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April 12, 1996 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-12

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10-The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 12, 1996

'NI rugby club takes
.o. Frrs State
tomorrow at Elbel Field
The Michigan rugby club is set to
face Ferris State this Saturday at
Elbel Field.
sThe rugby team is having a pretty
Successful season so far, having
complied a record of 6-1 The team's
only loss came during the Michigan
Cup tournament, which is composed
of all the clubs and colleges in the
state that field a rugby team.
Michigan's victories this year
included wins over Ohio State and
The Bulldogs are generally a tough
team, made up of former football
team members and.potential football
walk-ons, said Michigan's Carl Wahl.

Klinger to hit the high bar at regionals for Wolverines .

By Sharat Raju
Daily Sports Writer
Thanks to Michigan senior Kris Klinger, men's
gymnastics coach Bob Darden's career isn't quite
over just yet.
But then again, neither is Klinger's.
On Monday, the senior from Kalamazoo was
selected to compete on the high bar at the 1996
NCAA east regionals to be held Saturday in Iowa
"I'm just happy to be there again for the fourth
time," Klinger said.
Klinger tied his career best on the high bar with a
9.6 score last weekend at Michigan State.
The Wolverine senior is no stranger to NCAA
postseason competition, having qualified forregionals
on the event in each of the past three seasons. In 1993,
he advanced all the way to the NCAA champion-

Not only has he extended his own season, he has
postponed Darden's retirement for a little while
longer. More than two weeks ago, Darden announced
his plan to resign at the end of the season.
"It's nice that he is a candidate this year and that
he has allowed me to come along with him and

teams that qualify for the regionals send all their
gymnasts. Then, the top individuals from the teams
that did not make the regionals are selected to
compete as well.
"I'm going to try to make it to nationals like I did
as a freshman," Klinger said.
The Wol-

prolong my fi-
nal season,"
Darden said.
Kl inger
was selected
by a process
used by the
NCAA that
reaches deep
into the pool
of potential
g y m n a s ts.
The top six

It's nice that he's a candidate
this year and that he has allowed
mee to.. prolong my final
season. "
- Bob Darden
Michigan gymnastics coach

verines have
year, finish-
ing Darden's
final season
with a 0-12
record. With
only three se-
niors remain-
ing on the
squad, this
has been a re-

building year, Darden said.
Along with Klinger, three other teammates were
regional hopefuls - senior Chris Onuska, junior
Flavio Martins and junior Jason MacDonald. Only
Klinger was selected, however.
The training regimen for Klinger this week con-
sists of fine-tuning the little aspects of his routine.
Concentrating on the landing dismount is Klinger's
biggest task, Darden said.
"Kris and I have had a great four years together,"
Darden said. "He's on track to continue in the same
direction as in his freshman year, when he qualified
for nationals."
Klinger hopes to end his senior season on a very
positive note.
"The biggest difference this year is that it's mylast
time," Klinger added. "In previous years I've put a
lot of pressure on myself to perform, and this year I
plan to relax and have more fun."

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Women tumblers set for regionals

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By Nancy Berger
Daily Sports Writer
Some schools atthisweekend'sNCAA
Central Regional Women's Gymnastics
Championships are happy just to be able
to compete in the national qualifying event.
Michigan, though,is expected to be there,
and nothing would make the Wolverines
happier than to win their first-ever re-
gional title at the Baton Rouge, La., meet.
"We have a desire to win it, not just
make nationals," senior Wendy Marshall
To bring a smile tq the Wolverines'
faces, the five-time defending Big Ten
champions will have to defeat defending
regional champion, Alabama.
One might say that this task is easier
said than done. Alabama, a perennial
powerhouse, is currently ranked second
in the country behind Georgiaafter hold-
ing the No. 1 spot for two weeks. At the
regionals, No. 4 Michigan will be ranked
second behind the Crimson Tide.
Intheirlastmeeting, atthe 1995 NCAA
championships, Michigan tied Alabama
for second with 196.425 points. After the
Wolverines completed one of the tough-
est schedules in the country-facing five
ranked teams in the top seven, including
the No. 1 Bulldogs - Michigan should
be well prepared to take on one of the
most difficult regions in the country.
"More teams out of our region than
usual could qualify for nationals,"
Marshall said.
The seven-team field that Michigan
must face contains six schools ranked in
the top 20. Among them are Michigan
State and Minnesota, both of which have
beaten the Wolverines this year.
"MSU is the third seed and, ifthey can
hit, they can give a run for our money,"
Michigan coach Bev Plocki said. "The
most competition will be between Michi-
gan and Alabama."
With all of the talk centered on the top
two seeds, the real issue at hand for most
of the teams will be who gains an invita-
tion to the prestigious 12-team field at the
The winners of the five NCAA
regionals, which will allbeheldthis week-
end, receive automatic bids. Of the 30
teams remaining after automatic bids are
handed out, the seven best national scores
will qualify.

Even if they don't win their region, the
Wolverines will most likely not beleft out
ofthe elite group thatwill compete for the
national title.
In each of the past three years, Michi-
gan has qualified for the NCAAs despite
coming in fourth in 1993, third in 1994
and second last year. To qualify this sea-
son, though, the Wolverines will have to
stay focused as well as come close to
perfect on nearly all their routines.
Michigan knows that a lapse of con-
centration could mean the difference be-
tween winningandlosingafterlast week's
Big Tens.
At the conference championships, the
Wolverines faltered on their final event,
the balance beam, right after their record-
breaking bars performance. Their bars
score of 49.525 was just enough insur-
ance to cover Michigan's poorbeam score
of 47.1.
"It was a lack ofmental preparedness,"
Plocki said. "I don't think they pinched
themselves after the bars. They have to

prepare and focus on the event they are
competing on."
While the gymnasts will be focusing
on their routines, the judges at regionals
will be paying close attentionto flaws and
imperfection. In national meets such as
this, there is little room for error.
"As you get closer to nationals, the
have to find ways to differentiate be-
cause the teams are so close together,"
Plocki said. "They start taking deduc-
tions compositionaly, but it should not
affect us. Other teams that don't have
the level of difficulty won't be as com-
Michigan also has one other advantage
over all other teams - depth. The fresh-
men class is the primary reason for this
advantage. At Big Tens, four fresha
won individual events, including thea -
"Most teams don't want to have to
count on the freshmen in do-or-die,"
Plocki said. "Our freshmen have come
through with flying colors?"


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U-M Computer Showcase
Thursday, April 18, 1-5 pm
Michigan Union, ground level

Wendy Marshall
and the Michigan
women gymnasts
hope to caputre
the regional title
this weekend at
Baton Rouge, La.



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