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September 17, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-17

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- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 17, 1996


Early election returns show Muslim
and Serb vying for Bosnia's top post

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Top Muslim, Croat and
Serb to comprise 3-
member presidency
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina
(AP) - Early election returns yester-
day showed the leader of the Bosnian
Muslims and a Serb nationalist vying to
head a three-member presidency that
aims to hold Bosnia together.
The candidate who gets the most
votes overall and leads the presidency
could determine whether Bosnia splits
apart into separate ethnic republics or
hangs on as one nation.
It was far too early to predict the win-
ner - only a fraction of the 109 elec-
toral districts were reporting partial
results for the presidency by yesterday
rRobert Frowick, the American diplo-
mat overseeing the elections, said final
,rsults for the presidency would not
cme before today. Results in other
.Ontests in the two halves of Bosnia are
:expected even later.
Voters in Saturday's first postwar
.national elections could choose only
brie of the 16 candidates for the presi-

dency. The top Muslim, Croat and Serb
candidates will comprise the presiden-
cy; the top choice overall will be chair
for two years.
Preliminary results released yester-
day show Bosnia's President Alija
Izetbegovic as the top choice of
Muslims, who dominate Bosnia's
Croat-Muslim federation. Ahead in the
Serb half of
Bosnia was 6
M o m c i l o
Krajisnik. only
If Izetbegovic
wins, he is as imme
expected to press
for a unified evengts u
Bosnia, while
Krajisnik favors - E
having Serb areas Chieff
of Bosnia join
Most Bosnian Croats were voting for
the main Croat candidate, Kresimir
Zubak. With Croats outnumbered by
Serbs and Muslims, their candidate was
sure to come in third.
Though presidency decisions are
supposed to be mutual, the chair will be

considered first among equals and
therefore have a greater voice than his
other two colleagues.
The chief election monitor for the
Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, which staged
the elections, said yesterday that
Bosnia's future was on the line.
"Whether the election leads to
integration or


cts) will
.ome clear
Idward Van Thijn
election monitor

will only
become clear
as immediate
e v e n t s
unfold ,"
Eduard Van,
Thijn said in a
report on the
There were

an estimated
1.1 million eli-
gible voters in the Serb republic and
about 1.8 million eligible voters in the
Muslim-Croat federation. Although
Muslim voters outnumbered the oth-
ers, it was not certain whether
Izetbegovic, the current president,
would prevail.

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Haris Silajdzic, his former premier,
was expected to siphon off some
Muslim votes, and organizational prob-
lems prevented an unknown number of
Muslims from voting near towns they
fled during the war.
The Serb candidate, Krajisnik, was
more sure of collecting most Serb
That would result in a scenario dis-
mal both to the Muslims, who fought
the Serbs for nearly four years, and the
international community, which viewed
these elections as the first step to
Bosnian unity.
The only results available yesterday
from 21 federation districts showed
Izetbegovic with about 81 percent of
the votes in Muslim regions. Silajdzic
had about 15 percent.
Zubak, candidate of the main
nationalist Croat party, had about 84
percent among Croats in the federa-
In the 17 districts of the Serb
region, Krajisnik was ahead with
about 78 percent. Mladen Ivanic, a
relative moderate supported by
Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic, had 20 percent.
Parks pit
against allies
WASHINGTON - As Congress
rushes through its pre-election calen-
dar, the Clinton administration and
many of its usual allies among envi-
ronmentalists are headed for a poten-
tial clash over a plan that critics fear
could turn national parks into logo-
polluted advertisements for corporate
An administration proposal that
could be taken up by Congress within
days would allow corporate "sponsor-
ship" of national parks in exchange for
private-sector contributions to help
- make up for shortfalls in federal spend-
ing on the parks.
The proposal is one of several affect-
ing the environment that is being dis-
cussed in congressional corridors as
GOP leaders, uncertain whether they
will be in as strong a position in
January, seek action on legislation that
has been bottled up for nearly two
"These are the most dangerous hours
in the legislative year. This is a very
dangerous situation for the environ-
ment," said Rep. George Miller (D-
Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the
House Resources Committee.
But Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-
N.Y.), a key figure among environmen-
tal moderates within the Republican
congressional majority, said he expects
his party to approach the proposals
Boehlert said that House Speaker
Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) has recognized
that the GOP's assault on environmen-
tal regulations in 1995 carried a high
political price and that "we did not deal
with environment in a responsible
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Americans not
washing their hands
NEW ORLEANS - Millions of
Americans routinely ignore one of
Mom's most important pieces of
advice: Wash your hands after you go to
the bathroom.
This unsettling item of news was
gathered in the only way possible - by
actually watching what people do (or
don't do) in public restrooms.
The researchers - if that's what they
should be called - hid in stalls or pre-
tended to comb their hair while observ-
ing 6,333 men and women do their
business in five cities last month.
"Hand washing in this country has
become all but a lost art," said Dr.
Michael Osterholm, the Minnesota
state epidemiologist.
Osterholm heads the public health
committee of the American Society for
Microbiology, which sponsored the sur-
vey with Bayer Corp., the aspirin
maker. The figures were gathered by
Wirthlin Worldwide, a survey firm, and
released yesterday the society's annual

infectious-disease conference.
Among the results:
The country's dirtiest hands may
be in New York City. Just 60 percent.of
those using restrooms in Penn Station
washed up afterward.
Shannon Lucid on
her way home
is on the way for NASA astronaut
Shannon Lucid.
Space shuttle Atlantis blasted off
yesterday on a mission to bring her
home from the Russian space station
Mir, where she has spent a recor-
breaking six months in orbit.
Atlantis, more than six weeks late
because of mechanical trouble and
two hurricanes, is supposed to dock
with Mir late tomorrow, despite the
failure of a critical power unit that
could force NASA to cut the flight
Lucid will immediately trade places
with shuttle astronaut John Blaha, her

Nuclear industry leaning on Clinton
WASHINGTON - Call the toll-free number and a voice
tells you how many tons of nuclear waste there are in
Michigan, or in Illinois -and then you may be switched to the
Clinton re-election campaign, so you can complain.
It's all part of a million-dollar radio, television and print
advertising campaign by the nuclear power industry in
important election states. The aim: put pressure on
President Clinton to support a proposed nuclear waste dump
in Nevada.
The ad campaign, including the toll-free number, was begun
in Illinois at the time of the Democratic National Convention, Clinton
but now has been expanded to include Michigan, another key
state for Clinton's re-election hopes. In coming weeks, the ads probably will appear
in other election battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Ohio, say indls-
try spokespeople.
Joe Colvin, president of the Nuclear Energy Institute, the Washington-based
group that represents the nuclear industry, said the campaign is not intended to.
partisan, but is aimed at Clinton's promised veto of legislation that would create z
Nevada disposal site.


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Estonia's economy
outgrows U.S. aid
TALLINN, Estonia - Do this to
almost any other country and you'd
expect a burst of nationalist indigna-
tion. Maybe an insult about Yankee
imperialism or a few choice words for
the American ambassador behind
closed doors. But not here. When the
United States cut off aid for the first
time to a nation of the former Soviet
bloc yesterday, Estonia threw a party.
"I would like to express my heartfelt
thanks," Estonian President Lennart
Meri told smiling American dignitaries
at a ceremony in Tallinn's 14th century
town hall. "This day means we are
finally standing on our own feet."
Officials of the U.S. Agency for
International Development, which dis-
tributes most of America's foreign aid,
said the cut-off was meant in part to
highlight the success of Estonia's radi-
cal free-market reforms and encourage
others to follow its example.
Since breaking away from the Soviet
Union in 1991, this tiny Baltic nation of
1.5 million people has embraced such
hard-nosed monetarist policies as a

}.. 'in" :{_ by .i '-.

a constitutionally mandated balanced
budget, a flat tax and an elimination of
all trade tariffs.
The numbers indicate that the
Estonians have done it right. Anni
inflation has been slashed from more
than 1,000 percent in 1992 to about;20
percent today.
Mother Teresa
taken to hospital
CALCUTTA, India - Ten days
after leaving the hospital, Moth,
Teresa was readmitted yesterday af
falling from her bed.
The nun - who has come to sym-
bolize compassion for the needy.-
had bruises on her face and an irreg-
ular heartbeat after the fall, doctors
Her injuries were not life-threaten-
ing, they added.
"She was admitted for observation
and investigation," said Dr. S.K. Sen,
director of Calcutta's Woodlan*
Nursing Home.
- Compiled, from Daily wire reports.

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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell. Megan Schimpf. Michelle Lee Thompson. Josh White.
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STAFF: Matthew Benz, Amy Carey, Jodi Cohen, Lili Kalish, Jill Ltwin, Heather Miller, Matt Spewak.
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