2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 28, 1996
Yugoslavia, U.
lift sanctions on
Bosman Serbs
Bonior attacks Buchanan for philosophy
WASHINGTON - Rep. David Bonior, the No. 2 Democrat in the U.S. House
said Monday that Pat Buchanan was appealing to American workers with a blame-
others philosophy that would do nothing to help them.
"Pat Buchanan claims to speak for working families," said Bonior, (D-Mount
Clemens). "But we need more than just anger."
"Somebody better take a message to Pat: Anger and blame may make us f;
good, but it's not going to put food on the table," said Bonior. "It's not going
to give America a raise. It's not going to make corporations more account-
Bonior is a strong advocate of raising the minimum wage and supports President
Clinton's proposal to increase it by 90 cents an hour to $5.15.
Buchanan has said he opposes an increase in the minimum wage because it
"would cut off the bottom rungs of the economic ladder."
In a speech before the American Enterprise Institute, Bonior argued Buchanan
has tapped into a "wellspring of fear, alienation and anxiety" among American
workers whose wages have stagnated.
"Give him credit, he's the only Republican talking about it," Bonior said. "Rut
he's doing it in the worst possible way."
PALE, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) -
The United Nations and Serb-domi-
nated Yugoslavia lifted sanctions
against Bosnian Serbs yesterday as a
reward for accepting peace.
'The U.N. suspension was announced
in.New York by the Security Council
president, U.S. Ambassador Madeleine
Albright. It came after the council re-
ceivedaletter from NATO certifying that
the Bosnian Serbs had withdrawn their
forces from buffer zones established un-
der the Dayton peace agreement.
The Yugoslav move, announced by
'the official news agency Tanjug, aimed
to ease tensions between the Bosnian
Serbs andPresident Slobodan Milosevic
of Serbia, Yugoslavia's most powerful
The sanctions, imposed at Milosevic's
behest 18 months ago, marked a formal
end to Serb-dominated Yugoslavia's
support of the Bosnian Serb war effort.
Milosevic turned against the war in an
,effort to get U.N. sanctions against his
own country lifted.
- The U.N. sanctions on Yugoslavia
were lifted in November, afterMilosevic
initialed the Bosnian peace plan. But all
U.N. members except Russia kept their
sanctions on Bosnian Serbs in place.
Moscow lifted them last week.
Nikola Koljevic, the No.2 man in the
Bosnian Serb hierarchy, said a suspen-
sion of U.N. sanctions was "important
for the strengthening of peace."
Koljevic has been one of the main
Serb contacts for international organiza-
tions orderedto shun Bosnian Serb leader
Radovan Karadzic because he has been
indicted on war crimes charges. NATO
troops are supposed to arrest him and
other indicted suspects if encountered.
But international mediators and
Bosnian politicians gathered in Banja
Luka's city hall yesterday at the same
time Karadzic was in the building.
Heavily armed British troops from the
NATO-led peace force even sealed the
building as a security measure for the
meeting. They appeared unaware of
Karadzic's presence.
An end to the sanctions was delayed
after the Bosnian Serbs began boycott-
ing the NATO-led Bosnian peace force
and other international organizations
several weeks ago to protest the arrests
of two Bosnian Serb officers on suspi-
cion of war crimes. NATO officials say
ties have been restored.
Brig. Gen. Andrew Cumming, a se-
niorNATO spokesperson, said any new
defiance would lead to the resumption
of sanctions.
Israeli soldiers carry the Israeli flag-covered casket of Sgt. Hofit Ayash during her
funeral service Monday. Ayash was killed In a suicide bomb explosion Sunday.
Bus stopcrs could
beterrorist attack
Los Angeles Times
JERUSALEM - A Palestinian
American whose car crashed into a
crowded bus stop Monday probably
was committing a terrorist act, Israeli
police said yesterday.
Police had said Monday they were
unsure whether Ahmed Abdel Hamid
Hamida, who recently resided in South-
ern California, plowed into the bus stop
deliberately or simply lost control of
his rental car on a rain-slick road. An
Israeli was killed and 22 others were
injured before armed civilian bystand-
ers killed Hamida.
Jerusalem police chiefArie Amit said
yesterday that a leaflet of the militant
Islamic Jihad organization was found
in Hamida's car, along with bags of
groceries. Police investigators also said
they could find no mechanical problem
with the car that would have caused
Hamida to lose control.
"It's not final, but I have the latest
assessment from the checks done by the
police," Internal Security Minister
Moshe Shahal told Israel Radio. "The
tendency is to see (the) incident as an
Hamida's sister, Nawal Hamida, bit-
terly disputed the Israeli assessment of
her brother's intentions. Sitting in
mourning with relatives and friends in
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her Mazra al-Sharkiya home yesterday,
Nawal said her brother had rented the
car to take her and her three children on
a family picnic. She said he had gone
grocery shopping for her and was com-
ing back to pick them up when the
incident occurred.
"The Israelis are lying, because they
need an excuse for shooting him,"Nawal
said, her voice choked with emotion.
She insisted her brother was not a reli-
gious fanatic and had no political affili-
Family members in Southern Cali-
fornia said Hamida was not affiliated
with any Palestinian political organiza-
tions locally. "Nobody in my family
has anything to do with Hamas (or
Islamic Jihad)," said a cousin. "Every-
body roots for Arafat and the peace
Another cousin said Hamida went to
the West Bank to escape the pressures
of his job. Hamida ran a small grocery
in East Los Angeles with his brother.
The bus-stop incident came a day
after two suicide bombers, believed to
be members of the militant Hamas
movement, detonated bombs in Jerusa-
lem and the coastal town of Ashkelon,
killing 25 people and themselves.
In a front-page story Monday, the
editor of Al-Hayat, a Palestinian news-
paper published in the West Bank town
ofRamallah, reported Hamidahad come
to the newspaper's offices Sunday after
the bomb attacks and behaved strangely.
Hafith Bargouthi said Hamida told
him that he had returned to his village,
Mazra al-Sharkiya, afterspending years
in Rowland Heights, and had dedicated
himself to God.
"He introduced himself, and pulled
out from his coat pocket his American
passport and said he has given himself
to God," Barguthi wrote. "He explained
to me ... that he was sick and told God
that if he would cure him, he will dedi-
cate his life to God and he was cured
and now works for God's sake."
Continued from Page 1
condemn Cuba for Saturday's attack.
Albright agreed to soften language in a
proposed statement, submitted Sunday
night, which had branded Cuba's "un-
lawful use of force" as a "threat to
international order."
The original draft was watered down
and references to international threats
and "unlawful use offorce" were deleted.
The phrase "the Security Council con-
demns" the attack was softened to the
body "strongly deplores" the downing.
"It is important to the United States
to get action on this heinous crime and
to have the international community
make clear this is a major breach of
international law," Albright said. "It is
a criminal act."
But China's ambassador Qin Huasun
stalled, claiming he needed to consult
his government in Beijing. The official
Xinhua News Agency said China
wanted to allow the Cubans to present
their version ofevents before any coun-
cil statement.
U.S. officials said Cuban diplomats
could present their country's case to the
council. But China wanted to wait until
Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto
Robaina arrived here yesterday.
Finally, the council agreed to allow
Rodriguez to address the body.
Clinton gave his support Monday for
legislation tightening sanctions against
Cuba and halted all charter air travel
between the United States and the is-
land nation.
In Moscow, the Russian Foreign Min-
istry called on the United States to adopt
"concrete measures" to prevent "delib-
erate violations"ofCuban airspace, while
the European Union urged both sides to
show "moderation and restraint."
U.S. officials maintained that inter-
,' ':
, ..
Air Force employee
fired for alleged
TOKYO - U.S. Air Force officials
on Okinawa have barred a civilian em-
ployee from the base and ordered his
dismissal for allegedly taking sugges-
tive photographs and inappropriately
touching several girls.
The man, an American whose name
was not released, was attached to the
18th Services Squadron on Kadena Air
Base, base spokesperson Maj. Edmund
Memi said.
He allegedly took improper photo-
graphs and touched the buttocks and
thighs of several girls aged 10 to 17,
Memi said, adding that no evidence of
sex acts or nudity was found.
Memi said the alleged cases involve
the daughters of military employees.
The girls' nationalities were not dis-
closed, although Memi said, "As far as
we know, there were no Okinawans."
Last September, a 12-year-old
Okinawa girl was raped. Three Ameri-
can servicemen were charged and await
a Japanese court's verdict next week.
Air Force officials took preliminary
steps Friday to fire the employee an,
barred him from base. He has the righ
to appeal the firing order.
Gunmen slay three
at Russian hotel
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia - Twc
Russians and a British bystander wer
killed in an apparent mob hit in the at
of the Nevsky Palace Hotel, police sai
The assailants stormed into the
Vienna Cafe on Monday afternoon
submachine guns, apparently inten in
to kill a man police identified only as
member of the "Tambov gang."
The man was wounded. His two body
guards and a British man drinking cof
fee nearby were killed. The gunme
escaped, leaving their weapons an
coats behind, said police spokesperso
Igor Komissarov.
The British Consulate was withhold
ing the identity of the dead Briton, wh
police said was on business.
- From Daily wire service
NASA finds polms
with escape satellite
managed to communicate with the es-
caped satellite-on-a-cord and discov-
ered it had a dead computer and an
empty gas tank.
"There has been an event on the sat-
ellite that we do not understand yet,"
Mission Control told the astronauts
aboard space shuttle Columbia.
NASA officials said they were un-
certain whether the satellite problems
were connected to Sunday night's break
in the 12-mile cord.
All data indicated the satellite was
fine when it broke loose from Columbia
and for at least 30 minutes afterward.
Stray voltage or circuitry trouble may
have caused the satellite systems to
malfunction, NASA said.
"It's a very interesting puzzle," said
NASA's Anthony Lavoie, chief engi-
neer for the satellite. "We don't have all
the answers right now."
Engineers at Johnson Space Center
in Houston sent radio commands to the
satellite as it soared overhead, hoping
to find clues as to what caused the
copper, nylon and Teflon cord to snap
without warning.
NASA was surprised to'find that one
of the main computers and a gyroscope
were not working and that valves-on
both nitrogen-gas thrusters were open.
All 100 pounds of gas had spewed out.
Ggrich seeks to
unstall budget talks
WASHINGTON - House Speakei
Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) sought agair
yesterday to breathe life into the stalled
balanced-budget talks, predicting the
administration would agree to a com-
prehensive deal on deficit reduction,
entitlement reform and tax cuts w
the next two weeks to respond td
sluggish economy.
Gingrich told reporters he had beer
led to believe "by a very high authority"
that a deal was in the offing. "It seems
to me that the economy clearly is weake'
than (the administration) had hoped i
would be, that they have a big incentive
to get something dope to help the
economy grow," he said.
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