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March 21, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-03-21

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 21, 1997 - 3

Church Street
resident stalked
A woman living on the 600 block
< Church Street reported she was
being stalked early this week, accord-
ing to the Ann Arbor Police
The woman told officers her for-
mer boyfriend had been sitting in
front of her home and ringing the
doorbell. The suspect had threatened
her friends, the woman reported. The
suspect is described as a white male
in his 30s. AAPD is currently investi-
sng the incident.
Items stolen from
Michigan Ave.
Assorted items were stolen from an
apartment complex on the 1100 block
of Michigan Avenue on Monday
t, AAPD reports state.
e robber gained entry through a
window that was smashed with a
brick. A camera, a laptop computer,
an answering machine and a briefcase
totaling more than $4,000 were
stolen. AAPD is investigating two
possible suspects.
Victim robbed in
oad daylight on
ymouth Road
A victim who, was sitting on the
curb of the 1500 block of Pymouth
Road was robbed last Monday in
broad daylight while waiting for a
ride, AAPD reports state.
The suspect approached the vic-
tim and asked for directions. When
t victim came towards the car, the
sp ect pulled what the victim
believed to be a gun and demanded
money. The victim gave the money
toa the suspect and escaped
The suspect was last spotted in a
brown, Cutlass-like car. AAPD is cur-
rently investigating the incident.
Woman sexually
rassed at
A woman was sexually harassed
Monday night while working out at
the Central Campus Recreation
HBuilding, according to Department of
Public Safety reports.
The suspect, who is in his late 20s,
allegedly made several sexist com-
ts to her and was persistently
ting at her. The suspect then
proceeded to grab her buttocks
,While the victim was getting a drink
of water, according to DPS reports.
DPS is currently investigating the
Items stolen from
parked car on
'eea tate street
everal items were reported stolen
from a woman's parked car on South
State Street on Tuesday night, a DPS

report states.
The caller's front passenger win-
dow was allegedly smashed in, DPS
reports state.
Two jackets, three hats and several
food products worth more than $300
were allegedly taken. DPS picked up
* suspects and have released then?
pending investigation.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporte?
Ajit K. Thavarajah.


study says SAT biased against women

By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
A poll released last week by the Center for
Women Policy Studies claims that the Scholastic
Assessment Test is biased against women, depriving
worthy female students of scholarship money.
"The College Board has known of the bias
and refused to take action on the SAT," said
Karen Schneider, communications director for
the center.
The survey, which polled 1,000 parents nation-
wide, asked parents if they have a favorable opinion
of the SAT. Sixty-nine percent of parents said they
had a favorable opinion when first questioned.
However, when the parents were told of the per-
ceived bias, 68 percent said that they were upset.
The center claimed the results of its poll prove
that this assumed bias cheats many girls out of
National Merit Scholarship money, pointing to
the fact that only about 40 percent of those

scholarships go to female students "Men still take more rigorous math and science
The College Board denied the charges of bias courses," Penn said.
against girls. However, Seppy Basili, director of pre-college
"The study asked parents programs for Kaplan
to assume a bias" said Educational Centers, said
Jeffrey Penn, spokesperson The sthat based on academic per-
for the College Board. Penn s Tformances in high school,
said this assumption made asked Parents to girls hold an edge.
the poll's scientific validity "We know girls have high-
questionable. He said the assum e a bias. er grades in high school"
College Board takes steps Basili said,
to protect against bias. - Jeffrey Penn Nevertheless, the center
For example, professors College Board spokesperson requested that the test be
of different races and gen- changed to eliminate the
ders review the test and bias, Schneider said.

Abigail Stewart, professor of psychology and
women's studies at the University. said there is a
possible bias because the SAT is supposed to predict
how well a student will do in the first year of col-
"The reason this is important is that that is what
SAT is supposed to do,' Stewart said. "If it is incor-
rect it is bias."
Stewart also said it is not shocking for a test to
have a bias but that ETS should do something to
eliminate the bias.
Some students agreed that the SAT does not
truly reflect how students will fare at school."
"I think that if you only look at a student's SAT
score, it is not an accurate indication of how a stu-
dent will do," said LSA first-year student Becca
"You have to take other things into consider4-

every question is pre-tested, he said.
Board officials said the disparity in scores is due
mostly to preparation by individual students and
groups of students.

"They want the College Board and (the
Educational Testing Service) to find a better balance
between the questions that are asked," Schneider

Arafat plans to
visit nearby
Dearborn in July

Eric Lonran leans over to examine rows of cereal dispensers at The People's Food Co-op, which closes today.
Food co-op folds after 25 years

By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Some experts see Yasser Arafat's
decision to speak in Dearborn this
summer as one step closer to peace in
the Middle East.
"I hope that when people keep talking
to each other, they'll understand each
other's point of view" said Pharmacy
Prof. Nabil Khalidi, president of the
campus mosque.
Arafat, the
leader of the
Palestinian lh$p4
Organization and when peg
a leading player
in the Middle talki t
East peace
process, is sched- t
uled to speak at a understa
conference spon-
sored by the ther's p
A me r i c a n
Federation of views
R a m a 1 a h,.
Palestine. The
conference will Univ
take place July 2-
6 at the Hyatt-
Regency hotel in Dearborn.
Dearborn Mayor Michael Guido said
Dearborn is proud to have hosted every
U.S. president since Richard Nixon.
"We get a lot of different people,"
Guido said. "We really roll out the red
Guido said another reason leaders
visit Dearborn is the city's "class-A
hotel with over 800 rooms."
Political science Prof. Zach Levey
said Arafat is making an effort to get
to know Palestinians worldwide.
"He's reaching out to Palestinians
abroad," Levey said. "It enhances his
image as a leader."


Arafat spoke in Washington, D.C.
earlier this month.
"His relations with the United
States have been warmer in the past
few months," Levey said.
But Levey said the visit does not mean
Arabs are closer to peace with Israel.
a "It has nothing to do with Arab-
Israeli relations," Levey said.
While Arabs make up 16 percent of
Guido said 'the
th t number of
Pal es t in ia n~s
pile keep wso
plO OOPwas not a major
each factor in
Arafat's deci-
sion to speak.
id each numbers in
Dearborn are
Dint of quite low?'
Guido said.
Guido said
the local polige
- Nabil Khalidi will be busy
'rsity professor directing traf-
fic, but they
will not have
the responsibility of protecting Arafat
"The Secret Service and his own
staff would handle the security
issues," Guido said.
The University's Dearborn campus
is not currently planning to be
involved with the conference.
"Things happen here without us.
being involved," said Terry
Gallagher, director of public affairs
for the University's Dearborn cam-
The conference focuses on
strengthening Palestinian relatibns
nationwide. About 5,000 members of
AFRP are expected to attend.

By Sam England
Daily Staff Reporter
Employees, volunteers and cus-
tomers will gather today at the People's
Food Co-op on Packard Road to cele-
brate the store's last day of business.
After providing the mostly student-
populated neighborhood with natural
foods for more than 25 years, the store
will end its last business day at 6 p.m.
The store will reopen its doors an
hour later for a memorial party.
"The Packard store was our first
store," said People's Food Co-op
General Manager Carol Collins. "We
didn't want to close the store, really,
until we gave it our best try."
The "best try," Collins said, was to
keep the store open even when it suf-
fered from dwindling business. Since
1992, the Packard co-op has reported
financial losses, sometimes exceeding

its budgeted loss of S28,000.
"It was really a cluster of problems,"
Collins said, describing a shortage of
community involvement and the open-
ing of Whole Foods Market on Stadium
Boulevard. Whole Foods Market -
part of a chain of stores - opened in
1993, near the beginning of the Packard
co-op's decline, Collins said.
Collins said a shortage of local
support also helped end such Ann
Arbor fixtures as Schlenker's
Hardware and Wildflour Whole
Grain Bakery, which baked its last
batch of goods this week.
The co-op, which will continue to
run its larger Fourth Avenue store,
maintains a policy of carrying natural,
largely vegetarian groceries. It offers
both commercial and organic foods,
and its shelves are often filled with
locally grown produce.

On the counter behind co-worker
Jack Laurent sat an album filled with
various photographs depicting the
store throughout its years of business.
Next to the album was a journal and a
handwritten note asking customers to
write down stories about the co-op.
"It's a hard thing, to lose a neighbor-
hood location, because there's a lot of
neighborhood people who want to shop
here," Laurent said. "Unfortunately, not
enough to support us financially."
Kate Van Dis, an LSA sophomore
and co-op worker, said she will miss the
store's welcoming atmosphere.
"It's definitely a central meeting
place? she said, reaching for a stick of
organic butter. Van Dis recalled
evenings when she cooked at a friend's
nearby house, walking to the co-op
whenever she needed ingredients. "It's
like our pantry."


Hepatitis source probed I


SAGINAW - Health officials in
two Michigan counties yesterday still
were trying to determine the source of a
recent outbreak of hepatitis A that
struck at least five dozen students and
Exact numbers of confirmed cases in
Calhoun County yesterday could not be
confirmed. On Wednesday, officials said
there were 61 confirmed cases.
In Saginaw County, six confirmed
cases were reported yesterday, said
Sharon Beauregard, program supervisor
for the Saginaw County Health

Department. Dr. William Hall of the state
Department of Community Health said
the two outbreaks do not appear to be
"It's common to have clusters the size
of the Saginaw situation," Hall said. "It's
distinctly unusual to have as many cases
as we have seen (in Calhoun County) and
that implies that there's some sort of ...
situation where a food has been contam-
inated in the food service area."
Hall said there are between 500 and
1,000 cases of hepatitis A reported each

0 Julie Herrada was misidentified in

yesterday's Daily.

The freethinker exhibit at the Harlati Hatcher Graduate Library is not being held in response to the department's Bible
exhibit. This was incorrectly reported'in yesterday's Daily.
* The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs elected three new members Monday. This was incorrectly
ported in Wednesday's Daily.

What's hc
Q "APA Graduate Student informational
Session for Undergraduates," spon-
sored by The United Asian American
Organization, Michigan League,
Koessler Room, 6-8 p.m.
Q "Conversations with Courtney Clixby,"
sponsored by Unions Network
Television, channel 24, 3 p.m. and 8
Q "Darkness into Ught: The Re-emer-

appening in Ann Arbor this weekend

Arts and Programs, Pierpont
Commons, Gallery Wall
J "Darkness into Ught: The Re-emer-
gence of Jewish Culture in
Germany," sponsored by Hillel,
, Michigan Union, Art Lounge
J "Pre-Med Symposium," sponsored
by CP&P Michigan League, 10
a.m.-3:30 p.m.

J "Cheerleading Tryouts," sponsored
by The Cheer Team, Intramural
Building, Gymnastics Room, 3-5
U "Darkness Into Ught: The Re-emer-
g ence of Jewish Culture in
Germany," sponsored by Hillel,
Michigan Union, Art Lounge
J "Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots
Democracy, Social Justice




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