Cut a rug with Fred & Ginger
Catch the great team of Astaire and Rogers as they dance their way
through the musical classic "Top Hat." A case of mistaken identity,
as well as a few production numbers, sets this 1935 comedy in
motion as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers trip the light fantastic and
fall in love along the way. See it the way it was meant to be seen -
on the Michigan's big screen. Showtime is 7 p.m. $5 for students.
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September 16, 1997
Hello, Mary Lou: The Ark to prai
By Anders Smith-Lindall
Daily Arts Writer
A few years ago I heard a song on the radio that
grabbed my attention. It was one of those times when,
whatever you're doing, the song grabs you. It grabs
you because it's different from
everything else that drifts past your
jaded ear; it grabs you because it's P
got that certain special spark of
greatness. You put aside whatever
you're doing and let that song draw-
you in. You wait, wherever you are,
until the DJ comes on and tells you
what you've just heard. Then you
go to the record store with that name scrawled on a
scrap of paper etched in a corner of your brain.
In this instance, the song was "Lights Are
Changing" by Mary Lou Lord. I'd heard about her
before, heard the buzz on this up-and-coming singer-
songwriter from the Boston area. And I'd heard the
stories about her relationship with Kurt Cobain, pre-
Courtney, of course. But this song was the first time
I'd actually heard her music. That one song was all it
took to convince me to buy her self-titled debut
I bought that album on vinyl, because it just seemed
right. The CD format was, of course, more expensive,
but it wasn't money that made the decision. The famil-
iarity and aesthetic of a real
record, an LP, just seemed in step
E V I E W with Lord's music and her story.
See, Mary Lou Lord is per-
ry Lou Lord haps the perfect antidote to our
MTV age. She achieved her
Tonight at 7 p.m. stature the old-fashioned way:
The Ark Busking on street corners, per-
forming for hours for just a few
dollars in subway stations, gradually honing her play-
ing and writing and singing.
Just like she still does today, whether it's in her old
hangout, Harvard Square, or her hometown of Salem,
MA or her homes-away-from home, London, England
and Olympia, WA.
And even though she's recently left ultra-hip indie
Kill Rock Stars for a major label, the WORK Group,
and will have a well-promoted album in stores soon
se Lord tonigha.
after the first of the year, you're still most likely to
find her on noisy street corners or dingy subvay std-
tions, playing her songs.
Actually, she often isn't playing her songs 'she's
playing other people's songs. And that's not ICcaUIse
she can't write great tunes of her own. Instead,'as she
says, she "tends the garden for others, caring tfr the
seeds they planted." Following in the great tradiion0
the folk troubadour, she feels a sense of responsibility
to keep alive the songs and stories of writ like
Daniel Johnston, Elliott Smith and Peter Lauer:k
So I bought that record. I went home, put itn; aV
dropped the needle, taking pleasure from thgntu0
alone and the warm crackle that followed. Theor;amre
the opening notes of the song I'd heard, "Li ,m iA
Changing," and in close succession, a handful of~the,
quieter, introspective songs,just Mary Lou andli=g
tar and her quirky but engaging voice. _:
In fact, that'll be what you'll get if you heado
to the Ark tonight at 7:00pm - Mary Lou h esr
And probably an hour and a half of excelle ng ,
done the old-fashioned way.
Singer Mary Lou Lord definitely knows where the wild things are.
Crossroads of culture: Kelsey Museum exhibit
'Sepphoris' showcases artifacts of multicultural Galilee
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By Anna Kovalski
Daily Arts Writer
One of the most frequently utilized
modern methods of sociological and
politically correct problem solving is
the present intellectuals' constant
reminder to learn from the social injus-
tices which former powers have
imposed on their civilizations. Frequent
mentions of events which have had
great impact on today's political admin-
istrations, taken from the last decades of
the twentieth century, such as the
breakup of the Soviet Union and its
allies, the ethnic cleansing in former
Yugoslavia, the continuing conflicts in
the Middle East, shape today's political
agenda and unfortunately point the the
all-too-poignant reality that humankind
has still not reached a level of action
which deeper understanding should
Thankfully, these aformentioned
conflicts are not the only sources of
lessons from the past, since positive
events have also shaped our current
world-views. And one such lesson can
be viewed within the context of an artis-
tic and archaeological exhibit of the
ancient city of Sepphoris and its sur-
roundings, located in modern day
The exhibit, entitled: "Sepphoris in
G a l i l e e:
Crosscurrents of R
Culture," shows |
artifacts and
finds of theK
H e b r e w Throu
University and
Duke University,
as well as the University of
Michigan. Found in this ancient capi-
tal city of Galilee, the artifacts came
into existence during periods in which
three main cultures and its rulers
dominated the area.
The cultures of the Jews, pagans, and
Christians, who cohabitated this region,
did so at most times with observance of
peace. The Roman theater existed along
with Jewish temples, and also the
Christian Church of St. Anne, a rem-
nant of the Crusades.
By virtue of its cultural diversity, this
area of excavation, part of the Zippori
(Hebrew name for Sepphoris) National
Park, now contributes archaeological
finds which illuminate the kind of civi-
lization toward whose tenets even mod-
ern day societies may aspire to.
The artifacts are carefully displayed
in both galleries, with clearly marked
issues such as daily life, personal
adornment, and religious practices.
Bone hairpins, oil lamps, a rhyton,
which is a wine vessel of black glazed
pottery, coins minted at Sepphoris, both
with the Roman Emperor Nero as well
as some with Jewish menorahs, mosaics
found in a villa of the pagan god
Dionysus, and triple arches from the
Church of St. Anne, all show the differ-
ent contributions which the varied sec-
tors made to the cultural wealth of the
.-..* R
Sepphoris in
Kelsey Museum
gh December 14. 1997
Besides re-
telling the histori-
cal story of
Sepphoris, birth-
place of the Virgin
Mary, the exhibit
also allows the art
connosieur to see
how the excava-
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Sepphoris' multi-cultural, multi-media talent, presently on display in Ann Arbor,
extended to this Mosaic of an ancient hunter.
tions took place and highlights some of
the more surprising finds in a specially
developed audio-video.
One may also construct a mosaic
with magnetic strips and even play with
the interactive computer program, "The
Zippori Explorer."
The University of Michigan enjoys
special ties with this exhibition, since
one of the earliest scientific excavations
at this site was by University Professor
Leroy Waterman in 1931. The Kelsey
Museum Gallery highlights this early
excavation's finds.
Curator of Collections at the Kelsey,
and currently professor of History of
Art 101, Dr. Thelma K. Thomas sum-
marizes the importance of this exhibit
in these terms: "The Kelsey is trying to
forge international ties- this exhibit pro-
'Breaking Glass'
The Art of Breaking
Matthew Hall
Little, Brown
As the old saying goes, "you can't
judge a book by its cover." But appar-
ently, the colorfully eye-catching and
intriguing cover on "The Art of
Breaking Glass" by Matthew Hall is a
very good representative of the incredi-
bly riveting and entertaining story
The cover of this book claims matter-
of-factly that it is "a thriller." But in
This figurine of Prometheus is part of the "Crosscurrents of Culture" exhibit.At
both The Museum of Art and the Kelsey Museum.
vides the chance to work with archaeol- ent ethnically and religiously defined
ogists at Sepphoris. As for the purposes community over time and its valied cui-
of teaching 101, this exhibit is a tural histories."
dichronic sweep- not only showing And this, precisely, is where 'tI les-
Sepphoris at 150 B.C.E. but all through son derives from, and whereby a1iindi-
the Middle Ages. vidual person may find inspiration f*
Because of that, it examines a differ- interactions during everyday life. v
makes for fast-paced, gripping art
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truth, this book is a thriller and much
more. Not only does Hall provide non-
stop action, but the characters are some
of the most memorable and fascinating
characters to be penned, and the inter-
action which Hall weaves between
them is a literary masterpiece.
Sharon Blautner is a psychiatric
nurse at New York's Bellevue Hospital.
Intelligent and beautiful, her work
serves not only as a way to help the peo-
ple around her, but to also provide ther-
apy for -erself after losing her family in
a tragic car accident. When the police
bring in a schizophrenic and suicidal
young man who was found after an
apartment building break-in, 'Sharon
takes it onto herself to help him.-
But what Sharon and the polie done
know is that this patient is Bill Kaiert
brilliant but extremely violent 'miIitant
who is determined to achieve social jus-
tice for the city.
To Sharon, Bill is intelligent,"cooper-
ative, caring and understanding." But
after becoming a pawn in Bifl's fiery
escape from the hospital, Shardn'sodn
realizes that he may not be crazyat all;
or worse, he may just be crazie- and
more dangerous than anyone .could
"The Art of Breaking Glass" is
extremely fast-paced and gripping. The
book so easy to get into, and impossible
to put down. Hall tells a witty story that
is unique from other thrillers due to his
focus on character developealt.
Though he adds big explosionrs,.ome
hi-tech subterfuge and graphic sexual
encounters to please hard-core acticin
fans, the best parts of the book involWe
the elaborate and often psychologicS
cat-and-mouse game between Bill and
the police through Sharon. Each chair-
acter is unique, and Hall's care at mold-.
ing each one pays off in the 'everal
effect of this thriller.
In the end, good causes are done b'y
unethical ways, causing readers to be
torn between the moral and immoral.
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