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October 08, 1997 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-08

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 8, 1997


Continued from Page 1
LGBT commission chair, said one of his most important rea-
sons for attending the University - its commitment to
accepting all individuals - is being jeopardized.
"I came to U of M and Ann Arbor because it was supposed
to be so diverse," Hayes said, adding that he worries that the
alleged vandalism and other acts may frighten other students
from "coming out of the closet"
DPS spokesperson Elizabeth Hall said she was not yet
notified of the police reports and DPS Director Leo Heatley
was unavailable for comment yesterday. University
groundskeepers also were unavailable for comment.
QUP nembers have tentatively rescheduled a rechalking of
areas on central campus for tonight at 9.

Continued from Page 1
researched by assembly members.
"I think it was in the best interests of the students to fund
the tenants union," Nagrant said. "It was a careful and well-
thought-out debate."
Director of Student Legal Services Douglas Lewis said it
doesn't make sense to start a new organization when it would
be easier to build upon the foundation that already exists.
Lewis said the AATU has provided services to students for
more than 30 years and should not be punished for one sum-
mer when the organization was not as productive as usual.
"I think I don't understand the logic of starting from
scratch rather than fixing something that already works,"
Lewis said.

Continued from Page 1


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University community on campus. But
some say it does not adequately meet
the needs of students.
"It's fairly efficient, but at times it
seems undersupplied," said LSA first-
year student John Lim, who lives in
Burslcv residence hall. "Sometimes
you just have to be ready to be shoved
into the bus" .lim said of the most
crowded times of the day.
I he peak riding hours, according to
the University's Transportation offi-
cials, are just before 10 a.m., when
classes begin and in the late afternoon
after 4 p.m.
"There are certain times that are
always crowded. but everyone has to
deal with that. said Mike Smith, a bus
driver for more than a year.
Some drivers said the system gener-
ally does a good job of meeting daily
transportation demands.
"The system is pretty well need-
based at all times," said Brian Ruppert,
a four-year veteran bus driver.
Weekend transportation, when a
North Campus bus runs only every 20
minutes, is a concern for many students
as well.
"The weekend buses can be a little
erratic," said LSA senior and Bursley
resident Renata Reis.
Ruppert said the bus system's week-
end service could use some fine-tun-
" there are some peak times on
weekends that fail to be recognized and
should be addressed," Ruppert said.
Patrick Cassleman, a driver for three
months, said the buses can never be
"You have to know that the buses run
on a schedule, but the roads aren't great
and Ann Arbor is a busy town,"
Cassleman said.
Some drivers said students need to
take responsibility to ensure they are
not late for important engagements.
"Anticipate that there will be a lot of
people on the buses and leave a little
early," Ruppert said. "After (exams)
they will be crowded, too, so go get
some coffee and wait a while."
Reis said that despite the complaints
of fellow students, she thinks buses
sometimes get a bad rap.
"I know students get frustrated, but
they need to know the schedule," Reis
said. "They don't come every three

Campaign reform bill stalls in Senate
WASHINGTON - In a critical initial test, Senate advo-
cates of legislation to overhaul campaign finance laws fell well
short of the votes they needed to move their bill forward yes-
terday, further reducing the slim chances that it can be enacted
this year.
It was the Senate's first action this session on an issue that
has plagued Congress for more than a decade and has taken on
new urgency from the controversy over fund-raising abuses in
the 1996 presidential elections. But, by day's end, all that was
achieved were two procedural tests of strength that failed to
provide enough votes to advance the bill, definitively kill it or Clinton
clearly assign blame for its failure.
Supporters vowed to push for more votes, beginning today, though they might
never get a clear up or down vote on the bill.
As expected, the legislation'- sponsored by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), and
Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) - could not attract the 60 votes to overcome a threat-
ened Republican filibuster, emboldening its foes to claim that it is finished.
"McCain-Feingold is dead," said Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), longti ,
leader of the opposition forces. It is "not going to pass ever," he claimed.

Bill aims to speed
up FDA approvals
WASHINGTON - Swiftly follow-
ing action by the Senate, the House on
a voice vote yesterday resoundingly
approved legislation aimed at stream-
lining the Food and Drug
Administration's approval process for
new drugs and medical devices.
Like the Senate bill, the measure
establishes new programs to try to
accelerate the review of experimental
medical devices and drugs, as well as
expand the access of unapproved thera-
pies to desperately ill people who have
no other alternatives.
The two measures also would renew
the Prescription Drug User-Fee Act, a
popular program in which drug compa-
nies contribute to a fund used to hire
extra personnel to prevent drug-review
logjams. The program already has
resulted in a speedup in the agency's
review process.
The one significant difference
between the House and Senate versions
involves the question of unapproved
NATO plan gets
cautious reaction
President Clinton's ambitious strate-
gy to secure European stability by
expanding the North Atlantic military
alliance drew a tepid response from
legislators yesterday as the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee opened
extensive hearings on the NATO
expansion plan.
No senator stated outright opposition
to the proposed admission of Poland,
Hungary and the Czech Republic into
the 16-nation alliance, which must be
ratified by the Senate as an amendment
of the original NATO treaty. But almost
all expressed some reservations about
the need, the cost or the implications of
expansion for relations with Russia.
Even declared supporters of NATO
expansion, such as Sens. Joseph Biden
Jr. (D-Del.) and Richard Lugar (R-
Ind.) said the Clinton administration
has not done enough to explain why it
is necessary to expand a stable,
smooth-running military alliance or
what strategic threat expansion is
intended to combat.

uses of medical devices.
The House bill would permit the
FDA to determine if a medical device
is likely to be used for a purpose other
than declared on the label. If so, and if
that use is found harmful, the agency
can require the maker to specify
the product is not authorized for e
secondary purpose.
Clinton's hearing aids
surprise boomers
NEW YORK - When President
Clinton was fitted with hearing aids,
baby boomers got the message loud
and clear.
The First Baby Boomer's example
apparently leading many middle-aged
people to inquire about gadgets they
once associated with the Geritol set.
The normally quiet audiology
department at Johns Hopkins Medical
Center in Baltimore fielded calls from
nearly a dozen patients in one day who
cited Clinton's example. The Hearing
Industries Association said it has been
besieged with calls.
Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright, the only witness before the
committee, argued that NATO has been
a political as well as military organi -
tion that encouraged democracy
political stability among members, and
it should play that role in the newly lib-
erated countries of central and easten
Beanie babies
cheaper in Beijmg
BEIJING - Looking for a g
deal on those sometimes hard-to-f
Beanie Babies that are all the rage?-
Find a friend in Beijing.
One outdoor market here has several
thousand of the cuddly little critters;
selling for nearly one-tenth of the $4.99
U.S. retail price.
In a curious tale of international
commerce, the soft, beanbag animals
-- which have been tough to find in the
United States at times and occasionally
fetch ridiculous sums - have hit.
streets of this city by theboxload.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

" "°V 'S'" -Ruppert said crowds are larger this
year than in the past.
"With more first-year students that
want to get down to Central (Campus)
living in Baits, (the schedule) may be
worth examining," Ruppert said.
Oliver said the bus system is always
changing in an attempt to better serve
"We are making adjustments based
on the crowds we are carrying this
year," Oliver said.
WWWI t/.Kaplan CFranklin said he will not be late for
wkc another exam this year.
trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges. "I'm just going to get to the building
an hour ahead of time,' Franklin said.

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If you're looking for a challenging career with the best in the industry, believe
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Let's Talk!
Friday, October 17th
We'll be on campus to interview the best Engineering students for a variety of opportunities at
our San Francisco headquarters. We're particularly interested in students with:
O A passion for sound

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NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk, Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert.
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SUB-EDITORS: Aaron Rennie (Music). Christopher Tkaczyk (Campus Arts), Joshua Rich (Film), Jessica Eaton (Books), John Ghose (TV/New
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chalam, Emily Lambert, Stephanie Love, James Miller, Anders Smith-Lindall, Philip Son,
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PHOTO Sara Stillman, Ed
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ONLINE Adam Pollock, Editor
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STAFF: Alex Hogg, Marcy McCormick, Jordan Young, Jonathan Weitz.
BUSIESSSTAF Megan oor, Buines Maage


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