The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 9, 1997 - 3
Study: Chest-
pain centers
may save lives
- Chest-pain centers - emergency
rooms for possible heart attack victims
- may save lives and dollars, a recent
study reported by the Associated Press
The study of 502 patients at the
.;chest-pain center of Ann Arbor's St.
Joseph Mercy Hospital, published this
week in the journal "Annals of
Emergency Medicine," found that so-
called treadmill tests were crucial.
* 'Chest-pain centers that follow strict
-guidelines and protocols that include
mandatory stress testing may potential-
ly save lives and significantly reduce
the risk of a heart attack," said lead
study author Dr. Michael Mikhail,
medical director of the center.
rNone of the patients whose stress
,test was negative had a heart attack
.within five months of discharge from
the center, the study found.
9 The study also found that treating
people at the chest-pain center is 62
percent cheaper than admitting patients
10 a hospital for evaluation.
Menstrual pain
tied to habits
Neither rain nor snow nor menstrual
,cramps keep young women from their
daily routines. Overweight women and
-tokers, however, are at greater risk
r troublesome menstrual cramps,
according to a University study.
Sioban Harlow, assistant professor of
epidemiology in the School of Public
Health, asked 165'women ages 17-19 to
keep menstrual diaries for one year to
.measure the occurrence, duration and
severity of pain from menstrual cramps.
"Current smokers had a 50-percent
increase in the odds of having pain last-
g more than two days," Harlow said.
The study also shows that obese
women had a 75-percent increase in
their odds of having menstrual cramps,
anid drinking alcohol during an episode
of cramps increased their duration and
"Missing an activity due to cramps,
though experienced occasionally by
many women, was generally an infre-
uent occurrence during the study,"
' arlow said.
WShe emphasized that maintaining a
healthy lifestyle helps avoid menstrual
Fresh air helps
cancer sufferers
Bird watching or a backyard romp
with Rover is just what the doctor
ordered to restore the mental energy of
ople faced with life-threatening ill-
Messes such as cancer
"Fighting cancer requires a large
Amount of mental energy," said
Nursing assistant Prof. Bernadine
Drawing on conclusions from earlier
research, Cimprich said interactions
with nature provide quality time for
"It's really mental housekeeping- a
chance to think about what's important
Wlife' she said. "We have to take care
of our capacity for directed attention
just like we take care of our muscles or
bur skin or teeth."
Cimprich said she plans to study the
4otential benefits of nature's effect on
cancer patients.
i The study will involve 200 women
vith breast cancer who will be asked to
follow a specific "prescription" of
ature activities. The project will be
nducted with funds from a five-year
research award presented to Cimprich
from the National Institutes of Health.
Emergency psych
p~services up hours
Following an expansion of the
University Hospitals' Psychiatric
Department and the Washtenaw
founty Community Mental Health
Center's joint Psychiatric Emergency
Services program, those requiring
immediate psychiatric attention may
walk in 24 hours a day. Service was
previously limited to 8 a.m. - midnight.
Psychiatric Emergency Services at
University Hospitals can be reached 24
hours a day by calling 996-4747.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
David Rossmnan.
Bible exhibit
tells long history
By Matthew Rochki
Daily Staff Reporter
"Thou shalt comr
The University's
Hollands Memorialt
have a copy of the
which an English p
printed this erroneo
but the Special C
exhibit "From Papy
The Transmission of
chronicles similary
fane revisions in the
Before and after
able type in the
mid-15th cen-
tury, scholars
pursued tedious
translations and
Kathryn Beam,
a special col-
lections librari-
an, explained
the exhibit's
significance in
nd 1560 is also called the "Breeches
Bible" because it says Adam and Eve
nit adultery." "made (themselves) breeches."
s William Tinker The exhibit, which includes docu-
Collection does not ments ranging from second-century,
"Wicked Bible," in Bible-related papyrus fragments to a
printer accidentally 17th-century King James Bible, carries
us commandment, more than religious meaning, Beam
ollections Library said.
yri to King James: "It has a very strong religious signif-
f the English Bible" icance to some of our visitors," she
yet often less-pro- said. "But for me, this is more histori-
Bible. cal.You think of religion as interpreting
the arrival of mov- texts. This is presenting texts: the
development of
church, the devel-
It has a very opment of learn-
ing and the devel-
strong religious opment of
. . power."
significance . ,,, M i c h elle
- Kathryn Beam manager of digi-
Special collections librarian tal publishing at
the University of
Michigan Press,
on. said a CD-ROM version of the collee-
the existence, sur- tion "will appeal to people who are both
ent of biblical text," students, a scholarly audience, and to
a planned develop- people interested in religion and history
attempt at accura- of the Bible,"
The collection's CD-ROM is a
s and printers often searchable electronic library of docu-
became tired or fell ments and artifacts contained in the
anscription process. exhibit. Miller-Adams said the elec-
berties while trans- tronic collection will serve as a practi-
Geneva Bible of cal supplement to the library's exhibit
Kathryn Beam, curator of the Special Collections Library of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library, shows off the new exhibit
"From Papyri to King James: The Transmission of the English Bible," on display until Feb. 3.
terms of a progressi
"This documents
vival and developm
she said. "It was not;
ment. There was an
Beam said scribes
made errors if they 1
ill during the long tra
Printers also took li
lating the text. The
because it will provide background
information. It will be available in
stores in March.
"The point of the CD is that in an
exhibit you can only show one page. By
putting it on CD you can show all the
pages or leaves;" she said.
Visitors to the exhibit expressed the
personal importance of seeing the
exhibit. Chuck Melquist of Bowling
Green, Ohio, said the exhibit was worth
the 2 1/2 hour drive his family made to
see it.
"The importance of this collection is
close to my home;' he said. "It shows
how secular findings are used to piece
together dates and origins of biblical
Beam said especially impressive
finds are two papyrus leaves from
the "Letters of Saint Paul," and a fac-
simile of a Wycliffe Bible, which
was published in 1388 and is the first
English translation of the New
Connie Howse of Livonia said the
visible evolution and the different trans-
lations of the Bible most interested her.
"What other book is there anywhere
that has lasted so long?" she asked.
No University students came to the
exhibit's Dec. 15 open house, and Beam
was not surprised considering thli cir-
"Rightly so, they ought n't be here
today," she said. "Students are in here
by the ton, just not during exams."
The exhibit is located in Room 711
of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library.
It is open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5
p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m..
until Feb. 1.
Michigan gets
new chief justice
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Although Conrad Mallett Jr. admits
his election to chief justice of the
Michigan Supreme Court last week is a
milestone, he wishes it were not.
Mallett, who has served as a
Supreme Court justice since 1992, is
the first black person to hold the posi-
tion of chief justice and the third to sit
election is a milestone in the minority
rights movement.
"You can't ignore the firstness of it,"
Mallett said.
Other black leaders said they agree
that although the election is cause to
celebrate, a black person in a position
of power should not be a rarity.
"I would like for us to get to the point
that occurrences like this do not attract
on the state's
highest court.
"I am old
enough to
remember real
firsts," Mallett
The firsts
Mallett refers to
include the elec-
tion of the first
black Michigan
Supreme Court
I amy old enough
to remember real
- Conrad Mallett Jr.
Michigan chief justice
so much attei-
tion because
the person is a
minority or
female," said
V i c t o r i a
Roberts, presi-
dent of the
Michigan Bar
"But it is sig-
nificant and
historical that
elected chief jus-
Sounding strings
Andre Watts and The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center perform "Quintet in A Major for Piano and Strings, D
667." The performance was presented by the University Musical Society last night in Rackham Auditorium.
'U' developsn cancer fighter
justice as well as the election of Detroit
Mayor Dennis Archer, of which he said
he was an "integral part."
Mallett said he hopes blacks will
continue to gain leadership roles in
"The key thing for me to make sure
of is that I am the first but not also the
last," Mallett said. "I am hoping that
African Americans will regularly hold
these leadership positions."
However, Mallett acknowledges his
Justice Mallett was
Lawyers who have worked with
Mallett said he is extremely suitable
for the position and will be a fair chief
"We expect that he will do an
admirable job with great competence"
said Wallace Glendening, a partner in
the law firm of Jaffe, Snyder, Raitt iad
Hever, where Mallett worked froni
By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
Instead of undergoing surgery or
coping with the side effects of
chemotherapy or radiation, future can-
cer patients may one day have tumors
eliminated in just minutes by high-
intensity ultrasound beams.
The ultrasound technology, which is
being developed by University
researchers, is used to create an array of
beams that penetrate deep into the body
and burn away malignant tissue. The
same technology, at much lower fre-
quencies, is also used for producing
images of a fetus.
EECS graduate student Youssry
Botros, who began the ultrasound
research two years ago as his thesis
topic, said the ultrasound beam treat-
ment is superior to other forms of can-
cer treatment because the procedure is
inexpensive and more precise,
"You can design the array to create
exactly the conditions you want at the
tumor location," Botros said.
EECS Prof. John Volakis, co-
researcher on the project, said recent
advances in ultrasound technology have
made it possible to focus beams on
regions of the body that were once dif-
ficult to reach, such as the liver.
"The major achievement is the abili-
ty to generate focused ultrasound tech-
nology right into a very deep site with-
in the body, without the need for
surgery," he said.
Botros and Volakis emphasized the
safety of the treatment, which has no
known side effects. The two researchers
said the treatment can be administered
as often as necessary without harming
the patient, if tumors should return.
"It has advantages because it's safe
and you can repeat it several times on
the same patient without adverse
effects," Botros said.
Volakis said that although ultrasound
beams have been successful in treating
sample tissues in the laboratory, the
research is still in its preliminary stages.
The next step is to perform the treat-
ment on animals. If the treatment
proves successful on animals, Volakis
said the project will likely receive more
funding, which may enable the treat-
ment to be available in hospitals within
the next 10 years.
"The first success on animals will
probably be the biggest step toward
receiving more support - when that
happens we can begin human testing
right away," he said.
Volakis said the primary obstacle to
the project's progress was the beams'
reaction upon hitting bones.
"One of the main limitations is bone
heating when ultrasound impinges on
bone structures. A number ofeffects take
place that can cause severe pain," said
Emad Ebbini, assistant EECS professor
and a co-reseacher on the project.
But the researchers have solved this
problem by developing "phased arrays,"
a method that allows the beams to focus
into the spaces between bones, such as
the intercostal spacings of the rib cage.
The arrays are able to penetrate up to 15
centimeters into the body.
Botros, Volakis and Ebbini recently
returned from Honolulu, where they
presented their research to the
Acoustical Society of America.
"The people who attended the con-
ference were interested in how we can
perform the treatment without any kind
of surgery," Botros said.
Ebbini said the Hawaii conference,
and similar conferences they have
attended throughout the country, have
helped to disseminate not only the
ultrasound treatment, but also new
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and heat-
sensitive imaging techniques that have
developed along with their research.
"We're very happy with where we are
right now and are excited about the
prospects of this research," he said.
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