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March 17, 1997 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1997-03-17

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday,
Continued from Page IA
"It's not as much what I did but what
it stood for," Bruce said. "It didn't mat-
ter if we were the best group or the
worst group. We were all out there
because we are all proud of being APA."
As Bruce's step-mom, Mariana, con-
gratulated him on his performance, she
Wc the show was something she never
g a chance to experience during her
college career.
"What I liked was that it showed both
the differences and the commonalities
of people's cultures;' Mariana said. "I
think that only in America can you have
this multitude of nations (participate in
one show)."
Students who attended the event said
they didn't mind staying to watch the
entire three-hour show.
"I had to wait until the end to see my
frid," said LSA senior Aimee Shyn.
"The show was great so it was worth

March 17, 1997


the wait.
LSA junior Probir Mehta, who
emceed the event, said he enjoyed it
because it allowed the University to see
a part of APA not generally represented
on campus.
"I think it was a phenomonal show,
and it showed exactly the activism and
pride that Asian Pacific Americans
exhibit on campus," Mehta said. "You
saw over a dozen cultures up there
showcasing their own cultures, show-
ing what makesthem uniquely Asian
Pacific American."
Students weren't the only ones sitting
in the sold-out Power Center. Jean Lynn,
a Bloomfield Hills resident, said he was
proud to support his daughter Freda, an
LSA junior who performed in the show.
"I think it's good to show the
American society through the
University some of the cultures and to
give the students a chance to have a
deeper understanding of where their
parents came from," Lynn said.

Continued from Page IA
business or executive "perks" - is this
the best way to spend students' money?
"And my answer to that question is
students will always be the No. I prior-
ity, even internally" Nagrant said.
Michigan Party presidential candi-
date Probir Mehta said that if he and
running mate Dan Serota are elected,
they will continue to raise student
group funding, as the Michigan Party
has done in its last four years of leading
the assembly.
"This year we raised funding to its
highest level ever - $90,000;" Mehta
said. "The vast majority (of money
from the fee increase) will be returned
to students through student-group fund-
ing and student services.'
Victors Party presidential candidate
Jim Riske also said raising the amount
of money directed to student groups
would be a main focus. .

"(One key point of our platform is)
the idea that we're going to give
S125,000 to student groups, based on
the current budget," Riske said. Any
money gained from fee increases not
allocated for a specific purpose would
go directly to students by funding their
organizations, he said.
Matt Tomback, the Pissed Off with
Korrupt Executives Party vice presi-
dential candidate, said POKE executive
officers would not initiate any fee
increases, but instead work with the
money they already have to increase
funding to student groups.
"We'd try everything possible to give
more money to student groups,"
Tomback said.
Tomback said the POKE Party would
decrease the assembly's current budget
allocation for office supplies.
Other parties said they would change
the process by which the assembly
decides how its funds are disbursed.
United Rebels Front presidential can-
didate Pak Man Shuen said the fee stu-
dents pay to MSA should be divided
into two parts: one part for internal
assembly use and one to be allocated to
student groups. Shuen said students
should decide whether or not they want
to pay either fee.
"The MSA would only be there to
suggest a level of fees" Shuen said.
Independent vice presidential candi-
date Nikita Little said that if she and
Independent presidential candidate
Jessica Curtin are elected, they would
want students to be more involved in
decisions about how their money is
"I think that the most effective way
would be a voluntary effort," Little said.
"(Increasing or decreasing student
group funds) would basically be up to
the students."
Little suggested getting more student
jnput by going to the dorms or the
Michigan Union and informing students
of MSA mass meetings they can attend
to voice their opinions and concerns.
Liz Keslacy, Liberty Party vice pres-
idential candidate, said the process by
which MSA spends money seems "sub-
"There needs to be some criteria on
how the money is doled out," Keslacy
said, adding that student groups should
rely more on internal funds than getting
MSA dollars.

Clinton, Yeltsin delay summit meeting
WASHINGTON -At the request of a hobbled President Clinton, Russia'sBoris
Yeltsin agreed yesterday to delay their summit meeting this week by one day to
give Clinton an extra day of recuperation from his knee surgery.
Just a few weeks ago it was Boris Yeltsin who many doubted was healthy enough
to meet with Clinton. Yeltsin was so weakened by pneumonia in January, after heart
surgery last fall, that the summit was changed from Washington to Helsin
accommodate him. Some thought the meeting would have to be pushed back l
April or later, but Yeltsin's recovery has since accelerated.
The meetings will be Thursday and Friday in Helsinki, Finland. Clinton is to
leave Washington on Wednesday night.
Clinton's state visit to Denmark, scheduled for Friday, is being delayed until July.
Clinton told reporters he hopes to fit in the Denmark visit while in Europe to attend
a NATO summit meeting. In Copenhagen, Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen
issued a statement expressing "great understanding" of the need to postpone.
White House officials said Clinton was going ahead with a planned pre-
summit meeting at the White House today with Russian Foreign Minister
Yevgeny Primakov. Primakov met with Secretary of State Madeleine Albri t
on Saturday, and was at the Pentagon on Sunday to see Defense Secrets'
William Cohen.

Ex-spy: Rosenberg
didn't steal secrets
decades of silence on perhaps the
most sensational espionage case of
the Cold War, a retired Soviet spy
says Julius Rosenberg helped orga-
nize a '40s espionage ring for
Moscow but was not directly,
involved in stealing U.S. secrets
about the atomic bomb.
Rosenberg and his wife Ethel were
executed in the Sing Sing electric chair
in 1953 for what FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover called the "crime of the centu-
ry" - helping the Soviet Union get
their hands on blueprints for the atom-
ic bomb in World War II. The
Rosenbergs went to their deaths, the
only Americans ever executed for spy-
ing, insisting they were innocent.
The new twist in the long-argued
story of treachery comes from
Alexander Feklisov, a retired KGB offi-
cer who has stepped forward with a
detailed account of the Rosenbergs'

Feklisov said he held clandestine
meetings with Julius Rosenberg in
New York from 1943 to 1946 and
claims to be the only Sbviet intelli-
gence officer still alive with first-
hand knowledge of the Rosenberg
IRS reform lan to
be propose today
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
administration plans to propose a major
overhaul of the management of the
Internal Revenue Service aimed at deal-
ing with years of criticism that the agency
is badly run and mistreats taxpayers while
allowing hundreds of millions of dolO
in taxes to go uncollected.
The plan, which is to be outlined
today in a speech by Deputy Treasury
Secretary Lawrence Summers, would
bring IRS operations under closer con-
trol of the Treasury Department,
increase the agency's flexibility in per-
sonnel and pay matters, and put a man-
agement specialist, rather than a tax
expert, in charge of the agency.


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Zaire officials meet
behind closed doors
KINSHASA, Zaire - Zaire's gov-
ernment appeared rudderless yesterday,
with President Mobutu Sese Seko in
France and his top aides closeted in
meetings aftei- rebels captured the
country's third-largest city and set their
sights on the capital.
A source close to the government
and a Western diplomat, both speaking
on condition of anonymity, said army
leaders were meeting to debate taking
over the government and opening talks
with the rebels.
The sourceclose to the government
said some army leaders were impatient
with Mobutu's refusal to meet rebel
leader Laurent Kabila, and believed
negotiations were the only way to con-
tain the chaos in Zaire.
"All the conditions are there for a
coup d'etat, but the army doesn't have
any way of doing this. The only thing
they know how to do is loot;' said
Victor Nendaka Bika, former head of
intelligence under Mobutu and now
leader of a group of wealthy business-

men and politicians from eastern
Mobutu postponed his scheduled
Monday return to Zaire from France,
fueling the speculation about the
potential collapse of the gove*
Columbia's defense
nister resigns
BOGOTA, Colombia - Colombia's
defense minister resigned yesterday
after acknowledging that a wealthy
drug trafficker may have given money
to his 1989 election campaign.
Guillermo Alberto Gonzalez said he
feared the scandal would be a distraction
and prevent him from fulfilling his
"I think that your separation from
the post of defense minister is the
most appropriate ... to preserve
Colombia's international credibility
in the fight against drugs," President
Ernesto Samper said in a letter to
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk, Anupma Reddy, Will Weissert.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Campbell. Greg Cox, Jeff Enderton, Sam England, Megan Exley, Maria Hackett, Heather Kamins, Kerry Klaus,
Amy Klein, Jeffrey Kosseff, Marc Lightdale, Carrie Luria, Chris Metinko, Tim O'Connell, Katie Plona, Susan T. Port, Alice Robinson, Ericks M.
Smith, Ann Stewart, Ait K. Thavarajah, Michelle Lee Thompson, Katie Wang, Jenni Yachnin.
EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, Editor
STAFF: Emily Achenbaum, Kristin Arola, Ellen Friedman, Samuel Goodstein, Heather Gordon, Scott Hunter, Yuki Kuriyuki, Jim Lasser,
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SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Leroi, Will McCahill, Danielle Rumore.
STAFF: Nancy BergerbTT J.Berka, Evan Braunstein, Chris Farah, Jordan Field, John Friedberg, Kim Hart, Kevin Kasiborski, Josh Kleinbaum,
Andy Knudsen, Chad Kujala, Andy Latack, Fred Link, B.J. Luria, Brooke McGahey, Afshin Mohamadi, Sharat Raju. Pranay Reddy, Sara Rontat,
Jim Rose. Tracy Sandler, Richard Shin, Mark Snyder, Barry Sollenberger, Nita Srivastava, Dan Stillman, Jacob Wheeler.
ARTS Brian A. Onatt, Jennifer Petlinski, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker, Elan A. Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Lise Harwin (Music), Christopher Tkaczyk (Campus Arts), Bryan Lark (Film), Elizabeth Lucas (Books). Kelly Xintaris (TV/New
STAFF: Dean Bakopoulos, Colin Bartos, Eugene Bowen, Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chalam, Kari Jones. Emily Lambert, Kristin Long,
Stephanie Love, James Miller, Aaron Rennie, Julia Shiht, Anders Smith-Lindal, Philip Son, Prashant Tamaskar, Michael Zilberman.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Sara Stillman, Editors
STAFF: Josh Biggs, Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Aja Dekleva Cohen. Rob Gilmore, John Kraft, Margaret Myers, Julty Park, Kristen Schaefer,
Jeannie Servaas, Addie Smith, Jonathan Summer, Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn.
COPY DESK Rebecca Berkun, Edr
STAFF: Lydia Alspach, Elizabeth Lucas. Elizabeth Mills. Emily O'Neill, Matt Spewak, David Ward, Jen Woodward.
ONLINE Adam Pollock, Editor
STAFF: Carlos Castillo, Elizabeth Lucas, Seneca Sutter, Scott Wilcox.
GRAPHICS Tracey harris,'Editor
STAFF: Lisa Bellon, Elissa Bowes, Seder Burns, Sumako Kawai, Marcy McCormick, Erin Rager, Jordan Young.


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