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October 03, 1996 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-03

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October 3, 1996


Netters open season
at Tar Heel Invite





By Jordan Field
For the Daily
In preparation for its spring sea-
Son, the Michigan men's tennis team
will send, eight players to Chapel
Hill, N.C., tomorrow, for the Tar
Heel Invitational, the first team
event of the fall season.
Throughout the year, the team is
allowed 25 team events and seven
'individual events. A team event is
,any tournament in which more than
three players from the university rep-
resent the school.
Primarily, the fall season is sanc-
tioned for individual play and the
spying for team play, but a significant
tournament such as the Tar Heel
Invitational presents an exception.
"This tournament is basically a
"non-elimination tournament,"
-Michigan assistant coach Dan
Goldberg said. "There is a playoff for
every position down the flight, mean-
ing that every singles player will play
three or four matches regardless of
win or lose."
Goldberg explained that the more
tennis the Wolverines can play, the
auore competition they face, the bet-
ter and the more worthwhile the tour-
.>ament will be.
"This tournament is a perfect set-
ting to see how far we've come with
everything we've worked on so far,"
he said. "Everyone will have the
opportunity to play a lot of matches.
A lot of tennis will be played."
Leading Michigan to Chapel Hill
will be juniors Brook Blain, Arvid
Swan and David Paradzik. Blain, a
ransfer from Florida, will take the
court for the first time as a
"I'm very excited," said Blain,
iwhose twin brother Brady plays ten-
nis at Big Ten rival Illinois. "I've
worked very hard with (coach) Brian
(Eisner) and Dan (Goldberg) this fall,
apd I'm really looking forward to
.playing as a Wolverine.

"Starting new here basically gives
me a refreshing start - a clean slate
with a new win-loss record and with
a new school. I grew up in Michigan,
so maize and blue will feel very nat-
ural to me."
Swan and Paradzik, two leaders
from last year's Big Ten champi-
onship team, will try to get back into
the swing of things, facing this year's
first competition in North Carolina.
"I was hurt a little last year near
the end of the season," Swan said.
"I'm really looking forward to get-
ting back into a competitive situa-
tion. This tournament will give all of
us a good opportunity to do that and
to face some tough opponents."
Along with the three juniors,
sophomores Will Farah and Tomas
Filipeik, and freshmen Matt Wright,
John Long and Brad McFarlane will
make the trip to Chapel Hill.
The three freshmen will be making
their second appearance at a tourna-
ment this year, having competed in
the Tom Fallon Invitational at Notre
Dame in September.
"The results from the freshmen at
Notre Dame were extremely posi-
tive," Goldberg said. "They played
through nerves, and all three won
their first match. I'd say that was the
most encouraging performance by
freshmen in a number of years."
The freshmen hope their encourag-
ing performance will continue in
North Carolina.
"We ran into real good players
early in the draw at Notre Dame,"
McFarlane said. "There will be a lot
of very good competition at North
Carolina, and we will have to be
ready to go from the start. We hope-
fully will come back with some good
Aside from Michigan, the schools
scheduled to compete at the Tarheel
Classic are Harvard, Notre Dame,
Duke, North Carolina and William &


knock ofC*


Midfielder Sandra Cabrera and the Michigan field hockey team upset Michigan State for its first Big Ten victory of the season
yesterday. For the second time this season, the Wolverines had to battle back from a first-half deficit. Michigan now turns its
attention to New Hampshire, which comes to town for a match sunday.
Wolvennes scrap and law their
way to goals in win over State

By Pranay Reddy
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan State field hocey
team came into Ann Arbor yesterday
ignited by an 8-2 start to its season. The
Spartans were flying high and looking
to take Michigan along for the ride.
However, rather than getting caught
up in Michigan State's fumes, Ilre
Wolverines got a jumpstart of their
own, winning, 4-3. The victory was th .
first in the Big Ten for Michigan (1
Big Ten, 4-4 overall) this year after
losses to Ohio State and Penn State.
"We played very well today,"
Michigan coach Marcia Pankratz said.
"We (played) excellent defense and the
attack was just on today."
Play went back-and-forth to startihe
game until Michigan State's Emma
Fernandez ripped a shot past goalkeep-
er Amy Helber through a crowd
Spartans and Wolverines.
Rather than reaching the back of the
net, however, the ball deflected off of
a Michigan defender's foot, resulting
in a penalty stroke for Michigan State
(1-2, 8-3). That was all the Spaiians
needed, as Angela DiJames flipped-a
shot past Helber for a 1-0 Michigan
State lead.
The Wolverines apparently respond-
ed to DiJames' wakeup call, with
Michelle Smulders leading the ata4
Her play in the ensuing minutes led to
a number of scoring opportunities; yet
Michigan couldn't capitalize.
On one sequence, Michigzan's Sandra
Cabrera tightroped down the sideline
and sent the ball upfield, setting up'a
one-on-one break for Smuldeis.
Smulders tried to work her way arnibnd
Michigan State goalkeeper Tiicia
Gann, yet simply ran out of room.
Unfazed, Smulders continued he
strong play and made amends for her
previous missed scoring chances.
With seven minutes left in the peri-
od, Smulders rifled a shot toward
Gann, which was deflected into 'the
goal by Michigan's Amy Philbrook.
The Smulders-Philbrook combination
knotted the game at one for the
Wolverines and seemed to revitalize
them as well.
But Michigan soon learned ther
no way it was going to keep a scor
like Michigan State's Rayna Hiscox
down. Coming into the game, theBig
scoring leader had scored 10 of the
Spartans' 31 goals on the season.
Hiscox added to this total minutes
before halftime, darting a shot behind
an outstretched Helber, giving
Michigan State a 2-1 lead at the half.
Early in the second half, the
Wolverines played the familiar role o
See SPARTANS, Page 10A

No events scheduled.
Men's Tennis at Tar Heel Invitational, Chapel Hill, N.C., all day.
Women's Tennis at Eck Classic, Notre Dame, Ind., all day.
;Men's Cross Country at Notre Dame Invite, Notre Dame, Ind., 6 p.m.
Women's Soccer at Washington, Seattle, Wash., 6 p.m.
Women's Volleyball at Michigan State, East Lansing, 7 p.m.

By Pranay Reddy
Daily Sports Writer
Blind chance. Lucky breaks. Divine
Call it what you want, but the
Michigan field hockey team found a way
to score yesterday at Ocker Field in its 4-
3 victory over Michigan State.
The Wolverines used a little bit of
everything to put together their highest
offensive output of the season, with four
different players contributing goals.
"We definitely didn't get the breaks

(in the past)," attacker Julie Flachs said.
"Today we had more passing combina-
tions that helped us out a lot at the end."
And it was in the end that Michigan
secured the victory, as three of its scores
came in the second half.
This wasn't the first time this season
that the Wolverines have had to come
back. Michigan responded from a 2-0
deficit against Ball State, with Flachs
scoring three goals to win the contest.
Unlike that game, however, a number
of Wolverines got involved in the scor-
ing. This is definitely a boon for a team
that has had scoring fits in the past week.
Considering that Michigan had racked
up an average of 17 shots in its first
seven games, it might have been surpris-
ing that the Wolverines had not have
scored more.
"Our finishing skills have been horri-
ble," sophomore attacker Lindsay
Babbitt said. "A lot of it was just men-
Considering two of the goals came
from sophomores Amy Philbrook and
Babbitt, Michigan head coach Marcia
Pankratz must be excited about the
recent youth movement. Both have
scored their first collegiate goals this

season - Philbrook's yesterday against
Michigan State and Babbitt's Sunday
versus Penn State.
"(Philbrook and Babbitt) both played
very well today," Pankratz said. "They
stayed on the ball, and Lindsay scored a
beautiful, beautiful goal."
The goal was Babbitt's second in two
games, and now the question is has she
found the scoring touch?
Babbitt certainly doesn't think so.
"Sometimes if you put your stick in
the right place, things just happen,"
Babbitt' said. "(The goal) was just a
result of (Michigan's) play."
Whether the young Wolverines keep
contributing to the offense remains to be
seen. However, one Michigan scorer
doesn't look like she's going to be letting
up anytime soon.
Flachs was involved in the scoring for
Michigan again. Her game-winning goal
gave her a total of seven on the season.
The contributions of Flachs and her
teammates were sorely needed yester-
day, and something coach Pankratz
hopes to use as a stepping stone to the
rest of the Big Ten season.
"This was a big success," Pankratz
said, "and hopefully we can build on it."

OCTOBER 6 01996 -


Assembly Hall
Rackham Building,
4th Floor
915 E. Washington

12:30 p.m.
Welcoming Speeches
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Opening Talk:
William Connolly (John Hopkins
University): Suffering, Justice,
and the Politics of Becoming
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Peter U. Hohendahl (Cornell
University): From the Eclipse of
Reason to Communicative Rationality
Gyan Prakash (Princeton University):

Founders Room
Alumni Center
200 Fletcher Street
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Kenneth Baynes (SUNY at Stony
Brook): Substance and Procedure
in Habermas' Democratic Theory
Wendy Brown (University of
California, Santa Cruz): Power
Without Logic Without Marx
1:00 -3:00 p.m.
Anson Rabinbach (Princeton
University): Outwitting the Historical
Dynamic: The Role of Mimesis in
the Dialectic of Enlightenment

9:00 -11:00a.m.
of Germany
Wolfgang Emmerich (University of
Bremen): Geist und Macht: Images and
Self-Perceptions of Literary Intellectuals
in Germany since 1945
Antonia Grunenberg (University of Bremen):
"Wer vom Faschismus reden will, darf vom"
Kapitalismus nicht schweigen" (Max
Horkheimer). Intellectual Anti-Liberalism
before 1933 and after 1945
Konrad Jarausch (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill): German Intellectuals
and the Double Burden of Memory

Pendleton Room
Michigan Union
530 State Street

The American Fitness Professional~s $ Associates
p resent
The 1996 Anni Arbor
Men's Open p Women's Openi " Men's Masters
(over 35~)

t) I

Sturday, November 9, 1S,°1
Roosevelt Auditorium, Easterni Michigan University
212 McKenny Union " Ypsilanti, Michian " (313) 4$7-1157
Time: pre-judging: 5:00 pm
Final~s: 8:00pm
Placing: First' five places in each Class
(verjvtone in show receives an aad

Saturday, ()ctohr 5.
2:00 pmi-4:00 pm




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