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April 12, 1996 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-12

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2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 12, 1996
7-year-old girl
crashes plane, kills 3


CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP)-A 7-year-
oldgirl whohopedtobecometheyoungest
person to fly cross-country was killed yes-
terday when her small plane nose-dived to
the ground "like a dart" soon after taking
offin driving rain and snow. Her father and
her flight instructor also died.
Jessica Dubroff, who used a red booster
seat and extenders so her legs could reach
the control pedals, spoketohermotherby
telephone even as she revved the engine
on the runway.
Lisa Blair Hathaway said she heard no
word of problems as the three began to
take off and ended the communication.
"I beg people to let children fly if they
want to fly," a teary-eyed Hathaway said
before flying from Boston to Wyoming to
claim her daughter's body. She had flown
ahead to Massachusetts to await the ar-
rival of Jessica and her ex-husband.
"Clearly I would want all my children
to die in a state ofjoy. I mean, what more

could I ask for? I would prefer it was not
at age 7 but, God, she went with her joy
and her passion, and her life was in her
hands," Hathaway said.
Jessica, her father, Lloyd Dubroff, and
flight instructorJoe Reidbegan theirjour-
ney Wednesday morning in Half Moon
Bay, Calif., and spent the night in Chey-
enne. They planned to arrive today in
Falmouth, Mass.
The Cessna 177B owned by Reid
crashed about one mile north of the
Cheyenne Municipal Airport, narrowly
missing houses and cars. Its tail sec-
tion came to a rest 25 feet from a
"I kept thinking, 'Please! Please get
some altitude!"' said Tom Johnson, a
pilot who saw the plane fall. "It just went
right into the ground. I knew no one
survived. Itwouldhavebeen impossible."
Johnson said he spotted the plane
shortly after takeoff and it appeared the

Poisonous gas cloud hovers in Montana
ALBERTON, Mont. - Three railroad tank cars containing poisonous chlorine
gas derailed and ruptured near this western Montana town yesterday, forcing the
evacuation of hundreds of people and sending at least 91 to hospitals.
A cloud of chlorine gas hovered over the area throughout the day, and
emergency officials anxiously watched to see if the plume would dissipate or
"It was burning our lungs and eyes," said Layne Atwood, a trucker who dr
into the cloud shortly after the derailment. "It takes your breath away so that you
can't breathe. You feel like your lungs are on fire."
Bill Reed, chief of the Missoula Rural Fire Department, said late yesterday
afternoon the plume was stable and did not threaten other nearby communities,
including Missoula, about 30 miles away and at 45,000 one of Montana's largest cities.
Of 91 people taken to four area hospitals, 11 were admitted and two were listed
in critical condition yesterday evening. The other 80 were treated and released.
Most had lung irritation and difficulty in breathing.
Gov. Marc Racicot declared an emergency in Missoula and Mineral counties,
allowing the National Guard and other state agencies to assist local governments
if necessary.

Seven-year-old Jessica Dubroff, of Pescadero, Calif., stands next to a four-seater
Cessna 177B Cardival airplane Wednesday at the Half Moon Bay, Calif., Airport.

pilot was trying to return to the airport.
He said the plane never got higher than
400 feet.
"It stalled over my building, winged
over and went straight into the ground
like a dart," he said.
Hours after the crash, the Federal Avia-


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tion Administration said it would review
rules that govern when a pilot can allow
an unlicensed passenger to fly the plane.
Youngsters have to be at least 16 to
solo at the controls of an airplane. But
children of any age can fly alongside a
licensed pilot, if he feels it is safe.
Continued from Page 1
Israeli Foreign Minister Ehud Barak
said the raids delivered a message:
"Our policy is that no place in Leba-
non will be an immune shelter for
Hezbollah. We're going to hit wher-
ever we find them."
The most dramatic Israeli strike yes-
terday was directed at a 10-story build-
ing in a densely populated southern
suburb of Beirut. Israel said the first
floor ofthe building was the headquar-
ters and nerve center of Hezbollah, the
Iranian-supported Shiite Muslim mili-
tia that opposes all peace negotiations
with Israel and has vowed to battle
Israel's occupationsoftwhat it calls a
"security zone" in southern Lebanon.
In a dense warren of streets decorated
with murals of black-robed mullahs and
anti-Israeli "martyrs," Hezbollah fight-
ers carrying automatic rifles and anti-
tank weapons closed off roads leading to
the damaged building in the Bir el-Abed
neighborhood where many of the
Hezbollah leaders live. Even Lebanese
government officials were barred from
seeing the effects of the strike.
Israeli officials were certain the at-
tacks had hit their mark. "Nothing
was missed, and the damage to neigh-
boring facilities was minimal, if any.
This is a great achievement," Maj.
Gen. Herzl Bodinger, chief of the Is-
raeli air force, said in Tel Aviv.
Hundreds of residents rushed for
cover in basements after the attack on
Beirut began. Others fled the predomi-
nantly Shiite Muslim slums by caror on
foot, heading toward the city center.
Ambulances, sirens wailing, raced to
the area near Beirut International Air-
port, which was shut down for an hour.

Scientists discover
first aging gene
WASHINGTON - Scientists have
taken the first step toward unlocking
genetic mysteries of aging, discovering
a gene that one day might lead to treat-
ments for diseases that hit the elderly.
The gene causes Werner's syndrome,
which turns 20-year-olds' hairgray and
gives them ailments more common to
grandparents. Unraveling this prema-
ture aging should help doctors better
understand normal aging.
"A kind of Holy Grail of aging re-
search has been to find this gene," said
Gerard Schellenberg, whose team at
the Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical
Center won an international race to
identify the gene named WRN.
The gene appears to play a vital role
in how DNA repairs itself and repro-
duces, long suspected as keys to aging,
Schellenberg reports in today's edition
of the journal Science.
"This is the first clear evidence" to
explain how that could happen, said Dr.
Anna McCormick, chief of aging re-
search at the National Institutes of

This is all early research - treatments
for aging are a long way off and certainly
many still undiscovered genes are involved,
Schellenberg and other scietitists agree.
State begins to tax
Internet companies*
SAN FRANCISCO -Slowly, surely
and to the horror of many users, thai
final symbol of civilization - the
taxman - is coming to the Internet.
A decision by the Florida Department of
Revenue that it can tax companies provid-
ing Intemet service set off a storm of
protest by businesses. But unbeknownst tc
many, at least seven states and the Districi
of Columbia already tax comnuter ser-
vices - and more are considering it.
It's all part of a natural progressi
said Dan Bucks, executive director of
the Multistate Tax Commission in
Washington, D.C.
"If states didn't update their tax sys
tems to reflect changes in the economy
and technology, (they) would still be
basing their taxes on the number of horse
you use to draw your buggy," he said.


- ,


Mobs storm U.N.
headquarters in
Liberia capital

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Continued from Page 1
responsible for the Athletic
Department's communication systems.
Peg Bradley Doppes, senior asso-
ciate director, will work with Roberson
in developing a five-year plan for the
Athletic Department. Doppes will also
work with the Board in Control in con-
ducting sports reviews, as well as exit
interviews with outgoing athletes.
Senior Associate Director Keith
Seifert will oversee the department's
financial operations, with responsi-
bilities for its $32 million annual bud-
get and purchasing operations.
Roberson named Jeff Long asso-
ci ate director of athletics, and appointed
him director of operations for football,
men's and women's basketball, and
hockey. His duties will also include
oversight of athletic medicine, the
equipment staff and weight training.
Christian Reformed Campus Ministry
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Pastor: Rev. Don Postema
SUNDAY: 10 a.m. "When in doubt,
remember Thomas"
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MONROVIA, Liberia-Mobs broke
down the gates at the U.N. headquarters
and looters j umped the walls of the U.S.
Embassy compound yesterday, as even
African peacekeepers reportedlyjoined
in the widespread plunder of Liberia's
warring capital.
Relief workers warned that a danger-
ous scarcity of food, medicine and fuel,
compounded by a fifth straight day of
fighting in Liberia'scapital, will worsen
matters for a population already among
the poorest in West Africa.
"The fightingand ongoing massive loot-
ingofhomes,marketandshopshas sparked
offwidespread foodshortages for civilians
in the city," said Tarek El Guindi, director
oftheU.N. World Food Program in Liberia.
"A serious humanitarian crisis is likely to
erupt if fighting continues."
"Lord, please help us out of this mad-
ness - your children are dying," said
Maima Jones of Monrovia.
Dozens of dead bodies, mostly those




of young men, lay by the roadside i
downtown Monrovia amid burned-ou
vehicles and shops that havebeen loote
since the worst fighting in three year
broke out Saturday between rebels an
government troops.
Volcano erupts on
tiny Caribbean island
ST. JOHN'S, Montserrat-With littl
warning, an avalanche of scalding roc
and ash raced down the volcano, inciner
ating trees as it plowed a burning pat
through the Tar River valley. It stoppe
within sight of Prince Francis' farm.
"That thing could have killed r
Francis said. "It could have roa'e
everybody in their house."
Despite months of occasiona
rumbles and bursts of ash, the April
eruption of the Soufriere Hills vol
cano frightened many in this tiny Bri
ish colony in the Caribbean. It sent
cloud of ash more than 3 miles int
the air, rained ash on the capital Ply
mouth, and caked most of Montserr
in a fine chalky dust.
- From Daily wire ser

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$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $165. On-campus
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Edltoi
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Schimpf, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Patience Atkin, Erena Baybik, Cathy Boguslaski, Matt Buckley, Jodi Cohen. Melanie Cohen, Lisa Dines. Sam T. Dudek.
Jeff Eldridge, Kate Glickman. Lisa Gray, Jennifer Harvey, Stephanie Jo Klein. Marisa Ma, Laurie Mayk. Heather Miller, Rajal
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Weissert, Maggie Weyhing.
CALENDAR- Matt Buckley.
EDITORIAL. Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Editori
STAFF: Kate Epstein, Niraj R. Ganatra, Ephraim R. Gerstein. Joe Gigliotti, Keren Kay Hahn, Katie Hutchins, Chris Kaye, Jim
Lasser, Erin Marsh. Brent McIntosh, Trisha Miller. Steven Musto, Paul Serilla. Jordan Stencil, Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer. Jean
Twenge, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing E
EDITORS: John Leroi, Brent McIntosh, Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Donald Adamek. Paul Barger. Nancy Berger, Susan Dann, Darren Everson. John Friedberg. Jiten Ghelani. Alan
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Shin, Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman. Doug Stevens, Ryan White,
ARTS Dean Bakopoulos, Joshua Rich, Editori
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Kari Jones. Elan Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bernardo (Theater). Brian A. Gnatt (Music), Jennifer Petlinski (Film), Ted Watts (Fine Arts).
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STAFF: Coln Bartos, Eugene Bowen. Jennifer Buckley, Neal C. Carruth, Christopher Corbett. Jeffrey Dinsmore, Tim Furlong,
Lise Harwin. Emily Lambert. Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas, James Miller. Greg Parker, Heather Phares. Ryan Posiy,
Michael Rosenberg. Dave Snyder, Prashant Tamaskar, Alexandra Twin, Kelly Xintaris. Michael Zilberman.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Jonathan Lurie, Editori
STAFF- Josh Biggs. Jennifer Bradley-Swift. Tonya Broad, Diane Cook. Nopporn Kichanantha, Margaret Myers, Stephanie Grace
LimElizabeth Lippman, Kristen Schaefer, Sara Stillman. Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn.
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STAFF: Dennis Fitzgerald. Jeffrey Greenstein, Charles Harrison, Travis Patrick, Victoria Salipande, Matthew Smart, Joe
Westrate, Anthony Zak.
'BSIES SAF '.i1.
DISPLAY SALES Dan Ryan, Managi

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