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September 24, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-24

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onight: Dry and cold, low
round 40*.
omorrow: Clear and cool,
igh around 620.



One /undredfve years ofeditoria freedom

September 24, 1996

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bro gram
may help
to pirate
'U' looking at other
security measures to
protect students
Anupama Reddy
Staff Reporter
The Trojan Horse program that has
stolen at least 100 uniqnames and pass-
words from campus computing sites
may also be used to pirate software,
University officials said.
ITD Associate Director Laurie
Burns said she could not comment on
the specifics of the investigation, but
said the stolen information could be
used to copy University software.
&It's like taking a copy of Microsoft
rd you didn't pay for," Burns said.
"It's illegal under Michigan state law
and federal law.
"They either allow someone to put
software in your file space, or the per-
son who stole your passworgd would put
the software (in) themselves," Burns
The investigation involving a Trojan
Horse program found on three
iversity computing sites is still clas-
sTied as ongoing, according to offi-
cials from the Department of Public
Safety and the
Possible Information
Tech no logy
OUuFtII Division.
ways the A Trojan Horse
U' mawy tr program, which
tect students' mimics the
privacy: University login
screen, was discov-
Single use ered Sept. 11 at the
passwords. S h a p i r o
D)igtalsig- Undergraduate
rntUres. Library. Family
t1-ousing on North
Campus and the
Frieze Building.
Burns said some security abuses
include the suspect or suspects using
uip the user's allowance of lTD com-
ing dollars or, more importantly,
t they can become the user in the
eyes of the system.
"They can become you in e-mail,"
Burns said. "Any e-mail messages that
they send out can be sent by you.
"As long as you have your uniqname
and password, the computer believes
you're the owner," Burns said.
Single-use passwords, which are
already operated by some University
administrators, and digital signatures
@ some methods the University is
discussing to combat computer breach-
es, Burns said.
DPS spokesperson Elizabeth Hall
said she could not comment on the
specifics of the case because the inves-
tigation is ongoing.
"We are working with ITD to inves-
tigate all computer crimes on campus,"
Hall said. "We have investigated
Tojan Horse programs in the last year,
l we'll continue to do so."
Hall said computer security is one of
many issues that DPS discusses with
other university law enforcement agen-

This specific Trojan Horse program
captures a user's unigname and pass-
word on the computer's hard drive, and
the information can be used to access
the class schedule, financial records, e-
mail account and other personal items
Athe user.
'urns warned students to change
their passwords if they have used the
three computing sites. She said the
problem is common across university
"The incident we had in the sites is
unfortunately common in shared envi-
ronments," Burns said. "There'll
always be holes that someone can get
away through. We just try to get a little
"I'm sure other universities have the
same problems," Burns said.
Information Technology Division
officials conducted a sweep of all com-
puting sites last week after the program
first appeared and found 100 uniq-

Jackson touts
impact of
student vote


MSA President Fiona Rose introduces the Rev. Jesse Jackson yesterday at Hill Auditorium.

Reverend's bus speeds into Ann Arbor

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
The Rev. Jesse Jackson marched stu-
dents down the aisle and out the door of
Hill Auditorium yesterday.
"Ann Arbor, come on down,"
Jackson ordered. "Go right down that
aisle and register now. You cannot
impact this system unregistered"
During a voter registration rally with
student leaders and elected officials
from across the state, Jackson instructed
all unregistered voters in the audience to
get out of their seats and register at the
tables set up outside of the auditorium.
Michigan Student Assembly
President Fiona Rose said that although
students had to wait more than an hour
for Jackson to arrive, the event was a
memorable success.
"These students who registered today
will never forget they were registered
by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rose said.
"I wasn't registered to vote, but this
really encouraged me to," said LSA
junior Tasha Reed.
Jackson commented on the diversity
of the Ann Arbor audience - an aspect
of campus life on which the University
prides itself.
"You look like what (Martin Luther
King Jr.) lived and died for - you look
like a little United Nations here,"
Jackson said.
Jackson ended the "Get Down With
the Vote" rally with his voter march, but
before he arrived students and officials
made their own pleas to get out the

Jeanne Harris, speaker of the Black
Student Union, compared participation
in the political process with the wave
she started in the crowd.
"You can't stop when you see a little
bit of success ... because somebody's
got to come after you," Harris said.
Speakers reminded audience mem-
bers that just as their parents' actions
affected them, their actions and deci-
sions would have consequences for stu-
dents years from now.
Rose said the young generation has
been stereotyped with apathy and
unawareness as a result of low voter
turnout and poor student involvement.
Loren McGhee, president of the
campus chapter of the NAACP, encour-
aged students to do more than register
and vote.
"Our vote is directly related to our
lives," she said. "(Get) your hands dirty
in campus issues or campus affairs."
Jackson also encouraged local
activism and told students that they
should cast votes where they live - in
Ann Arbor.
As Jackson asked students to stand
up and raise hands to answer questions
about how they pay their tuition at the
University, he commented that all stu-
dents benefit from financial aid for
higher education.
"Every student at this school is sub-
sidized by the state and federal govern-
ment - you are all on aid," Jackson

By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
U.S. 23, YPSILANTI - Keep hope alive.
In those three words lie the Rev. Jesse Jackson's work
and plans for the future.
"It's a tug-o-war for the country's priorities and we must
pull it toward more openness, more inclusion, more shared
participation," he said.
Speaking yesterday on the road to another stop on his
"Get Down With the Vote" tour, the one-time Democratic
candidate for president said he still has a lot of work to do.
But, in addition to organizing voters and motivating youth,
Jackson will be soon be running another campaign of his
Jackson said he will seek political office again, but that
he didn't know exactly what office he will vie for. "I'll wait
until after Nov. 5 to determine that," he said.

For now, he is traveling around the country, registering
young voters and speaking to college students.
"Right now I'm working on voter registration, motiva-
tion, voter turn-out," he said.
Jackson spoke at five locations along U.S. 23 yesterday
morning before addressing a crowd of students and politi-
cians at Hill Auditorium. Following that appearance,
Jackson continued on to many more events yesterday.
Jackson has stumped in the state since Saturday night.
logging hundreds of bus miles on a hectic schedule, travel-
ing to locations around southeast Michigan, and speaking
and personally registering voters.
He has been battling bronchitis all the way, often cough-
ing and feverish. His staffers asked him to cancel the trip
because of his illness, but Jackson would have none of it,
he said, because the work must go on. Hope must stay alive.
See JACKSON, Page 7

Neal shares plans
for new executive
officer position

By Jeff Eldridge
and Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporters
The University Board of Regents and
interim President Homer Neal have
announced the creation of a new execu-
tive position to oversee the operations
of the Medical School and the hospi-
Neal made the announcement at
Friday's regents meeting, after noting
the pressing obligations created by the
financial situation of the University
"There are things that are time-sensi-
tive - the health and medical center
are things that we cannot wait on" Neal
The new posi-
tion will carry the
title "executive
vice president for
medical affairs."
This vice presi-
dent will report to
the University
president and7
oversee the oper-
ations of both the
Medical School
dean and the
director of
Hospitals. Interim President H
At a meeting
with the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs yesterday, Neal explained that
the decision to create this position
was based on the differing interests of
the Medical School dean and the
executive officer of the University
"The hospital center is more oriented
to making money and the dean is more
committed to the academic mission,"
Neal said. "The regents feel the key to
11 1 . n c- -rncfi n-t~. a t+- avf

William Ensminger, professor of
pharmacology, said recruiting someone
for this position could be costly because
of the high demand for people capable
of overseeing large transitions such as
that of the Medical Center.
"There is a greater demand for peo-
ple like this than there are for universi-
ty presidents," Ensminger said.
Provost J. Bernard Machen said this
action is part of a larger effort being
made by regents and administrators to
cope with the restructuring of the med-
ical system.
"The regents and executive officers
said (they) were going to look at the
structure of the medical centers,"
Machen said.
The changes
are being mod-
eled in part on the
systems used at
other universities.
Neal said
regents and exec-
utive officers
have spent recent
weeks visiting
academic health
centers at Oregon
I n d i a n a
U n i v e r s i t y,
mer Neal E m o r y
University and
the University of
"These trips, together with advice
from people within the University
and from the regents' special counsel,
have been especially helpful," Neal
Michael Harrison, a spokesperson
for University Hospitals, said he was
not aware that the new position would
be created until he heard about it at the
regents meeting. He said the concept
fn, the nnciticn mnmc from the admin-


LSA senior Marketoe Day discusses the issues students with disabilities face at the University.

Students with disabilities say
'U' services not up to standards


By Alice Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
The student in the white Michigan jacket is too young to
remember the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
But he's not too young to be affected by it.
In fact, Marketoe Day - a legally blind LSA senior - has
a pretty strong opinion about it.
"I'm still being affected by problems that should have been
corrected 18 years earlier by an act implemented by the
United States Congress," Day said. He started taking classes
at the University in 1991 when he was 18.
Day and other visually impaired students say -the
University's Services for Students with Disabilities office has
not been meeting their needs in recent years, despite a 1993
civil rights complaint forcing it to step up efficiency.
Dav aid that accordingt to section 504 of the Rehabilitation

Before this program began, disabled students were handed
a list of volunteers whom they had to contact to get their
materials taped.
One former student said this approach was a hassle.
"You give the stuff to the people and they put it on their
mantel and they forget about it," Donna Rose said. Rose, 40,
said she filed a civil rights complaint with the U.S.
Department of Education in 1993 after repeatedly late mate-
rials forced her to drop out of the School of Social Work's
doctoral program.
"I felt like my dream was being stolen away from me, said
Rose, who does not have the funds to return to school.
Rose won her-case - and forced the University to estab-
lish the reader service program now based in West Quad's
Strauss Library.
"Other universities had reading programs much earlier



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