2A - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 3, 1996
Continued from Page 1A
(before school started)," Levy said.
Rooms unclaimed by today will be
legally available for re-assignment,
which should help alleviate the space
sgnieze. Those who have not been
givdn rooms will get first priority when
th two-week housing freeze on vacan-
ciesends, Levy said.
1kommunication troubles have also
plagued the lounge lizards. Lounges are
notequipped with telephones, so the
stidents can't call home without going
toa pay phone and have had to walk to
many offices for information they
could have easily gotten by phone.
"I ordered a fridge and I can't give
the vendor a phone number so he can
arrange to deliver it," said Lindsay
Williams, a School of Music first-year
student. "We can't even order pizza eas-
The majority of students moving
in spent their time racing to find
lofts and plugging in stereos. They
faced only minor problems, officials
Move-in for residents of the Hill
dorms was staggered between two days,
but traffic was still heavy, Levy said.
"At some point, you just run out of road
The situation at Mary Markley Hall,
with 94 percent of its residents in the
entering class, was chaotic when resi-
dents tried to park.
"People were parked everywhere -
in the handicapped spots, on the grass,
and on the sidewalk," said Jason Perla,
an LSA first-year student.
Sheryl Stevenson, East Quad's stu-
dent coordinator, said residents
moved in with a minimum of fuss.
"We had the usual number of stu-
dents not knowing their way around,"
she said.
;Ann Arbor Art Center
°KChris Triola
"Galerie Jacques
Institute for Humanities
- Kempf House
Kerrytown Concert House
Made By Hand Gallery
Pierpont Commons
Washtenaw Council for the Arts
Wooden Bird
Rec Sports Sports p4
Recycle Ann Arbor Persp. p3
SOS Crisis Center Persp. p3
Arts p8 Student Activities and Leadership News p5
Arts p8 Students With Disabilities Persp. p2
Arts p8 UM Navy ROTC Sports p2
Arts p8 University Club Arts p9
Arts p8 University Musical Society Arts p6, Persp. p6
Arts p8 U-M School of Music Arts p7
Arts p8 U-M Waste Management Univ. plO
Arts p8
Arts p8
Arts p8
Michigan Book & Supply
Michigan Union Bookstore
North Campus Commons Bookstore
Sports p2; Arts p2;
Univ. pl1; Persp. p2,4;
News p21
Ann Arbor p12; Univ.
p6,12; Persp. p8; News p22
News p24
Sports plO; Ann Arbor p7;
Arts p7; Univ. p3;
Persp. p3; News p6,14
David Brownell Violins
Herb David Guitar
Overture Audio
PJ's Records
Rit Drums
Tower Records
Wazoo Records
Arts p8
Persp. p8
Persp. p8
Persp. p8
News p8
Univ. pl2
Ann Arbor p7; News p7
Ann Arbor p6; Arts p9
Adrian's T-shirts
Fantasy Attic
First Position Dancewear
Marty's Menswear
Rag ODRama
Steve & Barry's
T.J. Maxx
Vintage to Vogue
Sports p3
Univ. p12
Arts p3
News p7
Sports p2; Univ. p2
Persp. p5
Persp. p5
Sports p9; News p7
News p 12
News p 17
Arts p10
American Baptist Center
Ann Arbor Church of Christ
Canterbury House
Christian Science Services
First Congregational Church
Guild House
Huron Hills Baptist
Jewish Resource Center
Labor of Love
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Memorial Christian
New Grace Apostolic
Oakwood Church
St. Mary's Student Parish
St. Paul Lutheran
United Students for Christ
University Lutheran Chapel
University Reformed Church
Washtenaw Independent Bible Church
Wels Lutheran Chapel
Wesley Foundation
Zion Lutheran
Ann Arbor p1lI
Ann Arbor p1lI
Ann Arbor plO
Ann Arbor pl1
Ann Arbor pl0
Ann Arbor pl0
Ann Arbor pl0
Ann Arbor p10
Ann Arbor p11
Ann Arbor pl0
Ann Arbor pl0
Ann Arbor pl0
Ann Arbor p11
Ann Armor p10
Ann Arbor p11
Ann Arbor p1iI
Ann Arbor plO
Ann Arbor p1 1
News p2
Ann Arbor pi I
Ann Arbor plI
Ann Arbor plO
Continued from Page IA
undergraduate education, diversity,
public access to education and finan-
cial need of Michigan residents,"
Machen said. "We consider this the
minimum budget we can accept for
quality commitment at this University."
Michigan Student Assembly
President Fiona Rose endorsed
Machen's recommendation.
She said she supported the allocation
of funds in a way that allows for the
maintenance of the current quality of
University programs, while preventing
degradation of services. "It makes sense
educationally and fiscally," Rose said.
Machen said this year's low increase
reflects lower inflation rates and the
increase in state funding. He said there
is no proposed increase for any of the
academic fees.
Machen said tuition fees must be
raised each year to accommodate the
costs that also rise each year. He said
higher operating costs and building
construction costs contribute to the
need for higher tuition.
In addition to the small tuition
increase, the allocation to financial aid
programs for students increased by 9
percent in the general fund budget.
Machen said the increased financial
aid allocation will be distributed as a
total student support program, aiding
both undergraduate and graduate stu-
dents, and going to both merit- and
need-based aid programs.
"The increase in financial aid is a
recognition of the problems students
are having in funding education,"
Machen said. "We want to ensure all
Michigan residents have adequate
financial aid."'
Continued from Page IA
Clinton and other administration
officials spent the day in intense tele-
phone and personal conversations with
U.S. allies. But the results of their
labors were mixed, according to reports
from the Middle East and Europe.
British and Saudi officials were
reported to have given a green light for
U.S. military action. The Saudi acquies-
cence was seen as particularly important,
since a U.S.-European air wing enforc-
ing the "no-fly" zone over southern Iraq
territory is based on Saudi soil and could
play a role in a retaliatory attack.
The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson
also has taken position in the northern
Persian Gulf along with several cruisers
and destroyers armed with Tomahawk
cruise missiles. On the other side of
Iraq, U.S. planes are based at Incirlik,
Turkey. A second carrier, the USS
Enterprise, is standing by in the eastern
Mediterranean, U.S. officials said. Over
the weekend the Air Force also moved
four B-52 bombers to Guam.
But Jordan's King Hussein told Gen.
John Shalikashvili, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, in Aqaba that out-
siders should not meddle in raqgs busi-
ness, according to Jordan's state-run
Petra news agency. Officials in France
and Russia, both traditional defenders
of Iraqi sovereignty, also were reported
to be reluctant to join any allied mili-
tary action on Iraq.
Washkonw In~pmee
Cathered unto the name
of the LordJesus Christ
for doctrine,frffowshiip,
breaking of bread and praers
We meet in homes in
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am,
7:00 pm.
Wednesday 7:00 pm.
For more information, please call:
Van Parunak- 996-1384
David Nelson- 434-9734
Yesus said; "For where two or three
aregathered together in myg name,
there am I in the midst of them."
Banks crack down
on check fraud
It might seem like fighting a tank
with a pea shooter, but bankers across
the country are trying to solve an
$800 million problem with a $2.50
In Texas, Nevada, Arizona and more
than a dozen other states, bankers are
fighting check fraud by equipping
tellers with ink pads so they can affix
the thumbprint of customers who aren't
regular patrons of the bank to the backs
of checks they cash.
The idea has drawn remarkable inter-
est because banks are losing millions
each year to organized crime and gang
members who steal checks or duplicate
payroll checks and then cash them.
These crimes cost banks $815 mil-
lion in 1993 alone, more than 12 times
what they lost in robberies, according to
the latest American Bankers
Association statistics.
"This is a war for us," said Jerome
Evans, executive vice president with
First National Bank of Maryland.
Banks aren't the only ones who pay
TWA crash probe losing steam
WASHINGTON - Crash investigators' initial optimism is waning that wreck-
age from TWA Flight 800 will yield definitive proof of what downed the Boeing
747, and law enforcement officials now believe that if a bomb or missile destroyed
the plane a case may have to be built without any conclusive physical evidence of
blast damage.
After six weeks of tests, computer simulations and a partial reconstruction of t
jumbo jetliner, probers have been able to reach just one definitive conclusion:
location of the blast that knocked the plane out of the sky.
About 70 percent of the aircraft has been recovered from the ocean floor off
Long Island so far, mostly from a few debris mounds that investigators had hoped
would yield the strongest clues. Those examining the wreckage have found two
tiny traces of explosive material, but say they are inconclusive. What continues to
elude them are signs of metal damage indicative of a bomb or missile blast, or actu
al bomb parts.
The case's chief law enforcement official said in an interview last week that
criminal investigators may have to wait for the discovery of additional samples of
explosive residue and rely on surveillance, interviews and other intelligence work
before they can declare the July 17 downing of Flight 800, in which 230 peo4
died, a criminal act.
for check fraud. Consumers do too -
in the form of higher fees charged by
banks, said William Gearin, head of
Financial Institution Security
Consulting Service, a Worcester, Mass.,r
consulting company.
"This is a serious problem, and it s
going to get worse'" he said. "Wha
really driving the statistics upward is
counterfeit checks."
New links made in
Alzheimer's disease
A close new look into blood chem
istry, brain cells and the damage done
by oxygen may help explain why heree -
ity is so important in Alzheimer's d-
ease, a research team in New yoa
reported yesterday.
In studies of a blood protein called
"apoE" the Rockefeller University team
found that in addition to its known role
in moving cholesterol around, apoL
plays an unexpected role in shielding
cells from chemical damage.
Different formsof apoE may explaia
why some get Alzheimer's early in life
$.., . N WORLD
Ann Arbor Ballet
Ann Arbor Ice Cube
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
Ann Arbor Theater
Michigan Theater
Oasis Hot Tubs
Pinball Pete's
Purple Rose Theatre
'Skatin I1 Station
Wide World Sports Center
Persp. p8
Arts p6
Arts p3
Arts p9
Arts p3
Arts p7
News p9
News p8
News pi1
Univ. p4
Sports p5
Ann Arbor p4
Ace Hardware .
Ann Arbor Carpet
Apartment Furniture Rental
Dream On Futon
Englander's Other Place
Globe Furniture Rentals
Grace's Secondhand
Kitchen Port
Lily's Garden
Little Dipper
U-M Property Disposition
Vendor Fair/Housing
Waterbed Gallery
Univ. p5
Sports p4
Univ. p7
Univ. p7,12
Univ. p8
Univ. p7
Univ. p7
Arts p10
Arts p10
Arts p10
Univ. p7
Univ. p2
Univ. p7
Arts pl0
Afternoon Delight
Amer's Delicatessan
Ayse's Courtyard Cafe
Blimpy Burger
Blind Pig
Bruegger's Bagels
Burger King
Cafe Zola
China Gate
Cottage Inn
Einstein Bagels
Gandy Dancer
Good Time Charley's
Grizzly Peak
Kai Garden
Lai Dai
Lucky Kitchen
Marco's Pizza
Michigan League Buffet
Monahan's Fish
Mongolian Barbeque
Moveable Feast
Mr. Greek's Coney Island
Nikko's Pizza
Oriental Express
Outback Steakhouse
Pizza House
Rendez-Vous Cafe
Rod's Diner
Steve's Lunch
Sweet Lorraine's
University Club
Arts p4
Ann Arbor p7
Arts p4
Arts p4
Arts p5; Persp. P4
News p24
Ann Arbor p5,7
Arts p9; Persp. p8
Persp. p4
Arts p5
Arts p5
News p7
Ann Arbor p6
Arts p5
Arts p5
Ann Arbor p7
Arts p4; News p7
Arts p4
Arts p4; Persp. p5
Arts p4
Ann Arbor p7
Arts p5
News p24
News p24
Arts p5
Arts p10
Ann Arbor p7
Arts plO
Sports p5; Persp. p4
Arts p5
Arts p4
Arts p4
Ann Arbor p6; Arts p4;
News p611
News p6
Arts p5
Arts p4
News p6
Ann Arbor p7
Persp. p5
Arts p4
Arts p5,10
Communist party
receives setback
MOSCOW -The governor appoint-
ed by President Boris Yeltsin in the
"red-belt" region of Saratov crushed his
Communist challenger in the first of 52
autumn elections for control of Russia's
provincial heartland, complete returns
showed yesterday,
The lopsided outcome of Sunday's
closely watched election spelled trouble
for the Communists' goal of rebound-
ing from defeat in the July presidential
vote by gaining power at the grass
Even more humiliating for the
Communists, the defeat came in a place
they counted as theirs. Saratov, a large-
ly rural region straddling the Volga
River 420 miles southeast of Moscow,
had given big pluralities last December
to Communists now in Parliament and
to Communist Party leader Gennady
Zyuganov in the race against Yeltsin.
Presidential advisers hailed the result
as a victory not only for an energetic,
can-do reformer but for a master
Kremlin strategy to be adapted for
Yeltsin-backed incumbents in the rac s
to come. "This election is a ... showc ..e
... of political cooperation between tie
regions and the center," said Kreml
strategist Vyacheslav Nikonov.
steered clear of politics and concentr, -
ed on solving real problems."
Campai season
kics o in Balkans
FOCA, Bosnia-Herzegovina -
Ra'dovan Karadzic revved up the
crowd at a campaign rally here this
week. Radovan M. Karadzic, that
cousin and close adviser to Radovan
Karadzic, indicted war crimes sus-
pect and supreme Bosnian Serb'
leader, who is banned from public:
Under the U.S.-brokered Dayton,
Ohio, peace accord, nationwide elec-
tions will be held Sept. 14 to choose
three-person presidency for Bosni
Herzegovina (a Serb, a Croat a
Muslim) plus separate officials for tiU
Serbian half and the Muslim-Croat 1
of the country.
Arthur Andersen
Athletic Develop. & Alumni Relations
Computer Showcase
Decker Drugs
First of America
Food Services
Great Lakes Bancorp
Maison Edwards
Maize N Brew
Michigan Telefund
Michigan Union Programs
New Adventures
Occassionally Gift Shop
Pierpont Commons
Rampy Chevrolet
Rec Sports
Stairway to Heaven
News p 16
News p9
Univ. p4
Persp. p4
Ann Arbor p2
News pil
News pl18
Persp. p4
Persp. p4
Univ. p12
News p19
News p3
News p24
Univ. P12
News p24
News pl5
News pl8
Sports p3
The Michigan Daily (ISSN U45.967) is publisned Monday tnrougn rriay uurin gth iall andU winter trms Uy
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 313): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763-0379; Sports 747-3336; Opinion 764-0552;
Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 7640554; Billing 764-0550.
E-mail letters to the editor to daily.letters@umich.edu. World Wide Web: http://www.pub.umich.edu/daily/.
NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Shimpf. Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Campbell, Anita Chick,.Jodi S. Cohen, Melanie Cohen, Jeff Cox, Jeff Eldridge, Jennifer Harvey, Stephanie Jo Klein.
Laurie Mayk, Heather Miller. Rajel Pitroda, Anupama Reddy, Alice Robinson, Matthew Smart, Ann Stewart, Christopher Wan, Katie Wang,
Will Weissert, Maggie Weyhing.
EDITORIAL Adrl# mJanney, Za ary M, Raimi, Editors
STAFF: Niraj R Ganatra, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Joe Gigliotti, Samuel Goodstein. Kren Kay Hahn, Katie Hutchins, Chris Kaye, Yuki Kuniyuki
Jim Lasser. James Miller, Steven Musto, Paul Serilla, Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer.
$PORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Edi:
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Leroi, Danielle Rumore, Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Donald Adamek, Nancy Berger, John Friedberg, Jiten Ghelani, James Goldstein, Jeremy Horelick, Jennifer Houdilik, Kevin Kasiborsk.
Andy Knudsen, Marc Lightdale, Will McCahill. Sharat Raju, Pranay Reddy, Jim Rose, Richard Shin, Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman.
ARTS Brian A. Gnatt, Joshua Rich, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker, Elan A. Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Dean Bakopouos (Fine Arts), Use Harwin (Music), Tyler Patterson (Theater). Jennifer Petlinski (Film).
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Eugene Bowen, Jennifer Buckley, Neal C. Carruth. Jeffrey Dinsmore, Tim Furlong, Kai Jones, Emily Lambert, Bryan
Lark, Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas, James Miller, Heather Phares, Ryan Posly, Dave Snyder, Prashant Tamaskar, Kelly Xintaris. Michael
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Editor
STAFF: Josh Biggs, Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Bohdan Damian Cap, Nopporn Kichanantha, Jonathan Lurie, Margaret Myers, Kristen Schaefer,
Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn.
COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Ede
STAFF: Matthew Benz, Amy Carey, Jodi Cohen, Uli Kalish, Jill Litwin, Heather Miller, Matt Spewak.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Editor
STAFF: Dennis Fitzgerald, Jeffrey Greenstein, Charles Harrison, Travis Patrick, victoria Salipande, Matthew Smart, Joe Westrate, Anthony
GRAPHICS Melanie Sherman, Editor
Great Harvest Bread Company
Hill 0' Beans
Village Corner
White Market
News p3
Arts pl0
News p23
Ann Arbor p6
Ann Arbor p7; News p6
Persp. p5
Au Courant
College Shoe Repair
Conlin-Faber Travel
Council Travel
Dollar Bill
Econo Car
Excel Test Preperation
G-M Underwriters
Grade A Notes
Hall's Moving/Cleaning
John Schultz Photo
M Card
Mail Boxes, Etc.
Mr. Stadium
News p15
Univ. p12
Sports p5
Persp. p5
Ann Arbor p6; News p6
Sports p9
News p15
News p6
News p20
News p10
Persp. p7; News p2
Univ. p12
Ann Arbor p6; Persp. p5 .
Ann Arbor p2
Univ. p7
Univ. p7
Persi n7
Arcade Barber
Campus Barber
Dascola Barbers
Ann Arbor p9; Persp. p4
Persp. p4
Sports p5
oluollIM400 w7 EMI r G! {l1 GI aUIof54c 54c"On slug i. s a s aa st w w y
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