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LOCAL/STATE -e Miigan Daily - Monaay, Octooer 14,1
Physics dept. presents Saturday lectures for all
996>- 3A
Women's group
he Center for the Education of
men is offering scholarships to
undergraduate, graduate and profession-
al; female students who have had an
interruption in their education sometime
between high school and college of at
least 36 consecutive months, or 60 total
months not including the last 12 months.
CEW scholars will receive scholar-
ships ranging from $1,000 to $4,000. In
addition, there will be one scholarship
' $11,000 for undergraduate study,
one in engineering, including com-
puter science or the physical sciences,
of $10,000.
Approximately 30 students are
selected annually for the awards. CEW
scholarships are awarded on the basis
of motivation, promise of impact in a
chosen field, academic record, poten-
tial, creative scholarly contributions
and financial need.
interested students can pick up an
lication at 330 East Liberty St. For
more information call 998-7210 during
Applications must be completed and
returned by Jan. 15, 1997.
VU offers step
aerobics at CCRB
The Adult Lifestyle Program U-
#ve is offering low-cost weekend
step aerobics classes at the Central
Campus Recreation Building. Prices on
the program's step aerobics classes
have been lowered to $2 on Saturdays
and Sundays through Dec. 6.
The "Weekender Specials" are avail-
able on Saturdays from 10-11 a.m. or
on Sundays from 3-4 p.m. in room
3275 of the CCRB.
There is no preregistration required,
Wd payment is made to the class
For more information on the U-
Move program or any of the more than
60 classes available, go to room 3050
in the CCRB or call Nancy Patterson at
Literacy program
needs tutors
Sshe Washtenaw Literacy program
needs volunteers to tutor adults in the
basic literacy and English as a second
language programs.
Volunteers will be trained by
Washtenaw Literacy, so no experience
is necessary to participate.
People interested in becoming tutors
should attend the Washtenaw Literacy
ritehtation program from 7-8:30 p.m.
ight in the New Center at 1100 N.
Main St.
- Volunteers will be able to sign up for
one of three tutor groups. To register by
phone for orientation call 769-0099.
Sony searching
for station mgrs.
Sony Online Ventures is currently
?coking for four station managers for
9e new entertainment web site
This web site will feature music, chat
,ooms, online games and shopping.
"the station managers will represent
JIse cutting edge consumer of the online
v orld," said Matt Rothman, senior vice
iresident of Sony Online Ventures.
In order to pick the four station
managers, applicants will be chal-
ged to an online test to rank their
ternet 1.Q." and overall vision.
pplicants must enter online at Sony's
current web site located at
http://www sony.com.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Michael Blair
Lecture kicks off free
three-part part series on the
physics of cells
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Instead of sleeping in on a windy Saturday
morning, more than 150 people learned about cut-
ting-edge biophysics research, saw fish changing
color and ate free pastries.
The physics department began its second annu-
al series of Saturday morning lectures this week-
end with the first of a three-part series on the
physics of cells, presented by University
researcher Frederick Gittes.
"We feel it is important that the public knows
about the research going on in the ivory towers,"
said physics department Chair Ctriad Uher. "This
is a tremendous opportunity for our post-doctorate
fellows to meet the public."
Gittes' lecture focused on the structure of cells
and the interaction between them. He used pictures
and microscopic video clips of cells during his
presentation, with one film demonstrating the
movement of natural dyes inside cells in a fish that
cause it to change color.
"This is one of the most amazing things in the
world," Gittes said as he showed footage of chro-
mosomes duplicating.
Gittes also showed a film -
clip on his field of expertise, This j
optical tweezers, which are
lasers that hold cells in place t MOS
for observation.
The lecture also concen- t gS
trated on cell membranes,4
electron-scanning micro- world.
graphs of cells and the inter-
action of organelles within -
cells. UnivE
Gittes plans to discuss
related topics, such as sys-
tems of filaments, in his next two lectures.
While the three parts of his series are related,
Gittes said it is not necessary to have attended the
lectures from the beginning to understand the sub-
ject matter.
University alum Lois Tiffany, who helps fund
the lecture series, said, "I'm very interested in
physics, and I think that everyone should have
some knowledge of it."
Although the lecture was detailed, the concepts
i nn oif
were brought down to a
common level for people
who are not well-versed in
F "i v W physics.
"His techniques were so
amazinterestg, and even some-
one who is an elementary
school child could under-
stand it," said Barbara
Powell, a local resident
rederic k Gittes who attended the lecture.
sity researcher These techniques
included using everyday
experiences as scientific
metaphors. Gittes described the amount of cells in
a human finger or nose as the number of ping-
pong balls it would take to fill Michigan Stadium
- about 10 billion.
The Saturday morning lecture series was creat-
ed to bring the world of science research to people
with little or no scientific background. -
"There is a perception that physics is something
beyond a non-scientist's understanding," said
David Reynolds, an associate editor in the physics,
department who helped organize the event. "We.
are bringing it to people so they don't have to learn
a new academic language."
Reynolds also said that the lectures end with
enough time for the audience to attend football
Gittes said he was very pleased with the turnout
at the almost-full lecture hall in the Dennison
Building. The vast majority of the audience con-
sisted of local residents.
The next three-part series, beginning Nov. ,2;
will be about quarks, the smallest existing parti-
cles. Beginning Nov. 23, the last series for this year
will focus on lasers. There will be no lecture on
Thanksgiving weekend.
The lectures are Saturdays in the Dennison
Building, Room 170 at 10:30 a.m. Coffee,
bagels and pastries are served and the lectures
are free.
events take
campus by storm.
Autographed copy
Eight-year-old Rachel Miller gets her copy of "The Polar Express" signed by the author, Chris Van Allsberg. Von Allsberg
was at the Art and Architecture Building on Friday where he received this year's Distinguished Alumni Award.
Militia leader wants to oranize
'Third Continental Congess'
By Ericka M. Smith
For the Daily
It's time to "Party 'Til the Victors
Come Home" at this weekend's
Homecoming celebration.
Even as hordes of University alums
stream back into Ann Arbor to remem-
ber their college days, there will be
plenty of Homecoming events this
week for those still in college.
"I'm really excited," said Tanya
Mucholland, Engineering junior and
Homecoming Planning Committee
chair. "Homecoming this year will be
different from the past. I think it will
draw a lot more students ... and
University staff can bring their family
too. It's got something for all age
The agenda for this year's
Homecoming weekend includes a vari-
ety of activities, from a barn bash to a
pep rally to a Masquerade Ball.
On Thursday,. the National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People will sponsor a Barn
Bash, which will be "an event unlike
the regular (Michigan) Union or frater-
nity parties," said Loren McGhee, LSA
senior and University NAACP presi-
Friday will bring a parade and a pep
rally to the Power Center.
Former Michigan football coach Bo
Schembechler will host the tailgate
party on Saturday at 10 a.m. at the
Track and Tennis Building.
"We're targeting everybody - grad
and undergrad - the whole spectrum,"
said Glenn Eden, African American
coordinator for multi-ethnic student
Performances at Saturday night's
Masquerade Ball include Bi Chinis Bia
Congo Dance Troope, alum singer
Patrice Pettway and alum comedian
Horace Sanders.
LSA sophomore and African
American Task Force member Jameel
Montgomery said, "It's not the usual
kind of party. It's a mix of class, and
performance art for students and the
general public."
Homecoming weekend also means
Leaders hope three-
day meeting will draw
national audience
MUSKEGON (AP) - The deposed
founder of the Michigan Militia plans
to hold a "Third Continental Congress"
to be ready to take over the country in
the event the present government col-
Norman Olson said he hopes the
three-day meeting in Missouri later this
month will draw representatives from
paramilitary groups across the United
"(Our) Congress will meet to discuss
the crisis in America being caused by the
present government, which patriots gen-
erally agree is corrupt and out of con-
trol," Olson said in a prepared statement.
"The goal of the Congress is to find
solutions without having to go to war,"
he said. "Millions of people are being
tyrannized and oppressed by the federal
One of the options the group plans to
discuss includes the formation of a
"Continental Army under a
Congressional Committee for Safety,"
Olson said.
Scott Woodring of Newaygo County,
a member of the Michigan Militia, said
he plans to attend the Oct. 28 meeting
in Harrisonville, Mo.
Woodring earlier'this year ran for the
post of Dayton Township supervisor in
rural Newaygo County on an anti-gov-
ernment platform modeled after the
Freemen of Montana. He took about 10
percent of the Aug. 6 primary vote.
"We're going to meet and discuss
what issues are most important to the
nation as a whole and attempt to reach
a consensus," Woodring said. "If we do,
we'll formally petition the president
and Congress to redress the issues."
Militia members in other states have
run into legal
trouble for try-
ing to set up Millio;
their own judi-
cial and bank- pl a
ing systems.
Woodring earli- tyrannize
er this year ran
a newspaper ad oppresse
promoting the
"Committee for federa l
a De Jure
Township." governm
The ad said
worried about Woodring's organizing.
But neither Woodring nor other
freemen types in the county are break-
ing any laws.
"They've made themselves known,
but they've done nothing illegal or dan-
gerous," Moore said.
But if any militia organization tries to
set up its own "justice system" author-
ities say they will step in.
"We're waiting to see what their next
step is," Moore said. "If they're going to
file pleadings in
their own courts
and then obtain
big profits and big crowds for arm
"We'll do our normal thing.... Whe
we get full, instead of a two-hour wait
we may have a three-hour wait," said
Mike Thompson, manager at Ashley's
restaurant on South State Street.
"We will definitely have more staff
for this weekend," said Leighanne
Redmon, front desk clerk and reserva-,
tion clerk for Holiday Inn North,
Campus. The hotel has booked all 225*
rooms for Homecoming weekend.
"I'd say we've been sold out since
August," Redmon said.
Campus Inn on East Huron Street i
also booked to capacity.
Toi Weathington, a Campus Inn des4I
clerk, said, "We will make sure all of
our guests have what they need - like
a parking spot."
This is the third year that
Homecoming has been a University-
planned-and-organized event.
"Michigan is a school with a lot o
strong traditions, so once you graduate
it is important to bring alumni back to
celebrate with the students and faculty,"
Mucholland said.
a %Fl
re being
'd and
'd by the
,, t
- Norman Olson
M ichigan Militia
judgments ... and
enforce them,
we're going to
have to take
Moore said
officials in sever-
al northern
Michigan coun-
ties increasingly
have been hear-
ing from right-
wing groups
interested in
replacing existing
common-law sys-
the purpose of
the meeting
was to talk
about organiz-
Founder, M
ing the township for "judicial and other
Angela Moore, office administrator
for the Newaygo County Prosecutor's
Office, said her staff received numerous
calls from Dayton Township residents
government with
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Jose Barolomei said, "It's a really economical way to do spring break, relative to a $400 trip wherever you go." This was
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"We're hearing from these people
more and more," Moore said. "They're
not breaking any laws, but they're
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U Women's Book Group, 662-5189, Guild
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Services, Michigan Union, Room
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0 "Marketing Your Graduate Degree,"
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U "Mervyn's Department Store: Info
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L "MSA Romper-room," sponsored by
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INFO, info@umich.edu, UM'Events
on GOpherBLUE, and
www.umich.edu/-info on the World
Wide Web
Q English Composition Board Peer
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U Psychology Peer Academic Advising,
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