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September 24, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-24

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 24, 1996


Perot sues commission over debates

WASHINGTON (AP) -Ross Perot sued the bipar-
tisan commission that voted to keep him out of the
presidential debates, arguing yesterday that excluding
him would deepen public cynicism and cause his cam-
paign "incalculable dimage."
Shifting strategy, Perot also was negotiating to buy
network TV time to air three 30-second commercials
denouncing the Commission on Presidential Debates.
"Where's Ross?" asks an announcer in one. In anoth-
er, the announcer asks, "What are they afraid of?"
Perot complained he has been denied desirable
broadcast times, and his spokesperson, Sharon
Holman, said a complaint would be filed today with
the Federal Communications Commission seeking
"reasonable access to network facilities and equal
Both the private debate commission and the Federal
Election Commission were named as defendants in
Perot's suit, which insists that he be included in the
debates or the forums cancelled. The debate commis-
sion has prevailed twice before, when sued by third-
party candidates in 1988 and 1992.
Perot's suit, filed in U.S. District Court, faults the
debate commission's finding that he and running mate
Pat Choate have no realistic chance of being elected.
"Declaring the election essentially over for all can-
didates but two before a single debate takes place will
only deepen the nation's cynicism about government;"
it states.
The suit contends that the commission, in recom-

mending debates limited to President Clinton and
GOP candidate Bob Dole, violated federal election
law and certain constitutional rights of Perot and
Presidential debates are scheduled for Oct. 6 in
Hartford, Conn., and Oct. 16 in San Diego. A vice
presidential face-off is set for Oct. 9 in St. Petersburg,
"We are going to fight this all
the way to the end," said one of
Perot's lawyers, Jamin Raskin,
a professor of constitutionalf
law at American University.
The lawsuit contends that the4
commission violated Federal
Election Commission rules
requiring "objective criteria"u
for determining whom to#
include in debates. It faults the Perot
FEC for failing to enforce its
Perot's lawsuit argues the debate commission used a
mostly subjective standard in inviting only those it
deemed to have a "realistic chance" of winning.
Perot meets objective tests such as assembling a
national organization, being on the ballot in all 50
states and receiving nearly $30 million in federal cam-
paign funds, the suit said.
"The Democratic and Republican parties should not
be permitted to consolidate their monopoly on the

political process by closing off the presidential
debates'" the suit states.
Furthermore, it says, Perot and Choate have been
illegally barred from the debates, "thereby causing
incalculable damage to their campaigns."
The debate commission had little comment. "We're
going to wait and see what the court does. Our attor-
neys will study whatever is filed," said commission
spokesperson Bob Neuman.
There was a chance the court would combine the
lawsuit with one already filed by John Hagelin, presi-
dential nominee of the Natural Law Party. A hearing
in that case was scheduled for Thursday. Both cases
were referred to Judge Thomas Hogan.
Clinton had urged that Perot be included in the
debates and Dole had pushed for his exclusion.
Dole, asked about Perot's lawsuit during a cam-
paign appearance in Virginia, said only: "He has a
right to file. The commission voted. I didn't vote."
Russell Verney, Reform Party national coordinator,
told reporters that Clinton and Dole were equally to
blame for the shut-out. While the Clinton campaign
publicly said Perot should be included, it privately
negotiated to keep him out, Verney said.
"It's one more example of the fear the two major
parties have toward creation of a third party" Verney
said at a news conference on the courthouse steps.
Joe Lockhart, Clinton campaign spokesperson, dis-
puted Verney's account. "We pushed very hard to have
Mr. Perot included in the debate" he said.

Truck plows into back of school bus
ROSENDALE, Wis. - In dense morning fog, the yellow school bus pulled
slightly off the two-lane highway and stopped to pick up 13-year-old Cassidy
Robinson. A car stopped behind it.
Then a tractor-trailer came out of yesterday's fog, smashing and shoving the car
under the bus before plowing into the back of the bus.
All four people in the car were killed, along with a 15-year-old high school stu-
dent on the bus who was crushed to death in the next-to-last row.
Cassidy saw it all. Her father said she turned away and ran up her driveway when
she realized the semi was going to hit the bus. For hours afterward, she kept
describing what happened over and over: "The bus stopped, the car stopped, and
the truck didn't."
Eleven children, ages seven to 15 were treated for cuts and sore backs and
released from a hospital. The truck driver and the bus driver also were treated and
The bus was carrying elementary, middle and high school students along a rural
state highway about 60 miles northwest of Milwaukee.
"It's spooky, but where we live it's a way of life," said Tom Robinson, Cassidy
father. "I always taught them to watch for cars and she did good, she heard the semi
wasn't stopping and she ran?'

The University of Michigan
Auditions will be held:
SEPTEMBER 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 26th
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Continued from Page 1.
said there is currently no timeline for
when the position will be filled or
This announcement comes in the
wake of last April's news that
University Hospitals are in the process
of a massive downsizing that includes a
three-year plan to cut 2,100 jobs to save
a total of $200 million.
In July, within the span of one week,
both John Forsyth, then-executive
director of the Medical Center, and
Giles Bole, then-dean of the Medical
School, announced that they were step-
ping down from their respective posi-
Currently Dr. A. Lorris Betz and
Larry Warren fill the positions of inter-
im dean of the Medical School and the
interim executive director of the
Medical Center, respectively.
Continued from Page 1.
General Janet Reno said last June that
law agents faced major challenges in
enforcing laws in this area.
Some challenges include amending
current computer-related laws, enforc-
ing special training for agents and pros-
ecutors on computer crimes and creat-
ing a global law enforcement network
to track down criminals easily, Reno
Reno said the Department of Justice
created a Computer Crime Unit to train
prosecutors in this area.
"The unit, which is currently dou-
bling in size, operates with the active
support of our United States attorneys
nationwide," Reno said in her speech.
"Indeed, the Computer Crime Unit has
trained a national network of 120 pros-
ecutors from every district to coordi-
nate nationwide investigations and
serve as resident experts in their

CIA-backed rebels
may have shipped
crack to U.S.
WASHINGTON - A former feder-
al drug agent said yesterday that while
stationed in El Salvador in the mid-
1980s he came across evidence that
members of the CIA-backed rebel
forces in Nicaragua were smuggling
cocaine into the United States for prof-
Celerino Castillo III, a former Drug
Enforcement Administration agent,
said at a news conference he sent
reports to his agency about Contra
drug flights in 1985 and 1986 and
even spoke to U.S. Embassy officials
about them. But he was told they were
sanctioned by the White House, he
Castillo's account at a briefing spon-
sored by civil rights leaders added to
the controversy over whether the CIA
was involved in drug smuggling that
supplied crack cocaine to the Los
Angeles market.

The House Intelligence Committee
and the CIA's inspector general have
begun inquiries into recent newspaper
reports that such flights were part of a
drug pipeline from Colombian drug
cartels to black neighborhoods
Southern California.
GOPs change
immigration bill
WASHINGTON - Breaking a
logjam that threatened to derail a
measure to crack down on illegal
immigration, House and Senate
Republicans have decided to
remove from the pending bill a con-G
tentious provision that would
restrict public education for undoc-
umented students, congressional
sources say.
Under a new strategy to be
unveiled today, the schooling provi-
sion will be placed in another bill
and brought up for a separate vote
before the scheduled end of the con-
gressional session this week, the
sources said. 6

s < -- '




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Yeltsin's health fuels
political struggle
MOSCOW - President Boris
Yeltsin's heart illness, which his doctors
have revealed to be a more serious con-
dition than was previously known, has
fueled a fresh and increasingly intense
struggle among leading politicians who
would like to succeed him.
Although Yeltsin may survive
bypass surgery and return as the vigor-
ous leader who danced and rallied his
way through last year's presidential
campaign, his rivals have begun
behaving as if his days in power are
They seem to be preparing for a re-
run of the leadership struggle that was
seemingly settled only two and a half
months ago, when Yeltsin won a second
four-year term.
The Russian constitution provides
for a new election within three months
if the president suffers a "sustained
inability due to health to discharge his
powers."Yeltsin's prospective heart sur-
geon, Renat Akchurin, suggested over
the weekend that the surgery may have

to be delayed because of Yeltsin's frag-
ile condition, adding to a feeling of
uncertainty about the president's health
and intensifying speculation about to
constitutional provision for new elec-
Japan asserts claim
to Islands
HONG KONG - Japan yesterday
asserted its claim to a chain of disputed
islands by blocking a flotilla of Taiwa
and Hong Kong demonstrators w
tried to land on the stony outposts to
plant flags of Taiwan and the People's
Republic of China.
According to reporters aboard the
seven small vessels containing anti-
Japanese activists, the demonstrators
were turned back by Japanese coast
guard craft before they could land on
the tiny islands located 100 miles
northeast of Taiwan.
Japan, China and Taiwan all ca
the rocky archipelago. A lighthouse
up there by Japanese ultranationalists
in July has sparked anti-Japanese
demonstrations in Taiwan.

The MTV Choose or Lose Bus rolls into town on
Friday, September 27, 11AM to 2PM on the service
drive between Shapiro Library and West Hall.
Volunteers will be on hand to register new voters.
Stop by and receive a Continental Cablevision/MTV
Choose or Lose T-Shirt*. Sponsored by Continental
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