Mountz said. "The chap-
ter's going to develop here and I think it
will become a good example of what
fraternities and sororities can be."
At last night's meeting, Sig Eps rep-
resentatives from the national office
and other chapters stressed that the fra-
ternity has changed its attitude to
prospective University members.
"We have a policy of responsibility,"
Brennan said. "Recruitment is based on
everything but alcohol. If partying is your
priority then this is not the fraternity for
One potential member said he is focus-
ing on the fraternity's present and future.
"It is a different fraternity. Anything

"It isa different fraternity. Anything
that happened in the pastis pst5"
-- Ryan Davis
LSA first-year student

that happened in the past is past," said
LSA first-year student Ryan Davis.
Sig Eps representatives presented a
new philosophy adopted by the fraternity
called the Balanced Man Pursuit, which
requires members to set their goals.
"It's a self-based program," Brennan
said. "You have expectations but you
move through it at your own speed.
"What you have is different challenges.
The first challenge may be to keep your
grades upand to do one innovative com-
munity service project. When this is done,
you move to the next challenge"
Sig Eps rush also will be handled dif-
ferently than in the past, Brennan said.
"Recruitment events will probably be
a softball outing or a BBQ and we will
recruit year-round. We're looking for all

ages," he said.
Recently, the University of
Richmond in Virginia had its Sig Eps
charter removed as a result of vandal-
ism and keg violations. Like the
University's chapter, the local
Richmond chapter could potentially
have its charter reinstated.
"Virginia was the first Sig Eps chapter
ever opened in 1901. It's a big example
that no matter who you are, if we have to,
we will close you," Brennan said.
The meeting included a video detail-
ing Sigma Phi Epsilon's four require-
ments for membership: being a scholar,
an athlete, a leader and a gentleman.
Another informational meeting will be
Oct. 30 in the Michigan Union and inter-
ested students also can call 764-7939.

Scott Alford, regional director of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity,
prospective members last night in the Michigan Union.

speaks to

Tix a hot
By Dan Lehv
Daily Sports Writer
If you plan to see the Michigan-
Michigan State football game this weekend
and you don't already have tickets, here are
two suggestions - go to East Lansing with
a lot of money, or stay in Ann Arbor and
watch it on TV
Prices for tickets to Saturday's game are
sky high. Some ticket brokers are quoting
prices starting at $700 for lower-level seats
at 72,027-seat Spartan Stadium.
Tickets for the game have been sold out
since June, according to Michigan State
ticket manager Don Loding.
"It's the hottest game in several years,"


Some tickets
to the MSU

Loding said. "I'm still
getting requests for
tickets. Everybody
keeps trying."
While the game
features two top-IS
teams and an old
rivalry, many are left
wondering why tick-
ets cost $700 for a

game are
selling for


. regular-season game.
"It's an intrastate
rivalry between two
ranked teams with a lot of national atten-
tion," said Michigan State Vice President
for University Relations Terry Denbow.
"It's a popular weekend at a great place to
watch a football game."
Scalpers and ticket brokers, who typical-
ly guarantee tickets to any event, are scur-
rying to find tickets. The most abundant
tickets available seem to belong to students.
About 10,000 seats in Spartan
Stadium are allotted to students. These
tickets cost $72 for the six-game pack-
age, or $12 per contest. This week, these
$12 tickets are selling for an average of
$150-$200 each.
"There are tons of fliers all around cam-

pus," Michigan State first-year student
Jeremy Wren said. "A lot of people are try-
ing to sell their tickets. Not because they
can't go to the game, but because of the
prices people will pay."
Even after Michigan State lost its perfect
record to Northwestern last weekend, the
big-game atmosphere has not seemed to
diminish. Anticipation has continued to
grow throughout this week.
"Everyone here is talking about how it's
the biggest game of the year," Michigan
State first-year student Joel Miller said.
"Most people seem willing to sell their
ticket for the right price"
The high prices seem to be deterring
many Michigan students from even
attempting to get tickets. Sophomore
See MSU, Page 13A


(Above) At
Michigan State
University, stu-
dents guard
Sparty 24 hours
a day, fearing
rival attacks from
the University.
Aaron Seidman,
whose parents
are alumni, came
to the University
from out of town
to shop for

State rep.
Prop. 209
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Amidst controversy surrounding a
lawsuit filed last week against the
University for its affirmative action
programs, a state legislator is aiming to
completely eliminate all affirmative
action programs in the state by propos-
ing a bill similar to California's
Proposition 209.
State Rep. David Jaye (R-Macomb)
proposed an amendment to the
Michigan constitution that would make
any policy that grants preference based
on race, gender or religion illegal.
If this bill, which is waiting for a
hearing in the Constitutional and Civil.
Rights committee, is passed by the
Legislature, it would need to be.
approved by a voter referendum to go
into effect because it is a constitutional
"My bill is based on the 14th
Amendment, the Civil Rights Act, and
Proposition 209" Jaye said.
The only difference between Jay's
Amendment and Proposition 209 is that
Jaye's bill not only would apply to pul-
lie entities, but it also targets affirm -
tive action in the private sector.
See JAYE, Page 13A
Board leads,
U' Service
By Lo Palmer
For the Daily
What do First Lady Michelle Engler
University Regent Olivia Maynard and
LSA senior Mona Hanna have in com-
mon? Along with 17 other faculty and
community members, and one other
student, they comprise the new nation-
al board of the University's Center for
Learning through Community Service.
The Center, located at the corner of
Hill Street and East University Avenue,
houses numerous community service-
oriented groups on campus. The
Center's three governance structures
include the national board, the faculty
council and the campus community
Board members say they hope to
draw on the University's 175 years of
commitment to community service by
bringing students, faculty and commu-
nity members together under one roof.
"What's new about the Center is that
it is an effort to approach the idea of
service in a campuswide way, in a bal-
ance team approach" said Barry

Decision on new
oach expected soon

ly Dan Stillman
Daily Sports Writer
Twelve days after the firing of
vlichigan men's basketball coach Steve
risher, practice is in full swing, the first
exhibition game is less than two weeks
and the Wolverines have all the
feces in place except for one - a head
But that could change as early as
oday. University Athletic Director Tom
joss, who has been conducting a
iationwide search for Fisher's replace-
nent since Oct. 12, was scheduled to
eturn Inst night from his latest round of

candidates - Cazzie Russell from the
Savannah College of Art and Design
and ex-Brigham Young coach Roger
Reid - the leading candidate may be
Illinois State coach Kevin Stallings.
Goss reportedly met with Stallings
last week, as well as Kansas assistant
coaches Matt Doherty and Neil
Dougherty, before heading west to
interview Southern California coach
Henry Bibby.
Of the six potential candidates,
Stallings' resume is a standout.
In his four seasons at Illinois State,
Stalling' Redhirds have nosted an 82-

420- ' i

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