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October 15, 1996 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-15

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4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 15, 1996


420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
-Edited and managed by
students at the
University of Michigan

Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editors

Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All
other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.
Safety first
'U' should not wait for RHA task force

'The University thinks they are above the law in many
respects and this lawsuit might teach them a lesson.'
- Engineering sophomore Josh Sidon, commenting on
the lawsuit against the University regarding
the presidential search
W8IHt N W Mtsr :vcLP

larmed by the recent sexual
A or near residence halls, the
Halls Association has created a t
address security issues. The task
come up with a report for RHA
.recommendations to make to
The attempt to curb the assau
us is admirable - and necessa
task force is a waste of time.
?kfIA expects the task force to
,resent its findings by the end
pf the semester. Two months
-of deliberation will not tell the
task force what students
already know.
The ideas the RHA task
force will consider are of
sound nature: ID card swipes
at all 16 residence halls, 24-
hour lockdown policies and
more security phones are not
mere issues to examine. They a
security measures that the Unive
begin to implement now.
Effective'immediately, main e
several residence halls will be 1
p.m. instead of 9 p.m. That is a
- but it won't stop an attacker
ing through the front door at 6:3
hanging out inside the building u
the evening. Locking outside d
times may seem like an inconve
it is a reasonable request. So
recently reported sexual assault
in broad daylight.
Phones at every entrance to
hall would increase security. I
need to be locked to keep the int
but sometimes students forget
The phones would allow a stude
friend in the building - or the I
of Public Safety. Be it a pizza de
son or a parent, the extra phone c

[ assaults in
ask force to
k force will
on security
lts on cam-
try. But the

the effort to keep non-residents out of the
ID card swipes, another proposed safety
feature, are already located on the doors of
several residence halls. The University
should see that the halls lacking this securi-
ty measure have them installed as soon as
possible. At East Quad, for example, anyone
can walk through the front door during the
day However East Ouad's

- . ,ie 24Whours a dy
7 Tbasement computer lab requires
-- a swipe 24 hours a day
Computers may be expensive,
but human safety should be the
University's priority.
Computers cannot protect
way students can. The campus
has many resources for students
concerned about safety, such as
f Safewalk and Northwalk.
Students studying late in the
re practical Shapiro library can take a cab home on the
-rsity could University. The Night Owl bus provides
another option to walking alone in the dark.
ntrances of However, if the street is poorly lit or the
locked at 7 front door is propped open, students have
good start less control over their safety.
from walk- An unwanted visitor could live next
0 p.m. and door. DPS needs to send more officers into
intil later in the halls and around the residence halls at
loors at all all times of the day. DPS does serve a pur-
nience, but pose other than trying to catch students with
me of the beer in their room.
s occurred Students should not have to wait for
these security measures. Until the campus
a residence has a record of zero assaults - reported or
Doors may unreported - the University must do
ruders out, everything in its power to prevent them. But
their keys. the University can start by installing RHA
nt to call a suggestions as soon as possible. The only
Department question the task force needs to answer is
elivery per- why they need two months to approve what
all is worth can be done right now.

H otor city money
HUD's grant will improve Detroit's housing

The Motor City's dilapidated public
housing will soon tumble from its sky-
line. Last week, the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development
announced that it will allocate $34.2 mil-
lion in funds for the demolition of some of
the city's deteriorated public housing. In
addition, the administration granted $1.4
million to dissolve the Daniels Heights pro-
ject located in Saginaw. The money will
benefit the city in several ways - the gov-
ernment will oversee the building of new
housing projects, bringing new energy to
the city.
In total, the administration granted $716
million for a nationwide revamping of pub-
lic housing. Detroit received the fourth
largest grant from the federal government;
Chicago received the largest aid - $122
million. HUD has been responsible for the
demolition of 23,000 public housing units
since 1993. There are plans to demolish
another 100,000 by the year 2000.
HUD's money will greatly benefit the
Detroit community. At its most elemental
level, the decision to improve living condi-
tions is positive for residents, some of
whom are in dire need of new housing. In
addition, as old buildings crumble and new
ones rise alongside barren city streets, not
only do people gain more suitable housing
arrangements, but the aesthetic value of
new buildings becomes apparent.
Currently, the city of Detroit lacks busi-
ness appeal. Much of the city is run-down
and the living conditions are poor; this in
turn keeps many businesses out of the city,

adding to the depressed conditions.
Updating housing is the logical first step to
rebuilding a city in need of revitalization.
New housing will help draw more people to
Detroit, which in turn may bolster business
and create greater opportunity.
The newer housing also will provide
greater security by cleaning up the already
existing community. Those attempting to
gain residence will undergo a screening
process that will bar convicted drug dealers
and other criminals. This process should
help to satisfy those who are concerned
with the integrity of public housing.
These projects also afford opportunities
for jobs and exposure for a city desperately
in need of positive publicity. The rebuilding
projects will also provide some forms of job
training for residents who need marketable
In a city that desperately yearns to
rebuild, federal funds provide hope that one
day Detroit will once again flourish.
The Clinton administration has shown
its commitment to helping Detroit in the
past. Previously, the administration made
Detroit one of its empowerment zones, giv-
ing the city millions of dollars to help
rebuild depressed areas. HUD's latest allo-
cation of funds continues to exemplify the
federal government's commitment to
rebuilding Detroit.
The housing project in Detroit is a
chance for a new beginning. The time has
come for the Motor City to rise again -
HUD's money promises to help reinvigo-
rate the city.

Writer misses
point of
abortion laws
I must clarify some
important issues addressed
regarding partial-birth abor-
tion in "Nagrant displays
arrogance" (10/3/9) by
Katie Murtha. She claims
that the procedure must be
kept legal, so as to protect
women in cases where the
procedure is necessary to
save a mother's life.
She also points out that
according to Jewish law, the
life of the mother must take
precedence over the life of
the child. Well, HR. 1833,
the bill that President Bill
Clinton vetoed and Congress
failed to override, expressly
stated that the ban shall not
apply in those cases where
the procedure is necessary to
save the mother's life, provid
ed no other procedure would
So Jewish law is not
threatened, nor the right of
the parents to make such a
choice. Most abortion oppo-
nents (including myself)
value all human life equally
and agree that the law can
not justly favor one life over
another; that is why this is a
common exception among
pro-Lifers, for all kinds of
However, 85 percent of all
documented occurrences of
partial-birth abortion are
elective, and many reputable
physicians have even submit-
ted to Congress that there is
never a situation for which
another procedure would not
Among those cases where
it is elective, bear in mind
that if the head were to slip a
couple inches and be out of
the birth canal before the
procedure was completed, the
abortionist would be liable
for murder. Shouldn't this tell
us something?
The rich are
the reason
why America
is great
I would like to offer a
quick economics lesson on
why the wealthy get rich: It
takes, for example, $50 for a
family to live. The poorest
families only bring in $70 per
week, leaving only $20 left
over after bills are paid. The
families in the middle bring
in about $85 per week, leav-
ing them a little left over to
save and invest. Finally, the
upper income families bring
in $110 per week, enabling
them to invest in stocks,

bonds or other instruments
that grow the economy. That's
how the rich get richer. They
have more disposable income
than the other two classes.
Now what is this business
about the 1993 tax increase
not being the largest in histo-
ry? It was! Are you dtoubting
straight facts? Adjusting the
thing for inflation is non-
sense. The tax increase was
only passed three years ago.
How can you be worried

about inflation in just three
According to John
Kennedy, 'A rising tide lifts
all boats." That means that
tax cuts help everyone, not
just the wealthiest. One final
thing: I am sick and tired of
the utter hate that people
have for those who are
You want what they have?
Let me tell you something:
it's called hard work, deter-
mination and effort. That's
what it took to make the for-
tunes you covet. Give it a try.
lack inclusive
vision for
21st century
A resounding theme that
surrounded the Gore/Kemp
debate wasthe future of
America. Jack Kemp noted
on more than one occasion,
that the Republican party and
the Dole/Kemp ticket knows
the way to progress that will
lead "America full steam
ahead into the 21st Century."
After he made this powerful
statement, Kemp then pro-
ceeded to discuss America's
path to continued progress.
In at least two, if not
more, instances, Kemp
referred to the "Judeo-
Christian" values that we, as
Americans, must strive to
uphold and expand on in all
our endeavors. In another
instance, Kemp referred to
the existing racial tension in
America - white/black
racial tension.
As America "moves full
steam ahead" as a nation, we
are becoming more diverse
ethnically, racially and ideo-
logically everyday. I've
always been taught that the
embrace of this diversity, and
the subsequent breakdown of
ignorance and strides toward
equality, are the way to
progress. Kemp, a man run-
ning for vice presidentof the
United States, certainly
proved that he does not
believe this is progress.
Millions of Americans do
not embrace "Judeo-
Christian" values, and they
have every right not to. This
is everyone's right as
Americans; Just because they
may be another religion or
even no religion at all, does
not make their values any
less valid then those of oth-
ers. Wasn't this hashed out
when the Pilgrims arrived in
America because of religious
Millions of Americans,
are not black or white, but
they too are citizens,.and
struggle daily with racial ten-
sions. Wasn't this obvious in
the Los Angeles riots?
Kemp also noted the
importance of upholding
"tradition and traditional

roles" in America. As
Americans, we've learned not
to prescribe to "tradition.'
As "tradition" changes, as a
nation, we have made '
progress. Progress was made
when the tradition of slavery
was abolished. Progress was
made when the tradition of
female inequality was
addressed. Kemp, progress in
your America is only for

those who are white, male
and hold Judeo-Christian
beliefs. Your traditions, your
values and your picture of
America, do not include the
millions of Americans who
strive for progress everyday.
Go vote on November 5th
and help send "America full-
steam ahead into the 21st
Code does
not prohibit
I applaud the Daily for
acknowledging the Student
Dispute Resolution Program
in its Oct. 7 editorial
"Breaking free."
In their efforts to support
SDRP, however, the editors
confused important facts
about the options available to
students under the Student
Code of Conduct.
Your editorial indicates it
is "impossible for students to
employ professional advice at
a hearing."
In fact, this prerogative is
a student's right under the
Code. Both the accused stu-
dent and the complaining
witness in the Code process
are entitled to an adviser.
The adviser may be any-
one: a parent, a professor, a
friend or an attorney. Many
students have had profession-
al advice during Code arbi-
tration; many students have
used attorneys as their advis-
In some circumstances, I
have advised students to con-
sider using an attorney as an
Second, the participants in
a Code proceeding may
chose to open the record.
Please understand that the
University does not control
the openness of student
records. The Federal
Education Right to Privacy
Act clearly binds the
University and places the
control in the hands of indi-
vidual students.
This means that individ-
ual students can open records
that relate solely to them. It
does not mean, however, that
they can open records that
relate to other students. As
long as all the participants in
a given proceeding want an
open record, neither the
University nor the Code will
stand in the way. In fact,
when all participants seek an
open record, I will do what-
ever I can to accommodate
this prerogative.
These are important
options available to students.
I encourage any member of
the University community to
approach me if they have
questions about the Code or
related procedures or need
clarification about the inter-
play of the Code and FERPA.

I particularly encourage
members of the Daily editori-
al staff to contact me.
Misstatements (sic) like the
ones that appeared in the edi-
torial may lead to consider-
able confusion and may pre-
vent students from exercising
their rights under the Code.

The real world:'
Only a short
pick-up truck,
ride awa
G RAYLING, Mich. - A great
social anhro0lo0son0c wroh
that all of society can be explained in
bifurcated form.
For example:
"There aretwo
types of people in
the world, those
who love The GO TE
Smiths and those'
who do not?'hOr:
"All society can y b
be broken down
into those who
will willingly eat SAMUEL
fat-free cream GOODSTEIN
cheese and those
who will not."
This same theory also can be applied
to locales: Some places are firmly
entrenched in reality, others are not.
Those places that exist in reality will
henceforthbe signified "RW" for Real
World, while those that do not will bt
signified by "UM,'for the University.
After putting up with four weeks of
graduate school, the LSAT and neigh-
bors that perpetually play Snow, I
knew I needed to get away - I needed
a dose of the RW Since I have a stand-
ing invitation to visit an old friend here
in northen lower Michigan (RW), this
weekend seemed the perfect time for a
getaway, and for a brief inquiry into
the difference between those at UM
and those in the RW d s
(I knew northernm lower Michigan,
not to mention northern northern
Michigan, would be a good place to
get away from the UM crowd when a
friend at school, upon hearing of my
trip, asked me if the Indians still con-
trolled northem Michigan.)
My journey was only 45 minutes old
when my car-mates (two Graylingers
getting a lift home for the weekend),
and I easily pegged the first of manA
distinctions we would make over the
course of the trip. I will share with
you, reader, some of the more
poignant ones.
RW: People like to drive pickup
trucks. Actually, the Ford Ranger has
been the best-selling automobile in
America for over a decade. People like
these pickups because they allow them
to both transport themselves and their
friends, yet at the same time they ca
carry thingsin the back. Big things.
know, because I have a pick-up.
UM: People like to drive Jeeps. The
Jeep, or variant of same, is easily the
most popular car on campus. People
like the Jeep because it not only moves
them around, but it makes them look
and feel cool. This issue, however, is
quite open to debate.
RW: People who wear gas-station
employee shirts with the name "Keni
sewn on both work ala gas station and-
are named Ken. If they were not both
of these things, they would not wear
such a shirt.
UM: People who were raised in very
large homes and drive the aforemen-
tioned Jeeps like to wear gas station
employee shirts with the name "Ken"
sewn on. However, most of these peo-
ple are not named Ken, and even fewer
work in gas stations.
RW: My friend and , after exhaust4
ing the cultural availabilities ofl
Grayling, went to Spike's Keg o' Nails
for a drink. At the table next to ours

were seven large bearded men, all
drinking domestic beer, smoking
domestic cigarettes, having a good
One of them leaned over and asked,
"Where you fellers from?" We
answered and asked the same.
"Jackson (very, very RW). Well, realI-A
Chicago. We all just spent a couple
years in Jackson. At the jail. We're on
our way to the casino, then to
UM: After an exciting night reading
about Native American agricultural
practices, I went to the bar for a drink.
At the table next to mine, two goateed
men were drinking Belgian Ale, smok-
ing Euro-cigarettes and debating
whether James Joyce's "Dubliners"'i
"entirely, or only moderately allegori-
One of the most popular shows on
television today is MTV's "The Real
World." This unbelievably stupid show
is usually staged in New York, San
Francisco or some other snazzy town.
I suggest that the next episode feature
seven college students living in a
shack in the Upper Peninsula.
They could hunt, fish and do wha4
many up there like to do: Get unbe-
lievably wasted and go snowmobiling.
Well, I doubt this would really boost
MTV's "alternative" image, but the
ratings would skyrocket in rural
Anyway. Don't get me wrong. I love
Ann Arbor, I love the University, and I
often enjoy staying far away from real-
ity - and even farther away from
Grayling. After a weekend up north, I
was only too happy to come back t4
town. A dose of reality, however,
would do a number of students in town
a great deal of good. Grayling is only
three hours and half a world up the
- Samuel Goodstein can be
reached over e-mail at
faygo@umich.edu - even
when he's in his red pickup, tooling
around the northern northern partl





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