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April 12, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-12

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 12, 1996 - 3

Vandals destroy
art project
DPS reports they received a call from
student who claimed fie was the vic-
im of a "hate crime."
The student, a senior in the school of
Architecture and Urban Planning, said
his cubical at the school had the words
"queer" and "fag" written on the walls.
The vandals also painted the words
on his graduate art project. The ink
bottle used to write the words was found
on his desk and was logged into evi-
dence for fingerprints.
The incident was the third time the
Octim has had property damaged by van-
dals. DPS has no suspects in the incident.
Computer, video
equipment reported
A computer, laser disc player and
VCR were all reported stolen Tuesday
rom three different locations, the De-
rtment of Public Safety reported.
At 3 p.m., DPS received a call from a
staffmemberatthe Frieze Buildingreport-
ing the theft of a laser disc video player.
Twenty minutes later, DPS was in-
formed a computer was stolen from the
School of Education. DPS reports state
the computer, a Power Macintosh, was
stolen sometime last weekend.
And at 3:22 p.m, DPS received a
third call about stolen equipment. A
Iler from the School of Dentistry re-
rted a stolen VCR from the ground
floor of the building.
Locks broken, doors
jammed in Mason Hall
Staff members reporting to work
Tuesday morning were greeted with
locked doors.
DPS reported at least three doors on the
Sound floor of Mason Hall were dam-
ged, possibly by a hammerorsimilartool.
Employees were unable to unlock
doors to rooms G410, G411 and G414.
Library employee runs
up $125 phone bill
Calling your parents from time to
time is a good idea.
Calling your parents while working
at a University building is not.
DPS reports a student employee at
the Shapiro Library ran up a $125 phone
bill calling his parents while on duty.
DPS received a call from a staff mem-
ber at the library Tuesday that said the
suspect'sj ob was terminated but the phone
charges were not yet paid. The concerned
staff member called to file a fraud report.
Aluminum stolen from
onstruction site
A foreman from John Olson Construc-
tion called DPS on Wednesday to report
missing aluminum from their recycle bin
at the Student Activities Building.
The foremen said a large quantity
was stolen; he estimated enough to fill
several pickup trucks.
The construction company receives
a refund for the aluminum.DPS has no
suspects in the incident.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Sam T. Dudek.

Earth Week panel
urges students
to vote green'

i Library Doom
Drin Gyuk, a second-year graduate student in the School of information and the designer of "inforMation DOOM," seen
on the computer screen, explains to a user how his program uses the popular video game "Doom" to create a 3-D
image of the School of Information. The user can travel the hall of the school without getting up.
Students, professors discuss
fate of Medicaid in state, U.S.

By Marisa Ma
Daily Staff Reporter
Urging voters to cast the green vote,
speakers at an EarthWeek panel discus-
sion last night encouraged listeners to
support pro-environmental candidates
and to oppose the trend toward weaker
environmental protection laws.
"It comes down to how much human
life is worth ... how much damage to
our immune system, to our reproduc-
tive system that we as a society are
willing to accept," said Cyndi Roeper,
the Michigan political director for Clean
Water Action.
Roepersaidastealth campaign isbeing
conducted as the government cuts fund-
ing for the enforcement and monitoring
of environmental laws and hides these
cuts behind the federal budget proposal.
"(The budget plan) is a very direct,
disproportionate attack on environmen-
tal laws," Roeper said.
State Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor)
agreed, saying, "there's a concerted ef-
fort across the country" to weaken envi-
ronmental laws, such as the polluter-pay
law which made owners of contami-
nated property pay for the clean-up costs.
"(The state legislature) did away with
polluter-pay," Brater said.
Roeper said there is a widespread
effort to "placate business."
"There needs to be incentives for com-
panies to clean up their act," she said.
Brater said environmental laws are
eroding faster in Michigan than in the
nation as a whole.
In 1992, Michigan had one ofthe high-
est non-compliance rates, Roeper said.
"In Michigan, we have the state
House, the state Senate, and the
governor s office all controlled by anti-
environment Republicans," Brater said.
She added that anti-environmental
policy is not a Republican monopoly.

"To get re-elected,(Democrats) have
to mimic what Republicans are say-
ing," Brater said.
Roeper pointed out that electing pro.
environment candidates to office is cru-
"We strongly believe that nothing is
more important than making sure that
people get in who are committed to
environmental issues on both the state
and federal level," Roeper said.
The wave of legislation attacking
environmental laws, Brater said, is cre-
ated by the fact that businesses fund
political campaigns.
Through citizen initiatives in cam-
paign finance reform,"we can get people
who are not owned by big corpora-
tions," Brater said.
Bill Joyner, political director for Riv-
ers, called for students' activism and
labeled Gov. John Engler'senvironmen-
tal record as "Neanderthal policy."
"It's time for the students in the state to
take charge in the streets ... and make the
environment an issue," he said. "But ifwe
wait until 1998, we'll lose. Engler wins."
Many audience members were sur-
prised and disappointed at the low at-
"It's somewhat interesting that the at-
tendance was poor on a big campus,"said
Robb Beal, an SNRE research assistant.
But Mona Hanna, one ofthe organizers
of the event, said,"As long as one person
become inspired to work on a campaign,
to work for Clean Water Action ... or to
work for an environmentally responsible
candidate, that will be enough."
Rackham student Christian Sinderman
said the discussion was informative.
"It underlines the underlying dispari-
ties in campaign financing, in who the
policies benefit and who paysthe price,"
he said. "Corporations pollute for free,
and the taxpayers pay.

By Melanie Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
Students, professors and concerned citizens packed into
SheldondAuditorium last night to hear about "The Fate of
The University Forum on Health Policy presented the
program. The forum's director, Prof. Marilyn Rosenthal,
discussed the forum and the importance of Medicaid.
"We are a non-partisan and educational forum," Rosenthal
said. "We identify major health policy issues and we try to
bring the best people in the country to the University."
Last night's program addressed "the future of health care
for the poor and all the incredible challenges that the states
are facing to make that care truly high quality," she said.
Allen Jensen, senior research scientist at George Washington
University, presented an overview of the Medicaid program.
"It is a very major program as far as dealing with low-
income people in the country," Jensen said. "It serves a very
diverse population. In 1993, 32.1 million people were en-
rolled and 50 percent were children."
The director of Michigan Medical Services Administration,
Vernon Smith, said Medicaid is an important health program.
"Medicaid pays for about two out of three Americans
living in poverty," Vernon said. "Forty-four percent of all
(newborn)deliveries were paid by Medicaid this year."
Smith warned that Medicaid is increasing in terms of its
"The program has been increasing very, very rapidly. At

the rate things are going, Medicaid will be 30 percent of this
state's budget by the year 2000," Smith said. "Funding for
higher education is going down. K-12 education is going
down, Medicaid is getting to be known as the Pacman of the
state budgets."
Smith said the fiscal year 1997 budget assumes federal
Medicaid reform will be enacted.
"These changes may be the most significant changes in the
Medicaid program since its enactment," he said.
Audience members had mixed reactions to the presenta-
"He (Smith) could sell tobacco," said Christine Hildebrand,
an Ypsilanti resident. "They have memorized speeches very
well, but when you question them it's different. I'm 69 and
I know we need federal mandates. One should be able to have
good health care anywhere in the U.S. -period. I don't like
managed care and I wouldn't want it for myself."
Donna Hill, a senior at the University's Dearborn campus,
said the forum was very informative.
"I thought it was really helpful since I have a concentration
in health studies," Hill said. "It brought light to the current
issues that our generation will be dealing with."
Janet Boyd, who was previously head of the nursing
department at Eastern Michigan University, said she enjoyed
the presentation.
"Generally, the speakers were excellent," Boyd said. "I
was not aware of the wide groups of the population which
Medicaid serves."

Panel discusses social
work's current trends

State seeks new license plate desig

LANSING (AP)-You sayyou don't
like Michigan's plain blue license plate?
And the commemorative auto industry
plate does nothing for you, either?
So design your own.
Actually, it isn't quite that easy. But
the state is launching a design contest to
find a new license plate that "symbol-
izes the beauty of Michigan."
It might not include a bowling ball,
snowmobile or fishing boat, but hey,
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder,"
said Secretary of State Candice Miller.

So go to it. The first step is to pick up
an entry form after May I at a partici-
pating store run by Farmer Jack, Kmart
or Spartan Stores, Inc., or by writing the
Department of State.
You must submit it by May 31, so get
those creative juices flowing. You can
even write a one-line logo under the
plate number.
"There is a large, pent-up demand for
a new license plate," Miller said Thurs-
day at a Lansing Kmart as she announced
the contest. Over two days, she also was

V The University of Southern California is a private school. This was incorrectly reproted in yesterday's Daily.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said he does not oppose term limits for the regents. This was incorrectly reported
in the March 27 Daily.
What's happening In Ann Arbor this weekend
FRIDAY national Center, International sponsored by Medical School
Center, Room 9, 10 a.m. Chapter of Doctors Ought to
SArchery Clu,5 3meeting, Sports "The Raisin Pickers," dance/ Care, Michigan Union, Ander-
U "Candlem 5igt Vigil oSupportSur- swing music performance, son Room, 12 noon
vivors of Sexual Assault," spon- sponsored byaPierpont Com-
siorsofySexual Assault" Pre- mons Arts and Programs,
sored by Sexual Assault Pre- Pp nSUNDAY
vention and Awareness Center, Leonardo's, all nightm "Ballroom Dance Classes," spon-
Diag, 6 p.m. sordalro ane ,
0 "international Friendship sore by Ballroom nce Club
Hours," sponsored by Interna- SATURDAY p.m. for beginning lesson, 8
tional Center, Michigan pm o einn esn
League, Koessler Room, 4 p.m. J "Environmental Service Day," p.m. dance practice
U Ninjitsu Club, beginners wel- sponsored by Environmental J "Conference on information and
come, 332-8912, IMSB, Room Action (ENACT), various sites, Meaning," sponsored by Stud-
G-21, 6:30-8 p.m. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., call 764-7681 ies in Religion, Alumni Build-
U Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, be- for information ing, Founders Room, 1:30 p.m.
ginners welcome, 994-3620, Q "Kiwanis Rummage Sale," spon- J "Island Lake Warm-up Hike," 14-
CCRB, Room 2275, 6-7 p.m. sored by Kiwanis Club of Ann mile hike with 7-mile option, at
Q Taekwondo Club, beginners and Arbor, Kiwanis Activity Center, Island Lake State Recreation
other new members welcome, corner of Washington and First Area, sponsored by Huron Val-
747-6889, CCRB, Room 2275, Streets, 9 a.m.-12 noon ley Group for Sierra Club,
7-8:30 p.m. J "LivingasExiles,"Cameron Ander- carpool leaves Ann Arbor City
U "'The Ethics of Belief' Recon- son, sponsored by Graduate Fel- Hall, 9 a.m., bring garbage bags
sidered," Susan Haack, lecture, lowship, Ann Arbor Christian to clean litter, bring lunch
sponsored by Philosophy De- Reformed Church, 1717 Broad- U "MS Walk For Multiple Sclero-
partment, Administrative Ser- way, 5:45 potluck, 7:15 p.m. sis," pledge-raising walks, Ann
vie.Re nn90m 5. An m U "Movie Night at Ann Arbor's Arbor route available, spon-

slated to make stops at Cutlerville,
near Grand Rapids; Dearborn; Traverse
City; and Marquette.
"Our standards are high," she said.
"We're looking for a plate that speaks
to the beauty of Michigan."
The winner will be announced this
fall, and the new plate will be avail-
able early next year, officials said.
A Department of State panel will
choose 150 entries to be judged by a
nine-member celebrity panel of
years ago
)in the Daily.,
"The space shuttle Columbia, set to
launch early this morning, will take a
little bit of the University along.
"The shuttle's mass spectrometer,
a device used to determine the exte-
rior gases vented by the shuttle, was
developed here at the University's
Space Research Lab on on North
Campus. That lab has also been in-
strumental in the development of
several other devices that will be key
to future flights.
"And the University has helped
provide some of the shuttle's man-
power: Jack Lousman, a Pioneer
High School and University gradu-
ate, is scheduled to pilot the third
space shuttle mission.
"The University's contribution to
the latest flight is part ofa long tradi-
tion of University involvement in the
country's space program...."
M 5Comme= EAnn Arbr, ~MI48103

By Jeff Cox
For the Daily
While many students were basking
in the warm sun outside, about 30 health
care and social work professionals and
students sat down yesterday and dis-
cussed social work's current trends. The
conference, held in the Rackham Build-
ing, was titled "Trends in Health Care,
Mental Health and Family Practice."
"The implications for how social
workers practice are changing rapidly,"
said Lilly Harmon-Rohde, University
director of field instruction.
Participants said the field is changing
quickly because of the strong connec-
tion between health care and the field of
social work. "You can take the words
'health care' and apply them to any
social work agency," said David Neal,
director of social work in psychiatry at
the University Medical Center.
The conference included panels on
the impact of managed care on Medic-
aid and clinical practice, as well as a
lecture on ethical issues in managed
"Managed care is defined as a system
that provides complete medical care,"
said Candy Brown, coordinator of the
Medicaid Managed Care Ombudsman
program at the Corner Health Center.
The nation as a whole is moving

toward managed care, in which prices
are set in advance for specific operations
and other services rendered, said Jeff
Walker, an administrative manager at
University Hospitals.
"Everyone must realize this is a new
day in health care, and the status quo will
not survive," Neal said, quoting Gail
Warden, president and CEO of Henry
Ford Hospital in Detroit. "(Under) man-
aged care... medical outcomes equal to
those achievable under the old paradigms
were being seen," Neal said, again quot-
ing Warden.
Discussing managed care and its rela-
tion to Medicaid, Neal said, "In many
ways, the Medicaid patients have better
care under the managed health plan."
"In the past, Medicaid patients have
overused emergency services and under-
used preventative services," Brown said.
Managed care attempts to stop overuse
of emergency rooms and "bring the em-
phasis on prevention," said Shari Brown,
a Medicaid managed care ombudsman
for Downriver Community Services.
"In March 1995, the state switched to
a mandatory managed care system for
Medicaid patients," Candy Brown said.
Though it seemed like progress was
made in understanding the current health
care system, "nobody really knows what
is the best model." Neal said.


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