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October 04, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-04

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Tonight: Cloudy, chance of
rain, low around 310.
omorrow: Cloudy,
low around 620.

One hundred six' years of ednlorilfreedom

October 4, 1996

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O'Connor to speak to grads

By Jodi S. Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
Sandra Day O'Connor won't be accompanied by
the eight other justices when she delivers her opinion
at the University later this semester.
Instead, as the commencement speaker, she'll give
advice to about 2.000 members of December's gradu-
ating class. The first female Supreme Court justice.
nominated by President Reagan in 1981, O'Connor is
one of four people who will receive honorary degrees
on Dec. 15.
"It's a great honor for Michigan to have Justice
O'Connor as our commencement speaker," said Law
School Dean Jeffrey Lehman. "Even the most
abridged history book must note the courage and abil-
ity that made her the first woman Supreme Court jus-
Already approved by the University Board of
Regents. O'Connor will be among four people given
honorary degrees. The other honorees include: Robert
Altman, a film maker; John Pickering, a lawyer; and

Vera Rubin. an astronomer.
The University's honorary degree committee sifts
through nominations twice a year- in November and
April. The committee then makes its recommenda-
tions and the University president picks the speaker
from among those chosen.
Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies Homer Rose, a
member of the honorary degree committee, said
O'Connor's nomination may have been considered
more than a year ago, but was postponed until the
upcoming graduation - the most convenient time for
O'Connor to visit Ann Arbor.
"The honorary degree committee doesn't approve
people for specific commencements," Rose said. "The
scheduling of who goes to what commencement is a
completely different process.
Interim President Homer Neal said O'Connor is
scheduled to fly into Ann Arbor and out again on the
same day - staying just long enough to deliver the
address. Neal said, however, that he has written
O'Connor a letter asking her to arrive earlier.

l have written to her to see if she would come a day
or two early to give a general colloquium," Neal said.
adding that the event could be held in the Rackham
Neal said O'Connor has not yet responded to his
letter and he isn't too optimistic about the chance of
her arriving before commencement.
"She is very busy and I'm sure it's hard for her to
get out of Washington," Neal said. "The chances are
probably less than 30 percent that she will come
Associate Law School Dean Kent Syverud, who
served as O'Connor's law clerk from 1984-85, said he
was excited to hear she would be speaking at gradua-
tion ceremonies, when roughly 20 percent of the
University's yearly graduates will be honored. About
9,000 to 10,000 degrees are awarded each year.
"She's at the moment at the center of the Supreme
Court in the middle of some of the most difficult
issues that the country is facing," Syverud said.
See O'CONNOR, Page 5

ds new
n Detroit
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
DETROIT - Prospective first lady
Elizabeth Dole again left the podium
behind and walked among members of
the Women's Economic Club gathered
at Cobo Hall yesterday.
"This way I can also make new
friends," she said. "I just hope the
microphone holds out."
4he American Red Cross president
and wife of Republican presidential
nominee Bob Dole repeated her prac-
tice of making a speech while walking.
among the audience instead of staying
on stage, a style she began at the
Republican National Convention in
San Diego in
"Trust is a
good way to sum
this up," Dole
said of the presi-
dential race.
"You can take it
(Bob Dole) says
he-is going to do
Dole it.
The visit to
Detroit was
Dole's second campaign stop of the
. She spoke at a breakfast in Grand
ids early yesterday.
Dole was joined at the WEC lun-
cheon by Gov. John Engler and other
prominent Michigan Republicans.
Engler said Dole is the best person to
spread her husband's message. "Mrs.
Dole comes here, takes Bob Dole's
message and agenda and breaks it
down in a very human way so people
can see in their family and their busi-
!s what it would mean to have taxes
cut, government smaller and the bur-
den of regulation reduced."
Dole spoke about a number of
issues, including trust, business oppor-
tunities, drugs and crime. But taxes
and economic opportunity were
See DOLE, Page 5

s _
4: e

MSA fees are
fifth highest
in Big Ten

This is th Iidini a three-purt series
on MSAs budgct.
By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Reporter
As part of a $20,000-plus tuition bill
it hardly seems worth mentioning, but
to the Michigan Student Assembly it is

Primo Kang, owner of Blue Front Inc. convenience store, stands in front of the wall of fake IDs that he has confiscated from
underage alcohol buyers.
Underage dikn e ralive,
desp ite 'U' polic-ing efflorts

the most important
- for now.
It is the student
fee MSA collected
from each student
to create this year's
$205,000 budget.
MSA currently
collects the fifth
highest student
government fee in
the Big Ten -
and it soon may
go tip.
This November.
students voting in
the MSA elections
will decide
whether that figure
should be
increased by $1.50
to fund two student
groups, Project
Serve and the

figure on campus
Student Go
at Big Ten
~ C t
Black Volunteer

chance to vote to increase the student
fee again - this time to provide addi-
tional funding for MSA's budget.
"We need more money for the MSA
budget as a whole, our budget has not
kept up with the rate of inflation and
can't even cover things like our operat-
ing costs." said MSA President Fiona
The MSA budget has been operating
under a surplus for
v't Fees three years. The
budget's status has
Ichools mandated that the
assembly rely on
money left over
from the previous
year's budget, while
at the same time
budgeting to ensure
a surplus for the
next year.
"It is not fiscally
responsible to
depend on money
left over from last
a .~~ year,"eRose said.
1W = o"We are still in the
dark ages of student
e have no fee fees for student
JOSH WHITE/Daly government at
Michigan - we've
been so concentrated on keeping the fee
low that we have allowed no healthy
revenue growth for the assembly."
Rose said MSA would need at least a
50-cent student fee increase to end the
surplus spending.
See FEE, Page 7

DPS, AAPD work together with
campus groups to patrol parties
By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
University students less than 21 years old may not have a
difficult time getting alcohol and drinking at parties, but
University and Greek officials have set up several road-
Unlike the officers who patrol Michigan State University's
campus, the Ann Arbor Police Department and the
University's Department of Public Safety do not enforce a
zero-tolerance policy for underage college drinkers.
Instead, they share the responsibility of policing Greek par-
ties with members of the Interfraternity Council and
Panhellenic Association, who monitor parties as part of the
system's Social Responsibility Committee.

-We work closely with IFC to do a lot of prevention work,"
said AAPD Deputy Chief Craig Roderick. "The problem has
improved tremendously."
Former SRC member and University alum Abigail Jenkins
said the partnership has been fruitful. Jenkins is an alum of
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority.
"We were policing our own parties - the Ann Arbor police
won't do that." said Jenkins, who currently works in the
Office of Greek Life. "We have this working relationship
with the police where if we monitor our own parties, they
won't come in'"
Residence halls also play a role in alcohol awareness.
South Quad's Coordinator of Residence Education Ellen
Shannon said students are warned before they are sanctioned
for an alcohol abuse.
"(Alcohol) works against the mission of education,"
Shannon said. "Students come to college to gain information
and knowledge.
See DRINKING, Page 2

In addition, another ballot question
may be in the works that would make
the fee even higher.
MSA's executive officers hope that in
the near future, students will have a

:l' frowns on dating class instructors

By Heather Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
if you have a date with your instruc-
tor this weekend. you may want to con-
sider canceling it.
The University addresses mutually
*senting romantic and sexual rela-
t ships between students and faculty,
which includes professors and graduate
student instructors, in its sexual harass-
ment policy.
"The policy doesn't prohibit these
relationships. ... We don't want to say
'No, you can't do this,"' said Diane

of the consent, conflicts of interest and
unfair treatment of others."
If a student and faculty member have
a professional relationship with each

other, the policy
requires them to
disclose the rela-
tionship to an
"With each sit-
uation, we have to
look at the
dynamics to see
what the

"It ra«s4
the ethics
of that

Engineering sophomore Becky Wulff
said of relationships between students
and faculty. "It's hard enough to find
someone to date. If it happens to be
your instructor,
I'm all far it."
H o w e v e r,
Jordan said these
-abo-ut relationships can
lead to concerns
al nature about favoritism,
conflict of inter-
est in the ability
.L to fairly assess
I9E the student's

may have felt compelled to become
involved in the relationship, she said.
"There's a power relationship that
can one: be exploitative of the student;
two: can lead to inequality to the other
students; (and) three: lead to false
expectations about favoritism," said
anthropology GSI Roxanna Duntley.
"And finally I just think it's totally
Other students also expressed con-
cerns about faculty-student relation-
"It's a controversial (relationship) if
students are dating the instructor in one


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