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October 02, 1997 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-02

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2A The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 2, 1997


Reno advised to pursue
probe of fund-raising

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON -- Attorney
Qenoral Janet Reno is considering legal
advice that she must move forward to
the next stage of an inquiry that could
lead to the appointment of an indepen-
dent counsel to investigate telephone
fund-raising solicitations by President
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore
because too many questions remain
unanswered, officials said yesterday.
Reno has until tomorrow to report to
a special panel of federal appeals court
judgevon the results of a 30-day review
iof, Gore's fund-raising activities. The
deadline for deciding on a similar
review of phone calls by Clinton is Oct.
Aides to Reno said yesterday that she
had not made a final decision but was
questioning Justice Department offi-
ci4ls about the facts of the situation,
their legal analysis and her options.
Under procedures strictly defined by
the Independent Counsel Act, the only
factor Reno can consider during the
review is whether specific information

from a credible source indicates that the
president, vice president or other high
official covered by the law may have
committed a crime. If she finds such
information, Reno is obliged to open a
preliminary investigation to determine
whether she should seek an indepen-
dent counsel and tell the judges of her
Members of the Justice Department
task force investigating reports of cam-
paign finance wrongdoing and other
senior members of the department have
advised Reno that if there is any uncer-
tainty about the information and how
the law applies to it, the independent
counsel statute requires her to proceed
with a preliminary investigation.
The chief prosecutor on the task
force, Charles LaBella, has met with
Reno several times this week, officials
said, but it was not known what, if any,
recommendation he had made to her.
White House officials were resigned
to the opening of a preliminary investi-
gation and tried to cast such a develop-
ment in a positive light.

"It would not be unreasonable if the
attorney general wanted to take some
additional time to review what the law
is," said White House press secretary
Michael McCurry. "There are some
advantages to ... a three-month review
period because you can begin to look at
the law and people can present facts so
we could dispose of these matters."
Administration officials said yester-
day that Gore's newly hired private
attorneys and his White House lawyers
have been in regular contact with
Justice Department officials in recent
days to begin presenting their views of
the facts and the applicable laws.
Gore has acknowledged making at
least 46 fund-raising phone calls from
his White House office. Reno ordered
the 30-day review of the solicitations on
Sept. 3 because Democratic National
Committee documents showed that
some of the money went into strictly
regulated "hard money" campaign
accounts. As a result the calls may have
violated a prohibition against fund-rais-
ing on federal property.

1 17", , I


Continued from Page 1A
"The idea of how you bring campuses
together, create unity, is certainly worth
looking at" Maynard said. "Now that
we're through sonie of the major build-
ing ... we need to see how the pieces
work together."
Prof. Robert Beckley, dean emeritus
of the College of Architecture and Urban
Planning, is heading a University com-
mittee that will work with the architec-
ture firm.
Beckely said the master plan also will
focus on the symbiotic relationship
between the campus and the city of Ann
"The big question right now is how
the University and the city of Ann Arbor
will continue to maintain the identity of
a university in a small town," Beckley
Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates,
'founded by Robert Venturi and Denise
Scott Brown, has been in practice for 33
years. The internationally renowned firm
is currently constructing a student center
at Princeton University, laboratory build-
ings at the University of Pennsylvania
and a campus plan and library at
Dartmouth College. Bollinger first
became familiar with the firm when he
served as Dartmouth's provost.
The firm has been honored with more
than 120 awards, including the American
Institute of Architects highest corporate
honor in 1985 and the National Medal of
Though there are not yet any specific
proposals for what the master plan will
entail, Trowbridge said projects of this
size usually take between a year and a
year and a half to complete.
"We're very enthusiastic about this
project and are looking forward to get
going," Trowbridge said.
- DailyvStaff Reporter JanetAdam
contributed to this report.
Continued from Page 1A
joining forces in Washington in an
attempt to strengthen the federal gov-
ernment's commitment to student
financial aid and reasonable tuition
Harrison said there is a higher edu-
cation bill up for re-authorization in
Congress in the near future that would
reassess student financial aid policies.
Both schools are keeping a close eye on
this subject, he said.
Harrison said the Wolverines and the
Spartans don't carry rivalries off the ath-
letic field.
"(Many have the) mistaken impression
that because they are athletic rivals they
are rivals in other things" Harrison said.
Overall, students in Ann Arbor seem
to be pretty open to the idea of joining
hands with the green and white.
LSA first-year student Chris Leland
said the schools should "share the ideas
between the two universities and try to
compensate for what is lacking. It's
worthless to try to show each other up.
In the end it's better for all students"
Other students thought the
University could learn things outside of
the classroom from the Spartans.
"We take for granted how many
resources we have - clubs, organiza-
tions and sports,"said LSA senior Todd
Clobes. "We need to tap what we have
here. Michigan State makes better use
of its resources.
LSA junior Trent Thompson said he
thought that the University could give a
little back to MSU by helping them out
Despite the all out war on the grid-
iron at East Lansing scheduled for Oct.
25, it seems that Michigan and
Michigan State will may be able to be

friends the other 364 days a year.
Continued from Page 1A
Richard Flanagan last year to discuss
the unionization issue. He said
Flanagan is afraid of unionizing
Borders because it will disrupt the cor-
poration's culture.
The primary demand of the Borders
employees is higher pay. "The biggest
reason people have (to form a union) is
because they can't afford to work
there," said Jason Chappell, a book-
seller from a Borders outlet in New
York City, one of four stores where.
employees are unionized.
Chappell said the startingwage at the_
Borders where he works was less than
half of what the New York state govern-
ment calculates for a livable wage.
Borders spokesperson Jody Kohn said
unionization is not necessary because
Borders already treats employees well.
"We don't believe that a third party is
needed or wanted," Kohn said, adding
that the Borders corporation has been
very generous with its employees in the
Bookseller Elena Rosen, who works
at the local Borders, said she was
unhappy that Moore came. Joining a
union is a serious decision, she said.
"It's important to look at all the
issues. and not to look at it in a farcical

Paula Jones hires
new legal tem
SAN MARINO, Calif. - A small
Dallas law firm with expertise in litiga-
tion and ties to a conservative advoca-
cy group has taken on Paula Jones' law-
suit against President Clinton, Jones
and her spokesperson/adviser, Susan
Carpenter-McMillan, announced yes-
"I have all the faith in the world
they will get me a jury trial -
which is what I've been looking for-
ward to," said Jones, standing next
to Carpenter-McMillan on the patio
of her adviser's Los Angeles area
home. Jones, a former Arkansas
state employee, alleges that Clinton
made a crude sexual advance to her
in a Little Rock, Ark., hotel room in
1991. Jones now lives in Long
None of the six members of the law
firm of Rader, Campbell, Fisher &
Pyke were present at their new client's
media conference. But, in a phone
interview, attorney Donovan Campbell

promised to aggressively pursue the
lawsuit and meet the trial date set for
May next year.
"We have been' engaged to win
this case, and that's what we will
try to do," said Campbell. "I have
no instructions regarding a settlo
Teamsters president
recalled by Jury
NEW YORK - Teamsters
President Ron Carey testified yester-
day before a federal grand jury inves-
tigating his 1996 re-election run, then
denied allegations that a former ai
had told him about an illegal schetm
to divert union money to his cam-
pai gn.
Carey spent nearly three hours
behind the grand jury's closed doors'
He declined to discuss his testimony
when he left, but his lawyer, Reid
Weingarten, said Carey was "absolute-
ly not" a target of the investigation.
"We're cooperating fully,"
Weingarten added.

Congress Clears the way for $3K raise
WASHINGTON - Capping weeks of intense maneuvering, Congress approved
legislation yesterday that clears the way for a $3,000 cost of living increase in law-
makers' S133,600 pay.
The 55-45 Senate vote was the latest in a series of close calls for the bill, which
leaders in both houses and both parties nursed toward passage over many weep
without permitting a direct roll call vote on a pay increase.
Even so, the political anxiety was evident in the Senate, where 19 of the 30 law-
makers seeking re-election next year voted against the bill, and only l1 voted in
"We shouldn't be receiving a (cost-of-living adjustment) during that period of
tine" when lawmakers are asking others to sacrifice, said Sen. Sam Brownback,
Brownbeck, who faces the voters in 13 months, was one of a small number of
senators to speak out against the increase. "I cannot support the COLA at this point
in time."
While partisan tensions inevitably surfaced, the issue exposed generational splits
within the two houses. In the Senate, the younger, reform-minded Republica
were vocal in their opposition, while the older lawmakers of both parties provide
the bulk of the support needed for passage.


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Come Explore
The Consulting

U.N. s observers
out o Congo
General Kofi Annan yesterday recalled
three leaders of a U.N. human rights
team from Congo for consultations
while he tries to determine whether
Congo President Laurent Kabila
intends to evict the team before it can
investigate alleged massacres of
The 23-member team has been
marking time in Kinshasa for almost
six weeks because Kabila's govern-
ment has refused to give them
access to suspected massacre sites.
Monday, when Kabila was in
Lusaka, Zambia, news agencies
quoted him as saying he intended to
ask Annan to withdraw the team
because its members were mislead-
ing the international community by
"issuing statements from posh
hotels in Kinshasa."
Fred Eckhard, the chief U.N.
spokesperson, announced Annan
decided to call the team leaders to New
York for discussions and to inform

Congolese Foreign Minister Bizirm
Karaha, who is here for the General
Assembly meeting, that he wants thi
situation clarified. Yet, even as EckhaV
was making the announcemen
Karaha, in a speech to the assembly,
added to the confusion.
Historic instruments,
recovered by police
MOSCOW - Russian police have
recovered two historic instruments
worth $1.2 million that were stol1i
from a museum last year - including!
viola by the celebrated 17th-century
Italian master Antonio Stradivari.
Police found the viola and*a violin by
Austrian Jakob Steiner near the south-
ern city of Sochi and brought them to
Moscow on Tuesday, the business daily
Kommersant reported yesterday.
The Glinka Musical Culture muse-
um's chief expert, Amiran Oganezov
confirmed the instruments' authenticl
ty right at the airport and even kisse
the Stradivarius; it said.
- Compiled from Daily wire reporis.

APM Management Consultants invites all University of Michigan
students to submit a resume and bid for on-campus interviews.
Your are invited to meet APM Management Consultants at our
Company Presentation Monday, October 6, 1997.
MBA Candidates:
4:30pm, Business Administration Building, B1276
Reception to immediately follow at Dominick's
. First Round Associate Interviews On-Campus
Friday, October 31, 1997
Final Round Associate Interviews - Chicago Office
Friday, November 21, 1997
First Round Summer Associate Interviews On-Campus
Monday, February 16, 1998
Final Round Summer Associate Interviews - Chicago Office
Friday, March 13, 1998
Undergraduate Presentation and Reception:
5:00 - 6:30pm, Michigan Union, Anderson Room
First Round Research Associate Interviews On-Campus
Friday, January 16, 1998
Final Round Research Associate Interviews - Chicago Office
Friday, January 30, 1998
A A D A K i AXTA rr .Tr lC, 'r, T7TTTTTr-, Tc lrnwTATrvn Tn

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EDTRA STAFF Josh h*eEito nC he
NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk, Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, David Bricker. Gerard Cohen.Vngnaud. Megan Exley, Maria Hackett,. Stephanie Hepburn, Heather Kamins, Jeffrey
Kosseff. Chris Metinko, Christine M. Paik, Katie Plona, Susan T. Port, Alice Robinson, Peter Romer-Friedman, Ercka M. Smith, Mike Spaho,
Sam Stavis. Heather Wiggin, Kristen Wright, Jennifer Yachnin.
CALENDAR: Will Weissert.
EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, Ed
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jack Schillaci, Jason Stoffer.
STAFF: Ellen Friedman, Eric Hochstadt. Scott Hunter, Yuki Kuniyuki. David Lai, Sarah Lockyer, James Miller, Joshua Rich, Megan Schimpf,
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SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Leroi, Jim Rose. Danielle Rumore.
STAFF: Nancy Berger, TJ. Berk, Evan Braunstein, Chris Farah, Jordan Field. John Friedberg, James Goldstein. Kim Hart, Josh Kleinbaum,
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ARTS Bryan Lark, Jennifer Petlinski, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas
SUB-EDITORS: Aaron Rennie (Music), Christopher Tkaczyk (Campus Arts) Joshua Rich (Film). Jessica Eaton (Books). John Ghose (TV/New Media).
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chalam, Brian Cohen. Melanie Cohen, Laura Flyer, Geordy Gantsoudes, Lise Harwin, Emily
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PHOTO Sara Stillman, Editor
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn
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STAFF: Lydia Alspach, Jason Hoyer, Debra Liss, Amber Melosi, Elizabeth Mills, Jen Woodward.
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STAFF: Elizabeth Lucas,
STAFF: Alex Hogg, Marcy McCormick, Jordan Young, Jonathan Weitz.
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