48 - The Michigan Daily Weekend Magzie, Thursday, April 1,1997
A weekly list of who's
where, what's happening and
* why you need to be there ...
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~Cover story4
ass er Fever (1995) Experience the fervor
f Passover and the excitement that comes
ith the holiday. Hebrew with English subti-
es. Mich. 7 p.m.
Came from Outer Space (1953) A 3-D film
f Ray Bradbury's science fiction story about
liens who crash in Arizona and emulate
>cals to go unnoticed. Mich. 9:15.
iverage White Band Creators of songs like
Pick-Up the Pieces" and "Cut the Cake."
lutch Cargo's. 8 p m. (810) 333-2362.
eep Space Six Grateful Dead and '60s cov-
rs. Blind Pig. 9:30 p.m.
ackopierce With Matchbox 20. Majestic. 8
.m. (313) 833-9700.
latalie MacMaster
'anada. The Ark. 8
24-year old fiddler from
p.m. $13.50.
uddy Popps Solo acoustic guitar. Rick's.
):30 p.m.
Nedding Band University Productions' pre-
>entation of Alice Childress' tale of interracial
ave set in the deep South. Trueblood Theater.
3 p.m. $7. 764-0450.
Che Pirates of Penzance See members of the
ailbert and Sullivan Society sing. Young
~rederic is apprenticed to pirates, but all's
veil until he falls in love with the Major
:eneral's daughter. Mendelssohn Theater. 8
).m. 763-1085.
4ew Playwrights Festival Cold-staged read-
ngs of new plays by students of Theater 420.
\rena Theater. 5 p.m. Free. 764-6800.
rhe Tiger Bounds A colorful collage of Ann
\rbor's everyday scenarios as envisioned
hrough the creative lens of Malcolm Tulip.
'erformance Network, 408 E. Washington. 8
).m. Thursday: Pay-what-you-can, Friday-
sunday: $9. 663-0681.
Poetry Reading Nancy Willard reads as part
)f the University Visiting Writers Series.
RackAam Ampitheater. 8 p.m. Free.
Dance Performance Six University seniors
:erform in the "Mindstorm" dance thesis con-
ert. Betty Pease Studio Theater. 8 p.m.
Free. Other performances are at 8 p.m. Friday
and Saturday.
State Street Poetry Project The best student
writers in Ann Arbor go from page to stage as
this hybrid of reading series and exhibition fol-
lows up on its very successful February
debut. East Hall Aud. 8 p.m. Free. 763-1107.
Red Dust (1990) The memoirs of writer
Eileen Chang. Angell Aud A. 8 p.m. Free.
The Russian Village Five Russian folk groups
from Siberia to Chernobyl perform on unique
Russian instruments. Michigan Theater. 8
p.m. $24-$36 in advance at 764-2538.
Golden Ring Old songs with haunting har-
monies performed by Sandy and Caroline
Patton and Ed Trickett. The Ark. 8 p.m. $12.
Immigrant Suns Multi-ethnic acoustic ensem-
ble. Blind Pig. 9:30 p.m.
Kula Shaker Indian music inspired Brit-pop.
St. Andrew's Hall. 6:30 p.m. $4.89.
Jerry Sprague and the Remainders East
Lansing college rock band. Rick's. 9:30 p.m.
Squirrel Nut Zippers Bizarro swing music.
Clutch Cargo's. 9 p.m. $5.
Wedding Band See Thursday. 8 p.m.
The Pirates of Penzance See Thursday. 8 p.m.
New Playwrights Festival See Thursday. 5
The Tiger Bounds See Thursday. 8 p.m.
Poetry Reading University students read from
their work as part of the State Street Poetry
Project. East Hall. 8 p.m. Free.
Poetry and Fiction Reading Heid Erdrich
reads from his poetry collection, and Susan
Welch reads from her short-story debut.
Shaman Drum. 8 p.m. Free.
Animania A selection of Japanese animation
styles from drama to science fiction. Show
runs six hours with break. Japanese with
English subtitles. MLB Aud 3. 5 p.m. Free.
Yellow Flowers in the Window (1996) A story
about two lovers torn by family devotion and
true devotion. Spanish with English subtitles.
Mich. 5:30 p.m.
Le Jour Se Lve (1939) Renowned French
actor Jean Gabin stars as an ill-fated individ-
ual whose work and love constantly encoun-
ters troubled times. Nat Sci. 7 and 10:10 p.m.
House of Wax (1953) In the tradition of classic
horror films, Vincent Price stars as the owner of
a fire-ravished showplace determined to rebuild
his establishment. In 3-D. Mich. 8 p.m.
Breathless (1959) A tale of a French mobster
and his love affair with an American ex-patri-
ot. In French with English subtitles. Nat Sci.
8:30 p.m.
Citizen Ruth (1996) Laura Dern is a pregnant
woman caught in the midst of an abortion
debate and she does the unthinkable to her
body during her term with child. Mich. 10 p.m.
U-M Men's Glee Club Nationally renowned
choral group presents its annual Spring
Concert. Hill Auditorium. 8 p.m. $5-$10 through
Michigan Union Ticket Office. 763-TKTS.
Botfly Funky jams. Rick's. 9:30 p.m.
Later this month, University alumnus Raoul
Wallenberg's face will fly around America,
perhaps the world.
The U. S. Postal Service plans to issue a com-
memorative stamp in Wallenberg's honor April 24.
Three days later, the University will host a ceremo-
ny for the stamp, where Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.)
and University President Lee Bollinger will speak.
Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who saved 100,000
people during the Holocaust, graduated from the
University in 1935 with a degree in architecture.
Much has been written about Wallenberg's efforts
to save thousands of Jews from imminent death at the
hands of the Nazis. And, historians and world leaders
continue to debate his mysterious disappearance.
However, much of the literature on Wallenberg
glosses over or completely ignores his time at the
University and what kind of student he was. His
years as a University student - and his frequent
travels throughout America - played an integral
role in Wallenberg's personal development.
In the beginning
Wallenberg was born
Aug. 4, 1912, in Sweden,
into one of the world's Heco
most influential families;
they were often referred to go
as the "Rockefellers of
Scandinavia." Just before it is ntei
Wallenberg's birth, his
father passed away. His thatnheop
grandfather, Gustaf, took
the child under his wing. M ichigan
Gustaf impressed upon
Raoul a sense of mission
- every game they played h
had a purpose, every story
he told had a point.
Gustaf's influence over Raoul ran deep, as the old
man instilled in the young child a sense of love and
compassion for others.
When Raoul was ready for college, his grandfa-
ther wanted Wallenberg to attend school in
America; this, thought Gustaf, would broaden
Raoul's experiences and views.
"He could have gone anywhere for school - it
is interesting that he picked Michigan," History
Prof. Sidney Fine said.
Indeed, Gustaf thought the University was ideal
for Wallenberg because it lacked the pretensions of
the United State's elite private colleges. Vi Benner,
Program Coordinator for the University's stamp
ceremony, said Gustaf wanted Raoul "to come to a
public institution because of the kind of values that
you would find here - there's a more heteroge-
neous mix of people, so he would be exposed to a
broader set of ideas"
UnIversity life
Alone and lonely, Wallenberg arrived in Ann
uld have
where -
- Sidney Fine
story professor
1990 issue of Michigan
Alumnus magazine reported
that Wallenberg was a mem-
ber of the engineering and
architecture debating club.
Wallenberg wrote in a letter
to his grandfather that the
club had "long and very thor-
oughly prepared debates
each week," which afforded
him "good training in
Bartlett said that
By Zachary M. Raimi + Daily Staff Reporter
Arbor in 1931 to study architecture. His daily
activities as a University student were not unlike
those of current students. He studied, played, dated
and learned. "I think students are generally
impressed that one of the greatest heroes of the
(World War II) episode was like them," Fine said.
Wallenberg spent a lot of time studying, and he
graduated in 3 1/2 years. Most of his classes were
held in what is now Lorch Hall. Fine said, "He was
a superior student." In fact, Wallenberg graduated
with honors and won a medal that went to the per-
son with the most impressive academic record.
Wallenberg's letters reveal that he enjoyed his
studies. He wrote to his grandfather, "When I now
look back upon the last school year, I find I have
had a completely wonderful time."
But Wallenberg was not a hermit; he socialized
with others and spent time outside. Nancy Bartlett,
a reference archivist at the Bentley Historical
Library, has studied Wallenberg's life. She said
Wallenberg's congenial, curious nature led him to
explore. "He was really a very nice, sophisticated,
active individual - very curious about the world
around him."
The November/December
Blind Pig.
Local band plays feel-good originals.
9:30 p.m.
New Bomb Turks Epitaph recording artist
plays with Bantam Rooster. The Magic Stick.
(313) 833-9700.
Martin Sexton Boston Music Award winner
who has played the Ann Arbor Folk Fest. The
Ark. 7:30 and 10 p.m. $12.50.
Wedding Band
See Thursday. 8 p.m.
Wallenberg participated in
planning the annual architects' ball. "The architec-
ture students would design a space where the party
would be held in," Bartlett said.
When away from campus, Bartlett said that
Wallenberg would "go out in nature:' For example,
she said he went canoeing on the Huron River.
And, during his stay in the United States,
Wallenberg traveled from coast to coast, learning
the ways and customs of American people.
By most accounts, Wallenberg never flaunted his
family money or influence; instead, he was unpre-
tentious and genuinely interested in the well-being of
others. Clarence Rosa, a friend of Wallenberg's at the
University, told Michigan Alumnus in 1985 that
Wallenberg adapted well to America. "He seemed as
American as could be - in his dress, his manners,
and the slang expressions he quickly picked up."
Rosa added, "Everyone called him 'Rudy."'
During his stay in Ann Arbor, Wallenberg lived
in many places, including a small house at 308 E.
Madison St., which is still standing. His other
See WALLENBERG, Page 118
The Pirates of Penzance See Thursday. 8 p.m.
The Tiger Bounds See Thursday. 8 p.m.
Fiction Reading University professor Charles
Baxter reads from "Believers" and his book of
essays, "Burning Down the House." Shaman
Drum. 8 p.m. Free.
This statue was built In honor of Raoul Wallenberg, a Uni
the concentration camps. It Is located on the lawn outsi
apbe £Iirbiguu a ~g
Weekend Magazine Editors:
Greg Parker
Weekend Magazine Photo Editor: Margaret Myers.
Writers: Dean Bakopoulos, Brian A. Gnatt, Use Harwin, Jennifer Petlinski
Photographers: Aja Dekleva Cohen and Jonathan Summer.
Cover design by Brian A. Gnatt and Greg Parker: Raoul Wallenberg's comm
' Graphics Editor: Tracey Harris.
Arts Editors: Brian A. Gnatt and Jennifer Petlinski.
Santera (1996) Worlds clash in this story ofC
doctor working for Amnesty International and
female inmate arrested for killing her brother-
in-law by casting a spell on him. Mich. 3 p.m.
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