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October 03, 1996 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-10-03

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 3, 1996 - 7A

Continued from Page 1A
"In 1968 student housing was
compared to urban slums - students
were packed like sardines into crum-
bling dwellings with no bargaining
power to change their situation and
no where to go," Maurer said.
* The tenants' union organized a rent
strike where many students withheld
rent from certain landlords demand-
ing that housing conditions be
improved. The strike lasted until 1971
for some students, and was extremely
successful for most students, Maurer
The amount of funding the assem-
Continued from Page 1A
Romney, a National Rifle Association
supporter, believes such a program is a
more effective method of keeping guns
out of the hands of unstable individu-
als$ Wisecup said.
Romney's opponent, incumbent Carl
vin (D-Mich.), supported the Brady
Although Wisecup said new technol-
ogy is advanced enough to execute
instant checks, Rivers contended that it
is nearly impossible to use them.
"(The instant check is) normally pro-
posed by someone that does not sup-
port the checks at all," Rivers said.
Romney prefers tougher criminal
prosecution over gun control measures
as an anti-crime method, Wisecup said.
* "(Romney is) very concerned with
gun violence but she feels the way to
address that is tough sentences for
crininals," Wisecup said.
Both Levin and Romney have sup-
ported mandatory minimum sentence
laws for gun- and drug-related crimes.
The two have recently clashed regarding
television ads for the Romney campaign
focusing on Levin's record on crime.
The Romney camp's ads questioned
Wevin's support for mandatory mini-
mum sentences for crimes involving
firearms and drug trafficking. Levin's
campaign has issued statements to
counter the attacks, citing specific anti-
crime bills Levin has supported.
Levin has voted in favor of minimum
sentences on several bills and co-spon-
sored 1994 legislation to ban military-
style assault weapons.
Drug education and prevention poli-
Ses are less of a partisan issue,
itzsimmons said.
"Both Democrats and Republicans
seem to be very supportive' of increased
drug interdiction programs, he said.
Rivers agreed that the president and
Congress can go even further than drug-
education programs in schools and com-
munities - it can go to the source.
"The federal government controls
the borders," Rivers said. "It can stop
gs before they get into the country,
fore they get into the streets."
Special interests and educational
institutions have argued that state politi-
cians are choosing to fund jails over
schools. States should have primary
control over education, but federal
money can help keep criminals off the
streets, Wisecup said.
Romney supports the initiation of a
law to provide federal money for prison
construction for states that adopt "truth
On sentencing."

bly should allocate to AATU has
always been a turbulent issue for
"A couple of years ago we had the
Michigan Party staging walk-outs,
members screaming at one another,
and all three parties writing and re-
writing their own version of the bud-
get," Mehta said. "No one could agree
about the tenants' union's funding -
those were crazy times."
The division of the assembly over
AATU funding came to a head when
the assembly agreed to allocate only
$2,000 for the tenants' union in
1991/92. The assembly's allocation
came after weeks of bitter debate and

disagreement between parties.
Maurer agreed. "We have
past been a political football
assembly's different parties
over our funding," she said.

in the
as the

State Senate passes:
$50M package for
road, bridge repairs.

But even some MSA members who
have criticized the tenants' union in past
years, said AATU deserved this year's
"They used to act irresponsibly
and expect things from the assembly
but they have made a lot of reforms,"
said MSA Treasurer Jonathan
Winick. "The funding we gave them
is a good amount."
AATU's confidential counseling
hotline can be reached at 763-6876.

LANSING (AP) - The Michigan
Senate yesterday approved a package
of bills designed to raise $50 million
more for road repairs despite
Democratic complaints that it was a
feeble response to a looming trans-
portation crisis.
Democrats said the Republicans
were exaggerating the impact of the
bills in order to hide from the public
their refusal to face up to the need to
raise the gasoline tax.
"It isn't going to put enough money
into the system that it's going to fix our
roads and bridges. ... This action today
is a sham on the public of Michigan,"
said Sen. James Berryman (D-Adrian).
But Republicans accused them of
just wanting to raise taxes without first
eliminating waste.
"This side of the aisle is saying we
are going to spend every dollar as
efficiently as possible," said Senate
Majority Leader Dick Posthumus (R-
"I was shocked when they said that
this package of saving taxpayers'
money was a sham."
The four measures were approved
and sent to the House on mostly
party-line votes of 24-12, 21-16, 21-
16 and 20-17.
The bills would:
Keep the state's 6-cents-a-gallon
diesel discount at the pump, but raise
the diesel fuel tax that motor carriers

pay quarterly to 18.5 cents a gallon, up
from 9 cents.
Reduce the 2-percent deduction
that wholesalers receive for evapora-
tion and spillage of gasoline to about
0.5 percent.
* Cap the state's liability in law-
suits claiming that road conditions
contributed to an accident. If the
accident resulted either in someone's
death or loss of vital functions,
noneconomic damages could not
exceed $500,000.
If the suit involved bodily injury or
property loss, noneconomic damage
awards would be capped at $280,000.
And if the person had no'insurancp,
economic damages would be limited
to $300,000, and no noneconomic
damages would be allowed.
® Speed up the process by which
land needed for public projects,
including highways, is condemned.
That could aid the acquisition of land
for new baseball and football stadi-
ums in Detroit.
Require competitive bids for all-
road projects, limit administrative
costs of state and local road agencies
to 10 percent and provide for audits
of how local agencies use road
Democrats criticized minor parts of
the package, including lack of
Democratic involvement in its develop-



Proud plate papa
Richard Watkins of Bay City proudly shows off Michigan's new commemorative license plate ati
yesterday in Lansing. Watkins' design was one of more than 4,300 submitted in May.

unveiling ceremonies

Continued from Page IA

consider themselves above the rules,"
Neal said. "As long as that impression
persists, we are hampered in our ability
to bring our institution together."
Medical School Prof. Louis
D'Alecy said Neal has set a construc-
tive tone for further consideration of
these issues.
"It's a good starting point, D'Alecy
said. "(Neal has) made a credible case
that the administration and faculty are
going to deal with the problem in a
forthright way."
In the letter, Neal outlined a three-
part plan that will govern salary issues
during the interim period between full-
time presidents. Jackie McClain, execu-
tive director of human resources and
affirmative action, will oversee the
development of a formal compensation
policy for executive officers; the
regents will pursue issues surrounding
the agreement; and Neal pledged to
consult the regents on issues of high-
level employment agreements during
his time as president.
The Board of Regents also released a
statement on the salary deals yesterday.

The statement reiterated the regents'
concern about the deals and their desire
to see a permanent salary policy imple-
"The duty of the Board of Regents is
to prudently and fully examine the facts
of these matters and then take actions
appropriate to those facts," it said.
The statement also said that the
regents "have forwarded these seven
employment agreements to our inde-
pendent counsel for review of their cir-
Neither Regents Rebecca McGowan
(D-Ann Arbor) nor Deane Baker (R-
Ann Arbor) would comment specifical-
ly on the statement's implications.
Baker said there have been no unusu-
al meetings between the board and Neal,
and that no tensions exist with Neal.
"We see him in the regents meetings
and at other times" Baker said. "I don't
think there's any kind of contact that's
different than there's always been."
McGowan said it is coincidental that
the regents' statement and Neal's state-
ment were released on the same day.
"We did not know about Dr. Neal's
statement," McGowan said. "They were
two separate statements. They were not
Harrison said reports of the deals may

have done short-term damage to the
University's reputation.
"It has had some negative influence
in the state," Harrison said. "If this was
presented in a different kind of context,
it wouldn't have been so negative"
Dunn blamed both Duderstadt and
the regents for an atmosphere of secre-
cy surrounding the salary agreements.
"Jim did a hell of a lot of things that
seemed covert," Dunn said. "It was kind
of a habit with him. ... The regents have
got some blame. They're not very good
at communicating, either."
Harrison said Neal's statement was
not written with the intent of repairing
the University's public image.
"(Neal's) principal concern was the
reactions by people within the
University community,' Harrison said.
Duderstadt said a permanent policy
on executive compensation should be
worked out with the next president.
"The real person who should be
working with this issue and working
with the board should be the next
University president," Duderstadt said.
Dunn agreed, and emphasized the
importance of leaving the president
flexibility for the future.
"it would be a terrible mistake to add
another layer of supervision," Dunn said.

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VOTING SEASON is about to begin. A
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rent registration listed at your current
address? Have you moved since last year?
There is no need to fear. Just call the City of
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