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March 17, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-03-17

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 17, 1997 -.3A

'U' educates about alcohol on St. Patrick's Day

. t

Former 'U' prof.
dies at age 67
Melvin Marcus, former University
professor of geography, died recently
f a heart attack at the age of 67 in
ilverton, Colo.
Marcus studied glaciers in Alaska
and New Zealand, mountains in Nepal
and Turkey and the vegetation of the
Grand Canyon.
; Marcus also headed commissions
for the National Science Foundation
and the National Academy of Sciences
that examined the state of geography
education in the United States and cec-
ted new standards for teaching the
Marcus taught at the University from
1964. He died while hiking with stu-
dents from his Arizona State University
A class in the Colorado mountains.
Marcus is survived by his wife, two
daughters, two sons and three grand-
Academic Asian
American women
to be discussed
Shirley Hune, associate dean of the
graduate program at the University of
California in Los Angeles, will be giv-
ing a lecture on campus about Asian
American women and academia.
The lecture, titled "Higher Education
as Gendered Space: Asian American
.women and Everyday Inequities," will
take place today at 4 p.m. in the
Rackham west conference room.
The McGuigan awards for the best
undergraduate and graduate essays on
women will also, be presented at the
lecture. The awards are in honor of
Dorothy McGuigan, a University alum-
.na who taught at both the School of
Business Administration and the
Residential College.
Hune's visit is part of the three-year
"Women of Color in the Academy"
project sponsored by the Women's
Studies program and the Center for the
Education of Women.
Hune is currently on the advisory
panel of the Asian/Asian American
Women in the Academy for the
Association of American Colleges and
Universities and has taught at UCLA
since 1992.
Forum to discuss
women at the 'U'
The Center for the Education of
Women will hold a brown bag lunch
talk to discuss the updating of the book
"A Dangerous Experiment: 100 Years of
Women at the University of Michigan."
The event will be held at noon
-omorrow in the Michigan League
04ichigan Room.
The new version of the book will
include the history of the creation of
the Commission for Women. The com-
mission celebrated its 25th anniversary
last year.
'U' alumnus to
talk about
The School of Information will be
holding a free lecture, titled
"Information Professionals: Agents of
7Change," at 7 p.m. Thursday.
Before the lecture, the public may
-view projects created by the School of
information, including services on the
World Wide Web. The lecture will be

delivered by University alumnus Paul
Qherman and will take place in the
#hrlicher Room in West Hall.
Gherman is a 1977 graduate of the
University and frequently lectures
around the country on topics such as
virtual libraries and community net-
w Gherman was the director of libraries
at Kenyon College in Kenyon, Ohio and
also has held positions at Iowa State
University, Pennsylvania State
University and Wayne State University.
For more information about the lec-
ture call 764-9376.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jeff Enderton.

By Sam England
Daily Staff Reporter
St. Patrick's Day conjures up images of sham-
rocks, green clothing, folksongs and festive parades.
To that list of traditions, many University students
add Guinness, Irish whiskey and green beer.
DrinkWise, a program offered by the University
Medical Center to help people cut back on drink-
ing, has some advice for revelers today.
"A great thing to do is to not drink at all," said
Theresa Herzog, a DrinkWise counselor. But, she
added, abstinence is not always a realistic option.
Moderation and good judgment are most impor-
tant for drinkers, Herzog said.
"A lot of people have a great time on St. Patrick's
Day, but manage their drinking," she said.

Due to the popularity of drinking on this day of
the year, DrinkWise has compiled a list of tips for
drinkers to celebrate in moderation.
"If people set a limit for themselves and stick to
it ... that's so much more healthy," Herzog said.
However, not everyone plans to follow
DrinkWise's advice.
"I don't have classes Monday, so I'm just going
to hit all the bars," said LSA senior Roman
At Ashley's Pub on Saturday night, Rozenblyum
said he will dedicate the entire day to drinking,
despite some second thoughts about his plan.
"I don't even know if it's going to be that much
fun," he said. "I don't really like to drink during the
day. I get tired and pass out by 9 o'clock. It's a

waste of a day."
SNRE first-year student Amanda Edmonds said
she doesn't give the holiday much attention at all.
"What day is that? Monday? No, I won't be drink-
ing," Edmonds said Saturday. "I kind of protest St.
Patrick's Day."
Edmonds said her disdain comes from bad
memories of a past St. Patrick's Day, when she was
showered with beer at a parade. After recalling the
story, Edmonds said adamantly, "I will never cele-
brate St. Patrick's Day again in my life."
Though the DrinkWise program makes special
efforts around St. Patrick's Day to advocate
responsible drinking, its services are available all
year. For information about the program, call toll
free 1 (800) 222-5145.

Continued from Page 1A
the campus student chapter of the
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People in the
early 50s.
Davis, along with former

Cold War, against racism in the South
and for the independence of African
colonies were among the "radical left-
ist" things he participated in.
Davis was charged and indicted for
contempt of Congress for failing to
answer questions during the
Congressional hearing. He appealed the
decision but lost and was sentenced to
six months in prison.
In 1989, the faculty senate peti-
tioned the University Board of

National Hindu Students Council

celebrates 50 years of freedom


Associate Prof.e
Mark Nickerson,
Zoolology Prof.{
and two formerg
were heard in
front of the
H o u s e
Committee on
Activities in
May, 1954.
The hearings
prompted fur-
ther investiga-
tion by a fac-
ulty commit-
tee appointed

of Pharmacology
former assistant
Clement Markert
graduate students,

they just
wanted to know ,if
I was a reds'
- Chandler Davis
Former 'U' math prof-

Regents to pub-
licly recognize
the University's
Davis said nei-
ther the regents
nor the adminis-
tration has .offi-
cially apologized
to him.
"(Hatcher) said
that Nickerson
and I were dan-

Seminar explores
independence, role of
Indian women
By Ericka M. Smith
Daily Staff Reporter
Students and community members
celebrated 50 years of freedom Saturday
in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
Freedom Festival 1997, an event
sponsored by the National Hindu
Students Council, is a series of yearlong
programs and activities commemorat-
ing India's 1947 break from British
rule. The events are geared toward col-
lege and high school students through-
out North America.
In a daylong seminar Saturday, 25
Indian students and community
members explored the role of Indian
women in education, family, health
and religion.
"It is as much a celebration of the
independence of India as a tribute to
the courage and sacrifice the great
leaders and hundreds of millions of
people had to undergo to attain this
independence," said the festival's prin-
cipal coordinator, Kanchan Banerjee,
in a statement.
Keynote speaker Veena Gandhi said
the fight for independence from Britain
was won but the freedom struggle for
women is ongoing.

"We got the present freedom from
the British 50 years ago," Gandhi
said. "But now the present challenge
is the economic freedom, the social
freedom, the psychological freedom
and the true freedom when there is
no fear of anything for Indian

third-year Medical student Anada
Parekh, one of the University coordi-
nators of the event. "The U of M is just
one of 50 chapters where the exhibit
will travel
During the seminar's health session,
Public Health graduate student Aruna

Some Indian
students said
they attended
the event out of
curiosity and
pride for their
LSA sopho-
more Vasu Dibi
said the festival
opened his eyes
to issues within
his cultural
"I think it's
made me more
aware that there

6We are not
same as othe
Americans in
country or Ind
in India."

Sarma said
Indian Americans
face unique
t the health concerns
and they should
r acknowledge that
t i fact.
this "We are not
the same as
it' nother Americans
in this country
or Indians in
a Sarma India," Sarma
said. "So we
raduate have . to start
student thinking about
how to develop

by former University President
Harlan Hatcher, which led to the fir-
ing of Davis and Nickerson.
Davis refused to answer questions
during both of the hearings on grounds
of self-incrimination.
"I discussed things about my lectur-
ing and my teaching and so forth and
they didn't want to hear about them,"
Davis said. "They just wanted to know
if I was a red."
Davis said organizing against the

gerous and communists and that
Markert was a perfectly good
American," Davis said.
In 1990, the Senate Assembly estab-
lished the Academic Freedom Lecture
"When things such as the persecu-
tion of our faculty members happen,
we have to remember that," said
Peggie Hollingsworth, president of
the Academic Freedom Lecture

-- ArunG
Public Health g

are other issues in

being American in this country and
that a lot of what we see in India is just
a western point of view what goes on
there," Dibi said.
The celebration also brought an art
exhibit featuring the history, culture
and arts to the Michigan Union study
"This exhibit will travel from coast
to coast all over the country" said

methods to study this particular group
of people because they could possibly
be very different."
As Gandhi stepped away from the
podium, she told young Indian
Americans they have a responsibility to
their community.
"The second generation of Indian
Americans have a duty towards their
parents' motherland and towards the
country of their roots," Gandhi said.

POW wow
Continued from Page 1A
"It's another part of Native
American history," said dancer
Truman Williams, Jr., who traveled
from Black River Falls, Wis., with
family members to be involved in the
Ann Arbor Pow Wow.
Trader Rod Steiner of Kansas City
was selling Native American artifacts
with his wife, Shirley. Rod said the
Pow Wow offered Native Americans
the chance "just to get together and see
each other."
The Steiners sold items including
knives made out of the jaw bones of
bears, wolves and coyotes. Rod said
some dancers would purchase the
knives to place in their knife sheaths.
But some Native Americans might be
offended by the knives because of tribal
traditions, he said.
Thurman Bear, who was emceeing
the dancing Saturday, said the Pow
Wow helps strengthen the ties
between Native American students
and the larger Native American
"It gives us a chance to come here
and be supportive of the native students
who are here," Bear said. "A lot of
them come from far, far away. When
we come and celebrate with them, it's a
big family embrace."
Although the atmosphere at the Pow
Wow was friendly, with old friends run-
ning into each other and children play-

ing freely in the arena, several traders
expressed concern that non-native
traders were selling items that were not
genuine artifacts.
"Some of the stuff here, like blankets
and stuff, are bought at K-Mart," Bird
Mary Lee Prescott, who traveled
from Nashville, Tenn., to trade at the
Pow Wow, said a federal law pro-
hibits non-Indian traders from sell-
ing Indian art. "No one's enforcing
that law," she said.
Prescott said non-native traders were
cashing in on funds that should be
going to the Native American commu-
"They're stealing, just like they
stole the land and everything else,"
she said.
Artist David Behrens, who is not
Native American, paints scenes and
images from Native American histo-
ry. Behrens said non-natives also
have an important contribution to
make in spreading Native American
"I really feel like native people, their
history has been forgotten, and that's
what I'm trying to bring back to life,"
said Behrens, adding that "there (are) a
lot of non-native people (here) that
their only objective is to make a buck
and that's it."
LSA junior Sarah Crook said she was
impressed by the cultural items sold at
the Pow Wow. "There's really nice jew-
elry here," she said.








Continued from Page 1A
Street, and every bike was totaled,"
LSA first-year student Dan Roble said.
Many students also complained of
car troubles. Traffic lights were out at
many major intersections, and sheets of
ice made it difficult to even get started.
"I went into rugby practice, came out
and there was about a quarter inch of
ice on my car," Roble said.
Walking on the glassy campus side-
walks was daunting for some students.
"On Friday, I was going to run to prac-

tice, but I got out there and decided I'd
better take really little steps," Roble said.
"Students were just dropping," said
LSA senior Cassie O'Sullivan. "It was
Michigan's infamous weather
wreaks havoc every year, but this
weekend's episode was trying for sea-
soned Michiganders.
"(The weather) always changes so
fast," said LSA first-year student Benita
Hong. "You never get used to it."
Students who have questions about
power outages can contact Detroit
Edison's service line at 1-800-477-4747.

An uncemeoonts)
Michigan Book and Supply can print
quality raduation announcements
within 4 hours.
are pinted on
fine linen paper,
with the U f
seal embossed in
blue and gold fi
a ,>

'g A s
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Q Bible Study, 741-1913, Angell Hall,
G-144, 7 p.m.
[ Biomedical Engineering Student
Association, H.H. Dow Building,
Room 1013, 7 p.m.
U Women's Book Group. 662-5189.

U "Staff Selection," sponsored by
Campus Information Centers,
applications available at the CIC
office, Michigan Union and
Pierpont Commons, call 763-
5925 for location information
Q "The Randy Napoleon Quartet,"
Weekly performance, Pierpont

World Wide Web
0 English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, Angell Hall, Room 444C,
7-11 p.m.
0 Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
Lobby, 8 pm.- 1:30 a.m.
0 Psychoogy Peer Academic Advising,
647-3711, East Hall, Room 1346,
1 In m _



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