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October 14, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-14

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Jr Irran


onlght: Increasing cloudl-
ess, low around 420.
omorrow: Cloudy, chance of
howvers, high around 650

One hundred six years of editorifreedom

October 14, 1996


'j7 plt like afer the Nort/-estempotball ame W? were so close to getting into thefinal stae
- Walter Harrison, vice president for University relations






Board was to start today

Sept: 29, I95:
University President
James Duderstadt
announces he will step
down from the presidency.

Searc~h Advisory
forthefrst time

Oct. 11, 1996: A
court order halts
the presidential

By Jodi S. Cohen
)aily Staff Reporter
The search for the 12th University.
)resident has been derailed after a
ashtenaw County judge issued a tem-
fy restraining order against the
ersity on Friday afternoon.
The suit - brought jointly by The
nn Arbor News, the Detroit Free Press
and The Detroit
News - con-
tends that the
4 z-University is vio-
lating both a per-
manent injunction
and state laws that
~-say presidential
searches cannot
be conducted in
Washtenaw County Trial Judge
Fimothy Connors instructed the
Jniversity to halt all search activities
ind appear at a show-cause hearing 11
.m. Tuesday before Judge Melinda
According to the final phase of the
h announced last week, regents
Id have been on the fast track
oward choosing the next president
tarting today, when they were to
elease the top five candidates' names.
But this week's plans will be on hold
ue to the lawsuit, which claims in part
hat closed meetings planned for today
nd tomorrow would have been illegal.
"We're hoping that the people can

have an open view of how the president
of the University of Michigan will be
selected, an understanding of how deci-
sions are made, and how the process
was conducted," said Detroit Free Press
Executive Editor Robert McGruder.
Meanwhile, the search is frozen until
after Tuesday's hearing.
"This is obviously a disappointment,"
said Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor). "The regents have expended an
enormous amount of time working with
legal counsel to develop a program that
met all the tests of openness."
The potential long-term effects of the
lawsuit will
become morel; >
apparent in the
days ahead, said<
Vice President
for University ff
Relations Walter r
"We're all wor-
ried about what
effect this will
have on the
search," Harrison Harrison
said. "The real
danger is that we may lose people who
otherwise would have made superb
presidents of the University of
The regents had hoped to select the
next president by Thanksgiving, but that
decision also will most likely be

"I think the process was fairly spelled
out since the beginning," said Lewis
Morrissey, the University's chief free-
dom of information officer. "Now, we
face a delay that could really damage
the whole process."
Search schedule
The final stage of the search was set
to begin at 9:30 a.m. today when the
Presidential Search Advisory
Committee planned to release the five
recommendations, along with about
300 other candidates it had considered
to replace former President James
Instead, the regents will meet with
attorneys this morning to discuss the
lawsuit and "seek any advice if they
need it, Harrison said.
Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman,
PSAC chair, was to publicly present the
names and some materials collected by
the committee at today's meeting. The
regents were to have received the names
of recommended candidates last night
- a few hours before the list was to be
made public.
Then, the regents were to do "home-
work" and individually review confi-
dential information about the nominees
in closed sessions, Harrison said.
Lehman and search consultant
Malcolm MacKay were going to attend
the afternoon session to answer regents'
questions about the candidates.
According to the suit, this meeting

rf:-{ " s ilan. 26, 1996 : Oct , 8 ,199 8.
The Board of Regents Vice President for University Relations
announces the formation Water Harri$on presents a timeline for
of the Presidential Search tiow the search wl progress over the
Advisory Committee. next two weeks,
would have violated the Open Meetings the law because it "will not be 'strictly'
Act because the private discussions of limited to discussion of 'personal mat-
confidential material, including refer- ters' contained within the 'specific con-
ence and nominating materials, "will be tents' of 'applications' for the
another real source of the information Presidency."
ultimately relied At a public meeting Wednesday, the
upon by the regents were to announce their list of
Board to make finalists. According to the plan devel-
(or 'rubber oped last spring, the board could
stamp') the approve the advisory committee's rec-
reduction deci- ommendations or amend them.
sions, and hence Campus visits, by candidates were
these closed dis- scheduled to begin Thursday. The day-
cussions will also >:and-a-half visits were to include public
violate the open "town meetings" with members of the
d e 1 i b e r a t i o n University, public interviews with the
requirement of regents and evening social events.
the OMA." Lehman
The regents Points of contention
were again supposed to meet in closed On Tuesday, the University and the
sessions on Tuesday to review applica- newspapers will instead go to court to
tions and materials collected by the spar about the logistics of how the state
PSAC, which the suit also says violates See SEARCH, Page 5A
A look at the 1987-88 search. , Faculty react with surprise.
Page 74 Page 7A.


Gays come out to
.elebrate on Diag

Students put
legal search
above res.
By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Reporter
The lawsuit filed by area newspapers
against the University Board of
Regents has left the presidential search
in limbo - but students say following
the Open Meetings Act is more impor-
tant than the regents' plans to find the
next president.
"I agree with the Detroit people on
this" said Engineering sophomore Josh
Sidon. "The University thinks they are
above the law in many respects and this
lawsuit might teach them a lesson"
The Detroit News, the Detroit Free
Press and The Ann Arbor News filed
the lawsuit that stopped the search on
Pier Ho, a first-year graduate student
in Education, agreed with Sidon. "(The
regents) are publicly elected officials,
so if the papers want to go to their
meetings, they should be allowed to
go," Ho said.
However, Michigan Student
Assembly President Fiona Rose said
the regents had made efforts to make
the presidential search more accessible
to the press.
"I believe that the regents honestly
tried to implement a more open
process,' Rose said. "They tried to
arrested in
S. Quad
By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
Two men have been arrested and
arraigned in connection with a sexual
assault in South Quad last Sunday.
The Department of Public Safety
arrested Eric Stokes, 24, on Tuesday
and Elmon Grant, 21, on Thursday.
Both men were arraigned Thursday in
the 22nd Circuit Court.
The men allegedly assaulted a
female student in her South Quad dorm
room last Sunday evening.
According to a University report,
two men entered the student's room
under the pretense of being her room-
mate's friends. One of the men touched
the victim on the breast, and then they
took some CDs and a watch.
Stokes was arraigned on two felony
counts: first-degree home invasion and
larceny in a building. His bond was set
at $100,000, and he faces up to 24
years in prison if convicted.
Grant was arraigned on three felony
counts: home invasion, second-degree
criminal sexual conduct and larceny in
a building. Grant's bond was set at
$150,000, and he could spend up to 39
years in prison if found guilty.
Both men remain in custody. They are
from Detroit and are not known to be
affiliated with the University. A prelimi-
nary hearing is scheduled for Oct. 23.
DPS is also investigating a sexual

assault that took place last Saturday
morning in the North Campus parking
lot across from Bursley residence hall.
According to a University statement,
a man forced a female University stu-
dent into her car at gunpoint, took $30
from her wallet, sexually assaulted her
and fled on foot.
The suspect in the Bursley case was
last seen wearing a black hooded
sweatshirt or jacket, black pants and a
blue cloth covering his face. The man is
between 5-foot-7 and 5-foot-10 and
about 20 to 25 years old.
If von ave nvainformationon the'

y Nick Farr
aily Staff Reporter
Cheers, applause and songs filled the
iag on Friday afternoon, as the Queer
nity Project capped off National
-oming Out Week with the National
oming Out Day Rally.
The well-attended rally featured gay
nd straight people alike, in a show of
u -port and pride for the University's
"it's a chance for all of us to come
ut and show
he campus that
e're proud of
ho we are,"
aid Jocelyn closet do
Hertich, an
LSA first-year much int
ertich was damage t
of about 20
eople who selt onfi
o p e n l y
eclared her - Ch
homosexuality Ann Arbor may
or alliance with
the gay com-
munity at the event.
"Our purpose here was to say we
have straight allies who are just as cool
and they did," said Ryan LaLonde,
S rt senior and QUP organizer.
.harmacy senior Katrina Konopinski
said she attended the rally to show her
support as a straight ally for the gay
community. "They need to know some-
one cares for them, and will stand with
them," Konopinski said.
Wilson Cruz, a Latino actor who
spoke at Rackham Auditorium on
Thursday, also attended the rally.
"I thought it was amazing. I didn't
*ect it to be so huge. It was very

inspiring to see all the people come
through there and show their love. It
was very powerful," Cruz said.
Cruz sung what he called the "Queer
National Anthem," a version of the
song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."
Cruz said it was sung for him when he
became openly gay.
"Coming out is a very personal and
powerful decision. ... I no longer have
to hide, I no longer have to lie. To me,
that means freedom from oppression,

o your
hristopher Kolb
oral candidate

freedom from
guilt," Cruz said.
Another out-
side guest, Ann
Democratic may-
oral candidate
Kolb, spoke at
the event, saying
it helped to foster
"an environment
where we can
come out on
campus." Kolb
came out while

he was attending the University in the
"Staying in the closet does so much
internal damage to your self-confi-
dence and to you as a human being,"
Kolb said. "I wish we could do this
every day."
In addition to students from the
University, high school and college stu-
dents from around the state attended the
Phillip Walker, an LSA sophomore,
and his boyfriend John Kingsley, a
Wayne State University student, came
to the rally for personal and political
See OUT, Page 2A
Faceoff '96,

Above: Jen
Chase, a
Community High
senior, walks
through the rain-
bow "coming
out" closet at the
National Coming
Out Day activities
on the Diag
Right: Phillip
Walker, LSA
sophomore, and
John Kingsley, a
Wayne State
University gradu-
ate, listen to
speeches on the

inside today's Daily:

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