2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 13, 1995
'U' chemistry grad sentenced
to 1 year in drug conspiracy
From Staff and Wire Reports
A University chemistry graduate,
blamed for stealing the formula for
the illegal drug methcathinone and
distributing in the Upper Peninsula,
has been sentenced to a year in prison.
U.S. DistrictJudge George LaPlata
sentenced Mark McPhee, after he
pleaded guilty to conspiracy to possess
metheathinone, nicknamed "cat."
McPhee, now a graduate student
at the University of Texas, was a
University student working at Parke-
Davis pharmaceutical labs in Ann
Arbor in 1989 when he removed a
decades-old formula for methcathinone
from company archives.
Agents said the action set off wide-
spread cat production. It was espe-
cially entrenched in the Upper Penin-
sula, where authorities say an acquain-
tance of McPhee's, Philip I. Pavlick,
sold the formula. The drug since has
spread to other states.
Pavlick, who also was a Michigan
student, was convicted last April for
conspiracy to make the drug. He is
serving an eight-year prison term.
In the 1950s, Parke-Davis tested
the drug as a diet aid, but decided it
was too addictive. Cat, which is simi-
lar to speed, is reported to give an"
intense euphoria that can keep users
awake for days.
Clinton i
Lynn Rivers and the other members
of her exclusive group, the Demo-
cratic House freshmen, met with Presi-
dent Clinton for the first time yester-
day and discussed getting across their
party's message.
"We spent a lot of time talking
about why we're Democrats, the val-
ues we share and how the things that
are important to us and our constitu-
ents need to be showcased throughout
this next election cycle," said Rivers
of Ann Arbor.
There are only 13 new Democrats
in the House, and 11 showed up for
the meeting with Clinton. The presi-
dent knew those lonely few at the
White House were the survivors in an
election year that saw a tidal wave of
74 new Republican House members.
"There was some recognition that
we had a message and some mecha-
nism for campaigning that people re-
sponded to," Rivers said.
Rivers said the Democrats share
the common value of wanting to deal
with the problems middle-class
Americans face in their daily lives.
"How do you educate your kids,
get them clothes, food in their bel-
lies? What do you do if your job
market is changing and your plant is
closing? How do you get the training
you need for another job?" she said.
"These are the things that are oc-
cupying the thoughts of American
citizens. They're not real concerned
about the Contract With America,"
Rivers said, referring to the House
Republican's 10-point political agenda
for the first 100 legislative days.
Rivers said the Cabinet Room
meeting was formal but comfortable,
and was focused on getting ac-
"We were at a very large table and
we took our turns in talking and we
listened patiently," she said.
Rivers had been to the White
House once before - as a tourist.
"It's an awesome situation, to re-
alize you're sitting inside the White
House with the president of the United
States. Some of us come out of rela-
tively humble backgrounds, and it's a
pretty exciting thing."
The Democrats praised Clinton for
reaching out to the middle class but
most steered clear of endorsing specif-
meets with House freshmen*
Gingrich denies impropriety
WASHINGTON -- Democrats
renewed ethical challengesto House
Speaker Newt Gingrich yesterday
after he and Rupert Murdoch, who
is currently seeking congressional
help on television problems, ac-
knowledged that they met privately
before a Murdoch publishing house
made a $4.5 million book deal with
the Republican lawmaker.
Both men denied discussing in
their Nov. 28 meeting either spe-
cific legislation or Gingrich's two-
book arrangement with New York-
based HarperCollins Publishers. But
House Minority Whip David
Bonior, (D-Mich.), and Rep. Rich-
ard Durbin, (D-Ill.), repeated de-
mands that a special prosecutor in-
vestigate the deal.
Controversy over the book con-
tract erupted when the deal was an-
nounced Dec. 21, but faded after
Gingrich nine days later abandoned
the $4.5 million advance and agreed
to accept only royalties on actual sales.
Durbin noted to reporters that
when Gingrich announced the modi-
fied contract at a Georgia news con-
ference, "Not once did he mention
that he met with Mr. Murdoch ... and
that was a big part of the issue."
Politicians who took jabs at the
original contract, including Senate
Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan.,
raised concerns over potential con-
flicts of interest and the near-record
amount of upfront money involved.
Continued from page 1
charges against Mitchell.
Mitchell is behind bars at the
Washtenaw County Jail on $50,000
bond on a charge of attempted un-
armed robbery and assault. He will
face those charges in court Feb. 13.
Mitchell has been reportedly to
linked the series of rapes by prelimi-
nary DNA tests, but has not been
formally charged in connection with
the Ann Arbor rapes.
Police and the prosecutor's office
will wait for the results of recent DNA
tests based on blood samples before
charging Mitchell. The results should
be available some time next week.
Greg Margosian, the court-ap-
pointed attorney for Mitchell, had no
comment on the searches.
ics such as his $60 billion tax-cut plan.
"Some of those ideas we share and
we're going to work together as that
happens," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren.
Rep. Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania
said many were reserving judgment
on specifics "until we hear more from
him, but generally we support legisla-
tion that affects middle-clasp
Local issues make way onto state's agenda
Continued from page 1
having things presented in a biased
Ejner Jensen, interim University
secretary, said the orientation is a
standard process.
"The University is so complex that
no one can step into that without an
introduction to things," Jensen said.
"Thesearen't people who necessarily
have an intimate acquaintance with
the operations of a university."
On Tuesday, the two met with
Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen A. Hartford from 8 a.m.
until noon.
In the afternoon, it was off to meet
Executive Vice President Farris W.
Womack, the University's chief fi-
nancial officer. And at 4 p.m., they
learned about e-mail.
Horning said he will look for ways
to cut costs at the University.
"You're always going to find ar-
eas where you can trim costs, but it's
a matter of putting your fingers on it
and doing it," Horning said. "I look at
an education at the University of
Michigan as an investment, but we've
got to make sure you get the best bang
for your buck. I don't want the cost of
an undergraduate degree to get out of
Wednesday, Fischer and Horning
spent the day at the Medical Center.
Next week, they will learn about the
Athletic Department.
Both Fischer and Horning said
they are looking forward to their first
regents meeting, which will be held
Feb. 16-17. The new board canceled
the January meeting, scheduled for
Thursday and Friday, citing a lack of
"We're going to push partisan
politics aside. We have to work to-
gether for the future of the University
of Michigan," Horning said.
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Daily Staff Reporter
The legislative chambers within
Michigan's state Capitol will push
for more than education, tax and busi-
ness reform - Gov. John Engler and
the Republican House and Senate have
a much larger and ambitious agenda.
Many of these other issues in-
Higher Education: Sen. Alma
Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Township)
told The Michigan Daily last month
that she intends to fight for more state
appropriations for the University.
Aside from that, Craig Ruff, presi-
dent of Public Sector Consultants, a
Lansing-based public-policy research
firm, said there will "not (be) broad
sweeping policy issues" regarding the
Michigan's public universities. "It's
pure dollars and cents," he said.
Gary Garbarino, administrative
assistant to House Minority Floor
Leader Rep. Pat Gagliardi (D-
Drummond Island), said Democrats
are sponsoring a constitutional amend-
ment to the state Constitution that
would limit public universities to hold
their tuition increases to that of infla-
In addition, Garbirano said House
Democrats favor bringing back the
Michigan Education Trust (MET), a
program in which parents pay for a
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child's education over several years.
Ruff said it is possible that the
state will increase appropriations to
public universities or "there could be
a preseason trying to encourage the
state universities to divide their la-
bor." This could lead to different uni-
versities having specific schools.
For example, one state university
would have a medical school and an-
other a law school. But universities
have never been very happy with this
Tiger Stadium: After much dis-
cussion regarding a new stadium last
year, the Legislature is taking a wait
and see attitude. They are waiting to
see proposals that Tigers owner Mike
Illitch and Mayor Dennis Archer sub-
"The ball is in Illitch's end and
Archer's court," Ellis said.
Liz Brater, one of the two repre-
sentatives who cover the University,
said, "It needs to be clear that the
investment will be producing spin-
off development that will foster eco-
nomic growth in the area - that will
justify state participation."
Brater said she wants the stadium
kept in Detroit. "It belongs in De-
troit," she said.
Crime: Janet Ellis, spokes-
woman for Senate Majority Leader
Dick Posthumus (R-Alto), said that
Republicans will push for new crime
measures, but declined to be specific.
Engler's media affairs director,
Patricia Masserant, said the governor
hopes to pass legislation to make the
penalty stronger for minors who com-
mit vicious crime. She said Engler
will become more specific in his State
of the State address on Tuesday.
Garbarino said that the Democrats
hope to add 5,000 more local police
on the streets. They also plan to push
for legislation for community based
corrections, like correctional pro-
grams for nonviolent crimes.
Food for
Read the
Continued from page 1
There is a split in the House Demo-
cratic caucus regarding school choice,
said Gary Garbarino, administrative
assistant to Rep. Pat Gagliardi (D-
Drummond Island), the House Mi-
nority Floor Leader.
Other K-12 educational reforms
Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-
Salem Township) told The Michigan
Daily last month that she has already
submitted legislation to change the
compulsory school attendance age for
children from 16 to 18 (or graduation)
to ensure that students stay in school
Examination for making public
education more efficient. Ruff said
one of the possibilities is consolidat-
ing school districts.
General Taxes
The state has found itself in an
unlikely situation: it has collected too
much tax revenue, due to a robust
economy and the new school financ-
ing system - where the state collects
taxes, instead of local government.
Under the 1978 Headlee Amend-
ment to the state Constitution, Michi-
gan cannot collect more than 9.49
percent of Michigan residents' total
'We think we're going to achieve
it," Ruff said. "We are now in the
throes of having to decide how to
reduce taxes.
There are several options, includ-
ing: reducing the income tax, allow-
ing more tax credits, increasing in tax
deductions and eliminating the prop*
erty transfer tax.
Postuhums plans to look at cutting
taxes, Ellis said. Engler has not made
his preferences public.
Ellis said the Senate is "going to
continue to look for job creation and
growth in the state" by looking for
ways to make tax structures and unO
employment compensation "more at-
tractive to business." She declined to
be more specific.
Ruff said the Legislature will look
for ways to increase economic com-
petitiveness. Traditionally a Republi-
can issue, Ruff said the purpose is to
"seek to lessen the government costs
to business."
Options include: a Republican as-
sault on the Single Business Tax,
reduction in the tax across the board,
and exempting certain small busi-
Garbarino said Democrats will
favor either the replacement of the
Single Business Tax with a profits-
based tax, or exempting some small
The Legislature is also expected
to look at environmental regulatior0
of businesses. The Legislature has a
duty to "give regulatory relief to busi-
ness," Ruff said.
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Malcolm X's daughter indicted,
daughter of slain Black Muslim dissi-
dent Malcolm X was indicted today,
charged with trying to hire a hitman to
kill her father's rival, Nation of Islam
leader Louis Farrakhan.
Qubilah Shabazz, 34, who was
with her father when he was mur-
dered nearly 30 years ago and whose
family has long suspected Farrakhan's
involvement in the assassination, sur-
rendered this morning.' She faces
charges of using the telephone and
crossing state lines in the course of
trying to hire the hitman, U.S. Attor4
ney David Lillehaug said.
Shabazz was scheduled to make
an initial court appearance this after-
noon. The indictment follows a seven-
month FBI investigation. If convicted,
she could be sentenced to 90 years in
prison and fined $2.25 million.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus
subscriptions for fail term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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Columbia Review