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September 27, 1996 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-27

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 27, 1996



Continued from Page 1
Traditionally, Palestinians have used
stones in their battles with armed Israeli
troops. The involvement of the
Palestinian police force, created under
the peace accord, has made the most
recent clashes more deadly.
Casualties mounted in part yesterday
because many of the Palestinian police
shot wildly and, unlike the Israelis, had
no flak jackets.
In the West Bank town of Nablus, a

fierce gun battle between Palestinian
police and Israeli troops broke out after
thousands of Palestinians stormed
Joseph's Tomb, a Jewish seminary. Six
Israeli troops and a Palestinian were
After the remaining Israeli troops
guarding the tiny enclave were over-
whelmed, protesters celebrated by set-
ting fire to their jeeps and an armored
personnel carrier. Trapped in the com-
pound, some of the Israelis lit candles
and one kissed a Torah, or Jewish holy
book, in prayers for deliverance.

Russian security
chief says nation
on 'edge of abyss'

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The Washington Post
MOSCOW - With President Boris
Yeltsin ill and on the sidelines, security
chief Alexander Lebed took center stage
yesterday and declared that Russia has
reached "the edge of the abyss" with a
military on the verge of revolt, nuclear
reactors threatening to leak radiation
and the national leadership in paralysis.
Lebed spoke for an hour at a press
conference, hardly mentioning Yeltsin
while describing the state of Russia in
apocalyptic terms. Although Lebed has
often espoused similar stark warnings
in the past, his appearance underscored
his determination to exploit the power
vacuum left by Yeltsin's hospitalization
for planned heart surgery.
"I am trying to prevent the country
slipping into the - abyss," Lebed told
journalists, "and I will keep on trying
and I think I will succeed."
Lebed, a populist politician who
placed third in the initial round of pres-
idential balloting in June, repeatedly
highlighted the drift and paralysis of the
government, even though he is one of
its leaders. He said that after 100 days
in office, "I have not yet managed to
understand how decisions are made in

this country."
He said Russian leaders have not even
begun to discuss their next steps in
Chcchnya. The parliament does not func-
tion well, said Lebed, a former member.
"The system as a whole does not work."
But when asked if he might leave
Yeltsin's government, he replied,
"There is no way you can escape from
a submarine."
Lebed renewed his warning that the
military is "on the brink of a mutiny"
because of unpaid wages and other
financial problems.
"People are leaving the army in
droves; there are mass instances of
suicides; there are lots of instances of
picketing, hunger strikes," he said.
"The decomposition of the huge mili-
tary organism became one of the causes
of the revolution of 1917," he said.
"Having been called to serve the state,
they are not getting anything from the
state, and they feel that they are not need-
In surprisingly blunt terms, Lebed
acknowledged that Russian nuclear
submarines awaiting decommissioning
off the Kola Peninsula in the far north
are an environmental safety hazard.

Senate OKs late-term abortion ban veto
WASHINGTON - The Senate upheld President Clinton's veto of legislation
that for the first time in two decades would have made a form of abortion illegal.
But supporters of the ban on so-called partial birth abortions vowed yesterday to
keep the issue alive during the election campaign.
After a wrenching debate, the Senate voted 57-41 to over-
ride the president's veto of the bill banning the late-term'
abortion procedure, falling nine votes short of the two-thirds
majority needed.
"The most anti-choice Congress in history tried to hand a
pro-choice president an embarrassing defeat less than six
weeks before election day. Their campaign failed," said Kate
Michelman of the National Abortion and Reproductive
Rights Action League.
But abortion opponents said they had struck a political
nerve that would continue to be felt. "This will immediate- Clinton
ly become one of the most powerful issues of the fall elec-
tion," said Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.).
The narrow defeat "underscores the importance of turning out in large numb
in November," said Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition.

great scores...

Census bureau: Rate
of poverty fell in '95
WASHINGTON - Household
income rose for the first time in six
years while the proportion of
Americans living below the poverty
line fell last year, the Census Bureau
reported yesterday. Among African
Americans and the elderly, poverty
rates were the lowest on record.
Median household income rose 2.7
percent last year, to $34,076, after
being adjusted for inflation. Over the
same period, the poverty rate declined
from 14.5 percent to 13.8 percent and
the number of poor fell by 1.6 million,
the largest decrease in 27 years.
By the government's calculation, the
poverty level for a family of four was
"The news is remarkably good," said
President Clinton, who quickly claimed
the numbers as proof of the nation's
economic health. "It is clear that we are
moving on the right track."
Although the U.S. economy emerged
from recession more than four years
ago, the benefits from the economic

recovery had largely eluded not only
the poor but even the average family -p
with most of the gains concentrated in
the upper-income brackets.
Feds permit ValuJet
to return to skies
WASHINGTON - ValuJet got its
wings back yesterday, winning federal
permission to fly again three months
after the budget carrier was grounded
after a deadly crash and questions about
its maintenance operations.
"ValuJet has met all of the FAA's
requirements and they've met all of our
requirements and we've certificated them
to fly"said John Coleman, director oft
Transportation Department's Office
Aviation Analysis. He said the airline is
authorized to resume service "virtually
In Atlanta, ValuJet president Lewis
Jordan told a news conference that the
airline will resume flying Monday. He
said initial flights will be from Atlanta
to Washington and three Florida gities,
Fort Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa.

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Continued from Page 1.
erally about faculty and the importance
of not only conducting research, but
also of teaching.
"I think we need to make sure under-
graduate education is the finest in the
country," Maynard said.
Republican candidate Mike Bishop,
a Rochester attorney, said that while the
candidates had similar answers to the
questions, there are differences between
the four candidates.
"We disagree on quotas, affirmative
action. We disagree fundamentally,"
Bishop said.
Bishop said he does not believe in
affirmative action or benefits for same-
sex and unmarried partners.
"It is an issue indicative of a
University that is turning too far to the
left in this politically correct atmos-
phere,' Bishop said about offering ben-

efits for same-sex couples.
While Bishop said the Republican
and Democratic regents may disagree
fundamentally on some issues, it is
important that individual board mem-
bers put their political differences aside
to focus on the University.
Currently, there is an even number of
Democrats and Republicans on the
board - four of each. However, if both
members from one party win in
November, that party will hold a major-
ity. Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor) is seeking a fourth term after
serving on the board for 24 years.
Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) is
leaving the board after serving 16 years.
Bishop, 29, the youngest candidate,
said he is uniquely qualified because he
can relate better to students at the
University. Bishop is a University alum.
"I have a great deal of passion for my
school and a great deal of eagerness,"
Bishop said. "I feel more in touch with
students on campus."
Connie Beresford, a Livonia resident
who graduated from the University in
1956, said not enough voters know
about the candidates.
"How often do we just go to the
polls and pick a name we like?"
Beresford asked.
She hopes there are more forums like
the one last night so voters are more
"The newspapers aren't covering it
enough,"she said. "We need more of this."

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General strike
paralyzes Argentina
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - In
a display of public discontent and
strife in the ruling Peronist party, a
general strike led by Peronist labor
unions yesterday shut down much of
Throngs of protesters mobilized by
labor's political union machine filled
the Plaza de Mayo, the government
square that is the center stage of
Argentine politics. They pounded
drums, ignited fireworks and chanted
their anger at 17 percent unemployment
and proposed cuts in workers' benefits.
The 36-hour general strike deepens
the difficulties of President Carlos
In recent months, his administration
has endured an earlier strike, approval
ratings below 20 percent and an
unprecedented "blackout" in which
millions of Argentines turned off their
lights to protest economic stagnation
and a political class perceived as insen-
"There is a lot of discontent," said
Hector Perez a worker in a glass facto-

ry and one of the hundreds of voluntee
security guards deployed in the plaza b
the General Confederation of Labor.
"Menem won with the votes of th
workers, and now he is killing t
workers. He is no longer a Peronist.
With three years left to govern, th
charismatic Menem confronts surpris
ing levels of social tension.
50 die after ferry
sinks in Nile River
CAIRO, Egypt - An overloade
ferry crossing the Nile River in so'
ern Egypt sank yesterday, and po
feared that more than 50 peopl
Police rescued 19 of the ferry's 7
passengers, and divers were searchin
the water, a police statement said.
The ferry was returning to the villag
of Beni Hassan in Minya province. Th
passengers had been attending a funer
al on the other side of the river. But th
boat, which was old, tilted and san
under the weight, the statement said
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports



(Lifestyle Enrichment and Advancement Program)


Want to learn how to sketch
Mickey or Tweety Bird? Take this
workshop and you will learn the
basics of creating cartoon figures,
gestures, and facial expressions
and how to develop them, both
single panel and strip format.
Bring to workshop fine line pen or
ink pen, pencil, and eraser.
Drawing paper will be provided at
the workhop.
Oct 10 & 17 (Thur.) 6-8pm
Conf. 4 (Parts 1 & 2)
Instructor: Andrea Berg
Fee: $10.00
Learn the basics of an elegant,
pressure-pen style of calligraphy
known as copperplate script. Bring
a ruler and a pencil to class.
Supply kit ($7.00) to be purchased
from instructor.

"How to get Published"
This workshop is designed for indi-
viduals who want to see their work
published. Topics include current
markets for fiction, non-fiction, and
poetry, which editors are looking,
how to put together professional
looking manuscripts and book pro-
posals, and strategies on marketing
your work as well as marketing mis-
takes frequently made by new,
unpublished writers. just bring your
pen and notepad.
Oct 24 & 31 (Thur.) 6-8pm
Conf 4 (Parts 1 & 2)
Instructor: Victoria Diaz
Fee: $10.00
Tarot Card Reading
Learn how to read Tarot cards and
the meaning attached to the sym-
bols. It is a fun activity for discover-
ing some personal insights.
Nov 21 (Thur.) 6-8pm
Conf. 4 (Part 1)
Dec 5 (Thur) 6-8pm Conf 4 (Part 2)
Instructor: Colleen Wright
Fee: $10.00

Christian Reformed Campus Ministry
1236 Washtenaw Ct. 668-7421
(one block south of CCRB)
10a.m.- Sermon of Celebration
Sermon: "Integrity"
9-10:15p.m.-Student Gathering:
provocative discussion, fun, food
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
Ms. Kyla Ebels
Assistant for Student Ministry
3301 Creek Dr. 971-9777
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. English,
11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Korean
801 S.Forest (at Hill St.)668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship at 10 a.m.
WED.: Evening Prayer-7 Choir-7:30
THURS.: Issues of Faith Group-7:00
John Rollefson & Meg Drum
Campus Ministers
Contemporary worship services at
9:00 am and 12 noon on Sundays.
Bible study for students at 10:30
am. 2580 Packard Road 971-0773
small-group Bible studies and
student activities weekly.
(Anglican Communion)
306 N. Division 663-0518
(2 blocks north and 1 block west
of intersection of Huron and State)
SUNDAY: Eucharists-8am and 10am
Adult Education-9am


Ii 'Mml'sf

n 411

Nov 7 & 14 (Thur) 6-8pm Conf.
(Parts 1 & 2)
Instructor: Linda McVcar
Fee: $10.00


The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term. starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus s
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EITRA ST.F onne * a. * a EdtorInCh
NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Edito
EDITORS: Tim OConnell, Megan Schimpf. Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Janet Adamy. Brian Campbell, Anita Chik, Jodi S. Cohen, Jeff Cox, Jeff Eldridge, Jennifer Harvey, Heather Kamins. Stephanie Jo Kleir
Marc Lightdale Laurie Mayk, Heather Miller, Stephanie Powell, Anupama Reddy. Alice Robinson, Matthew Smart, Ann Stewart. Christopher
Wan, Katie Wang, Will Weissert.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Ralmi, Editor
STAFF: Niraj R. Ganatra. Samuel Goodstein, Katie Hutchins, Yuki Kuniyuki. Jim Lasser, James Miller, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Steven Mu
Jack Schillaci, Paul Serilla, Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer, Mpatanishi Tayari, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Edito
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach. John Leroi, Danielle Rumore, Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Nancy Berger, Chris Farah. John Friedberg. James Goldstein, Kim Hart, Kevin Kasiborski, Andy Knudsen, Will McCahill, Sharat Raju,
Pranay Reddy, Jim Rose, Richard Shin, Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman, Ryan White
ARTS Brian A. Gnatt, Joshua Rich, Editorn
WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker. Elan A. Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Dean Bakopoulos (Fine ArtTGk use Harwin (Music), Tyler Patterson (Theater), Jen Petlinski (Film).
STAFF: Colin Bartos. Eugene Bower, Neal C. Carruth, Melanie Cohen, Kari Jones. Emily Lambert, Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas,
James Miller,.Heather Phares. Ryan Posly, Aaron Rennie, Dave Snyder, Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts,.Kelly Xintaris, Michael Zilberman
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Edito
STAFF: Josh Biggs. Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Bohdan Damian Cap. Margaret Myers. Jully Park. Damian Petrescu, Kristen Schaefer, Jonathan
Summer, Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn.
COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Ed
STAFF: Matthew Benz, Amy Carey, Jodi Cohen, Lili Kalish, Jill Litwin, Heather Miller. Matt Spewak.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Edito
STAFF: Jeffrey Greenstein, Charles Harrison, Travis Patrick, Joe Westrate, Anthony Zak.
GRAPHICS Melanie Sherman, Edito
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