The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 28, 1996 -3
Nons p
Syracuse first U
to close for
S lnhic holiday
Syracuse University became the
nation's first university to close its doors
in honor ofan Islamic holiday last week.
The university canceled classes in
honor of Eid-al-Fitr. Students began to
push for recognition of Eid-al-Fitr in
1992 when a new five-year calendar
was being planned out at Syracuse.
The university's administration re-
don campus input to decide which
ys to recognize in the calendar. Eid-
al-Fitr is included in the Syracuse cal-
endar until 1999.
The university also introduced a new
kitchen on campus that provides Halal
food for Muslims.
Dole visits University
of Arizona fraternity
AKansas Republican and presidential
1opeful Bob Dole visited the Univer-
sity of Arizona's chapter of Kappa
Sigma last weekend.
Dole pledged the fraternity at the
University of Kansas and was active in
the'UA chapter for 18 months after his
return from World War II.
Dole attended a barbecue and recep-
tion at the Kappa Sigma house and
posed for a photo with its active mem-
bers. About 80 other students and fac-
Oy members attended the picnic held
in the fraternity's yard.
After dinner, fraternity members es-
corted Dole to the Wildcats' men's bas-
ketball game against Oregon State.
Purdue students get
new chemistry tools
Blind students at Purdue University
*w have new opportunities to study
chemistry, since Purdue researchers re-
cently constructed a computer program
that translates chemical equations into
The program uses WordPerfect to
c.onvert equations into Braille code.
Purdue chemistry Prof. Fred Lytle and
David Schleppenbach, a graduate stu-
dent in physical chemistry, created the
translation program.
The two are now working to modify
tie program to allow the program to
speak the symbols in an equation rather
than print them out.
Penn State adopts
-new smoking policy
Penn State University recently
adopted a new smoking policy that will
' into effect this summer.
WThe policy bans smoking in dorm
rooms and sorority suites. It provides
that smokers use only designated
lounges to light up. The university is
trying to add smoking lounges to every
dorm, but some dorms will not have
lounges when the policy takes effect.
Students caughtsmoking willbepun-
ished as if they had been caught with
alcohol. The students need not be seen
with a cigarette to "be caught." A resi-
nce hall official "smelling" smoke
ming from the room, or a roommate
reporting smoking, can lead to disci-
p linary actions under the policy.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jennifer Harvey.
J AIESEC Michigan, general member
meeting, 662-1690, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276, 6 p.m.
0 American Baptist Student Fellow-
ship, free meal, meeting, 663-
9376, First Baptist Church, 512
E. Huron, 5:30-7 p.m.
0 Bread for the World, meeting, 487-
9058, Interfaith Council for Peace
and Justice Office, MemorialChris-
tian Church, corner of Hill and
Tappan Streets, 7:30 p.m.
0 Connections Support Group,
for women returning to school
for undergraduate degrees,
998-7210, CEW Center, 330
E. Liberty, daytime connec-
tions: 12:15-2:30 p.m.;
evening connections: 7-8:30
U Hindu Students Council, movie
"Logic of Spirituality," 764-2671,
Michigan Union, Pond Room, 8
U La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994-
9139, Michigan League, Room D, 7
~ Michigan Union Program Board
Meeting. 332-3867, Michigan
keeps job as
MSA chair
Vote falls shy of two-
thirds majority
needed to recall him
as commission chair
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
For the second time in one week, the
Michigan Student Assembly consid-
ered the recall of a chair vying for one
of the two highest positions on the as-
MSA voted down the self-initiated
recall of International Students Com-
mission chair Jonathan Freeman by a
vote of 20-14 last night. A recall re-
quires a two-thirds vote of the assem-
Freeman, the Students' Party candi-
date for MSA president, put himself up
for recall following criticism by a com-
mission member at last week's meet-
ing. At least one assembly member ap-
proached Afshin Jadidnouri, an inter-
national student, in support of his sug-
gestion that Freeman be replaced, Free-
man said.
"(The action was) specifically for
the purpose of trying to find out if
those people whom I respected
thought I was politically manipulat-
ing (the position)," Freeman said. "I
felt that I was doing the ethical and
responsible thing."
Jadidnouri said Freeman had not
made a significant effort to aid interna-
tional students and accused him of us-
ing the position to obtain a position on
the MSA steering committee to further
his political campaign.
"I have no personal vendetta against
Jonathan Freeman - I question his
intentions," Jadidnouri said.
Freeman said he felt compelled to
hold himself to the same standards he
had required of Budget Priorities Com-
mittee chair Matt Curin last week. As-
sembly members accused Curin of irre-
sponsibility but defeated a recall last
Freeman said fellow Students' Party
members discouraged him from pro-
posing the recall.
Freeman denied accusations by as-
sembly members that the recall was
motivated by a desire for media atten-
tion as the election nears.
Rackham Rep. Ray Robb said
Freeman's reasons for proposing the
action were valid.
"This is more than a political stunt,"
Robb said.
LSA Rep. Andy Schor, the Wolver-
ine Party's candidate for MSA presi-
dent, said that while Freeman has per-
formed well on the commission, it would
better benefit the commission, and stu-
dents, ifan international student chaired
the commission.
"I think that an International student
should chair the International Student
Affairs Commission," Schor said. "Mi-
norities should chair the Minority Af-
fairs Commission and a woman should
chair the Women's Issues Commis-
LSA Rep. Dan Serota suggested Free-
man resign due to the assembly's re-
sponse to the proposal.
"A majority of the assembly showed
they do not have any faith in Jonathan
Freeman," he said. "I think he should
Getting their kicki
Parag Mody, a University Hospitals employee, instructs others in a Karate-do class yesterday at the Asian Martial Arts
Studio on Fourth Street. The studio offers classes to students of all ages and ability levels.
panelinvestigate SAP
spur WSU
to boost
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
The Wayne State University Depart-
ment of Public Safety is adding extra
nighttime patrols after three students
were sexually assaulted or robbed in
the past month.
"We've added the extra marked pa-
trols and also have unmarked patrols in
the area," said Steve Fush, captain of
Wayne State's public safety force.
The first incident occurred Jan. 22,
when a 20-year-old male student was
abducted outside the university's ath-
letic center. The attacker forced him
into the trunk of a car. The student was
taken away from campus and sexually
assaulted. The assailant drove the vic-
tim back to the athletic center and re-
leased him.
Last Thursday, two other attacks took
place. The first occurred at I a.m., when
a 25-year-old male student was beaten
with a gun and forced to give the at-
tacker the keys to his car. The car was
later recovered a block away.
The last attack occurred at 2 a..n
Thursday, when a 20-year-old female
student and her boyfriend were forced
off the street at gunpoint. The assailant
tied up the boyfriend and sexually as-
saulted the woman.
Fush said there are "no suspects at
all," although all the victims reported
their assailant as a man more than sig
feet tall and weighing more than 2O
pounds. Fush said the cases are not
being investigated as the work f a
serial attacker.
"Students are pretty startled by the
attacks on males," said a WSU maie
senior who wished to remain anon-
mous. "It eliminates the rule of 'walk
your girlfriend home."'
"It's like any urban school, you're al-
ways gonna have one flake that throws a
wrench in the works," the student said.
Wayne State is located in Detroit.
Fush said the incidents all occurred Off
direct campus grounds. He said the cam-
pus has excellent lighting and security.
He said public lights are out in the areaof
the campus, but he did not know if any
were out in the areas of the attacks.
"People always need to be carefu"
Fush said.
Fush said the university isworkingo
spread safety knowledge among stu-
dents. He said the university put a full-
page precaution bulletin in the school's
paper and mailed bulletins to students.
Fush said the extra patrols will con-
tinue indefinitely.
By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
Responding to recent allegations of
internal problems at the University's
Sexual Assault and Prevention Aware-
ness Center, the Michigan Student
Assembly last night vowed to become
part of the organization's healing pro-
The assembly referred a proposed
resolution on the issue to the Campus
Safety Commission for further action
and involvement.
"We're reinforcing our support for
SAPAC," said LSA Rep. Paul
Scublinsky as he proposed the resolu-
tion. "We are saying we are concerned
about these allegations."
Scublinsky said the proposal
stemmed from concerns about the
organization's accessibility to minority
communities and the balance of power
and responsibility between student vol-
unteers and paid staff members.
"There was a different focus between
the leaders of SAPAC and the volun-
teers ofSAPAC," Scublinskysaid. "The
focus should be with the students."
The commission is expected to "in-
vestigate and review the facts and then
come back with a recommendation."
LSA Rep. Dan Serota said.
The report may include the
commission's analysis of the allega-
tions' validity, possible MSA actions
and viable solutions to the questions of
trust and organization.
"I'll definitely do my best to get
(SAPAC) back on their feet," said CSC
chair Elizabeth McHenry.
MclHenry said the commission's in-
volvement may include advertising ba-
sic SAPAC services and creating fo-
rums for students to express concerns
about the services and the organization.
"We can support them and help
train them," said McHenry, an LSA
There are resources available beyond
the UniversityMcHenry said. The com-
mission can help SAPAC to use the
knowledge and models of other cam-
puses, she said.
In light of the range of issues in-
volved, other representatives and fac-
tions within the organization may be
utilized, Serota said. He suggested the
commission solicit the aid of the Les-
bian/Gay/Bisexual taskforce and the
Minority Affairs Commission.
0 years ago
in the Daily
Zoology Prof. Charles Walker
called a Soviet government report
"poorly written" and said it had "not
a shred of evidence."
The report said Soviet geologists
had discovered 2 prehistoric tritons
(salamanders) in Siberian ice that
came back to life when warmed.
City Council, 'U'
question relations
By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Writer
Because the University makes up such
a large part of Ann Arbor's property
area, economic base and population,
the City Council must carefully weigh
the University's concerns against the
needs of the rest of the city.+
Councilmembers and University offi-
cials disagree about how successful the
council has been in balancing the scales.I
"Overall I characterize the relation-j
ship as on the road to improvement,"
said James Kosteva, the University's
director of communications.
City leaders were not so positive about+
current University-city relations. Jean
Carlberg (D-3rd Ward) said having the
University in Ann Arbor has created many
problems, especially with insufficient
parking and housing for students. "There
is a strain placed on council-University +
r E AR
t' happening in Ann Arbor today
relations because the University acts ar-
bitrarily in some instances," she said.
Despite occasional strains, Mayor
Ingrid Sheldon said that the city and
University need one another.
"You have to describe that relation-
ship as symbiotic - we depend on each
other," Sheldon said.
But Sheldon said the City Council does
feel pressure from the University to sup-
port University needs, because it com-
prises so much ofthe Ann Arbor commu-
nity. "That expectation is there," she said.
Sheldon said halfofthe property in Ann
Arbor is tax-exempt, and "a great portion
ofthat property belongs to the University."
The city's limited tax base has strained the
relationship between the City Council and
the University, she said.
Both Sheldon and Kosteva said the
widening of Main Street is an example
of a successful collaboration. The Uni-
versity agreed to give up 4,000 square
feet of its property around Main Street
so the city could widen the road.
Sheldon also said the University has
been very helpful with several road
improvement projects, including roads
around North Campus. Kosteva men-
tioned University involvement in the
city's establishment of a serial-rapist
task force last year as another example
of past collaboration.
The City Council and the University
will soon have a chance to test that
relationship, when the council consid-
ers a resolution to tighten restrictions
on street vendors and peddlers who sell
goods on University property.
University officials want council
members to update the current ordinance,
so it would prohibit street vendors and
peddlers from selling goods on Univer-
sity property three hours before and after
any major University event.
The current ordinance, drafted in
1981, restricts peddling around Michi-
gan Stadium from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on
football Saturdays with no restrictions
on other University events
Kosteva said the University needed
the City Council's support on this issue
and expected to receive it. "Our objec-
tives are very, very similar and I think
we will be able to work toward success-
fully completing them," he said.
Councilmembers were not so quick
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women, beginners welcome, 994-
3620, CCRB, Room 2275, 8:30-
9:30 p.m.
Q Taekwondo Club, beginners and
other new members welcome,
747-6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-
8:30 p.m.
Q "Career Opportunities With a Lib-
eral Arts Degree," sponsored by
Career Planning and Placement,
3200 Student Activities Building,
5:10-6:30 p.m.
Q "Coca Cola Researcher in Resi-
dence Lecture," Dr. Alexa
Canaday, sponsored by Under-
graduate Research Opportunity
Program, Rackham Auditorium,
6:30 p.m.
Q "Denver Publishing Institute/Gale
Research Co. Information Ses-
sion," sponsored by Career Plan-
ning and Placement, Michgian
Union, Anderson Rooms A and B,
7-8 p.m.
J "Egalitarianism and Inflation,"
sponsroed by Students of Objec-
tivism, Michigan League, Room
C, 7 p.m.
Q "Epiphany Evening Prayer," spon-
ers World Party, Ann Arbor Com-
munity Center, 625 Main Street,
7 p.m.
J "Practical Training for Interna-
tional Students," sponsored by
international Center, Interna-
tional Center, Room 9, 11 a.m.
J "Putting Your Language Skills to
Work," sponsored by Career Plan-
ning and Placement, Lane Hall
Commons Room, 7:10-8:30 p.m.
J "The Permanence of
Transition?" Jacek Kurczewski,
brown bag lecture series, spon-
sored by Center for Russian and
East European Studies, Lane Hall
Commons Room, 12 noon
J Campus Information Centers,
Michigan Union and Pierpont
Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UM*Events on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/~info on the
World Wide Web
Q English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, 741-8958, Mason Hall,
Room 444C, 7-11 p.m.
J Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley, 8
ThPVE & 5T