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Continua orn Page 1
"It does not appear that we are going to
have to gp to a lottery system, which
means that every legitimate faculty and
staff member that filled out a ticket appli-
cation will receive tickets," Molin said.
;"inesiolgy junior Doug Gnodtke,
Who works at the ticket office, said the
faculty and staff ticket requests are low
because of the University's decision to
make employees pick up their individ-
ual ticket in person at the Rose Bowl to
avoid the possibility of scalping.
"In my opinion, after people found
out they had to pick up the tickets in
Pasadena, they decided not to come,"
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Gnodtke said. "They were not going to
go to the Rose Bowl. They were going
to give the tickets to friends."
Regent Daniel Horning (R-Grand
Haven) said it upsets him that students,
faculty and staff must get their tickets
through a voucher system while legisla-
tors, donors and alumni can receive the
actual tickets before they get to
"The students and faculty are the
fiber of our University," Homing said.
"To demand that they comply to a
voucher system is absolutely senseless
to me:'
Horning said it is unfair to suggest
that students, faculty and staff might be
purchasing tickets for other people.
"To suggest that they would buy tick-
ets for any other reason than to root for
the team, i.e. scalping, is upsetting,"
Horning said. "Certainly scalping could
occur with legislators, regents, donors
and alums who have the opportunity to
purchase tickets"
Mark Moyad, who works at the
Medical Center, said he attributes short
ticket lines to the attractiveness of Rose
Bowl travel packages, which include
hotel and airfare along with tickets.
Moyad said that even though the pack-
ages may be convenient, they are not
for the frugal.
"Most faculty and staff are getting
packages," Moyad said. "I'm flying to
Las Vegas and I'll pick up my ticket at
the stadium. I'm flying for only $300.
The packages cost $1,800 - that gives
me $1,500 to play with."
Ticket applications were offered to
10 different categories of people,
including students, faculty and alumni.
Molin said the extra faculty, staff and
student tickets left over from sales this
week will be distributed to meet the
needs of the other categories.
"Some categories are short," Molin
said. "There are also a goodly number
of people who don't neatly fit into one
of the categories. But these are people
who still are dedicated to the
University. Some of them have had sea-
son tickets for years. Now we may be
able to take care of some of them."
While this mostly includes season-
ticket holders, some faculty and staff
were hoping to get their hands on a few
of those extra tickets.
Retired University employee
Malcolm Cox and his wife Nita, who
works at the Medical Center, bought
their tickets Wednesday, but returned to
the ticket office yesterday to see if they
could snag a few extras for their rela-
tives. Their quest was unsuccessful.
"I think they've been very fair
with the faculty and students," Nita
Cox said. If the University had not
insisted that faculty pick up their
tickets in Pasadena then "a lot of
people would have gotten tickets for
other people."
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Continued from Page 1
was 9.75 percent," Lott said. "In
1990, those figures flip flopped. We
were only able to get a rate of return
of 6.5 percent and tuition increases
were up to 8.5. If you can't get the
rate of return equal to the tuition
increase, it's not right to offer con-
tracts. That's why we offered no
contracts from 1991-94."
Eventually, the returns rose after the
recession, allowing the MET to offer
contracts in 1995, and renew the pro-
gram this month.
Florida, the other pioneer in pre-paid
tuition programs, has not experienced
the same financial difficulties
Michigan faced in the early 1990s.
Boasting the largest program in the
nation, Florida's program has enor-
mous assets and far greater returns than
Florida officials attribute its success
to relatively risk-free investments, hav-
ing sold 426,000 contracts in 10 years.
"We have an immunized portfolio,"
said Coleen David, spokesperson for
the Florida Pre-Paid College
Program. "Our investments are con-
servative, not risk investments. We
are not affected by recessions. We
have 12-percent returns with more
than $2 billion in assets."
Continued from Page £
"I think it's really important for our
team to have as much support as possi-
ble in Pasadena," she said.
"And we're just so happy about our
season and about making it so far that
we have to go," Knowles said.
Knowles will travel to the game
with her mother, father and younger
The Alumni Association offers Rose
Bowl family packages for families
interested in being a part of Rose Bowl
The Innes brothers, for example,
bought student packages last Friday
from the Alumni Association. The
package includes ground transporta-
tion, grandstand seats for the
Tournament of Roses Parade, a pre-
game tailgate lunch buffet and game
Ed Roche, who sells the Alumni
Association's Rose Bowl package,
said that although he cannot approx-
imate the number of family pack-
ages sold, many fans travel with
their families.
Roche estimated that about 2,000
student ticket buyers will be
attending the game with their fami-
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Mars may have had
fe in the past
WASHINGTON - The Pathfinder
robot uncovered evidence that Mars
was once, warm, moist and more like
Earth than its forbidding surface might
now suggest.
All of this is "a shot in the arm for the
possibility of finding evidence of life" on
the Red Planet, said one researcher.
"The body of evidence returned by
Pathfinder are suggestive that condi-
tions had been conducive for the for-
mation of life early in Mars' history,"
said Matt Golombek, a Pathfinder
mission scientist and lead author of a
research report in the journal
Golombek said several lines of evi-
dence have produced a strong consen-
sus among scientists that Pathfinder
landed July 4 on a Martian plain that
was sculpted by liquid water sometime
in the past and that such water proves
the planet once was a warmer, more
life-friendly place.
Although Pathfinder and its faithful
wheeled rover, Sojourner, found no
definite evidence of life, the report in
Science said the spacecraft studies
"appear consistent with a water-rich
planet that may be more Earthlike than
previously recognized, with a warmer
and wetter past in which liquid water
was stable and the atmosphere s
Resistance to
seatbelts is common
DETROIT - Every time Faro
Badalamenti takes off in his private
airplane, his seat belt is securely
fastened. But he never even consid-
ers buckling up when he hops ito
his Ford Aerostar minivan.
Old habits are hard to break and
besides, he says, safety belts are
uncomfortable. Then comes the
clincher: A seat belt could become a
death trap.
Fourteen years after New York
passed the first mandatory state 'seat-
belt law, more than a third of
Americans still ride unrestrained.
Report: Human rights efforts blocked
WASHINGTON - The Clinton administration this year has "actively obstructed"
human rights efforts as well as new mechanisms to enforce internationally accepted stan-
dards, according to a highly critical new report released yesterday by Human Rights Watch.
The report says U.S. actions particularly have been hurtful on three issues now
on the front line of the global human rights campaign: child soldiers, land mines
and an international criminal court.
The administration practice of ignoring human rights in some areas and adopti
"selective" commitment based on economic convenience or strategic interests in M-
ers now poses "a growing threat" to human rights in key parts of the world, most vivid-
ly in China and Central Africa, charges "Human Rights Watch World Report 1998."
"U.S. arrogance suggests that in Washington's view, human rights standards
should be embraced only if they codify what the U.S. government already does, not
what the United States ought to achieve," concludes the report, issued to mark
Human Rights Day on Wednesday.
The State Department yesterday had no response to specific charges in the report
but spokesperson James Rubin disputed its tone and conclusions, saying: "I think that
if you look around the world and you ask the people of the world which nation they
look to as to be the beacon for human rights, democracy, and freedom, there's no q-
tion the answer will be the United States."
ARouMD THE WORLD,,...,... ... .:
U of M Students.
Fate of gold stolen
by Nazis unknown
LONDON - The first interna-
tional conference on the fate of
more than 330 tons of gold stolen
by Nazi Germany ended yesterday
with delegates saying it had gener-
ated a new spirit of trust and coop-
eration. But some said that key
records remain under wraps and
questioned whether the full story is
Delegates to the 41-nation gathering
agreed to meet in Washington next
spring or summer to consider artwork,
real estate, insurance funds and other
property stolen by the Germans during
World War 11. The U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum offered to host the
Commitments to a new compen-
sation fund for Holocaust survivors
rose to more than $15 million as
Austria and Poland stepped forward
with pledges. Nine countries so far
have pledged to the fund money
they could have collected as com-
pensation for gold stolen from
national reserves.
U.S. delegation chief Stuart
Eizenstat called for all investigations
into stolen wartime property to be
wrapped up by the end of 1999, noting
that there are fewer survivors each'.
French court frees
U.S. murder fugitive
PARIS - Last June, before sunrise,
heavily armed police moved in and
arrested a writer as he lay naked in bed.
He claimed it was a case of mistaken
identity. But fingerprints showed he was
Ira Einhorn, a former hippie 'from
Philadelphia convicted on first-dee
murder charges in the death of his for-
mer girlfriend and a man on the run for
almost 17 years. U.S. authorities wanted
Einh6rn back so he could begin serving
the life term he was sentenced to in his
absence after he skipped bail. A court in
the southwestern wine capital of
Bordeaux, which delayed its decision
three times, gave it Thursday: "No.'
Einhom, the subject of a dogged man-
hunt across five countries, was free
-Compiled from Daily wire reports.
1 i1
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For more information, contact Shannon Young at:
shannony@umich.edu or call 647-2443
IThe Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. niiil are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub-
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 313): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763-0379; Sports 647-3336; Opinion 764-05 ,
Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764.0550.
E-mail letters to the editor to daily.letters@umich.edu. World Wide Web: http://www.pub.umich.edu/daily/.
NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk, Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Reilly Brennan, David Bricker, Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud, Rachel Edelman, Marg'ene Eriksen, Megan Exley, Alero Fregene,
MarIa Hackett, Mike Haven, Stephanie Hepburn, Debra HirschfieldS Steve Horwitz, Heather Kamins, Jeffrey Kosseff, Neal Lepsetz, Ken
Mazur, Chris Metinko, Pete Meyers. William Nash, Christine M. Paik, Lee Palmer. Katie Plona, Susan T. Port, Diba Rab, Alice Robinson,
Peter Romer-Friedman, Ericka M. Smith, Mike Spahn, Sam Sta is, Heather Wiggin, Kristin Wright, Jennifer Yachnin.
CALENDAR: Katie Ploa.
EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jack Schillaci, Jason Stoffer.
STAFF: Kristin Ardl, Ellen Friedman, Lea Frost, Eric Hochstadt, Scott Hunter, Jason Korb, Yuki Kuniyuki, David Lai, Sarah tockyer, Jan *.
Miller, Joshua Rich, Megan Schimpf, Paul Serilla, Ron Steiger, David Taub. Matt Wimsatt. Jordan Young.
SPORTS John Lerol, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Alan Goldenbach, im Rose, Danielle Rumore.
STAFF: T.J. Berka, Evan Braunstein, Chris Duprey, Chris Farah, Jordon Field, Mark Francescutti, Rick Freeman, John Friedberg, James
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ARTS Bryan Lark, Jennifer Petlinski, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas
SUBEDITORS: Aaron Rennie (Music), Christopher Tkaczyk (Campus Arts), Joshua Rich (Film), Jessica Eaton (Books), Stephanie Jo Klein (TV/New Media).
STAFF: Matthew Barrett. Colin Bartos, Sarah Beido. Carolyn Burtt, Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chalam, Brian Cohen, Gabe Fajuri, Chris Felax,
Laura Flyer, Geordy Gantsoudes, Anna Kovalski, Emily Lambert. Stephanie Love, James Miller, Rob Mitchum, Joshua Pederson, Ryan Poly,
Anders Smith-Lindall, Julia Shih, Gabriel Smith, Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Michael Zilberman, Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Sara Stillman, Editor
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn
STAFF: Louis Brown, Daniel Castle, Mallory S.E. Floyd, John Kraft, Kevin Krupitzer, Kelly McKinnell, Bryan McLellan, Emily Nathan, Paul
COPY DESK Rebecca Berkun, Editor
STAFF: Alison Goldman, Jason Hoyer, Debra Uiss, Amber Melosi, Jen Woodward
ONLINE Adam Pollock, Editor
STAFF: Marqunia Iliev, Elizabeth Lucas.
GRAPHICS Jonathan Weitz, Editor
STAFF: Alex Hogg, Michelle McCombs, Jordan Young.
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DISPLAY SALES Jennifer Kosann, Manage
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