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September 17, 1996 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-17

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 17, 1996 - 3

ournalism fellows enhance, share knowledge

Clinton to visit
Detroit today
President Clinton is scheduled to
make several campaign stops in
-4ichigan today for the first time since
Ois whistle-stop train tour last month.
Clinton is expected to arrive at
Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti this
morning before he travels to.Westland to
7.tour the William D. Ford Vocational and
Technical Center and deliver remarks at
a rally at John Glenn High School.
eOP candidates
to attend mass
The College Republicans plan to
host several GOP candidates at their
first mass meeting of the semester
tomorrow night.
- Republican House candidate Joe
Fitzsimmons and University regent
candidate Michael Bishop are sched-
uled to speak about issues facing stu-
dents in the upcoming election.
College Republicans President
Nicholas Kirk said one of the meeting's
functions will be to organize students
into committees - fundraising, fliering
and truth squad. The truth squad is a
'new feature to the group this year. The
Committee will research issues, attend
Democratic events and publicize the
'epublican stance on issues, Kirk said.
Kirk said the College Republicans
.had a slow year last year, but that the
-group is "back with a vengeance."
" The College Republicans mass
meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. tonight
in 1640 Chemistry Building.
Jackson to recruit
U' voters
Rev. Jesse Jackson is scheduled to
.visit campus Monday in an effort to
register younger voters.
John Matlock, director of the Office
of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
and a coordinator for the Jackson visit,
said Jackson will speak to students at
1:15 p.m. at Hill Auditorium about the
importance of voting. Matlock said
voter registration tables will be set up
outside the building, as well as music
*iid student speaker venues.
'"(Jackson) is certainly no stranger to
this campus," Matlock said.
"Hopefully, this will give a big boost to
voter registration on campus."
Dems pitch camp
on Church Street
'The Democratic Coordinated
ampaign has set up shop on campus
this semester at 611 Church St.
r,. The office supports a number of
-local Democratic candidates, including
14j.,S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), U.S.
Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor), State
Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor), State
Rep. Mary Schroer (D-Ann Arbor),
and various Washtenaw County and
'Ann Arbor city candidates.
- The office also coordinates local
ctivities and volunteers for the
Clinton/Gore campaign in Michigan.
A spokesperson for the office said stu-
dent involvement has already exceeded
expectations. "(University students) are
.coming in by the hundreds," she said.
Workers World
candidate to visit

Workers World Party vice presidential
candidate Gloria La Riva is scheduled to
discuss freedom issues at 7 p.m. tomor-
row in Room D of the Michigan League.
La Riva is expected to speak against
recent U.S. military actions in Iraq,
9 immigrants' rights and union solidarity.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporters
Jennifer Harvey and Laurie Mayk.

By Hope Calder
For the Daily
In its 24th year, the University's Journalism
Fellows program is bringing a new class of talent-
ed professional journalists to campus.
The fellows program, a Rackham initiative, "is
designed to give mid-career professional journal-
ists a year of individualized study and research,"
said Robin Stevenson, program coordinator.
For one academic year, the diverse group of jour-
nalists, including five international and 12 American
journalists, receives full tuition and stipends.
Throughout the year, the fellows will participate on
panels and act as guest speakers in classes.
"The fellows derive a lot from interacting with
the faculty and students while the faculty gains
unofficial advising about how the media works,
and gives them access to the media;" said Charles

Eisendrath, program director.
The program began in 1973 to enable mid-career
journalists to enhance their knowledge. In addition,
"the program makes journalists better informed
which better informs the public," Eisendrath said.
The oldest program, the Newman program,
began at Harvard University, and the following two
programs were started at Stanford University and
the University of Michigan. Eisendrath said the
program came to Michigan because, "it is a good,
public university with a broad range of subjects."
The fellows are selected for the program based
on their past achievements and future promise.
They each have a specific focus, and their perfor-
mance based on their particular interest is looked
at critically during the selection process. Through
a number of essays and interviews, only the best
journalists are chosen.

Dennis Cauchon, an assistant national editor of
USA Today, is one of the fellows for this year. His
focus of study is the history of false ideas.
Throughout the year, he will be attending under-
graduate classes such as Madness in History 396
and taking part in independent study research.
"I am interested in taking a year off and study-
ing to gain a broader perspective, a more historical
perspective, instead of thinking everything is hap-
pening for the first time" Cauchon said. "My
favorite part is getting the reactions of the students
in my classes."
Although Cauchon has only been in the program
for a few weeks, he said, "the program is wonderful,
well-organized, and I'm really enjoying it."
Nancy Colasurdo, from the Trenton Times, is
studying the female athletic experience.
Colasurdo's course load includes a variety of

women's studies courses, and she hopes to work
with women athletes and coaches at the University
"The resources are unlimited, and the con'tacts
are endless. I am sure this program will make me
a better writer and reporter," Colasurdo said.
Colasurdo add'ed she enjoys being back at
school, and is excited about all of the resources
and opportunites the University has to offer.
Cauchon, Colasurdo and their 15 peers are reap-
ing the benefits of the Journalism Fellows program
- not only are they enhancing their professional
careers, but they are having a great time being'co'-
lege students again.
"Now that I have been in the work force for
almost 10 years, I have a different perspective on
things, but I also enjoy hearing the the students'
perspectives. It's like being in two worlds - the
adult world and the student world," Colasurdo said.

23 'U' Fuibright
scholars to learn
in foreign lands

By Stephanie Powell
For the Daily
When Senator J. William Fulbright
initiated the Fulbright Scholar Program
50 years ago, it was designed to
"increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United States
and the people of other countries."
The foreign exchange program for
graduate students all over the world
allows students to teach, attend classes
and research projects in other countries.
This year the University, with 23
winners, had the third-highest number
of students in the country to garner
Fulbright awards.
Only one student has travelled to
study at the University so far this year,
with several more to arrive in January.

aspect," Hays said.
Hays also said being a Fulbright
Scholar was, "terrific because it allowed
me to go to Croatia. Despite all of the
complications it was positive overall"
Pat McCune, grants officer of the
International Institute, is responsible
for assisting University students in
obtaining funding for international
studies, said the Fulbright program is
intended to foster cultural exchange.
"It is an opportunity for everyone
who hasn't had the opportunity to study
in a foreign country," McCune said.
The program is intended for graduat-
ing seniors and graduate students in all
areas of studies with a high academic
standing and leadership capabilities,
according to McCune.
McCune said she encourages students

Graduate student
Estonia, is work-
ing in the English
Before coming
to America,
Kallis attended,
the University of
Tartu in Tartu,
Estonia. She said
she hoped to
"opportunities to
learn English and
to study in an
environment that

Krista Kallis, from

"Being in Croatia
was a dramatic
experience, but was
,great in every other
- Meghan Hays
History doctoral student

to apply to
study abroad
because it influ-
enced to her
own career
T h e
Fulbright pro-
gram is funded
by the govern-
ment, for stu-

Amy Chapman, director of the Michigan Clinton/Gore Coordinated Campaign, speaks with College Democrats during their first
mass meeting.
College Demsrecruit new
ac iviss, os politicians



emic merit.


has resources such as libraries."
She said being a Fulbright Scholar is
a "great experience." Kallis also said
the United States is "so big and full of
opportunities." She is researching in the
English Academic Program. In the
future, Kallis said she wants to attend
classes here at the University.
Meghan Hays, a doctoral history stu-
dent, traveled to Zagreb, Croatia last
year. Her research was put on hold when
the city was shelled by cluster bombs.
"Being in Croatia was a dramatic
experience, but was great in every other

program's inception in 1946, 200,000
students have become Fulbright schol-
ars. Seventy thousand have been U.S.
citizens in foreign countries and
130,000 were foreigners in colleges and
universities in the United States.
Last year alone, American students
from 500 universities in the country
participated in the program, traveling to
150 different countries.
Many Fulbright Scholars are gradu-
ate students, but professionals such as,
doctors, lawyers and judges have gotten
involved also.

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Everything from family tradition to
fear of Newt Gingrich brought more
than 100 young Democrats to the
College Democrats' mass meeting on
campus last night.
The University's chapter of the
College Democrats hosted Amy
Chapman, director of the Clinton/Gore
Michigan Coordinated Campaign, and
close to 10 other campaign representa-
tives from across the state to recruit stu-
dents for the group's main cause this
semester - electing Democrats.
"The U-M is usually one of the most
active college campuses," said
Chapman, who asked each of the more
than 130 students in the audience to state
their motivations for attending the meet-
The answers Chapman received

ranged from students who "just like to
argue" to students who had served as
pages in Washington, D.C., or precinct
delegates to party conventions.
LSA sophomore Patricia Donnellan
served as a precinct delegate in Flint
this fall by convincing three
"strangers" outside her polling site to
vote for her.
Donnellan said her father asked fam-
ily members to write in his name on the
ballot for the three votes he needed to
be elected. This electoral power is what
excited Donnellan about the political
process, she said.
bonnellan and her father were both
elected as precinct delegates.
"1 was really excited that I could get
involved in politics by only three peo-
ple supporting me," she said.
Chapman and College Dems Chair

Jae Jae Spoon encouraged potential
volunteers to take up local causes and
elections, despite the banners and T-
shirts national campaigns promise.
"(The local races) really count -on
us," Spoon said. "They're not as big
and glamorous as the president - but
they're important."
Spoon and current College Dems
have already been visible on campus
this semester in a less partisan capacity.
Members of College Dems have joined
Voice Your Vote, a University student
group, to promote voter registration.
Spoon said volunteers have registered
more than 3,200 students in the first
two weeks of school.
Politicians are targeting young voters
and volunteers to get the votes they
need this fall, said RC first-year studeint
Rebecca Bercun.

Ford, UAW broker new contract

DEARBORN (AP) - Ford Motor
Co. and the United Auto Workers
reached a tentative agreement yesterday
on a new national contract for Ford's
105,025 union workers.
Terms of the agreement were not
announced. The deal came after three
months of negotiations and a final 53-
hour weekend of talks. It was announced
42 hours after the current three-year pact
expired at midnight Saturday.
"Sometimes it takes a little longer,"
UAW President Stephen Yokich told a
news conference after shaking hands
with Ford Chair and CEO Alex
Trotman, who praised the negotiations
and the UAW bargaining team.
"I think it's' been a very good, prag-

matic-driven process," Trotman said.
"While every minute hasn't been total
fun, I have been very impressed by the
pragmatism and professionalism and
businesslike behavior of the people on
the other side of the table."
The member ratification vote should
be held by Sept. 29, said Ernie Lofton,
a vice president in charge of the UAW's
Ford department.
The union's executive committee is
scheduled to meet today to approve the
deal and the union's Ford council, which
would involve several hundred people,
will meet tomorrow to review it.
The UAW next will negotiate with
either Chrysler Corp. or General
Motors Corp. The union has been hold-

ing lower-level talks with the two
automakers since it designated Ford the
lead company earlier this month.
Talks to replace the current three-
year contracts began in June under the
direction of Yokich, who assumed the
union's top post in 1995.
The union's top priority was stem-
ming "outsourcine." or farmirni out
parts jobs to outside, nonunion suppli-
ers. The union sought reduced overtime
and protection of the UAW's fully paid
health-care benefits.
Outsourcing was at the center of a
17-day strike at two GM parts plants in
Dayton, Ohio, last spring which virtual-
ly shut down the No. I automaker's
domestic production.
Cal the =Cily
.CI 1.

.S. World Cup hockey team member Chris Chelios was misidentified in yesterday's Daily.

Q Alpha Kappa Psi, professional busi-
ness fraternity, informational
meeting, 213-5745, Business
Administration Building, Room
B1270, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Y American Movement for Israel, miss
meeting, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 7:30
,a Cleptomaniacs And Shoplifters

U Pre-Med Club, mass meeting, 997-
0675, Michigan Union, Ballroom,
7 p.m.
U Ultimate Frisbee Club, organizational
meeting, Michigan Union, Kuenzel
Room, 5:45 p.m.
U "A Look at the Folk Arts In Taiwan: A
VidAn Presentation." Tseng Yong-


Q Campus Information Centers,
Michigan Union and Pierpont
Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UM Events on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/~info on the
World Wide Web
U Northwalik, 763-5865, Bursley
Lobby, 8-11:30 p.m.
i 6w..wlw .L.-A. D A A gkmJ..1oA .I.J..I..




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