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March 14, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-03-14

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Tonight: Decreasing
cloudiness, low 24*.
Tomorrow: Mostly sunny,
high around 45.

One hundredfive years of editor~ialfreedom

March 14,19'96

a -. ' ,.

Black prof.
finds racial
epithet on
fce door
L Law School dean calls
graffiti an 'act of
By Heather Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
An African American Law professor
returned to the office after spring break
find a racist epithet scrawled outside
"It's just inconsistent behavior with
the norms of the Law School," said
Catherine Cureton, a spokesperson for
the Law School.
The incident was reported to the De-
partment of Public Safety on Tuesday
for investigation. DPS spokesperson
Elizabeth Hall said the department is
unsure when the act occurred.
DPS is not releasing the identity of
professor or the exact content of the
essage during their current investiga-
"It was graffiti that appeared to have
racial overtones," Hall said.
Currently, five of the Law School's
full professors are African American.
Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman
released a statement yesterday to stu-
dents about the recent event.
"This act of cowardice is manifestly
*onsistent with the norms of our com-
munity and is subject to punishment
under the rules of the University," the
statement read. Lehman was out oftown
and could not be reached for further
"1 have feelings about it-very strong
feelings," said Law School Associate
Dean Kent Syverud, who refused to
comment further and said that Lehman's
statement is the official statement from
lip Law School.
any Law students reacted nega-
tively to the incident.
"It angered me that someone in this
community would resort to that kind of
a horrible and cowardly act," said Law
first-year student John Humphrey.
"Freedom of speech is real important
here, but that is not speech. That's in-
tent to harm someone."
Other students said that while they
Ore disappointed about what happened
they were not surprised, due to what
they feel are "racial problems" within
the school and society as a whole.
"There are a lot of racial problems
here," said Law third-year student David
Cade. "A lot of people assume because
of skin pigmentation people are un-
qualified (to teach and be a student at

GOP hopefuls stump in Michigan

By Stephanie Jo Klein
aily Staff Reporterwant
With only five days remaininguntil Bob Dole
Tuesday's Midwestern primaries, When: 11:30 a.m.
candidates for the Republican presi- Where: Hayden CorI
dential nomination are scheduled to
meet and greet Michigan voters to- Pat Buchanan
day, keeping up the high levels of When: 10 a.m.
politicking needed to carry the state. Where: Walt Industi
GOP front-runner Sen. Bob Dole When: 7 p.m.
(R-Kan.) is scheduled to tour and Where: Royalty Hou
address the Hayden Corporation in
Auburn Hills this morning. A Dole
campaign rally is scheduled in Battle Creek in the early
afternoon at the W.K. Kellogg Airport, with a visit to the
Battle Creek Federal Center planned afterwards. Dole will
return to Michigan again Monday night in Grand Rapids.
Publishing giant Steve Forbes, who spoke in Bloomfield
Hills on Tuesday, was scheduled to visit Detroit and Grand
Rapids today. With rumors circulating that Forbes will
withdraw from the race today, The Associated Press reported
his new plans to remain in the Washington, D.C., area where
he may announce his future plans.
Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan is following in the


footsteps of President Clinton's visit
go to Taylor, where he will make a mid-
morning speech at Walt Industries.
Tonight, Buchanan's camp will hold a
ration, Auburn Hills rally in the Royalty House in Warren.
Area Republicans say they hope the
campaign visits will drum up support
for the candidates and the party.
s, Taylor John Truscott, spokesperson for
Gov. John Engler, said the visits
D Warren would help voters see the candidates
in action.
"You get a better idea of who the
candidates are and what they stand for," he said. "It will be
a big day."
Truscott said Buchanan's isolationist trade stance could hurt
his Michigan support as state workers may not like these policies.
The fourth largest exporting state in the country, Michigan
workers take great interest in trade issues, Truscott said.
Steve Gools, comrunications director for the state Demo-
cratic Party, said visits have residual effects on the candidates.
"If it were not for the eventual importance of Michigan in
an electoral college strategy," he asked, "why would they
spend (such an) inordinate amount of time in the state?"

Forbes to pullout of race

just 76 delegates to show for his $30
million investment, Steve Forbes de-
cided yesterday to abandon his bid
for the Republican presidential
nomination and throw his support to
GOP front-runner Bob Dole, aides
Forbes plans to make a 1 p.m. with-
drawal announcement today in Wash-
ington, said campaign manager Bill
Dal Col. A senior Forbes aide, speak-
ing on condition of anonymity, said
Forbes would endorse Dole and pledge
his help in defeating President Clinton
in the fall.
Dal Col said one reason Forbes put
off the formal announcement for a
day was so that his family could join

"No doubt
about it - it
helps," Dole said
when asked about
th'e effect of
Forbes' with-
drawal. He de-
clined further
comment until
Forbes makes his
remarks today.


Forbes had vowed as recently as
yesterday morning to stay in the race
through the March 19 Midwestern pri-
maries, maintaining as he has in recent
weeks that he wants to take his flat-tax
message to the voters.

GEO extends
contmct fo,'rr
fourth time
By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
With their fourth contract deadline hours away, members
of the Graduate Employees Organization met with Univer-
sity negotiators yesterday and agreed to extend the current
contract to March 20.
On Feb. 23, 81 percent of CEO's voting members voted to
support a strike if the organization's steering committee
decided it was necessary.
GEO bargaining team member Jeanne Theoharis said
yesterday's talks were "disappointing."
"We hoped to have serious discussion on economic pro-
posals and see movement on the table, but there was none,"
she said.
GEO bargaining secretary Mike Sell agreed. "We hoped
(yesterday's) discussion would be a pivotal meeting, but
nothing happened."
Theoharis warned that if contract talks did not improve
GEO would seriously consider calling a walk-out on classes.
"If this is indicative of how bargaining is going to go in
March, we're going to be looking at some kind of work
stoppage," she said.
University chief negotiator Dan Gamble said any kind of
work stoppage by GEO would "be against the non-interfer-
ence clause of the contract and a state law prohibiting public
employees from striking."
GEO spokesperson Pete Church said, "The question of
whether we'll strike is not based on technicalities of Michi-
gan law but signing a fair contract."
Gamble said he could only comment on the University's
response to a strike by "accessing the situation if and when
See GEO, Page 7A

CenterU stag
Thom Brooks, a staff member of the CAEN Advanced Visualization Laboratory, studies the new television studio at the recently opened
media union on North Campus. The new studio will play a role in bringing together different departments interested in broadcast video.

16 children killed in
Scotland schoolyard R
Gunman shoots teacher, himself

Future of LSA-SG,
parties in limbo;
MSA calls meeting

DUNBLANE, Scotland (AP)-One
*ild, sobbing, leaned heavily against a
car door. Another, her eyes glazed,
stumbled through the jostling crowd at
the primary school gate.
In the main street nearby, a woman
shrieked, "Victoria! Victoria!"
Dunblane, a tranquil cathedral town
at the foot of the Scottish Highlands,
roiled in grief and horror yesterday af-
tera disgraced former Boy Scout leader
armed with four handguns killed or
*ounded all but one of 29 kindergart-
ners playing in the school gymnasium,
and killed their teacher.
The slaughter of the innocents was
over in moments.
Just setting in is the shock, the devas-
tation, the sheer sense of stunned disbe-
lief in this beautiful country town, and
throughout a nation with strict gun con-
trol laws and very few multiple slayings.
"Just now, to most people, this is a
*ghtmare," said school board member
Gerry McDermott.
Five-year-old Stewart Weirwill never
forget the man with the guns. The boy
ran, escaped with only a bullet-grazed
leg and was able to tell his dad about it.
"Stewart said he thought the gunman
tar ~ ,n e. A+t;m1 7n~r x a

"I can only describe what 1 saw ... as
a medieval vision of hell," paramedic
John McEwan told The Sun, a London
tabloid. "There were little bodies in
piles, dotted around the room, and items
of children's clothing like shoes and
pumps around the floor."
The final toll was 16 dead children,
12 wounded children and two dead
adults, one of them the gunman, who
took his own life.
Dunblane is the sort of place people
almost never leave, a place whose 9,000
residents clearly care about each other.
Just 35 miles northwest of Edinburgh, it
straddles the River Allan in the spec-
tacular Perthshire countryside leading
into the highlands.
An ecclesiastical center since the sev-
enth century, it has a cathedral, which,
like the town's life, was described by
Victorian social theorist John Ruskin as
"perfect in its simplicity."
It also had Thomas Hamilton, 43, a
reclusive individual who lived in a pub-
lic housing project in Stirling, five miles
away, and came to Dunblane to super-
vise a boys' athletic group.
Balding and bespectacled, Hamilton
belonged to a local gun club and liked
+,.i,:., ...1. - DR. , vn n that neio ..

By Laurie Mayk
and Will Weissert
lDaily Staff Reporters
Less than two weeks before elections,
the recognition of LSA-Student Gov-
ernment -and two major parties in the
election was put in jeopardy last night.
Following a decision by LSA-SG
Election Director Mark Borgman on
election code
LSA-SG candi- No st
dates who filed as
Michigan Party should v
and Students' ~
Party members le t n
will be listed as
independents if liggeU
they do not cor-
rectly file their
party affiliations.
Borgman later
issued a statement postponing the dead-
line for filing party affiliation permis-
sions to 5 p.m. tomorrow.
"What was probably going to happen
is that after a trial (before the Michigan
Student Assembly's Central Student Ju-
diciary committee), none of the parties


majority of the previous party slate and
a majority of the "student group mem-
bers" fora candidate to use aparty name.
LSA Rep. Fiona Rose said CSJ is
scheduled to rule on the appropriate-
ness of the clause's enforcement at an
emergency hearing today.
"The entire judiciary system needs to
be revamped," said MSA President Flint
Wainess."No stu-
dent should vote
dent in an election
that's rigged."
re in an Wainess last
night called an
sat'S emergency assem -
bly meeting for 5
p.m. tomorrow to
Flint Wainess considerde-recog-
ISA president nizing LSA-SG.
____________ Wainess said this
action would dis-
credit and dissolve the body.
"The MSA constitution clearly states
that we recognize student governments
that conduct open and democratic elec-
tions," Wainess said. "When we pull
recognition ... it's automatic."
"(The law) is a technicality and it is

Some of the unidentified relatives cry near the elementary school in Dunblane,
Scotland, where a gunman killed 16 children and a teacher yesterday.

young people, however, running boys'
groups that met in municipal halls in
g irlina n nhlane and neiahhorint

Five days ago Hamilton wrote to.
Queen Elizabeth II, scouting's patron,
renortedly to comnlain the Boy Scouts





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