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December 05, 1997 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-12-05

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 5, 1997 - 3

Pizza, wallet
stolen from man
A man was robbed by four people
outside The Backroom on Church
reet last Friday, according to AAPD
The robbers knocked the
Ypsilanti man down and stole his
wallet and pizza, AAPD reports
state. At least one of the suspects
was armed, according to the police
reports. The robbery occurred at
.,ound 11 p.m.
uspect breaks
ito apartment
Ann Arbor Police say a suspect
entered a residence in the 1500
block of Geddes Road during
Thanksgiving recess and stole "odd
items" and clothing from the apart-
Police are still searching for the sus-
ct, according to AAPD reports,
9.ich say that the suspect did not use
force to enter the apartment.
Fans ask players
for autographs
Department of Public Safety reports
st~te that two men were standing out-
s e the entrance to Schembechler Hall
Tuesday afternoon asking football
p ayers for their autographs. When a
Schembechler Hall employee asked the
fans to leave, they refused.
The two fans left peacefully when
they were advised to "move along" by
4PS officers, according to DPS
ire alarm pulled
A child pulled a fire alarm in the
Taubman Health Care center Tuesday
afternoon, causing a scare, DPS reports
state. Taubman Health Care center is part
of the University's East Medical Center.
The child's mother told DPS officers
that the boy pulled the fire alarm han-
le "before she could stop him,"
*cording to DPS reports.
gaff cautious of
seeping man
The staff of West Hall notified DPS
-vv!Tuesday night that an unknown man
was sleeping in the restroom an the
first floor, according to DPS reports.
The report states that it was unknown
e time if the man was drunk or
homeless. The staff present at West
-_ )1 did not want to check on the man,
LDPS reports state.
Bags, bottles
taken from office
Plastic bags and spray bottles were
len from an employee's supply clos-
et in the Public Health building on
Vgth Observatory Street on
3gdnesday, according to DPS reports.

;-he employee's co-worker called to
WDtify DPS of the larceny.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Alice Robinson

Galen Tag
Days be nY
cu auh or 360K_ -

By Hong Lin
Daily Staff Reporter
With expenses on all sides and
funds always scarce, the last thing on
the mind of the average University stu-
dent is giving money to doctors. But
today and tomorrow, many students
will find themselves pulling out their
pocket change and handing it over to
future doctors on the streets of Ann
This weekend marks the annual
Galens Tag Days, a campaign run by
the University Medical School's
Galens Medical Society.
"This event goes back 70 years. In
the past, Galens started out as an
Honor Society," said Mandy Bauer,
the publicity chair for tomorrow's
event. "They wondered what they
could do to help the society and decid-
ed to help the children."
Pravene Nath, a Medical third-year
student and one of the organizers of
the campaign, said the Galen service
organization's main function is to raise
money for children in Washtenaw
"One-hundred percent of what
we raise will go back to the com-
munity ... We do the leg work,
channeling the money that people
of Washtenaw County give us mak-
ing sure that it helps good causes,"
Nath said.
The campaign workers gather most
of their money in two ways. The most
visible is the bucket drive in which

Medical students venture out onto the
streets of Ann Arbor to ask their fellow
students or community members for
donations. Galens members also oper-
ate a mail-drive campaign.
"In the mail drive, we usually only
solicit money from alumni, or faculty,"
said Galens Society President Emily
Smith. "We keep a database of who
had donated before and we go back to
The colored tags that Galens mem-
bers give out mean more than just that
day's donation.
"The tags that we give out signify
that this person had donated, so we
won't harass him or her again," Bauer
said. "They also serve as good adver-
tisements for the campaign."
Some Medical students who are
involved in the bucket drive said they
do not mind braving the cold.
"All of us spend at least 12 hours on
the streets during the bucket drive. But
we all like doing this," said Chandan
Devireddy, a Medical fourth-year stu-
The reactions of students and ven-
dors around campus toward the cam-
paign are mixed.
"Most times students will stop
and talk to us but sometimes people
will just shuffle by quickly with
their heads to the floor. But usually
most students will have donated by
the end of the event," Devireddy
said. "Some stores have also been
quite receptive in letting us stand in

A student volunteer for Galens Tag Day, sponsored by the University Medical
School's Galen Medical Society, picks up his collection bucket yesterday.

front of their stores while others
were less happy about it."
Bauer said the fundraising goal this
year is to match last year's total of
"We collected about $60,000 last
year. So this year we are hoping that
we can collect just as much if not
more,"she said.
There is neither a minimum nor a

maximum amount that one can donate.
"We accept donations of any size, any-
thing is welcomed," Smith said.
The money is channeled into the
community by local area charities.
"Local charities apply for funds. We
will evaluate their proposals and then
decide who will get the money.
Usually 10 charities will get money
from us," Bauer said.

By Rachel Edelman
Daily Staff Reporter
The debate about the use of affirma-
tive action at the University continued
last night as a self-described "angry
-white male" stressed the need for eco-
nomic and social reform.
Rodney Ward, the national organiz-
er for Solidarity, a socialist organiza-
tion, defended the University's affir-
mative action policies to a groupof
about 15 students and community
"I'm angry because my economic
prospects for the future look bleak,"
Ward said. "The average American is
working long hours to make ends met.
I'm furious about the tax ... on women
and people of color in the name of the
white male."
While Ward generally supported the
University's use of race as a factor in
admissions, he criticized the policy fr
being too vague.
"What happens when affirmative
action is abolished? You don't have
many people of color at a school, and
you're saying to the world that you
don't think they deserve to be there."
Ward criticized the movement
against affirmative action as being
racist and separatist.
"If you think that women and peo-
ple of color are human, then maybe
you should start to worry. The attack
against affirmative action doesn't
believe that many people of color and
Hispanics should be at this
Ward said there is a "paradox that if
people of color and women fail, they
lack merit, but if they succeed, it was
because of affirmative action."
Several students attended the speech
to learn more about affirmative action
at the University.
"I'm here because I don't know
where I stand on affirmative action'
said LSA first-year student Alejandra
Salinas. "I want to find out more infor-
Ward said affirmative action is a
narrowly focused response to the civil
rights and feminist movements of the
1960s and it has not yet eradicated the
problems it set out to reform.
"It has improved the racial make-up
of the campus, but it hasn't improved
the problem. Affirmative action allows
those in the back of the line to move
forward," he said.
Ward refuted many of the arguments
against affirmative action, including
statements that it is reverse discrimina-
tion and that it lowers self-esteem.
He said the self-esteem argument
"acknowledges the fact that there are
labels that stigmatize women and peo-
ple of color."
"There continues to be preferential
treatment for white men;'Ward argued
"Colleges set aside spots for athletes
and legacies."
Ward encouraged the audience to
organize in support of affirmative
"We have to get out there and talk to
people one-on-one. What happens at
the grassroots level is extremely impor-
tant," he said. "As an angry white man,
I challenge other white men to be angry
as well"

Jaye: English program wastes taxes

By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
As part of his ongoing agenda to
toughen conditions in Michigan's pris-
ons, a state legislator and University
alumnus recently launched an attack on
a University English class.
State Rep. David Jaye (R-Macomb),
who was elected last week to finish the
term of late state Sen. Doug Carl, said
English 319, Theater and Social
Change, is a "waste of taxpayers' dol-
lars." Students in the class visit
Michigan prisons and juvenile deten-
tion facilities every week and teach the
inmates drama.
"When will these crazy programs
stop?;' Jaye asked. "This is an outra-
geous waste."
But many students and faculty mem-
bers who are involved with the class
contend that it is a great benefit to soci-
"The notion that people in prison are
not interested in growth and creativity is
very biased and unfair" said English
Prof. Buzz Alexander, the course's
instructor. -
Alexander said the inmates who
make the effort to attend the student-
run seminars demonstrate a willingness
to grow.
"They sign up for the workshops
because they are interested in their own
growth," Alexander said. "The plays
they present are about growth."
But Jaye argued that the acting skills.
learned by the prisoners through the

workshops could be used as tactics in
parole hearings.
"Don't they understand how they are
making victims of the law-abiding citi-
zens by teaching them how to con?," Jaye
asked. "These programs should never be
considered. These people are in prison
for punishment"
Jaye also said the program is detri-
mental to the University students' edu-
cation and safety since it places them in
rooms with inmates and detainees -
some of whom have been arrested for
violent crimes.
"How many parents know their kids
are doing this?" Jaye asked. "They'd be
horrified. The students' safety is at
stake. They should do this program at a
nursing home. I haven't heard of any-
one being assaulted at a nursing home"
Alexander said Jaye is incorrect in
his assumptions about the safety of the
"The Department of Corrections does
an excellent job in providing security to
every volunteer," Alexander said, adding
that the inmates "are very greatful for the
service we perform and are very protec-
tive of us."
Many students in the class criticized
Jaye's argument and said the program is
greatly beneficial to both them and the
people they teach.
"David Jaye is completely missing the
point;' said RC senior Talya Edlund. "It
is about finding your voice and realizing
that people's ideas are very valid and
beautiful. There is so little caring in the

prison system. David Jaye talks about
them like they aren't people"
Edlund said that while she teaches
the prisoners, she also learns through
the visits.
"I've probably benefited more than the
prisoners,' Edlund said. "I learn a lot
about myself through the experience"
Alexander said the course provides
an opportunity for the students to see a
world they know little about.
"My students, in general, come from
well-to-do circumstances, and they
come to a place where we house poor
people" Alexander said. "They learn
that they have their own stories. They
have talent. It's a great learning experi-
ence about prison culture:'
Alexander's work in English 319 was
recognized with the Regents' Award for
Public Service in 1996.
This is not the first time Jaye has
attacked a program within the prison
system. In May, Jaye sent a letter to
state Rep. John Freeman (D-Madison
Heights), chair of the House
Corrections Committee, listing 18 pro-
posed policy alterations..
The suggested changes include ask-
ing "Mexico and other Central
American countries to house Michigan
prisoners" and getting rid of central air
conditioners for prisoners.
"David Jaye is not being serious about
addressing criminal behavior patterns;'

Freeman said. "He picks on things on the
surface that seem pretty ridiculous."
Freeman said Jaye's proposals are not
normally given consideration among
"Most people do not take his ideas
seriously" Freeman said. "The Governor
could not give two shits about David Jaye."


a "Ann Arbor Art Center's 19th Annual
Holiday Gifts Show," Sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Art Center, 117
West Liberty St.; 10 a.m.-9
.U "Annual Christmas tree sales,"
Sponsored by The Ann Arbor
Jaycees, Parking lot of Fox Tent
and Awning, 617 S. Ashley St.
d "Crossing Over: Images of
Transgender Performance Across
Cultures," Photo exhibition,
Sponsored bythe Institute for
Research on Women and Gender,
Michigan Union, Art Lounge.
U "Graduate Students and Young
Professionals Shabbat
Schmooze," Sponsored byHillel,
Hillel, 1429 Hill St., Call or time.
Q "Graduate Students Mishneh Torah
Chug," Sponsored by Hillel, Hillel,
142 Hill St., 8:30 a.m.
"'>U "LSA Academic Advising," Sponsored
by LS&A, 1255 Angell Hall, Until 6
Q "Love and Sex/Violence and
Patriarch," Sponsored by the
Institute for Research on Women
and Gender, LS&A Building, LS&A
FEecutive Conference Roor. 12-

First floor across from CIC desk.
U "Scott Turner Lecture Series: Links
Between Soil Weathering
Processes and the Marine Sr
Isotope Record," Lecture,
Sponsored by The Department of
Geological Studies, 0.C. Little,
Room 1528, 4 p.m.
U "Ski Sale Equipment Drop-Off,"
Sponsored by University Ski Team,
University Sports Coliseum,
Corner of Hill St. and Fifth St., 4-10
0 "UnIversity Alkido," Sponsored by
The University Club Sports
Program, Intramural Sports
Building, Wrestling Room, 5-6 p.m.
O "Christimas Worship," Sponsored by
Graduate Christina Fellowship,
ANn ARbor Christian Reformed
Church, 1717 Broadway, 7 p.m.
U "Discovery Day," Sponsored by the
Exhibit Museum of Natural History,
Exhibit Museum of Natural History,
1109 Geddes Ave., 10 a.m-4 p.m.
U First Saturday Contra Dance,"
Sponsored by Ann Arbor Council
fnr Traitional Museic and Dance.

Salvation Army, Michigan Union,
First floor across from CIC desk.
U "Open jam," Sponsored by Ann Arbor
Council for Traditional Music and
Dance," Pittsfield Grange, 3337
Ann Arbor Saline Rd., 4- p.m.
U "Ski Sale, " Sponsored by University
Ski Team, University Sports
Coliseum, Corner of Hill St. and
Fifth St., 9 a.m-5 .m.
U "Weekly Rummage Sale," Sponsored
by The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor,
Kiwanis Building, 200 S. First St.,
corner of Washington, 9 a.m- 12
Q "Alive and Kicking" Film showing,
Sponsored by Project Community,
Michigan Theater, 7:30 p.m.
U "Resident Forum on Housing
Reapplication Guidelines"
Sponsored b REsidence Halls
Association, West Quad, Wedge
Room, 8 p.m.
Q "Ski Sale EquIpment and Money Pick-
up," Sponsored by University Ski
Team, University Sports Coliseum,
Corner of Hill St. and Fifth St., 10


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