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October 02, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-02

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One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom

October 2, 1997

News: 76-DAILY
Advertising: 7640554

Bollinger commissions master plan

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
The University has hired a prestigious
itecture firm to create a "master plan"
vision that will guide construction for the next
100 years.
The Philadelphia firm of Venturi, Scott
Brown and Associates, will work to create a
common vision for the campus.
"Every university, city and civic entity from
time to time needs to take a look at its build-
ings and growth," said Anne Knott, assistant
development director. "(Each institution)
neds to take a look at how it occupies space.
Uy need to take a look at its students and
anticipate the growth, so we are getting some-
one with a fresh eye to look."

Currently, the University has little physical
unity and is spread out among several cam-
puses, each existing independently.
"What exists for Michigan are plans for
North Campus, Central Campus and the
athletic area," Knott said. "One thing
(University President) Lee Bollinger is
worried about is the cohesion of the cam-
pus. We need to look at all of these togeth-
er. We need some sort of cohesion and
Bollinger said the "unprecedented" con-
struction that occurred on campus during the
past 10 years has created great expansion,
which leads to a sense of"centrifugal sprawl."
"We need to conceive of our campus as a
whole and consider its place in the larger

Ann Arbor community," Bollinger said in a
letter released yesterday. "We need to look
at things for the future - for a hundred
years from now - to consider what our
University campus might be like, what its
character should be."
Ann Trowbridge, a senior associate at
Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, said the
master plan will serve as a building frame-
work for the campus that will then be linked to
the academic planning of the University.
"The intent is to provide a unified vision
of all of the campus in a master plan
form," Trowbridge said. "The initial build-
ings and landscaping designs become very
critical in the success of the plan. The ini-
tial increments tend to be the sort of living

example for the future. They set a direc-
tion and embody an identity of an institu-
Engineering sophomore Jay McMunn, who
lives in Bursley residence hall on North
Campus, said there is a great division between
the campuses and he would welcome a plan to
bring them together.
"I think uniting (the campus) would make it
so people wouldn't mind living on North
Campus" McMunn said. "It would obviously
make people feel more similar to those on cen-
tral campus."
Regent Olivia Maynard (D-Goodrich) said
the master plan is an appropriate initiative at
this time.
See PLAN, Page 2A

Venturi, Scott Bown:
Philadelphia architectural firm commissioned to
create University's master plan
Thirty-three years in practice
N Current projects: student center at Princeton
University, laboratory buildings at UCLA and the
University of Pennsylvania, a campus plan and
library at Dartmouth, a master plan and student
center complex at the University of Pennsylvania.
0 Recipient of 120 major design awards.


'U' students
By Gerard Cohen-Vrlgnaud
Daily Staff Reporter
For about 6,000 Jewish students at the
University, last night marked the beginning
of a new year.
Rosh Hashanah, which means "head of
the year," is commonly interpreted as the
Jewish new year and a time for reflection
and new beginnings.
"Rosh Hashanah differs from the secular
new year. The secular new year is a time to
drink and not to feel too much," said Rabbi
Rich Kirschen, assistant director of Hillel.
"Rosh Hashanah, on the other hand, is a
time to review your life - who you've
been this past year. More importantly, who
you're going to be this coming year."
Rosh Hashanah occurs during the first
two days of Tishri, the seventh month of the
Jewish year. The holiday marks the begin-
ning of the High Holy Days, which last 10
days and culminate with the holiday ofYom
Kippur next Saturday, Oct. 11.
"The two most important aspects to me
are the opportunity to reflect and seriously
take stock of oneself, and spending time
with my family," said School of Music
first-year student Rebecca Biber.
The Torah says that no work is permitted
on the days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur, but work is allowed on the days in
between. Many University students will not
be attending classes because of this reli-
gious commitment.
"Rosh Hashanah is a time when I look
back on everything that's happened since
last new year," said LSA first-year student
Rachel Knopf. "Rosh Hashanah helps me
realize how lucky I've been."
The Torah does not refer to the Jewish

blocks Serb
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) -. NATO-led
troops seized transmitters and yanked Bosnian Serb TV off
the air yesterday for broadcasts deemed inflammatory and
destructive of Western peace efforts.
The pre-dawn action - one of the boldest yet by the
Western alliance - seemed intended to signal its new
resolve to silence Bosnian Serb hard-liners, in particular
wartime leader Radovan Karadzic.
"It shows we are willing to take tough, hard measures to
make sure there is no mucking around with the Dayton peace
process,' said British Defense Secretary George Robertson.
"This is part of a calibrated and progressive tightening of the
Praising the hundreds of American, French, Italian,
Scandinavian, Polish and Russian troops involved in the
raids, NATO Secretary General Javier Solana warned: "We
will act swiftly against those who do not support" the U.S.-
brokered peace accords.
The Bosnian Serb government loyal to Karadzic went into
emergency session and issued a terse statement threatening
what it termed "a tough reaction" to the NATO move.
Yesterday's raids silenced Serb radio and television
for hours. When programming eventually resumed in
mid-afternoon, it came from Banja Luka, the base of
Bosnian Serb President Biljana Plavsic, who is current-
ly locked in a power struggle with Karadzic. Until yes-
terday, programming had alternated each day between
Pale TV, loyal to Karadzic, and Banja Luka TV, which
had not distorted foreign officials' comments or
attacked the peace accords.
The NATO force took over four transmitters in the north,
northeast, southeast and near Sarajevo. There was no vio-
lence, but the potential was there - smaller-scale takeovers
of transmitters by NATO-led troops earlier this month drew
violent protests by Serbs, egged on by pro-Karadzic radio
and television.
NATO helicopters hovered over one transmitter site,
on Mount Trebevic near Sarajevo, while armored vehi-
cles blocked all roads linking it to Pale, Karadzic's
headquarters. In the northeast, at Udrigovo, peace force
soldiers patrolled the area around the transmitter, sec-
tioned off by razor wire. A Bradley fighting vehicle
stood nearby.
Next to the transmitter stood a 6-foot wooden cross erect-
ed after NATO bombings in late summer 1995 that helped
end the Bosnian war. It bore an inscription to Serb soldiers:
"Victims of NATO bombings."

University students and members of the Reform Chavurah celebrate Rosh Hashanah with apples and honey for a sweet new year after
evening services.

New Year by the name of "Rosh
Hashanah," but rather uses the words
Yom Ha-Sikkaron (Day of
Remembrance) or Yom Teruah (Day of
the Sounding of the Shofar).
The blowing of the shofar, a ram's horn
that is played somewhat like a trumpet, is
the only part of Rosh Hashanah specifical-
ly commanded in the Torah. Although the
reasons behind the blowing of the shofar
are not revealed in the Torah, Kirschen said
the sounds may serve as a sort of "spiritual

alarm clock."
Over the years, many traditions have
become a part of Rosh Hashanah.
One tradition involves eating apples or
bread dipped in honey to represent the hope
for a sweet new year. Another custom con-
sists of visiting a body of water and empty-
ing one's pockets into the water to symbol-
ize renunciation and casting away of the
past year's sins.
"The books are being closed," said LSA
first-year student Steve Nadel. "It's an oppor-

tunity to ask for forgiveness and make
Hillel will be holding special Rosh
Hashanah services during the holidays.
Last year, more than 2,000 people attended
services at Hillel. In observance of the hol-
idays, the United Jewish Appeal is sponsor-
ing a food drive called the Half Shekel
For more information about times and
locations of services, please call Hillel at

with1 rivals
By Matthew Barrett .
Sthe Daily
Mortal Enemies. Fierce Rivals.
The University of Michigan and
Michigan State University have joined
forces to address various higher educa-
tion issues in Michigan.
Vice President for University
Relations Walter Harrison said he
thinks the University administration has
a "workable, friendly rivalry" with
ISU administrators in East Lansing.
The Midwest Universities
Consortiun for International Activities
is one of the first projects the universi-
ties are tackling. For this project ,
University officials are collaborating
with MSU and the rest of the schools in
the Big Ten Conference to combine
library resources using the Internet.

/ '
4 ?

Wolverines and:
Spartans cooperating
Officials are planning to pool
library resources over the Internet.
* Michigan State President Peter
McPherson wants to work with
Michigan on sharing faculty.
College. Through non-profit union both
universities offer courses that cater to
auto industry employees looking to fur-
ther their educations.
MSU President Peter McPherson
chairs the board for this project, and
former University President James
Duderstadt serves as its chief executive
Terry Dembow, MSU's vice presi-
dent for university relations, said
McPherson does not have immediate
plans for the venture yet.
Dembow said McPherson plans to
work together with officials in Ann
Arbor on issues like shared faculty or
keeping tuition costs down.

Filmmaker Moore
holds rally in
support of unions

By Peter Meyers
Daily Staff Reporter
Unions attempting to organize local
Borders Books & Music employees
received some help yesterday from an
anti-corporate icon.
Michael Moore, director of the popu-
lar "Roger and Me," a documentary
about the closing of General Motors
plants in Flint, came to Ann Arbor to
help drum up support for attempts by
Borders employees to unionize their
"This is not like dealing with Roger
Smith," Moore said, comparing Borders
management to the former GM
President he hounded in "Roger and
Me?"'"I can tell you from my own expe-
rience, (Borders executives) have a con-

Commercial Workers International
Union held a rally at Ann Arbor
Theaters 1 & 2 yesterday afternoon,
then marched to the Borders corporate
office on Maynard Street to present a
petition asking the company to stop
anti-union activities.
The petition was collegted by Murray
Coleman of Borders' labor manage-
ment department. Coleman promised to
pass on the petition, but made no fur-
ther comment.
The Borders union movement is fea-
tured in Moore's new movie, "The Big
One." Moore shot the movie over 2 1/2
weeks while on a book signing tour that
brought him to several Borders outlets
where employees were picketing. The
movie was screened at the Ann Arbor 1



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