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March 28, 1995 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-03-28

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 28, 1995


1st lady speaks to Pakistani women

LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) -
Hillary Rodham Clinton perched on
the courtyard bedstead of 70-year-old
Burkat Ali and got the full rundown
on his household: wife, three sons
with wives, four cousins with wives
and 21 children.
Then she trooped inside for a tour of
hismudcake "middle class" home while
one of the women kept busy outside
shaping dung into discs for fuel.
Over and over yesterday, the first
lady interacted on a very personal
level with the people of Pakistan.
She traded thoughts on marriage
vs. jobs with MBA-bound college
women: "You don't want to give up
one for the other.".
And answered the questions of

curious schoolgirls interested in her
favorite color: "All shades of blue."
She sympathized with poor women
overwhelmed by their many children
(a mother of 10 wished she'd had
access to contraceptives) and la-
mented with high-school girls about
the religious and ethnic divisions in
society. "I have no answers," the first
lady said.
Mrs. Clinton came to Pakistan for
two days pledging to listen and learn,
and came away with more than a
mountainous heap of jewelry, cloth-
ing and other gifts.
Wherever she went, Pakistanis
were ready to oblige.
Human rights activists grumbled
that Mrs. Clinton should have taken

Prime MinisterBenazir Bhutto's gov-
ernment to task for failing to crack
down on human rights abuses, but the
first lady chose to emphasize the posi-
She devoted yesterday to educa-
tion, particularly for girls. She visited
an affluent urban girls school in
Islamabad, a dusty Punjab village
classroom for girls and the Lahore
University campus.
"Investing in the health and edu-
cation of women and girls is essential
to improving global prosperity," she
told the business students.
A worried mother in Burki village
put it more simply.
"If you don't get educated, you're
nobody," she said.

Packwood predicts welfare change
WASHINGTON - In one of the clearest signals
yet that the nation's welfare system faces fundamental
change, a key committee chairman predicted yesterday
that the Senate will join the House in voting to rescind I ~ -
the government's 60-year pledge to provide cash ben-
efits to all who qualify.
Finance Committee Chairman Bob Packwood (R-
Ore.), whose panel will draft the Senate version of
welfare reform, said he expected Congress to strip Aid
to Families with Dependent Children of its protected
status as a federally guaranteed benefit, or "entitle- Packwood
Packwood's comments are significant because opponents of the welfare
initiative approved by House Republicans had hoped that the Senate would
reject some of its more contentious elements, including the removal of
entitlement status.
Under the House measure, AFDC and other guaranteed benefit programs
would be consolidated into a smaller number of block grants.


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Hillary and Chelsea Clinton wear
gifts from Pakistani women.
Temple may
have hidden
nerve gas
TOKYO (AP) -In the cult's most
holy building, a secret door behind a
huge Hindu statue leads to a hidden
chemical lab. From there, an under-
ground passage connects to a store-
room filled with all the chemicals
needed to make nerve gas.
The discoveries yesterday are among
the many chilling details that police
have revealed in raids against the secre-
tive Aum Shinri Kyo sect, or Supreme
Truth, the chief suspect in last week's
nerve gas attack on Tokyo subways.
Ten people were killed and 5,000
sickened in the March 20 attack. Hun-
dreds of people remain hospitalized.
Inside or near several of the sect's
drab concrete buildings near the foot
of Mount Fuji, police found rooms or
underground containers that they be-
lieve were used to confine people
who tried to flee.
Police documents obtained by
Japanese media say the group, which
claims 10,000 followers in Japan, is
directed by a severe government-like
network of about 20 "ministries."
A "ministry of defense" guards
the group's facilities and searchesfor
followers who attempt to escape and
a "ministry of health treatment" stock-
piled large amounts of drugs and sy-
ringes, the reports said.
A "ministry of science," which runs
the chemical lab, was researching ad-
vanced weapons for a "final battle"
against outside enemies, the Mainichi
and other newspapers reported.
Police believe the group may have
regularly given stimulants to follow-
ers, and may have used them in initia-
tion ceremonies for new members,
the Mainichi said.
Former members say the sect also
administered psychiatric drugs and
"cleansing" treatments in which fol-
lowers were forced to drink salt water
until they vomited.
Police reportedly found 40 differ-
ent kinds of chemicals at the group's
Continued from page 1
than $317 million puts it in the No.
4 spot on Hollywood's list of all-
time top money makers, had drawn a
near-record 13 Academy nomina-
tions. But it was unable to turn that
baker's dozen into enough Oscars
to come close to challenging the
most honored film, "Ben Hur," the
1959 release that won 11 Academy
"Blue Sky" took an unlikely path
to the Oscars: It was shelved for three
years because of studio financial
troubles; its director, Tony
Richardson, died before it was re-
leased, and it was a box-office flop
despite good reviews.
Just as "Gump" was favored for
the top awards, Lange, Landau and
Wiest had been expected to win in
their categories.

For Wiest, it was the second sup-
porting award-both times in Woody
Allen films. Eight years ago she ac-
cepted the Oscar for "Hannah and
Her Sisters."
She hurried exuberantly to the
podium and announced, as she began
reading her acceptance speech: "This
is as surprising and marvelous as it
was the first time, although this time
I need glasses."
"Pulp Fiction" took the original

Efforts to free U.S.
prisoners continue
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
administration yesterday dismissed
criticism of its efforts to free two U.S.
citizens imprisoned in Iraq as "irre-
sponsible" posturing designed to score
points on thepresidential campaign trail.
Efforts to free the two men, who
apparently wandered by accident
across the Iraqi-Kuwait border, con-
tinued, with Poland and other Euro-
pean governments acting as interme-
diaries, senior U.S. officials said. But
the administration pointedly did not
follow the advice of two GOP presi-
dential prospects - political pundit
Patrick Buchanan and Sen. Richard
G. Lugar (R-Ind.) - who urged over
the weekend that the United States
publicly invoke the threat of military
action if the men are not freed
"It would be highly irresponsible
to speculate on what options the presi-
dent might or might not consider with
respect to securing the release of the
Nelson Madela fires
wife from Cabinet
-A grim-faced South African Presi-
dent Nelson Mandela fired his es-
tranged wife, Winnie, from his Cabi-
net yesterday butmade clear he hoped
the dismissal would not mean the end
of her often flamboyant political ca-
Mandela took the step following
a month in which his wife lurched
from one political crisis to another,
some involving allegations of shady
business dealings, others involving
her sharp, public and ever more de-
fiant criticism of the government
she served.
"This decision has been taken both
in the interest of good government
and to ensure the highest standards of
discipline among leading officials of
the government," a weary and pained-
looking Mandela told a press confer-
ence as a courier simultaneously de-
livered the bad news by letter to
Winnie Mandela's office.
Although she was sacked as deputy
minister of arts, culture, science and
technology - a minor Cabinet posi-
tion - Mandela, 60, will stay on as an
elected member of Parliament for the
African National Congress. She also

two Americans," said White House
press secretary Michael McCurry.
Other administration officials said
that the administration is deliberately
trying to play down and depersonalize
the episode.
Easy-E dies due to
AIDS complications
LOS ANGELES -Singer Eazy
E, whose pioneering "gangsta" rap
group N.W.A. brought the rawness of
the inner-city to white suburbia, died
Sunday of AIDS complications. He
was 31.
The rapper, whose real name was
Eric Wright, died at Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, where he was hospi-
talized Feb. 24 with asthma, the hos-
pital said in a statement.
In announcing his condition on
March 16, Wright said he did not
know how he contracted AIDS but
wanted to warn "all my homeboys
and their kin." His hospitalization
prompted so many well-wishing tele
phone calls the hospital needed to
hire more operators.
will keep her job, at least for the time
being, as national president of the
ANC Women's League.
Mexico pledges tough
response to scandals
WASHINGTON - Mexico's at-
torney general promised yesterday to
pursue his country's drug-tainted po-
litical scandals "as far as the evidence
takes us" and charged that former
Mexican prosecutor Mario Ruiz
Massieu had amassed millions of dol-
lars in bribes from drug traffickers or
others who sought to buy political
"Our commitment is to
strengthen the rule of law so that no
one is above the law," Mexico's
Attorney General Antonio Lozano
Gracia said at a conference in Wash-
ington, D.C.
He said his office is still preparing
a full list of charges against Ruiz
Massieu, the former Mexican deputy
attorney general who was arrested by
American authorities after he fled
Mexico last month and allegedly failed
to declare all the currency he was
carrying when stopped in a New Jer-
sey airport.
- From Daily wire services

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NEWS Nate Hurley, Managing Editor
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STAFF: Sangita Saxi, Matt Benz, Eugene Bowen, Jennifer Buckley, Mark Carlson, David Cook, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Ben
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PHOTO Jonathan Lure, Evan Petrie, Editors

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