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September 16, 1997 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-09-16

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The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 -- 7

Vinic asses offer spicy variety|Aar

By Theresa Oney
Far the Daily
Interested in a class on Iridology?
Beginning Sept. 22, University stu-
dents can register for this miniclass
and others at the Michigan Union
Ticket office.
Iridology, a holistic approach to
ealing and taking care of the body, is
just one of the four new miniclasses
offered by the University Activities
Center this semester.
The other new courses include a prep
course for the Law School Admissions
Test, palm reading and cooking. UAC
chose this year's new courses based on
student demand and suggestions.
These classes will be offered in addi-
tion to a variety of miniclasses that were
sccessful last year, ranging in subjects
from bartending to ballroom dancing.
Joanne Greenstein, a co-coordinator
of the miniclasses, said the University-
sponsored classes are solely organized
by students.
"These miniclasses are not unique to
the University of Michigan. There are
other colleges that have larger pro-

grams, yet ours is the only one that is
student-run," said Greenstein, an LSA
junior. "We try to offer a wide variety
of interesting classes."
Kinesiology sophomore Greg
Dairyko took a miniclass in bartending
last year.
He said the courses are "beneficial,
especially if you have a lot of time on
your hands, and you would like to
learn about something that sounds fun
and interesting"
One drawback to the bartending
class, Dairyko said, is that students had
to use water instead of alcohol to mix
drinks. But he said he would take anoth-
er class if he had a lighter schedule.
LSA junior Jill Kleiman, a co-coor-
dinator of the miniclasses, said that last
year UAC had a large demand for the
Kleiman said she is certain that this
year will beas successful. She said she
hopes that many people will register
for both last year's popular classes and
the new courses offered this semester.
Besides students, Ann Arbor resi-
dents also enrolled in the classes.

However, one exceptional case
involves a New York resident.
Kleiman received a phone call
recently from a woman in Syracuse
who's interested in taking a miniclass.
"The minicourses attract not only stu-
dents who attend this university, but
also members of the community and
people across the nation," said Kleiman,
who started her position this year.
LSA sophomore Jen Yang, who took
an aerobics class last year, said the
class was a great stress reliever.
"At the end of a long day of classes,
I looked forward to my aerobics class,"
Yang said.
Despite her intent to go to the School
of Business Administration, Yang want-
ed to include something less serious in
her schedule. She still missed a few ses-
sions due to a heavy workload.
Many instructors who run the mini-
courses have been teaching the classes
for years, and they are paid through the
UAC office, Greenstein said.
For more information about mini-
course prices and availability, call the
UAC office at 763-1107.

LSA Junior Joanne Greenstein, co-chair of the UAC minicourses, sits behind her desk in the UAC offices on the fourth floor
of the Michigan Union.

-~ *pp JONES
wayne tate a oints e Continued from Page 1
Students said they
actor might be able to
as- racinto his schedule.
"He has such close cc
b:alt ,n aad do it" c

were hopeful that the multi-talented
squeeze a CRISP recording session
onnections to the University, he'd prob-
n.fid LSCA -aou hmiiiui i ldoid AwCv.

By Erica M. Smith
Daily Staff Reporter
n a lime when affirmative action is
g criticized throughout the United
States, Wayne State University has
appointed its first African American
In December 1996, Wayne State's
former President David Adamany
announced his retirement.
Seven and a half months later, at an
August public board meeting, Irvin
Reid was named the university's ninth
sident, making history by being the
st black face among his eight prede-
Reid, who leaves his post as president
of Montclair State University in New
Jersey, said his new presidency has an
"added responsibility."
"I look at it as an opportunity to
demonstrate to all students the impor-
tance of(diversity) in a University com-
munity," Reid said. "I hope ... my race,
tithe extent that it inspires others to

succeed, will (play a positive role)."
Wayne State Board of Governors
Chair Denise Lewis said Reid's histori-
cal hiring "received the unanimous sup-
port of the board."
"He's one of the leading African
Americans in higher education because
he's been in higher education for some
30 years," Lewis said. "We were proud
to have a candidate of his stature apply
for the position"
The 18-member presidential search
committee conducted its search accord-
ing to the Open Meetings Act, which
requires public universities to have
open meetings. In 1996, during the
University presidential search for Lee
Bollinger, the University was forced to
open some closed-door meetings after
being sued for violating the act.
Voting for Reid was a decision that
Lewis said she based upon Reid's
prior experiences at other universi-
"What impressed me most was his

capacity to lead and to build," Lewis
said. "He had a university under his
charge for nine years. In addition to
that, he's been Dean of the (University
of Tennessee-Chattanooga) Business
School and in both instances he built up
the institutions where he served as
Reid, a graduate of Howard
University and the Wharton School of
Business at the University of
Pennsylvania, said he is "excited to
meet the challenges" that await him on
the Detroit campus.
Wayne State Student Council
President Michael Socha said that after
meeting with Reid during the selection
process, he is confident that the presi-
dent "is big on student service."
"He seems to be very well in tune to
the fact that student service here at
Wayne can be improved," said Socha, a
Wayne State junior in the College of
Liberal Arts. "I think he will put this
place on the map."

a jy come ana aoit, sai , sophomore Davi Pascoe.
JEJ For CRISP Lady Task Force organizers say they have
not discussed the issue of expense, but they do not intend to
waste University money.
Some students said they would be willing to dip into their
wallets to bankroll the project.
"I would pay a dollar to get his voice," LSA sophomore
David Willens said.
Though unable to provide exact figures, Assistant
University Registrar Lynn Adelman said making a CRISP
recording change would be "quite costly."
The current CRISP voice was bought as a package with the
computerized registration system, which was installed by
technology company Periphonics in the winter of 1995.

Severl University officials refused comment before see-
ing the petition and hearing the students' reasons for making
the change.
To task force member and LSA senior Jenny House, the
reason is simple: The current voice sounds very computer-
ized and impersonal.
"Talking to all different students on campus, you hear
so many complaints about the CRISP lady," House said.
"It seems that support for James Earl Jones as the voice
is one thing that unites all students and it promotes good
school spirit."
Members said they hope to collect about 5,000 signatures
before they take their proposal to Jones's representatives and
the University administration.
Michigan Student Assembly Vice President Olga Savic
said the assembly is behind the project 100 percent.
"I think it would be a great service to students because it
would reduce student stress when registering," said Savic,
who is also a task force member.
Students can e-mail the task force at

Continued from Page 1
because of new evidence that they dam-
age heart valves, and the firm agreed.
The U.S. decision prompted the
French company, Servier, which sells
fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine, to
withdraw the drugs worldwide.
The FDA had been struggling to
determine the drugs' risk since it and
the Mayo Clinic uncovered the first
cases in July. Last week, the FDA ana-
lyzed heart tests on 291 dieters and
found almost a third - 92 people -
had damaged heart valves, even though
they had no symptoms.
That's much higher than anticipated.
Less than 1 percent of the general pop-
ulation has such damage to their aortic
or mitral valves, said Dr. Richard
Bowen of Naples, Fla., who tested 200
of the patients.
Most of the valves leaked blood, a
condition that over time can enlarge the

heart and seriously weaken it.
Also, the FDA analyzed 25 patients
who happened to have had their hearts
tested before ever taking diet pills -and
after taking the pills, about a third were
newly diagnosed with valve damage.
Those patients are in addition to 99
other fenfluramine or Redux users
whose doctors have reported to FDA
actual symptoms of heart damage, such
as shortness of breath, chest pain or
swollen ankles. Three of them died, and
17 underwent heart surgery,
The newest findings show the drugs
"present an unacceptable risk," said
FDA Acting Commissioner Dr.
Michael Friedman.
Wyeth-Ayerst's Dr. Marc Deitch
called the withdrawal "the most prudent
course of action:' But he said there is
still not definitive proof that the drugs
are to blame, and said Wyeth-Ayerst
will within a few weeks begin studying
whether obese people are naturally
more prone to valve disease.

Meanwhile, dieters can return unused
portions of the drugs for a refund.
Dieters should see their doctors for
close heart monitoring, Atkinson said.
But not everyone will need an echocar-
diogram, a sophisticated test that shows
heart function and costs between $500
and $1,000, he cautioned.
The FDA said no one knows whether
patients' valve leakage will heal once
they stop using the drugs. But Florida's
Bowen said three of his severe patients
did heal, and urged dieters not to rush
into heart surgery.
The FDA's first warnings in July
caused diet prescriptions to plunge, and
earlier this month, Florida banned pre-
scriptions of the fen-phen combination,
and lawsuits have been filed over the
Still, Wyeth-Ayerst says two million
Americans have taken Redux since it
hit the market in June 1996, and four
million have taken Pondimin since
1973, most in recent years.

STUDENTS Shift/Friday Nights (Big Nightl) & Paid
Lawyers Club Dining is hiring for fall tern weekends, Great Pay, Free Golf, 1/2 off sell,
$7-8 to start. Catering opportunities. Meal meals & Banquet Gratuity. Ex. required & resea
benefits. Apply in person or call 764-1115. Micros knowledge a plus. The Links at Whit- part-
551 S. State St. (corner of State and S. more Lake Golf Club, Sara @ (313) 449-
University). 5451. 10 min. from UofM. *Choc
AVAILABLE Drivers are needed to deliver Student to provide administrative support & work
construction material on U of M campus. assist faculty who are learning to use free a
Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. technology. Must be familiar with Web as mi
Pay rate of $675 hour. Valid drivers authoring, MS Office, Mac OS & Win 95 as
ese is required. Applicant must not have well as UM computing environment. 10-15 *Res
lifting restrictions. Vehicle will be hours/week (flexible). Call 647-7406 for *Wea
prtwided. Fill out application at: 326 E- more information, or stop by the Faculty a
Hoover, U of M Plant Contracting Group Exploratory in Room 206 Graduate 1 d
office located behind U of M Footbal (second floor) and pick up an application.
Stadium. Phone 936-0264. . Ever
THE BLUE FRON is hiig[ Be csual, WANTD MAT TEACHER parttm resear,
THE LUE RON in irinl B casalafternoon & eve., Brightons, 810-229-4844.
dependable and smait. Apply in person, 701 Mk
Packard. Thanks. Make
dependable, people-oriented. Call Pat 994- a variety of work experiences? Flexible We a
_ _ _ _ hours. Computer skills (word processing,
~Sdata entry) lus. Will train. Positions avail-
WORK STUDY STUDENTS. able in erence planning, publications,
Lawyers Club Dining is hiring for fall term. membership, and general office. Off-campus
-$8 to start. Catering opportunities. Meal office. Own transpton necessary. Free
efits. Apply in person or call 764-1115. Parking. Contact Heidi or Peg at: 996-7832
551 S. State St. (corner of State and S. to schedule an interview.
WORK STUDY OFFICE assistants. Help to p/ ww u .
process research grant proposals. Word- n p/ w w ub
processing, flin, cyn; um ich.edu/daily/ad sCm
m ane acexp rs. flex. d 2 C

training, talk on the telephone, never
get paid to do interviews for medical
rch [and morel, flexible scheduling,
time or full-time.
ose 10 to 40 hours per week! *Set your
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ume builder! *Earn $6 - $9.50 per hour!
ar whatever you want to work! *Fill out
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ays or less.)
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Come over and see us now.
re in Ann Arbor at 3975 Research Park
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CALL 994-4199.

tEATIVE and energetic 3-yr.-old gir
Pr sitter Wed. and Fri . fro .0-

CHILD CARE FOR 3 young, very active
kids. Mon. & Wed. 5:30-8PM & some wknd.
hrs. NE A2, must have car. $8/hr. Call Cindy
w/ refs. 663-0191.
CHILD CARE - Eleven year old, Own
transportation helpful but not required.
Sporadic evenings and weekend hours. $6.50
to start. Tolerance for birds, cats and large
dog a must. 741-4874.
CHILD CARE: Begin Fall 10 hrs./wk., 3
days after school. 5 & 9 yr. old boys. Exp.,
refs., car necessary. 663-3482.
Saline home, Part-time, flex. hrs., reference
required. 313-429-8444
EARLY CHILDHOOD substitutes needed.
Work according to your availability with
young children ina fun environment. CallPat
at St. Paul's Early Childhood Center 668-
for 2 delightful kids ages 2 & 4. Intelligence,
professionalism & ref. req. Need to enjoy
playing & laughing. 747-8406.
MOTHER'S HELPER- Flexible schedule.
10-15 hrs. per week. Must have car. Call 944-
NANNY IN A2 Full or part time. Can work
w/ school sched. Pleasant 4 mo. old. Com-
fortable house. Friendly dog. Nice parents.
Great pay. Must have trans. English speak
please. 332-0192.
NANNY NEEDED: Enthusiastic, loving,
and experienced person to provide care in
our home to two children ages 1 year and 1
month. Must be a non-smoker and be able to
provide own transportation. Competitive
salary. Hours Mon-Fri., 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
References required. Call eves. 313-426-
responsible student for child care, light
cooking. 4pm-7pm M-F. Experience with in-
fants and own transportation required. $8.50/
hr. 662-9491.
SEEKING CARE for 7 yr. old on Old West
Side. Own trans. a plus. 3:30-6:00. Refs.
required. 668-1332.
What you want...
Baby we got it

SITTER NEEDED for two children 5 1/2
and 14 monts.Weekends and occasional
weeknights. Good pay. 761-7291.
SITTERS for 10 year old high func. boy w/
autism. Good pay. 426-8556.
WED. MORNINGS and/or occasional eves.
Start at $7/hr. Call Sally 975-9473.
dependable, experienced child care. Own
transportation please. Dana 741-8284.
tickets & ravel
DESPERATE FAN will do anything for
Notre Dame Tix! Big$ Mike 810-979-9174.
chase Eurail passes issued. Regency Travel
209 S. State 665-6122.
available. Call Ted 615-662-3769.
NEED 6 TICKETS for Northwestem Gamel
Call Melissa ASAP at 248-661-1697.
NEED NOTRE DAME TIX! 4 together or
set of 2. Call Jon 769-9410.
NEED ONE NOTRE DAME ticket. I will
bring you great riches. 913-9387.
Jim 495-1015 ovenings or message.
Football Tickets Wanted.
Not in the student section.

TALK 0' THE TOII~ms AN60ta
Napil (nap-i-ly) ad. 1. refers to
that of an unkindly disposition;
ill-natured; The Beast. 2. still
F !#ked up. ex. "Isn't it napily
how the Diag is so schwag ? "
* special fanks to eg and his Sfeffer self..
..Please leave comments for Kancheo L at: luk@umich.edu

--- call Tim 314-434-7279-
ACCORDIANS. 4 different. Used. They're
hip. 995-0528.
Endorsed by idols & most makers. Herb
David Guitar Studio. 302 E. Liberty. 665-
a oot.

neea s hir rc. uur. mi ,.-
5:30. Well paid. 769-7245 Rita.
2 GREAT KIDS need aftersoon babysitter
on Mon. & Thurs. Call 662-4805.
Part-time. Flexible hrs. Walking distance to
campus. 747-9493 or 668-2467.
ACTIVE FAMILY NEEDS help with kids
& carpools. Flex. schedule, 15-20 hrs./wk.
kids aged 7, 6, 4, & 2. Must have car & exp.
Call Jane 663-4276.
AFTER SCHOOL Childcare/tran rtation,
light housekeeping needed. 996-055
old girl 3:30 - 6:00 pm, 2-3 aftermoons per
wk. $7/hr call 769-5658.
BABYSITTER NEEDED: delightful 3 &'5
yr. old boys, Bums park area. Mon am.,
Wed. a.m., every other Thur. 5:30-8, wknd.
times. $7/hr. Car needed. Call 663-1455 if
avail. any of these times.
p.m. Occasional eves. & wknds. Ref. req.,
close to campus. Call Kathy 668-2467.
BABYSITTER NEEDED for 1-2 children,
15 mo. and 4 yr. old girls. Will work around
your schedule. Must have own trans. Ex-
perience pref. Call 429-8470.
BABYSITTER NEEDED occasionally for
pre-school boy. Own car, experience. Call
Sally at 665-2309.
CHILD CARE NEEDED Tues. & Thurs. 3-
5:30 pm. Experience . References
required. Cl Cheryl 975-0434.

viewing. u youca a n , iae- -, sr
collect at (818) 362-93 er Noon Sun. or
11 p.m. otherdays.
Alpha Kappa Psi
The Professional Coed Business Fraternity
Info. Rush Meeting
Tuesday 5:30 B1279
Wednesay 5:30 B1270
Business Admin. Bldg.
Free pizza& o

ROMANTIC GETAWAY- Cozy log cabins interested in becoming a U-M mens basket-
on lake. $54-79 ntly. Incl. hot tub, canoes & ball manager. Thurs. Sept 186@ 7pm atCris-
more. Traverse City. 616/276-9502. ler Arena.
SPRING BREAK Reps wanted for Acapul- PARKING NEEDED on Central campus.
co from $559. Quad Call Dan Regency Please call 769-0885.
Travel 665-6122.
SPRING BREAK '9 - Sell Trips, Ears
Cash & Go Freelil STS is now hiring campus
reps. Lowest rates to Jamaica, Mexico &
Florida. Call 800-648-4849.
SPRING BREAK! Free travel/highest
commissions. Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas,
Barbados, Florida, Padre & Morel Free
parties, drinks & eats FRee info packet. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!
unsplash Tours 1-800-426-7710. Roommates needed to share 5 bdrm. hse
STUDENTS Purchase your tickets with Con- near Business School. 662-0070.
tinental vouchers & Amex card. Regency
Travel 209S. State St. 665-6122.
U OF M - NOTRE DAME tickets needed. food & en t
Call Chris at 332-4646
WANTED 2 TICKETS for Univ. of Mich./
Mich. State game. Call 810-229-4844.
WANTED Notre Dame vs. U-M. General - -
Admision tickets. 1-800-455-2916.
WANTED: NOTRE DAME tickets. Call HIGH QUALITY Afford. band wanted for
761-8462. Halloween party. Call Julian 930-2745.


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