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Yeltsin orders cease-fire in Chechnya
The Washington Post
MOSCOW - Russian President
Boris Yeltsin ordered a unilateral cease-
fire yesterday in the shell-shattered
southern region of Chechnya and a
phased withdrawal of some Russian
forces as part of what he cast as a
milestone peace plan to end the 15-
month-old conflict.
In a sharp departure from recent Rus-
sian policy, Yeltsin declared on na-
tional television that Moscow is pre-
pared for mediated talks with Chechen
leader Dzhokhar Dudayev, whom the
Russian leader just weeks ago said
should be shot as a criminal.
Yeltsin, who is trying to remove the
war as an issue in his reelection cam-
paign, also said he is prepared to offer
Chechnya more autonomy than any other
region in the Russian Federation, a status
he termed "very close to independence."
He declared that at midnight last night
(4 p.m. EST yesterday) "military op-
erations on Chechen territory will stop."
But Russia's top commander in
Chechnya, Gen. Vyacheslav
Tikhomirov, said that would not be
possible. "For some reason, everyone
thinks that March 31 will be a border-
line when everything will stop and peace
and accord will come," he told indepen-
dent NTV television. "I hope you un-
derstand it is impossible to do so."
After more than 30,000 mostly civil-
ian deaths and an exceptionally violent
March offensive by Russian forces,
Yeltsin's peace plan amounted to an
eleventh-hour attempt to rescue his strug-
glingpresidentialcampaignjustI11 weeks
before the election on June 16.
The war, deeply unpopular through-
out Russia, dominates the television
news night after night with its ghastly
images of charred bodies, smashed
homes and weeping refugees.
Yeltsin has said his reelection pros-
pects are doomed as long as it continues.
He currently lags behind Communist
leader GennadyZyuganov in all thepolls.
However, Yeltsin's plan fell short of
meeting two ofthe Chechen separatists'
core demands: complete independence
from Russia, and the total withdrawal of
Russian forces from Chechen territory.
Yeltsin once again ruled out sover-
eignty for Chechnya and acknowledged
the issue remains "the main stumbling
block" to a settlement. He further cast
doubt on the scope and chances for
success of his own proposal by declar-
ing that Russian troops would be with-
drawn only from parts of Chechnya that
Moscow considers "peaceful."
Mont. Freemen prepared for long siege
JORDAN, Mont. - The fugitive Freemen militants holed up on an isolate
wheat farm have built bunkers and openly stockpiled food, fuel and weapons.-
possibly including military armaments, neighbors said Saturday.
"We know they've been planning a siege for a long time because they've talke.
constantly about Ruby Ridge and Waco and said they were going to be bette
prepared," said Kenneth Coulter, a neighboring rancher.
The Washington Post reported yesterday that the FBI is considering an offe
from white separatist Randy Weaver, whose wife and son were killed by fed
agents in 1992 at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, to mediate an end to the standoff.
Friends of Weaver told the Post he made the offer through an attorney because
he wanted to avoid more bloodshed.
However, sources told the paper it was unlikely the FBI would accept Weaver'
offer because some bureau leaders worry his presence could draw more medi
attention and encourage armed supporters to converge on the site.
A Justice Department spokesperson, Gina Talamona, said Saturday night tha
she could not comment. U.S. Attorney Sherry Scheel Matteucci said she heard o
the offer but could not verify it.
"I can tell you that we're reaching out to anybody that we think can help us bring
this to a peaceful resolution," she told The Associated Press.
Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered a cease-fire and partial wirhdrawal of
troops from Chechnya yesterday.
An unspecified number ofthe 40,000 fires have been ignored altogether or
federal troops in Chechnya will remain violated within hours, if not minutes.
behind to deal with what he called "ter- Yeltsin acknowledged there is no guar-
rorism" in the breakaway region 1,000 antee of success this time either, saying
miles south of Moscow. he is simply "hoping this (proposal) has
Yeltsin'slatestcease-fire order there- a very strong effect on events" in
fore looks shaky at best. Previous cease- Chechnya.
From Texas
L ttle Sister
112 price drinks
Continued from Page 1A
as it seems. They had a sign above the
door in their lockerroom that read,
"Something to prove." All the talk of
ghosts and jinxes motivated Michigan
to silence the cynics and critics.
"I'm sick of hearing the rumors that
we can't win the big game," Muckalt
said. "I think we proved them wrong."
"The ghosts are gone," said Michi-
gan goaltender Marty Turco.
No one is more satisfied than
He didn't win a title in his three years
as a Michigan player. After his profes-
sional career, he came back to his alma
mater to rescue a floundering program.
Saturday's win was his 300th and the
culmination of more than a decade of
rebuilding the Wolverines.
When Berenson took the Michigan
job in 1984, the Wolverines finished
ninth in the CCHA. Now, 12 years
since his start, Michigan finished the
season No. 1 in the nation.
And Berenson, a proud, stoic former
Stanley Cup champion, cried.
"There is no comparison (to this),"
Berenson said. "I've played on teams
that have won big series, but this is
much, much better. There is nothing
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You Are Cordially Invited
The University of Michigan-Dearborn cordially invites
you to be a guest student for the Spring/Summer
semester. We have three terms to accommodate
students who are home for summer vacation.
close to it....
"I have a memento that sits on my
desk that says, 'Our day will come.'
We've worked for that day, and we've
earned that day, and our day has
The day came with good defense,
timely offense and a little help from
Marty Turco.
Michigan gave up only 23 shots to
Colorado College, one of the most
prolific scoring teams in the nation.
Other than a two-minute stretch in the
second period, in which Peter
Geronazzo and Colin Schmidt scored,
the Tigers couldn't capitalize on their
Turco came up with several big
stops, including a monster save of
Chad Remackel's drive in the second
period. He kept Michigan in the game
when he had to, but the Wolverines
were mostly strong on the blue line.
"(Michigan) is a much better defen-
sive team than people give it credit for,"
Berenson said. "You have to play good
defense when the games come down to
a mistake or a break."
Michigan jumped into the lead at
11:33 of the first period, when Muckalt
rifled Morrison's feed through Tiger
goaltender Ryan Bach's pads. But after
Geronazzo and Schmidt struck in the
second, the Wolverines found them-
selves down, 2-1.
Michigan came out flying in the
third, and Mike Legg tied the game at
two on the power play at 6:54. His
goal, scored off ofa rebound of Steven
Halko's slapshot, was the last in regu-
Three and a half minutes into over-
time, Morrison ended the game, the
season and the waiting for the Wol-
Michigan's day had come.
Continued from Page 1A
Breslin said that although he was
not at the scene, the residents -were
probably not let back into the build-
ing until the site was secured and
properly ventilated.
Engineering first-year student Jenny
Mittelstadt said many residents went
to the Pierpont Commons until they
were allowed to return to the residence
hall. She and her friends waited on a
University bus.
"We got on the bus and rode around
to kill time," she said. "We rode the
entire route."
AAFD officials said the fires are un-
der investigation.
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U.S. soldiers to aid
war crInes
TUZLA, Bosnia-Herzegovina -For
the first time, U:S. troops this week will
provide security and other limited sup-
port for U.N. war crimes investigators,
the commander of the NATO-led peace
force in Bosnia said yesterday.
Adm. Leighton Smith told reporters
he did not expect any major confronta-
tions when investigators from the U.N.
War Crimes Tribunal search for mass
graves and other evidence of atrocities
near Srebrenica, in eastern Bosnia.
The U.N. search, which is expected
to start tomorrow, will be in Serb terri-
tory at sites of alleged massacres of
thousands of Bosnian Muslims last sum-
"There may be some demonstra-
tions," Smith said. "This obviously is a
very emotional issue. But I don't antici-
pate that there will be problems" for the
U.S. troops.
Smith was escorting Defense Secre-
tary William Perry on a visit with U.S.
.2;, ,
troops at Comanche Base, just west o
here, where attack helicopters of the 4th
Aviation Brigade are based.
Hong Kong residents
get last chance to
apply for passports
HONG KONG - Britain's i55
year government of Hong Kong expires
June 30, 1997. While the approach ol
Chinese rule has had many worried
about the future of Hong Kong's demo-
cratic freedom, the issue yesterday was
getting a passport.
Just 400 people attended a pro.-
mocracy rally here yesterday, wh 1
down the road, some 30,000 peoplt
lined up outside the immigration of-
About half of Hong Kong's 6 mill ior
people already have British citizenship
Another 2 million residents who wer
not born in Hong Kong mainly Chi.
nese immigrants - are eligible for the
British colonial passports.
Clinton deposition
has critics pondering
WASHINGTON - A court order
for President Clinton to give video-
taped testimony in a Whitewater
criminal trial has producers of Re-
publican attack ads pondering poten-
tial uses of the footage in the fall
Whether Clinton's testimony ends
up appearing in GOP ads depends on its
public release by a federal judge in
Arkansas, a likely scenario if it is played
before jurors, legal experts say.
"I'd love to get my hands on the
president on the stand," says Alex
Castellanos, a Republican political ad
man who most recently worked for the
presidential campaign of Sen. Phil
Gramm (R-Texas).
Floyd Brown, maker of the infa-
mous 1988 Willie Horton ad against
Michael Dukakis, promises to "take a
serious look" at any segments of
Clinton's videotaped deposition that
become public.
The White House dodged a poten-
tially embarrassing spectacle by con-
vincing the judge in the Little Rock tria
to allow Clinton to testify by videotape
instead of in person.
But the videotape arrangement has on<
disadvantage: It will leave behind a per
manent videotaped record of Clinton be
ing grilled under oath about Whitewater
Talk show hoax
angers producers
CHICAGO - "Scam Artists Who
Pose as Dysfunctional Guests."
Of course, that wasn't the real title o
an episode of "Jerry Springer," in which
a man was said to reveal to his wife tha
he'd been sleeping with their children'
teen-age baby sitter.
It turns out the philandering husband
was really a Toronto comic, as were
purported wife, the baby sitter andc
baby sitter's boyfriend, all of whom
appeared on the show.
When the truth was revealed, th
show's producer, Multimedia Entertain
ment Inc., filed suit against the four it
federal court in Chicago, maintaining
their hoax threatens the integrity o
shows like Springer's.
5.: ~h
T 1
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $165. On-campus
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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