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September 27, 1996 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-27

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 27, 1996 - 3

Chemical spills
at Kresge
B ilding
male employee was treated after
being exposed to a formaldehyde spill
Wednesday at a loading dock of Kresge
Medical Research Building.
The employee was conscious, but
had problems breathing, according to
reports from the Department of Public
Safety. The Huron Valley Ambulance
and Ann Arbor Police Department also
responded to the call.
One gallon of formaldehyde was
w ed, and officials from the
cupational Safety and
Environmental Health cleaned up. the
area and disposed of the waste, accord-
ing to DPS reports.
Several bikes
stolen this week
Bike theft outside campus buildings
jrred several times this week, but
one bike was recovered after missing
for a year.
A caller reported to the Ann Arbor
Police Department on Wednesday that
he found his bike, which was stolen last
October. The bike was chained to a bike
rack outside the Student Activities
Building on the Thompson Street side,
according to DPS reports.
The bike is a green Trek men's
tintain bike worth $500. The caller
he bought the bike from an
nknown Ypsilanti person in
ovember 1995. The person was ques-
Tioned by the police and released pend-
ing warrant authorization, according to
DPS reports.
A black Gary Fischer model bicycle
was stolen Monday. It was worth $500,
and the police have no suspects,
according to DPS reports.
nother bike was stolen from the
, rack on the east side of the Dana
Building on North University Avenue.
Thekaller reported on Tuesday that the
bike was probably stolen during the
weekend. The bike was a green Trek
10 model and worth $400, according
toDPS reports. The police have no sus-
'ect in the case.
Laptop lifted from
A caller reported that his Apple lap-
op computer was stolen Wednesday
from the House Officers' lounge at the
East Medical Center Building. The lap-
op is valued at $1,700.
DPS reported that the computer was
removed between 7:45 and 8:15 p.m.,
nd the caterer left the lounge door
n a few minutes during this time.
Crisler Arena
lounge area
Three exterior doorglasses were bro-
ken in the lounge area of Crisler Arena.
he windows are approximately three..
by-seven feet and appeared to have
n broken from the inside out. The
ndows are each worth $400.
No items were missing, and there are
no suspects, according to DPS reports.

ngell Hall
bathroom stall
PS reported that a urinal partition
was ripped out in the men's ground
floor restroom in Angell Hall on
DPS has no suspects, and the repair
is being handled by the University
Building Services.
- Compiled by Daily Staff'Reporter
Anupama Reddy.

GEO pickets Chrysler to support gay rights

By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
When Ron Woods, a gay man, was hired by the
Chrysler Corporation 10 years ago, he made a per-
sonal pledge to become the best electrician the car
company had ever seen.
Last night, Woods picketed against the company
he once loved as he and members of the Graduate
Employees Organization's Queer Caucus joined
forces to demand that Chrysler specifically protect
the rights of gay employees.
"GEO has an interest in defending the rights of
all employees and defending the right to work pro-
tection," said GEO member Tamara Joseph. "This
is something of concern to us.
"Our hope is the manager of the dealership will
get in touch with Chrysler to show support or the
idea of equal rights for gays and lesbians," she said.

The picketers staged their rally in front of a
Chrysler dealership on West Stadium Boulevard.
They demanded that Chrysler Corporation accept
the United Auto Workers' demand to add sexual
orientation to the "Equal Application" agreement
of its employee contract.
Both General Motors Corp. and lord Motor (o"
specifically prohibit any kind of discrimination
due to sexual orientation in its contract.
Woods said he was harassed after he appeared
on the front page of the Detroit Free Press in 1991,
which identified him as a gay man. Since he came
out of the closet, he has been physically assaulted
three times while on the job and he says he has
been ostracized by fellow workers.
Woods said his attackers were never punished
and that Chrysler handled the harassment inade-

They need to wake up and realize the issue
Is not going away."
- Ron Woods
Chrysler employee

"I still feel I am being discriminated against."
Woods said. "They need to wake up and realize the
issue is not going away."
Lori McTavish, a Chrysler spokesperson, said
the company has a long-standing commitment to
fairness and equal opportunity in its hiring and
"As an equal opportunity employer we prohibit
discrimination and we do not tolerate harassment
of any person in the workplace," McTavish said.

Woods maintains he will not quit his job even
though he continues to face harassment.
"i'm not going to concede defeat!' Woods said.
"1'm not going to buckle under bigotry. We can
change our work environment."
Jim Neidert, manager of the Chrysler dealership,
said the picketers are "barking up the wrong tree."
"They're picketing at the wrong place,' Neidert
said. "We're not near the decision makers and w\c
can't make any policy decisions."

MTV bus
to register
near Hill
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
Today, like every day, there will be
lots of buses on campus. But today, one
bus will be getting a lot more attention
than all the rest.
The MTV Choose or Lose bus is
scheduled to park outside Hill
Auditorium from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
today as part of the cable channel's
national effort to register and inform
young voters.
"We're trying to register as many stu-
dents to vote as possible and get them
excited about participating in the
process," said Steve Guy, a spokesper-
son for MTV
Guy said students will be able to tour
the bus, watch videos of all the presi-
dential candidates and learn about their
'Plenty of entertainment will also be
on site, Guy said. He said WIQB will
broadcast live from Hill Auditorium
during the event and local band Captain
Ron and the All-Stars will perform on
the Diag.
MTV's trip to Ann Arbor is spon-
sored by Continental Cablevision and
the Undergraduate Political Science
UPSA president Michelle Pac, an
LSA senior, said a non-partisan voter
registration effort on campus is cru-
"We're going to be out there mobi-
lizing our people as well as the
University community," Pac said.
"We're trying to raise students' political
and academic awareness."
Maria Holmes, corporate affairs
manager for Continental Cablevision,
said the company views its sponsorship
as a way to show commitment to edu-
cational initiatives.
"The primary purpose of the event is
to register students," she said. "We
hope to register as many as 2,500."
If Holmes is right, and anywhere
close to 2,500 are registered at today's
event, the University will steal the
national title from its rivals.
"The record for the most students
registered at a single event is held by
Michigan State University" Guy said.
"They registered 1,300 students in
three hours"
"We're hoping Michigan will try to
grab the title' Guy said.
Ryan Friedrichs, an LSA sophomore
and co-founder of Voice Your Vote, a
non-partisan voter registration group,
said his organization will be helping
UPSA at today's event.
Friedrichs said about 100 student
volunteers will be on hand to help reg-
ister students and conduct polls. He
said Voice Your Vote volunteers will try
to make sure students on North
Campus don't feel left out by register-
ing students there.

New Media Union
acquaints students
with technology

Media Union offers
computing workshops,
music and films
By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
To introduce students to North
Campus' new Media Union, organizers
put on "Shebang" - four days of com-
puting workshops and film and music
presentations that began Tuesday.
"The idea, in one sense, is to provide
access to training that students need,"
said Michael Miller, director of
Information Services for the Media
Union. "The same workshops might be
taken elsewhere but we're bringing
them together, which will hopefully
bring people into the building so we can
show them what we can do with the
The computing workshops, spon-
sored by CAEN, the library and ITD,
last between one and two hours. They
cover graphics and illustration pro-
grams, Internet resources, such as e-
mail and conferencing, protecting intel-
lectual property, and techniques of'
Microsoft Word.
The workshops ofl'red during the
afternoon are followed by music and

filt presentations in the evening.
Miller said the workshops comprise
the "useful" portion of Shebang, while
the music and films are the "fun" por-
tion where students are offered free
popcorn and presented with recent
high-tech movies like "Jurassic Park"
and "Forrest Gump," which are filled
with special effects created with the
same kind of software and equipment
found in the Media Union.
Although Shebang concludes this
evening, computing workshops, walk-
ing tours and virtual reality mini-cours-
es will be given throughout the fall
Workshops will be held from 2:30 to
4 p.m. this afternoon and "Terminator-
2" will be shown at 8:30 tonight.
The Media Union opened last
January and is a looming four-level,
250,000-square-foot building located at
the center of North Campus. It houses
the traditional and digital engineering,:
art, and architecture libraries, more:
than 500 workstations, and perfor-
mance and design studios.
The cavernous complex is an attempt,
to integrate instruction with technology:
by creating a diverse environment of
multimedia resources, mingling knowl-
edge of science, art, architecture and

. . JULLY PARK/Daily
Will sit for charity.
Ryan Rowbotham, Lauren Kachorek and Mel Soils participate in the Pi
Kappa Phi Scaffold Sit for PUSH America. The event benefits people with
disabilities. Starting yesterday, students will sit for 36 hours.

Diabetes group ready for fund-raiser walk

By Nick Farr
For the Daily
People from all walks of life will be
sauntering through Gallup Park this
Sunday, raising funds for the Juvenile
Diabetes Foundation in their annual
"Walk for the Cure."
"This year's walk will be the first in
Ann Arbor," said Pam Prentice, JDF
Executive Director for Southeastern
"We wanted to start a walk in Ann
Arbor for a long time," said
Prentice, who hopes to raise more
than $50,000 in pledges and to
increase awareness about juvenile
"I'm really interested in learning
more about it," said LSA senior
Carolyn Litwinski. "This is a good
opportunity for me to get involved in
an indirect way.
"I know people who have dia-
betes, and I wanted to learn more
about it," said Engineering senior
Kristi Kamm. "It's a really good
thing to do with some of your
JDF funds world-class research
focused on finding a cure for juve-
nile diabetes, as well as research
looking for ways to lessen the

effects for those suffcring from the
disease. JDF is currently funding
four research projects at . jniversity
Pamela Thomas, assistant professor
of pediatrics, is currently studying a
rare form of juvenile diabetes called
PH Hiii.
Infants sutkring from the disease are l
born w ith extremely high insulin levels
:md x irtually nonexistent blood sugar
"Seeing (juvenile diabetes) from the
clinical end you see that it not only
affects the patient, it affects the family
"IS wellT" homas said.
Thomas said University Hospitals pro-
vide the ideal setting for juvenile diabetes
research. She was pleased that a walk

was being held close to the hospital.
"Many patients and family mem-
bers will be participating in the
walk." Thomas said. "The closer we
can come, and the more work we can
do, the better it is for patients and fam-
The 10-kilometer stroll will take
place from 9 a.m. to noon at Gallup
Park. Registration begins at 8 a.m. All
members of the community are wel-
come to come and take part in the rain-

or-shine event.
"Of course, xe're hoping for a nice
day. Hopefully it won't rain, but t
event will go on regardless!' Prentic,
"We're not out there for-good weatll
cr. We're going to go help other people
Litwinski said.
Those interested in participatinp
should show up the day of the event.;r
pre-register by calling JIDF officecsX
(810) 569-CURE.


The Roommate Starter Kit is produced by Penn State University, not West Quad Coordinator of Resident Education Marc
Kaplan. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.

ROGER EBERT said (AS(ke A3AAIM I -evhjye~A VAOS
(0+ 4ke iOroh Ei1R Fes-ivoi) weS ts E d1Ne- Move'.
Chicago Sun-Times
Joliann Garey and BariNHan Cohen at GLAMOUR, agree that
YowtohiC;(AM)DihS$111Mokeyour SoRVwAy h
oT Rowshes CAWEeveh T yakko~eRyo. Ad-e.

a A.

J "Digital



What's happening in Ann Armor today

, ..

Music Ensemble," spon-
d by Media Union, Media
i, Under the Portico, 8 p.m.
emispheric Interference in
r Resnonses." Dr. Rob Kohl.

sored by Media Union, Media
Union, Under the Portico, 8:30
j "Media Union Shebang," sponsored
by Media Union, Media Union,
workshops and events all day
J "The Fountainhead," sponsored by

sponsored by M-Spirit, Michigan
Union, front steps, 2 p.m.
[J "Weekly Rummage Sale," sponsored
by Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor,
Kiwanis Building, 200 South First
St., 9 a.m.-12 noon


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