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April 17, 1997 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-17

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14B - The Michigan Daily Best of Ann Arbor 1997 - Thursday, April 17, 1997



he Michigan Daily Best of Ann Arbor 1997 - T

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C lockwise from bottom left: Q David Swain of Ann Arbor leads his orchestra at The Heidelberg - photo by Margaret Myers Q On a Sunday morning, people get haircuts
in "Laoren," in old Shanghai, P.R. China - photo by Rob Gilmore Q An unidentified man parties on the Diag - photo by Joe Westrate Q Chidi Ozor collects practice
balls around the gym at Forsythe Elementary School in Ann Arbor - photo by Mark Friedman Q A portrait of Marilyn Monroe is illuminated by disco balls at Club 67 in
Grand Rapids - photo by Jeannie Servaas Q An Ann Arbor preacher reprimands Hash Bash goers in the Diag - photo by John Kraft Q An Israeli Air Force Apache helicopter
blows up a target in Southern Israel - photo by Warren Zinn Q Luther Allison performs at the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival - photo by Jennifer Bradley-Swift Q Michigan
Basketball coach Steve Fisher embraces a tearful Sabrina Lloyd, Maurice Taylor's Aunt and guardian, after Michigan defeated Forida State in the NIT - photo by Sara Stillman
Q Master clown Raoul Costanza mourns the death of his toy elephants at the Picadilly Circus - photo by Josh Biggs.
Goodby and good luck senior photogs!

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