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April 01, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-01

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The Michigan Daily '- Monday, April 1, 1996 -3A

L. ~AgI
ECS prof.
$50,000 for
Emad Ebbini, assistant professor
f electrical engineering and com-
puter science, won $50,000 for ultra-
sund research in a recent contest.
The contest was open to faculty who
ave received National Science Foun-
dation Young Investigator awards
and are in the early stages of their
*he $50,000 came from an anony-
mous donor and will be used to im-
prove current ultrasound imaging tech-
nologies. Ebbini is working to develop
real-time, three-dimensional ima'ging
sing ultrasound, which he hopes will
be used by surgeons and for cardiac
Ebbini said the new technology
ould aid in many medical procedures.
"I believe the 3-D technology will be
W for improved cardiac imaging,"
Ebinni said. "Cardiac surgeons will be
able to view larger areas, with a higher
resolution than they can see now. Cur-
rently doctors base most of their diag-
nostic decisions on mental 3-D
conceptualizations that they form by
viewing multiple 2-D ultrasound im-
' print, broadcast
rm partnership to air
'Morning Edition'
Print and broadcast have formed a
new partnership at the University as
the University's public radio stations
and the University Press join in pre-
senting Michigan Radio's "Morning
As oneof the underwriters of the
Cdy newsmagazine from National
Public Radio, heard on WUOM, WVGR
and WFUM from 6-9 a.m., the Univer-
sity Press shares the station's mission
to disseminate the benefits of Univer-
sity scholarship and research by mak-
ing them available to the greater Michi-
gan community.
University Press is a department of
taekham that is committed to the pub-
lication of current scholarship for the
*demic community and the larger
community of readers. Michigan Ra-
dio is a listener-supported broadcast
service of the University and can be
heard in Ann Arbor on WUOM-91.7
Flint campus adds two
new master's
The Flint campus' Office of Gradu-
ate Studies and Programs plans to launch
two new master's degree programs this
year, a Master of Public Administration
and a Master of Science in Health Edu-
The MPA in educational adminis-
tration focuses on a core of courses in
educationsand public administration
is designed to equip the educa-
I administrator with a broad per-

spective on the range of problems
confronting education today. The
Nvichigan Department of Education
has approved the program, which leads
to a certification in school adminis-
tration. The program will start in the
spring semester, which begins April
The Master of Science in Health Edu-
on program, offered by the School
e alth Professionals and Studies,
will begin in the fall. The program is
designed to prepare students for work
in a variety of community settings that
focus on disease prevention and health
For more information about these
programs, contact the Office of Gradu-
ate Studies and Programs on the Flint
campus at (810) 762-3171.
- Compiled from staff reports

'U' students, community
defend county jail program

By Matt Buckley
Daily Staff Reporter
Can the psychological needs of in-
carcerated mothers and children be met
in a time of prison overcrowding? Uni-
versity students and community mem-
bers think so, and are speaking out in
support of a Washentaw County Jail
program that focuses on these concerns.
Supporters of the Children's Visita-
tion Program, which gives families time
forphysical contact and emotional bond-
ing, wanted assurances from prison offi-
cials that the program will not be cut in
the future. A group of about 20 support-
ers protested at the jail Thursday night to
demand continuation of the program.
Developed by Christina Jos6-
Kempfner, assistant professor of psy-
chology at Eastern Michigan, the pro-
gram gives participating mothers su-
pervised contact with their children for
three hours each month.
Jose-Kempfner wrote her disserta-
tion on the effects of incarceration on
"Once the kids are separated from
their mothers, you could see how their
school performance went down the

drain," Jos6-Kempfner said. "They
couldn't concentrate on their work.
Once the children were able to see their
mother, their school work improved,
their behavior improved."
Mothers also suffer from the separa-
tion. "The No. I worry (for mothers) in
prison is their children. The one thing
that I hear all the time is, 'My children,
my children, how are my children,"'
Jos6-Kempfner said.
LSA senior Rachael Morris, who
helps run the program at the jail with
Jos6-Kempfner, said the program of-
ten serves as the only link between
family members. "This is, a lot of the
time, the only opportunity (the chil-
dren have) to see their mothers at all,"
Morris said.
Prison officials considered cutting
the program earlier this year to convert
the visitation room into a courtroom.
Demand for the courtroom and a lack of
space in the jail is causing problems,
said WCJ Commander Mark Ptaszek.
"The bottom line is that we are getting
squeezed out," Ptaszek said.
The jail has been overcrowded sev-
eral times since the beginning of last

year, with the latest incident leading to
the release of 28 low-risk prisoners,
Ptaszek said. The size of the jail, which
is about half that of jails for compara-
tively large populations, is amajor cause
of the overcrowding.
Ptaszek said that while the program
was spared for the present time, a lack
of space will force this program to com-
pete for space with other programs,
such as General Educational Develop-
ment test training and substance abuse
The protest occurred before
Thursday's meeting of the Sheriff's
Community Relations Advisory Board.
Program supporters also spoke during
the meeting.
At the meeting, Washtenaw County
Sheriff Ron Schebil agreed that the
program was ofvalue. "Philosophically,
we don't disagree with Christina at all,"
he said.
Schebil said the issue is one of space.
Addressing the group, he said, "We
have people living in classrooms, we
have people on the floor in gymnasi-
ums. I need your help ... about the
space issue."

Parishioners participate in Palm Sunday mass yesterday morning at the
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit. Cardinal Adam Maida
performed the services.
Stbl-nsky wis
LSA- SG top post

By Will Welsert
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Party won its second
consecutive LSA-Student Government
presidency as Paul Scublinsky and Eve
Madison were elected president and
vice president respectively, LSA-SG
reported yesterday.
According to unofficial election re-
sults, Scublinsky/Madison received 849
votes, Wolverine Party candidates Jeff
Berger and Barry
Rosenberg finished
second with 757 Ev'
and Students' Party
candidates James worked i
Kovacs and Sara
Deringer recieved to geS t to
675 votes in last
week's election. lot of VO
"I'm glad I won,
but right now I feel
a feeling of ex- LSA-SC
haustion more than
exuberance," Scublinsky said. "I think
we won because we worked the hard-
Michigan Student Assembly Elec-
tion Director Meagan Newman said
voter turnout for this election was lower
than turnout in recent years. "We only
had about 10 percent of total LSA stu-
dents vote - we usually get about 15
percent," she said.
Newman blamed the cold and the
early closing of Hill dorm polling sites
as possible reasons for the election's
low interest. "It could have been a com-
bination of five or six things that brought
the total numbers down," she said.
Scublinsky said the first thing he hopes
to focus on as president is providing train-
ing sessions for potential Code jurors. "I


hope to set up regular training sessions by
next year if not earlier," he said.
Rosenberg said that while the elec-
tion results were disappointing, the cam-
paign experience was valuable. "I'm
obviously disappointed I was not suc-
cessful in winning," he said. "But I
appreciate all of the high-level support
I received from many, many students
during the campaign."
The Michigan Party has won both
elections since
ad I LSA-SG began
using aparty for-
ery hard mat last year
Current LSA-
know a SG President
Rick Bernstein
ers, " said switching
to the party sys-
aul SCUblinksy tem has in-
President-elect creased voter in-
terest in the gov-
"Since going to the party format,
interest in the government has skyrock-
eted," Bernstein said. "If you look at
students' interest in our government
versus other student governments, there
is no question that more students are
interested in us."
Scublinsky, who ran for LSA-SG
president in 1994 but was defeated,
said the key to this year's successful
campaign was' in making an effort to
talk to potential voters.
"Most students don't vote because of
what they read in (The Michigan) Daily
or because they see a cute poster -
people vote for people," Scublinsky
said. "Eve and I worked very hard to get
to know a lot of voters."

Melissa Williams, 14, is helped by her mother, Karen Williams, to tie her headband at the 24th annual Pow Wow at Crisler
arena Saturday. Melissa and Karen are members of the Six Nations tribe and traveled from Ontario, Canada for the event.
24th anual Pow Wow celebrates
Native American heritage, cutoms

Thousands come from
across the country to
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
About 11,000 people from across the
nation gathered to stomp their feet to
the rhythm of the drums and to experi-
ence Native American culture at Crisler
Arenathis weekend. Wearing traditional
regalia, men, women and children of all
ages celebrated the coming of spring at
the 24th annual Ann Arbor "Dance for
Mother Earth" Pow Wow.
"The Ann Arbor Pow Wow is to
celebrate the coming of spring through
the joy of dancing," said Jodi Cook, an
LSA sophomore. "People come from
all across the U.S. and Canada."
Eina Hindlsey and her family drove
for 12 hours from Orlando, Wis., to
participate in this weekend's activi-
"(The Pow Wow) is seeing old
friends and people we haven't seen in
a long time," Hindlsey said. "It's kinda
like one big family getting together."
The Ann Arbor community held its

first Pow Wow in 1972. Since then, the
popularity and the number of activities
have increased - so much that the Pow
Wow had to be moved to Crisler Arena.
Each day of the three-day Pow Wow
began with a Grand Entry dance, fol-
lowed by a flag and victory song. The
flag song, which is analogous to the
national anthem, honors ancestors who
have defended and fought for Native
Americans in past wars.
"I came here to dance in the circle ...
to dance with our ancestors," said Tom
Netz of Toledo, Ohio. "That's the circle
of life inside the arena."
In addition to dancing and music,
booths filled with Native American
crafts, such as dream catchers and bead
jewelry lined the inside of Crisler
One booth, sponsored by the Ameri-
can Indian Health and Family Services,
disseminated information about health
care for Native Americans.
"We use Pow Wows as a way to get
health information to Native Ameri-
cans," said Jane Vass, a nurse at the
health center. "It's hard to get health
care to the Native society because they
don't trust non-Native society."

The health care center, located in
southwest Detroit, serves the Native
American population in the tri-county
area of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb
counties - which Vass said has the
largest Native American population in
the state.
Adrienne Brant James, president of
the Indian World organization, distrib-
uted information about the North Ameri-
can Indian community of metropolitan
"The biggest thing (Indian World) is
trying to do is work on bridging the gap
between dominant society and Native
society," James said. "We try to help
people recognize what the contradictions
between values of two societies are."
Making reference to broken treaties,
such as the Indian Tuition Waiver, James
said one of the biggest problems that
Native Americans continue to face is
the "attempts of the dominant society to
annihilate us."
"The biggest challenge is to be who
we are and to live the way we feel is the
right way -which is to live with Mother
Earth and to respect her," she said.
"Everything has meaning, everything
deserves respect."

The Psychology Peer Advisors Present
Winter 1996
Organizations of Interest to a Psychology Major
Tuesday, April 2 7:00-9:00 pm, 4th Floor Terrace, East Hall**
-Refreshments will be served at all events. -Faculty members and graduate
students will be available to answer your questions and discuss these issues.
-RSVP to the Peer Advising Office Room 1346 East Engineering at 747-3711
**Enter East Hall by the main Church St. entrance. Take the elevator to
the 3rd floor. When exiting the elevator, turn left around the corner to the
first Exit door. Take the stairs to the 4th floor. Peer Advisors will be Ir.
firs Ext dor.available to direct you to the terrace.lj
"The October GRE is Back!
If you wore hoping to take the
October Paper & Pencil GRE-
now you cant
in response to the reinstatement of the October 12,1996 Paper & Pencil
GRE, Kaplan has more classes than ever to meet your needs.


Alliance for the Mentally 11l of
Washtenaw County, 994-6611,
St. lare's Episcopal Chruch,
2309 Packard, 7:30 p.m.
Q Burning Bush Campus Ministry,
930-0621, Michigan Union, Watts
Room, 1st Floor, 7-8:15 p.m.
U Ninjitsu Club, beginners wel-

Laymen's Evangelical Fellow-
ship International, Angell Hall,
Room G-144, 7 p.m.
0 "Compelled to Crime: The Gen-
der Entrapment of Black Bat-
tered Women," discussion,
sponsored by Institute for Re-
search on Women and Gender,
Michigan League, Henderson
Room, 3 p.m.
Ql "Phntogranhv Fhihit " Marv

info@umich.edu, UMeEvents on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web
Q English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, 741-8958, Mason Hall,
Room 444C, 7-11 p.m.
Q Mediation, student dispute reso-
lution program, 764-3241,
E~ PeAr CnunAling for Undergradu.



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