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April 02, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-02

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One hundred sixyears ofeditorWfreedom

April 2, 1997

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Machen said he would manent su
James Dude
like to leave when "Bernie h
term ends. in an extrao
the Univers
r Kamins Currently
nd Katie Wang are working
ily Staff Reporters senior a
Provost J. Bernard Machen, the Bollinger v
niversity's second-in-command, told struct his o'
e Michigan Daily yesterday that he "The se
ould like to leave his post after his pretty mu
ontract expires in August. Machen sa
His departure would mark the most ty he had.
ignificant shift in the administration to put his o
e University President Lee group of p
inger took office in February. Bollinge
"President Bollinger has to put his Machen's
*am into place and put in his own finalized.
oup of people,' Machen said. "I am "We are
illing to help him in any way he needs about his f
e to help him, but eventually he needs tion," Bolli
o put a new person in this job." History
Machen, who has served as provost teaches a c
ince September 1995, said he would University,
tay for a short time to assist with the arrival of a
sition of the office, but not for an essarily m
nded period. Details of his depar- under for
e have not been finalized. James Dud
"I've had this job for two years,' made in the
achen said. "(Bollinger) needs to put "Duders
"s own person in. The timing is up to building t
Steneck sa
Bollinger said yesterday that Machen idea about'
rved as provost during a very unique Steneck
ime as the University looked for a per-


leave office

in August

ccessor to former President
has been an excellent provost
rdinary time in the history of
ity," Bollinger said.
yy, three search committees
g to fill vacant spots in the
dministration, providing
with the opportunity to con-
wn core administrative team.
rior administration here is
ch going to turn over,"
[d. "It is a unique opportuni-
He saw it as an opportunity
own team in place, (his) own
eople in senior places."
er said discussions about
future have not yet been
in the process of talking
uture role in the administra-
nger said.
Prof. Nicholas Steneck, who
course on the history of the
said that in the past the
new president did not nec-
ean a "house cleaning," but
mer University President
derstadt, many changes were
e administration.
tadt probably did more team
han prior presidents did,'"
aid. "He had a very distinct
his team."
said it is important for a
See PROVOST, Page 7

Fleming Flux
President: James Duderstadt
stepped down in July, 1996.
Homer Neal served as interim
president for seven months.
Lee Bollinger took office in
February, 1997.
Provost: J. Bernard Machen's
contract expires August, 1997.
Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer: Farris Womack stepped
down Dec. 31, 1996.
Chandler Matthews is interim.
A search is now underway for
permanent replacement.
Executive Vice President for
Medical Affairs: A search is
underway to fill this new post.
Vice President for Student Affairs:
Maureen Hartford's contract is
scheduled to expire in 2000.
Vice President for Development:
Thomas Kinnear's contract expires
September, 1997. He does not plan
to stay as vice president.
Vice President for Research:
Frederick Neidhardt is serving as
acting vice president, filling in for
Homer Neal, who left the position
to serve as interim University
president. Neal's contract
expires in 1998.
Vice President for University
Relations: Walter Harrison's
contract expires September, 1998.
Secretary of the University:
Roberta Palmer's contract expires
in 2000.

University Provost J. Bernard Machen said he would like to step down when his contract expires in August. Machen, who
served as dean of the University School of Dentistry for eight years, took over as provost in September, 1995.

Renovations complete to
Michigan Union's fourth floor

By Erin Holmes
For the Daily
Individual office space, carpeted halls, lock-
ers and large desks at the University are no
longer unique to top executives.
Yesterday marked the grand opening of the
Michigan Union's fourth floor, an office area
now reserved exclusively for student organiza-
Originally home to hotel rooms, the top
floor of the Union now houses an uncarpeted
room for banner production, a rehearsal room
with mirrors and a dance floor, and a Student
Resource Center complete with copiers and
John Mountz, the coordinator of the union's
Arts and Programs, said the resource center is

their "newest project" and is a "concept geared
to meet student demands."
But the media site is only part of the recent
renovations. Hallways lined with 53 newly-
installed offices cover the roughly 18,000
square feet of the Union's top floor.
"It used to be very ugly up here," said Martin
Sichle, Engineering professor and tour guide at
yesterday's event.
Sichle said the project has progressed from
sketchy plans in 1979 to renovations that began
in January 1996.
"The original staircase goes up (to the fourth
floor),' Sichle said. "Most of the other features
are newly designed to meet fire codes."
The project has taken more than a decade to
complete and perfect, but student organization

representatives agreed that the finished prod-
uct was worth the wait.
Tushar Sheth, a member of the Indian
American Student Association, said having
space in the Union will "keep everything cen-
Edith Pauley, the programming chair of
Alianza, said that the Union's central location
is key to an effective organization.
"Right now we're located in the Perry
Building," Pauley said. "The Union would give
students better access to (our organization)."
Other groups have different reasons to praise
the project.
"We used to be located on the second floor
of the Union," said Leslie Soranno, a
See UNION, Page 5

CHIP PETERSON/Special to the Daily
An unknown group of students made a Rubik's 'Cube' out of one of the University's most famil-
iar sculptures just before sunrise yesterday as part of an April Fool's Day joke.

Patients di
aoctor s sut
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
The sudden suspension of Dr. Joseph
Oesterling, chief urologist at the University
Medical Center, has left several of his patients
angry and concerned about their future treatment.
Riverview resident and patient Bill Richardson,
*said he was disturbed to learn of the reports
that the doctor had been suspended.
"I was upset he was suspended," Richardson
said. "He is a tremendous person and doctor. On a
personal basis, he's the most personable guy I've
known in the medical profession."
Richardson, a research environmental engineer
for the Environmental Protection Agency, criti-
cized the University, calling its suspension policies
"What comes to mind is the basketball team.
A; don't suspend (Michigan Basketball Coach
Steve) Fisher, and they suspend a doctor who's
helping patients," Richardson said. "I'm not say-
ing he didn't do anything wrong. I don't under-
stand why they had to suspend him.
"They're depriving men of their services - it's
a really nsvchological and mental thing to me" he

turbed by

the Detroit Free Press two weeks ago. An anony-
mous source told the newspaper that the suspen-
sion was made because of alleged financial impro-
prieties. The source added that the urology chief is
being investigated for consulting fees he allegedly
received from drug and medical companies.
The Department of Public Safety is currently
conducting an investigation into the matter, but
details of the probe have not been released.
The University has maintained silence on the
matter, saying it is against University policy to
comment on personnel issues.
"We do not comment on personnel," said
Associate Vice President for University Relations
Lisa Baker.
Oesterling, who is one of the premier
researchers and doctors in urology, also has
refused comment to The Michigan Daily.
Another patient of Oesterling's, Gordon Dibler,
59, of Auburn Hills, said he was "astounded" to
learn of the suspension.
"What surprised me is why would the
University take a doctor out of the hospital for
financial problems, especially when he has so
many operations to perform," Dibler said.

officers jom
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
Minutes after former Michigan Student
Assembly President Fiona Rose closed her
final assembly meeting and swore in her suc-
cessor last night, the new assembly got right
down to work.
MSA President Mike Nagrant, along with
MSA Vice President Olga Savic, guided a
new assembly composed of both former and
new representatives.
Rose said that while she has gained exten-
sive hands-on experience as the assembly's
president, she now wants to impact students
through other avenues outside of the assembly.
"I chose not to run for re-election, even
though I was eligible, because I feel that what
I have left to do on campus will best be
accomplished outside of this political con-
text," Rose said.
Nagrant said he was encouraged by the
amount of activity demonstrated by the new
"I think it's a good indicator of the year to
come;' Nagrant said. "Now we're getting
people who believe in their promises and are
willing to back them up with hard work."
Savic said that aside from the routine
assembly business, many new representa-
tives had good ideas aqd seemed very inter-
ested in the assembly's procedures.
"The first meeting is always difficult because
there is a lot of getting used to," Savic said.
But in one of the assembly's first orders of
business, the new group voted to pass a reso-

New Michigan Student Assembly President Mike Nagrant takes a moment to reflect.

be voted on by the end of the semester.
Although the assembly voted to make
Social Work Rep. Charity Bracy the first to

body during next fall's MSA election.
Nagrant said the assembly's support of the
resolution shows the members' concern for




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