The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 12, 1996 - 11
y Pnay Rddy
Daily Sports Writer
Dominant- an adjective often over-
used in the world of sports.
Overused, yes, but in this case, all too
appropriate. How else could you de-
scribe the play of the Michigan men's
lacrosse clubover the past three games?
A 22.6 victory over Bowling Green
Wednesday night in Oosterbaan
-eldh-ouse kept up the momentum for
e Wolverines, following two blowout
wins'against Toledo and Marietta.
What las keyed this dominance over
the past week for Michigan has been the
offense. The scores from the previous
three games are a testament to
Michigan's firepower. Prior to the 22-6
win over the Falcons Wednesday night,
the Wolverines destroyed Toledo, 23-
I, and then followed that with a 26-4
ictory over Marietta.
"We are playing excellent lacrosse,"
Michigan coach Bob DiGiovanni said.
"You need to play that way to beat top-
notch teams."
Michigan's most recent effort didn't
initially look to be quite as dynamic.
Bowling Green started the game with a
quick goal in the first minute. However,
the Falcon goal only lit the fuse for yet
another explosive Wolverine victory.
Michigan quickly responded, as
iidfielder Dave Reichel took a feed
from attacker Doug Henke to tie the
game. From there, Henke and the Wol-
verines never looked back, as they
scored four straight goals - three of
which were scored by Henke.
And just as Bowling Green thought it
had ended the drought by scoring a goal
Sof its ow, Michigan turned around and
scoredf twice, ending the quarter 7-2.
The Wolverines continued their pre-
ision on offense in the second quarter,
asthey outscored the Falcons 6-2 in the
period The highlight, or lowlight, of
the qn'uter occurred a few minutes be-
fore halftime, as a fight broke out be-
* een , Bowling Green player and
Michigmi defender Marc DeCristofaro.
Both players were ejected from the
game flowing the incident, and both
:t play 7ith a man down for three
vnutes; Yet, with only a few minutes
remaning in the half, the penalty car-
died over into the third quarter.
mJust as the penalty carried over, so
did the momentum of Michigan's of-
''nse. The Wolverines scored the first
ive goals of the quarter, before Bowl-
ng Green finally stopped the bleeding
with a goal, making the score 18-5 as
the teams headed into the final stanza.
The Falcons peaked at the beginning
fthe quarter, as they scored their sec-
ond straight goal. Unfortunately for
them, Michigan wasn't done just yet.
The Wolverines scored the final four
goals ofthe game, the first of which a
textbook fast-break - which high-
lighted the evening. The play was started
by Michigan defender Alex Cedro -
who made the defensive stop - and
was ended by midfielder Spencer
Alstodt scoring the goal off a pair of
ssists from attackers Fred Yun and
om Lall. Lall ended the game with
four assists, in addition to two goals.
Passing was key to the evening's best
goal,just as it was to the overall success
of the Wolverines. Michigan assisted
on 16 of its 22 goals - an incredible
"The more shots you are assisting,
the better shots you are taking,"
Di~iovanni said.
Andthe Wolverines were taking quite
a few shots - 55 on the night to be
exact. Consider the fact that Bowling
Green took as many shots as Michigan
scored goals, 22, and you get the idea
about the constant offensive pressure
the Wolverines put on the Falcons all
Michigan will attempt to maintain its
dominating ways when it goes to Mid-
land on Sunday to face Northwood at 2
m. A home game against the Notre
am acrosse club was scheduled for
tomorrow, yet the Irish forfeited, mak-
ing Wednesday night's contest the last
home game of the season.
Women's lacrosse
The Michigan women's lacrosse club
heads to Oxford, Ohio, tomorrow for
the Miami of Ohio Invitational. The
Wolverines will face Miami of Ohio,
Ohio University and team to be
decided. The Wolverines will return
home Sunday to face Buffalo at 5
p.m. in Oosterbaan Fieldhouse.
N ® ® ® N
Continued from Page 9
for what should have been the third out.
But first baseman Leslie Preston
couldn't handlethe throw, andtwo runs
crossed the plate.
Kelly Holmes (13-5) picked up the
win for the Wolverines and struck out
eight just one day after she was pulled
in the fourth inning of a 6-4 loss to
Michigan State.
"(Against the Spartans), my off-
speed wasn't working that great, so I
wasn't keeping them off-balance,"
Holmes said. "Today I just tried to
work all the pitches more, throwing
them my curves and my rise a lot more."
After two and a half scoreless in-
nings in the nightcap, Michigan sent 10
players to the plate in the third and took
advantage of two errors to rock Rockets
pitcher Amy Lukowski (4-8) for six
Leftfielder Tracy Taylor was granted
first when Preston obstructed the bag
and second baseman Lisa Kelley
reached on base on Lukowski's errant
throw to first. Taylor moved to third on
the error.
Taylor and Kelley usually are reserves,
but Michigan coach Carol Hutchins used
the non-conference doubleheader as a
chance to play everyone.
Kellyn Tate, whose 11-game hitting
streak ended in the opening game, drove
in Taylor and stole second.
This set up another situation with
runners on second and third for Griffin.
This time there was only one out, but
the result was the same.
The Rockets pitched to her rather
than setting up a force with an inten-
tional walk, and she knocked in two
more runs.
"We know (Griffin's) a good hitter,
but we know there's good hitters be-
hind hertoo," Sprangel explained. "We
threw a change-up hoping that'd work
and she hit it."
Senior Tracy Carr continued the
Wolverine third with herschool record-
tying 37th double, followed by singles
from Cathy Davie and Cheryl Pearcy.
When the dust cleared, it was 6-0,
and Michigan had sent the Rockets to
the moon. The contest ended in the
bottom of the sixth when Pearcy
knocked in the Wolverine's 10th run,
instituting a mercy rule.
Griffin (18-5) picked up the win, as
she and Carr combined for a two-hit
Michigan next travels to Wisconsin
for a three-game series Saturday and
Continued from Page 9
9:26.64. Also placing for the Wolverines
wereJennifer Barberand Katie McGregor.
Barber placed seventh with a time of
9:51.42 and McGregortook eighth place,
running a 9:55.07.
Michigan had two runners place in the
5,000-meter race. Jen Stuht placed 10th
with a time of 17:25.74, while Marcy
Akardclaimed the 13th spot with a time
of 17:34.23.
The rest of the team won't be so far
away when itheadsto Ohioforthe Miami
The Miami invite will place the Wol-
verines against several regional teams.
With a good bunch of competitors and
some decent weather, this tournament
could be the turning point for the rest of
the outdoor season.
With two outdoor meets already past,
and Michigan's results being hampered
due to weather related problems, the Wol-
verines have a new goal in mind.
"While we are in Ohio we want the
ladies to compete, make some marks, and
build up their confidence," Henry said.
rw r s s r r
Cathy Davie hits an RBI triple In the third inning of the first game yesterday.
Blue women netters
hope to end home woes
Wolverines set to face Ohio State and Indiana
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By Jiten Ghelani
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan women's tennis team
will host a two-match homestand this
Usually, a team would be happy to
be back after four consecutive road
matches. The Wolverines, however,
may be better off playing away from
Liberty Sports Complex -especially
against Big Ten teams.
Michigan is 4-0 on the road in Big
Ten play. In Ann Arbor, the Wolver-
ines are winless, with losses to Wis-
consin and Northwestern.
Coming off two huge road wins
against lllinois and Purdue, Michigan
(4-2 Big Ten, 5-8 overall) is looking
to keep the month of April perfect.
The next two foes will be Ohio State
and Indiana.'
Ohio State comes into town Satur-
day at 1 p.m. The Buckeyes (2-4, 11-
6) have struggled in the Big Ten.
They recently defeated Ball State in a
close match, 4-3.
The victory marked the first back-
to-back wins for Ohio State since the
beginning of the season when the team
started out 6-0.
Three Buckeyes have been playing
consistently as of late. Senior Linda
Magid, No. 4 singles, is riding a five-
game win streak and boasts an overall
record of 21-7 in singles play.
Magid needs only seven wins to tie
Ohio State's career singles win mark.
At the second singles spot, junior
Chrissy Splawnyk has claimed three
out of her last four matches. Fellow
junior Kerry Singer is 11-5 and could
give Michigan's Jodi Brewer a tough
challenge at No. 6 singles.
The top of the lineup is a consider-
able weakness for the Buckeyes. Caro-
lina Nahuz is only 3-22 and the
doubles tandem of Nahuz and
Splawnyk is 3-11. The Wolverines
have been strong at No.1, thanks to
the play of junior Sarah Cyganiak.
Cyganiak has slipped to No. 76 in
singles but is still 10-3 this season.
The combination of Cyganiak with
Sora Moon gives Michigan a formi-
dable one-two punch, especially at
doubles, where the No. 26 duo is 13-
Sunday could be a tougher task for
the Wolverines. Indiana is the nine-
time defending Big Ten champ. The
Hoosiers haven't been too successful
in non-conference play, but they have
maintained their strong conference
Indiana just defeated No. 31 Min-
nesota last Sunday. The victory
clinched a berth in the NCAA
regionals for the Hoosiers.
Megan McCarney and Christy
Sharp could give Michigan's Moon
and Cyganiak a good match.
McCarney and Sharp are 12-5 at the
top doubles position. The unranked
duo just defeated Minnesota's Jenni-
fer Hayes and Dena Peterson, who are
No. 55, in a 9-8 thriller.
Indiana's singles play could give
the Hoosiers an edge. Each Hoosier is
better than .500, except for Sharp,
who is 6-7.
Indiana juggled its lineup a bit re-
cently, replacing Sharp with Candice
Donahoe at No. 4. The change hasn't
proven to be too successful so far.
The Wolverines know that they have
struggled at home, but they also know
that they were up against some of the
best teams. They are hoping a victory
over Ohio State will end their home
woes and lead their charge against
"We're looking for a good fight
from both schools, especially Indi-
ana," Cyganiak said.
"Everyone's fired up. We're ready
to do some damage."
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Harry Man
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John Patrick Szaro
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