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October 04, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-04

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2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 4, 1996


Trouble looming
for Netanyahu

The Washington Post
JERUSALEM - Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu returned tri-
umphant from the Washington summit
conference yesterday, but disappointed
Palestinians warned violence will
explode again unless new talks yield
swift progress in the Gaza Strip and the
West Bank.
The summit decision to hold further
talks on Israeli withdrawal from the
West Bank city of Hebron without set-
ting a pullout date, along with reiterated
pledges to .avoid violence, marked a
clear victory for Netanyahu. His cabinet
secretary, Danny Naveh, called the
Washington meeting "a great success
from the point of view of the govern-
ment of Israel." Clearly agreeing, knots
of Netanyahu supporters cheered the
prime minister as he drove from Ben

Gurion Airport to Jerusalem.
By consenting to focus immediately
on Hebron, however, Netanyahu set up
a new and clearer-cut litmus test of his
ability - and willingness - to carry
forward the landmark peace agree-
ments reached between the preceding
Israeli government and Yasser Arafat's
Palestine Liberation Organization.
With full-time negotiations to begin
Sunday at the Erez checkpoint between
Israel and the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu
has reduced his ability to maintain that
he supports the peace accords while
simultaneously failing to carry them
out fully. This ambiguity has run
through his dealings with the
Palestinians since he took over from the
former prime minister, Shimon Peres,
last June, leaving supporters and foes
alike unsure of his real intentions.

Continued from Page 1.
Roderick said students did not feel
secure on campus about five years ago,
so joint programs between DPS and
IFC were implemented.
"A lot of the behavior was out of
control," Roderick said. "I'm not say-
ing students don't drink now or the
problem has gone away, but students
feel safer now than a few years ago."
The AAPD policy on alcohol con-
sumption addresses those drinking and
those providing the alcohol.
"We have city ordinances prohibiting
open alcohol on streets, sidewalks and
parking structures," Roderick said. "We
have ordinances against minors in pos-
session of alcohol. We have ordinances
against someone who is 21 years of age
and provides alco-
hol to a minor."
The party e
atmosphere may
have become c
safer, but under-
age students said to buy/if
they have no prob-
lems finding alco-
hol and parties. LSA 1
"It's easy, if you
can get someone
to buy it for you,"
said LSA first-year student Kelly Nash.
Nash said she usually has a few beers
at fraternity parties during the weekend
"to loosen up"
LSA sophomore Flora Hawley said
alcohol consumption is usually high on
the weekends.
"On the weekends, I always hear sto-
ries about people drinking too much
and passing out or throwing up,"
Hawley said. "I think they get drunk to
act silly. (Alcohol) doesn't taste good."
IFC Coordinator Terry Landes said
the Greek System has tightened its alco-
hol policies in recent years to curb
underage drinking at fraternities and


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Landes said the six members of the
Social Responsibility Committee,
which includes three Panhel and three
I FC representatives, coordinate and
alternate three-member teams to moni-
tor Greek parties on the weekends.
"It's self-governing," he said. "When
a chapter violates a policy, (SRC mem-
bers) hold them accountable."
Parties must be registered if there is
alcohol present and a written guest list
must be maintained, among other poli-
cy restrictions. Open containers such as
kegs and glass bottles, are not allowed,
Landes said.
"It's BYOB policy," Landes said. "If
people choose to drink, they need to
bring it."
Former SRC member and LSA
senior Sam McGoun said if chapters
accumulate 10 or more demerit points
from the SRC
for any viola-
4tions, they are
I y if you put on social
probation and
lose the privi-
f ry u " lege to host
social func-
- Kelly Nash tions for one to
rst-year student four weeks.
and sororities
cannot put
themselves in a position where they
would be liable for the actions of some-
one who is an underage drinker," said
McGoun, the current president of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity. "Therefore, we
realize the need to curb irresponsible
"People (less than 21 years old)
drink on their own admission,"
McGoun said. "We have to deal with
the aftermath because a lot of people
come here to party. We're not just keep-
ing ourselves out of trouble. We're try-
ing to take a pro-active stance."
Associate Director at University
Health Services Janet Zielasko said the
Alcohol and Other Drugs Peer Eduction
Program addresses the issue of sub-
stance abuse through peer counseling.
"They're not a preachy program on
alcohol and drugs," Zielasko said.
"They're about getting people to look
at their values and beliefs about alcohol
and drug use, to get information about,
... and where to go for help if they have
a concern for themselves or others."
- Daily Staff Reporter Michael Blair
contributed to this report.
Christian Reformed Campus Ministry
1236 Washtenaw Ct. 668-7421
Geddes at Washtenaw
(one block south of CCRB)
10a.m.-"A Church for all Nations"
9-10:15p.m-Student Gathering:
provocative discussion, fun, food
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
Ms. Kyla Ebels
Assistant for Student Ministry
Episcopal Student Ministry at
the University of Michigan
721 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(313) 665-0606
The Rev. Matthew Lawrence, Chaplain
The following is a schedule of
events & times for Canterbury House
activities for the week of
Oct 6, 1996:
Sunday, Oct. 7, 5:00pm:
Holy Eucharist followed by supper,
Lord of Light Lutheran Church

801 S. Forest Ave.
Fridays, 3:30-5:00pm, Bible Study
at Canterbury House.
All are welcome.
Friday Oct. 11, 8:00pm:
Friday Night Film Series, Romero,
Free admission & and free popcorn.
Daily meditation and prayer,
Tues.- Fri. 9:15-10:00am.
Drop in for coffee & silence.
Spiritual Direction the first Mon.
of every month. 2:00- 6:00pm.
3301 Creek Dr. 971-9777
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. English,
11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Korean
801 S.Forest (at Hill St.)668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship at 10 a.m.
WED.: Evening Prayer-7 Choir-7:30
THURS.: Issues of Faith Group-7:00
John Rollefson & Meg Drum
Campus Ministers
Contemporary worship services at
9:00 am and 12 noon on Sundays.
Bible study for students at 10:30
am. 2580 Packard Road 971-0773
small-group Bible studies and
student activities weekly.
(Anglican Communion)
306 N. Division 663-0518
(2 blocks north and 1 block west
of intersection of Huron and State)

NASA finds Internet
transmission faulty
in space
WASHINGTON - In a significant
setback for the satellite industry, NASA
scientists have discovered that a key
transmission standard that is the foun-
dation of communications over the
Internet and corporate computer net-
works does not work well in space.
The discovery could delay the satel-
lite industry's ambitious efforts to offer
high-speed Internet access to compa-
nies with remote plants or offices, as
well as to Pacific Islanders and millions
of others without high-speed access to
the content-rich portions of the Internet
such as the World Wide Web.
During the next decade, the satellite
industry has plans to spend more than
$20 billion to extend modern commu-
nications services such as telephony,
video programming and computer net-
works to remote regions.
If satellites cannot be made to work
seamlessly with the Internet, tens of bil-
lions of dollars in additional investment

in terrestrial transmission systems
would be required instead. And many
people, particularly those in developing
countries, may never get connected at
all without satellites.
Research mouse
loses memory le
Alzheimer's patients
WASH INGTON - A laboratory-
engineered mouse suffers the same
decline from Alzheimer's disease as do
humans: lost memory and wasted brain
cells. The mouse gives researchers a new
and more accurate way to test dru.
against the mind-destroying disorder.
The Alzheimer's Association called
the mouse "an important new research
tool' and a National Institutes of Health
expert said the mouse is "good news for
patients with Alzheimer's disease"
A University of Minnesota team led
by Dr. Karen Hsiao developed the labo-
ratory rodent by inserting into a mouse
embryo the mutated gene linked to
Alzheimer's brain cell damage
was not like a movie star determineto
"build a whole life" on her award."
Arguably Poland's most popul
poet, Szymborska's work inspired i
1994 movie "Red" as well as providing
lyrics for Polish rock stars. Critics, say
she is both deeply political and Witty,
and uses humor in delightful, unexpect-
ed ways.
Yugoslavia, Bosnia
agree to swap
PARIS - Yugoslavia and Bosnia
agreed yesterday to exchange ambas-
sadors, fulfilling a key obligation of last
fall's Dayton peace accord that ended 3
1/2 years of fighting.
Serbian President Slobodon
Milosevic, the dominant political f'rure
in Yugoslavia, and Alija Izetbegov,,
the newly elected Muslim chairman of
Bosnia's tripartite presidency, met here
privately yesterday for the first ti*
since the war in the former Yugoslav
republic broke out in April 1992.
- Compiledfiom Daily wire reports.

Clinton signs anti-drug, crime bills
WASHINGTON - Declaring a "sea change" in attitudes
toward crime, President Clinton signed into law yesterday
bills to fight illegal drugs, keep track of sex offenders and
provide college funds for the children of slain police officers.
Clinton signed the three bills in a Rose Garden ceremony
just before leaving for a New York retreat to prepare for
Sunday's debate with Republican nominee Bob Dole, in which
crime and drugs are certain to come up.
"This is a good day for America because we have seen a sea
change in the attitudes of our people, the action of our communi-
ties and the work in Washington on the problem of crime;' Clinton
Clinton said.
Dole's campaign knocked Clinton's record on fighting illegal drugs yesterday,
and Dole himself continued to accuse Clinton of using executive privilege to hide
a 1995 memo "telling him how bad his drug policy was."
In the memo, the heads -of the FBI and the Drug Enforcemel
Administration complained about a lack of "any true leadership" in fighting
an influx of heroin and cocaine, according to an August report in Newsweek


Poland's 'Mozart of
poetry' wins Nobel
Prize in literature
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Praised
for her "esprit, inventiveness and empa-
thy" Wislawa Szymborska of Poland
won the Nobel Prize in literature yester-
day for poems that ranged from rapture
to despair.
The prize citation likened her to the
"Mozart of poetry," a woman who
mixed elegance of language with "the
fury of Beethoven" and who was not
afraid to tackle serious subjects with
Szymborska, 73, had gone for a walk
in the southern Polish holiday resort of
Zakopane just before the Swedish
Academy announced the S1.12 million
prize yesterday. When she came home,
she found her life had changed.
"I am very happy, I am honored, but
at the same time stunned and a little bit
frightened with what awaits me," she
told Poland's Radio Zet. "I'm afraid I
will not have a quiet life for some time
now, and this is what I prize the most."
She later told Polish television she

Eat real bagels... rollerblade in Central Park...
tour Black Rock... see the lions... study
Shakespeare... watch Shakespeare... do
Shakespeare... join the crowds... feel the beat...
smell the roses... smell the subway... rise and
shine... never sleep... hit the clubs... catch a
show... see a game... experience the art... embrace
the music.., get to class... learn something... see
everything... come back changed.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms b
students at the university of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via u.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated collegiate Press.
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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim 0 Connell. Megan Schimpf, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Campbell. Anita Chik, Jodi S. Cohen, Jeff Cox. Jeff Eldridge, Jennifer Harvey, Heather Kamns. Marc Lightdale,
Laurie Mayk. Heather Miller, Stephanie Poweli, Anupama Reddy, Alice Robinson, David Rossman, Matthew Smart. Ann Stewart, Christopher
Wan, Katie Wang Will Weissert, Jenni Yachnn.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Edit
STAFF: Niraj R. Ganatra. Samuel Goodstein. Katie Hutchins, Yuki Kuniyuki. Jim Lasser, James Miller, Partha Mukhopadhyay. Steven MistO,
Jack Schillaci. Paul Serilia. Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer, Mpatanishi Tayari, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach. John Leroi. Danielle Rumore. Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Nancy Berger, Chris Farah, John Friedberg, James Goldstein, Kim Hart, Kevin Kasiborski. Andy Knudsen, Will Mc Cahill, Sharat Raju,
Pranay Reddy. Jim Rose, Richard Shin, Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman, Jacob Wheeler. Ryan White.
ARTS Brian A. Gnatt, Joshua Rich, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker. Elan A. Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Dean Bakopoulos (Fine Arts). Lise Harwin (Music), Tyler Patterson (Theater), Jen Petlinski .Film).
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Eugene Bowen, Neal C. Carruth, Melanie Cohen. Kati Jones. Stephanie Jo Klein. Emily Eambert, Bryan Lark. Kristin
Long, Elizabeth Lucas, James Miller. Heather Phares, Ryan Posly, Aaron Rennie, Dave Snyder. Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Kelly Xrntaris.
Michaei Zilberman.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, El
STAFF Josh Biggs Jennifer Bradley-Swift. Bohdan Damian Cap, Margaret Myers, Juily Park. Damian Petrescu. Kristen Schaefer Jonpthan
Summer, Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn.
COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Editor
STAFF: Jill Litwin, Heather Miller. Matt Spewak.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Editor
STAFF: Dana Goldberg, Jeffrey Greenstein. Charles Harrison, Anuj Hasija, Adam Pollack, Vamshi Thandra, Anthony Zak.
GRAPHICS Melanie Sherman, Editor

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