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September 03, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-03

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Tonight: Partly cloudy, low of
Tomorrow: Scattered showers
high 850, low 630.


One Ihundredfive years of editor-zl freedom

September 3, 1996

; : i i l l

U.S. attack
on Iraq
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Iraqi armored
forces and artillery pulled out of the
Kurdish city of Irbil yesterday, but the
Clinton administration dismissed the
withdrawal as insignificant and pushed
ahead with consultations about a mili-
tary strike against President Saddam
.S. officials said an attack by U.S.
Navy and Air Force jets and missiles
appeared imminent in retaliation for
Iraq's thrust Saturday into the interna-
tionally protected Kurdish zone of
northern Iraq with an estimated 30,000
troops. Although they declined to
lescribe what targets might be hit, the
officials said, involvement by U.S.
ground forces is almost out of the ques-
Reports from the area and U.S. offi-
cials agreed that Iraqi heavy armor
drove out of Irbil, taking up positions
about three miles away. But White
House press secretary Michael
McCurry said overall ~Iraqi military
presence in the protected Kurdish area
a bove the 36th parallel remains strong
-and he strongly signaled the Clinton
Administration is seeking a pullback to
e way things stood before last week's
,op movements began.
"We see no indication that they are
preparing withdrawal back to their
oifinal forward positions," he declared
as President Clinton flew to Wisconsin
for a Labor Day rally. "Our interest is in
raking sure that Saddam does not
elieve that unjustified behavior of this
ape is cost-free. ... The president has a
course of action and has been consult-
some governments and informing
e governments of that course of
See IRAQ, Page 2A

ight spce sticks some inounge
Students settle
into dorm life.
Daily Staf Reporter
In his first few days on campus,
4 Jacob Rodriguez has accumulated
0 x (" l 1. s a r Y t s + quite a poker debt.
Due to a University housing short
age. Rodriguez had to bide his time
playing card games - instead of
unpacking - in the Bursley lounge
that is his temporary home.
Rodriguez and nine others were
given temporary housing in Bursley
lounges, since approximately 5,300
students in the entering class have over-
loaded all available University housing
Eric Kuper's bed is pushed next to a
blackboard, and his desk is actually a
study carrel. Kuper, a School of Music
first-year student, said he actually likes
the spacious lounge, but said the uncer-
tainty of his position troubles him.
"It's not knowing," Kuper said. "We
could be here three days or three
weeks. I want to unpack."
Alan Levy, director of Housing pub-
lic affairs, said all the dorms have
reached capacity this year. Even Baits
and Oxford Housing, with traditionally
lower occupancy rates, are completely
Now the University is facing a space
crunch, with about 9,400 first-year and
returning students demanding housing.
Early in the summer, the University
tried to accommodate the extra stu-
dents by putting "overflow triples" into
housing plans, but fell short of its goal,
Levy said. because some students with
leases are unpredictable.
"Some students simply don't show
up to school because they spent their
MARGARET MYERS/Daily summer deciding to attend Harvard or
First-year students (left to right) Jacob Rodriguez, Lindsay Williams, Eric Kuper and Rich Nam play cards in the Sanford Lounge in Bursley. They have been living In the Yale, but they didn't end their leases
lounge for the past week because of a housing crunch that left them without a room. Their top problem: They have no telephone. See MOVING, Page 2A

The first Michigan Daily of the
new sChool year includes six sec-
tions designed to orient you to the
place we call home - whether this
s your first first day at the
University or your last first day.
Perspectives ~
The University
negotiated a bet-
ter, but not per-
fect, contract with
the Graduate

key vote in '-96 race

As undergrad
evolves and modern-
izes, the university is
no longer simply
books and classes.

By Jennifer Harvey
and Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporters
Offering visions of affordable education in a
cleaner environment, candidates are fighting a
history of young voter apathy and courting the 18-
to 24-year-olds in the '96 campaign.
"(The youth vote is) damn important," said Sen.
Carl Levin (D-Mich.) at the Democratic National
Convention in Chicago last week.
"It's the youth of America
who will be called on (to
decide the election)," said I tin
Michigan Gov. John Engler,
a Republican joining a a lot of 4
"truth squad" at the DNC.
After the success of the stay
1992 campaign, the edyh
Democratic Party took for idn't f
granted the support it
received from the youth vot- they wea
ing block, said Detroit
Mayor Dennis Archer. of
"No one likes to be taken
for granted," he said. "There
was a certain amount of Pres
complacency thinking
because of the success in
'92 that it would be there in
'94 and you wouldn't have to work as hard at it."
"Young people supplied President Clinton. then
Governor Clinton, with his largest bleachers for
support, it really was a large part of his victory.
And I think that people assumed that with a youth-
ful president in the White House we can take the
youth vote for granted," said David Wade, presi-
dent of the College Democrats of America.
Wade said many young voters didn't cast ballots
for any candidates in 1994. "1 think in 1994 a lot of
students stayed home and didn't feel like they were

k in 1994
iom aand
re a art
- David Wade
sident of College

a part of the process," he said. The election of a
Republican Congress and Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) as
Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1994
will scare young Democrats into turning out the vote
in 1996, Wade said.
Nick Kirk, president of the College Republicans at
the University, said young voters followed the trend
of voters across the country in 1994 in "repudiation
of Bill Clinton's two years in office"
In order to keep the support of the young people it

won over in 1994 with its
Contract with America
campaign, the Republican
Party has continued to
promise a less intrusive,
leaner government.
Engler said younger
voters have the most at
stake in the next election.
"They're looking for lead-
ers who will deliver,"
Engler said.
Archer said he expects
the Clinton/Gore cam-
paign, as well as candi-
dates around the state, to
devote attention to issues
of concern to students,
such as student loans,

With diverse
music, theater and
entertainment there
is something for

environmental concerns and education programs.
Not surprisingly, Republicans and Democrats dis-
agree about which party best addresses those issues.
"We're opening up college loans and grants,
things the Republicans just don't care about,"said
Larry Owen, a Michigan Democrat and
University alum. "The choice hasn't been this
clear for young people in 50 years."
Levin said Democrats' records on those same
issues -will produce the youth vote for the
See VOTE, Page 9A

The victor
Tom Dolan, a University student and one of the United States' most popular athletes,
brought home his country's first gold medal of the Atlanta Olympics this summer. Dolan is
back at school, but the swimmer won't be diving into the pool for the Michigan team.

Ann Arbor F
A cosmopolitan
city, Ann Arbor
arkesin the
idwest with its

'U' gives students lowest tuition hike in 12 years


By Jennifer Harvey
and Kanti Wang

of the 1984 increase.
The overall $26.3-million increase

infrastructure maintenance and debt


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