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January 13, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-01-13

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One hundred four years of editorial freedom

. _ >

0 Women's underwear,
crack cocaine, and
tennis shoes are
Daily Staff Reporter
Police searched four residences of
spected serial rapist Ervin D.
Mitchell Jr. in an effort to collect
potentially incriminating evidence,,
according to published reports.
According to the search warrants
issued by the 15th District Court in
Ann Arbor, investigators confiscated
a pair of black "army" boots, a pair of
Reebok tennis shoes, four pairs of
women's underwear, pieces of crack
Acaine, an adult videocassette, three
.Tir pieces, a towel and white cotton
gloves, The Ann Arbor News reported
Wednesday, police reportedly
searched the premises of Mitchell's
girlfriend and her mother on Carolina
Avenue and his friend's apartment on
Broadway in Ann Arbor, as well as
Mitchell's mother's house in Inkster
and his aunt's house.
* The court records did not indicate
which items came from which resi-
Investigators are trying to match
the shoe prints from the boots and
tennis shoes with footprints left at the
scene of an Oct. 13 rape of a 42-year-
old Ann Arbor woman near Commu-
nity High School.
Police are looking for underwear
&at may have been taken by the serial
apist after assaulting a woman in her
Ann Arbor apartment on Nov. 2, the
News reported.
Police refused to comment yester-
day on the searches pending formal
See SEARCH, Page 2

U.S. soldier
killed in Haiti
Death could undermine mission

Group protests firing of dental school employees
Delano Isabell leads a march in protest of the racism he and two co-workers believe led to their firing. University
spokeswoman Lisa Baker said the University has no evidence of racism in the case. See story, Page 5.
'U'will no lose money in
investment in Calif. county

The Washington Post
forces in Haiti yesterday suffered their
first death from hostile fire since in-
tervening there in September when a
U.S. soldier was killed after a gun
battle near a checkpoint on the out-
skirts of the town of Gonaives.
A second U.S. soldier was
wounded and one Haitain also was
killed in the shootout, which was trig-
gered when a white Ford pickup truck
carrying three people tried to pass the
checkpoint without stopping and one
person in the truck opened fire on the
Americans who chased after it, ac-
cording to U.S. officials.
The shootout was likely to rein-
force callsaby congressional Republi-
cans for an accelerated U.S. with-
drawal from Haiti, but it also could
undermine administration claims that
the situation in Haiti is safe enough to
permit the handover of peacekeeping
duties to a United Nations force as
planned in March. The incident also
is likely to aggravate tensions be-
tween U.S. and Haitian authorities
over whether American forces are
doing enough to disarm the support-
ers of Haiti's former military regime.
Thursday's trouble began when
the two U.S. Special Forces soldiers,
who were observing operations at what
the Pentagon termed a "tollbooth," were
asked to chase a truck that had just run
past without stopping. Pentagon offi-
cials could not explain if tolls were
actually being collected at the station or
by whom. A spokesman for the U.S.
Embassy in Port-au-Prince referred to
the site as a "checkpoint."
After catching up with the truck and
getting it to stop, one soldier approached
on the driver's side of the truck, while
the other approached on the passenger's

Daily Staff Reporter
The University will not lose an estimated $256,000
that had been invested in now-bankrupt Orange County,
Calif., said Norman Herbert, University treasurer.
The bank handling the University's investment has
agreed to absorb any possible loss.
The University has more than $2 billion invested in a
diverse array of holdings. Some of that money was placed
in a trust fund administered by Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh.
The trust fund, with money from the University and other
investors, totaled about $975 million. Mellon then used
about $25 million of the trust fund monies to purchase
bonds from Orange County.
After Orange County declared bankruptcy, Mellon
informed the University that it could not guarantee its
investment. If the Orange County bonds were a complete

loss, the University stood to lose about $256,000.
But the University will see a full return on its invest-
ment, Herbert said.
"Mellon has informed us that they will buy the notes
from us, so we will incur no further risk."
Since Mellon is buying the bonds back from the
University, the bank will absorb any monetary loss.
Herbert said he had expected Mellon to give the
University a full return on its investment. "This has
developed in the way I had hoped and anticipated," he
The University's policy of investing with Mellon will
be reviewed, Herbert said.
"That's a review only because something happened,"
he said. "It's nothing unusual."
Mellon Bank officials could not be reached for com-

Jussian troops vow to
conquer Chechen capital
Rebels retreat as tanks, troops move into Grozny


In Washington
U. U. Rep.
Lynn ivers
(D-Ann Arbor)
and other
meet with
Page 2.
House Speaker Newt Gingrich
(R-Ga.) met
with C
Publishers n
owner Rupert
signing a
book deal.
Page 2.
side in what the Pentagon described as
standard operating procedure.
The driver got out of the vehicle,
then one passenger drew a revolver
from the glove compartment and
opened fire on the soldiers, hitting
one in the chest and the other in the
arm, according to the Pentagon. The
soldier on the passenger's side re-
turned fire, killing the passenger. The
third person in the vehicle escaped,
according to the Pentagon account.
An angry crowd pursued and cap-
tured the driver of the truck, who tried
to flee on foot, according to Gerarde
Elysse, a spokesman for the local In
terior Ministry office, quoted by the
Associated Press.
attend 'U'
Daily Staff Reporter
New students aren't the only ones
who need an orientation to familiar-
ize themselves with the complex Uni-
The two newest members on the
Board of Regents also have an orien-
tation of their own. And for them, the
deal includes a meeting with the presi-
Since their
election in No-
vember, Republi-
can Regents An-
drea Fischer of R
Birmingham and
Daniel Horning of
Grand Rapids
have been attend-
ing meetings to
learn about vari- Fischer
ous facets of the
"I think it's
been a wonderful,
overview of the

massive scope of
the University,
Horning said. "It's
been important
and I think it's
been very worth- Horning
while. It will help bring us up to speed
than if we did not go through this."
Fischer said she and Horning have

GROZNY, Russia (AP) - Russian forces
bombarded the capital of Chechnya on yester-
day with their fiercest attack yet, showering the
iisintegrating city with waves of artillery and
ckets as rebel resistance neared collapse.
Demoralized bands of haggard Chechen
fighters resisted the ferocious new onslaught.
Incoming Russian troops vowed to take the
capital and end the month-long fighting in the
secessionist republic.
Rebels retreated house by house from Rus-
sian forces closing relentlessly on the battered
presidential palace in the city's heart. Russian
helicopters sounded overhead for the first time.
Plumes of black smoke spiraled hundreds of
feet over the city while shells slammed into
buildings. Machine-gun and small-arms fire
echoed as Moscow's troops attacked.
Chechen fighters, who had talked in recent
days of defeating the Russian army, were vis-
ibly worried and exhausted. Large units had
dwindled to a few men, and some groups were
seen moving out of the city.
Among the latest refugees were members of
resident Dzhokhar Dudayev's government,
ho continued to arrive in neighboring
Ingushetia, the Russian government press ser-
vice said. They planned to fly abroad, it said.
Dudayev's whereabouts were not clear.
Russian troops poured into Chechyna, a
mostly Muslim republic of 1.2 million in the
Caucasus Mountain, on Dec. 11 to crush its
independence movement. They encountered re-
sistance, but Chechen zeal has flagged this week.

Chechyna .RUSSIA -
I Grozny
S Black Sea
TURKEY "Caspian
Autonomous regions
Daily Graphic
edged the fight was not going well. Associated
Press correspondents got to within about 500
yards of the devastated building, but furious
shelling kept them from seeing who held it.
Rebels were short of ammunition. Several
men in their 60s, armed with pistols and dag-
gers, helped fill positions.
Russian tanks, armored personnel carriers
and troop trucks were moving on several roads
toward Grozny. In villages along the route,
Chechens tried desperately to organize defense
units but had only rifles and no heavy weapons.
Some Russian soldiers who would not give
their names said they would take Grozny with
the latest offensive.
Russia clearly has interpreted as a sign of
weakness Dudayev's admission that his fight-
ers could not defeat the Russian army. On
Wednesday, the war's one-month mark,
Dudayev said he was ready for peace talks.
Overnight, the Russian air force dropped doz-
ens of bombs on Grozny, which was nearly de-
serted Thursday except for small bands of rebel
soldiers. Dazed dogs wandered through the rubble.


University Press publishes scholarly works
Stacks of packaged books line the warehouse walls of the University press.
Press publishes about 135 titles a year. See story, Page 5.

The University

Education reform tops list of
issues state Legislature to tackle

Daily Staff Reporter
A new era of Michigan politics began
Wednesday, as the 88th session of the state
Legislature opened.
For the first time since 1968, Republicans
control the House, Senate and governor's man-
"It's a wonderful opportunity for us to con-
tinue what we're doing," said Patricia Masserant,
Gov. John Engler's media affairs director.
In his Jan. 2 inaugural address, the governor
outlined his plans for a "Michigan Renaissance"o
- a vision of a smaller, more efficient state
government that imposes fewer tax burdens.

bills will come out of both chambers almost
synchronized," said Craig Ruff, president of
Public Sector Consultants, a Lansing-based
public policy-research firm.
"The point of origin is not very consistent.
Bills don't have to start in one or the other
(chambers)," he added.
William Fuller, associate director of the
Legislative Service Bureau, a non-partisan ser-
vice, said about 4,500 bill requests have been
submitted for floor action.
Many of the issues expected to be taken up
in- this year's Legislature include:
K to 12 Education Reform
School choice is expected to be considered.
Rennli arn favouiv~ in f fln tnc irercho~ice

Rebel officers claimed Thursday
*rces retained the palace, but they

that their

'U' observes MLK day


Monday marks the eighth year the University has



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