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March 21, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-03-21

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2 -- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 21, 1995

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Continued from page 1
policies as one that needs to be con-
vinced. I don't approach the given as
the only way to do things. I see my
task as questioning," he said.
In addition, McNamara wants to
address the rise in student tuition. "I
am very worried about the continued
dependence on tuition as making up
for the university deficit," he said.
SACUA chair-elect George
Brewer said he looks forward to work-
ing with next year's SACUA mem-
bers. "I think we elected an excellent
slate. This election has increased the
ability of SACUA to operate as a
leaderof faculty governance," he said.
Outgoing SACUA member
Charles Smith said he also feels con-
fident in the new members.
"I think that with the new members,
SACUA will be an even stronger advo-
cate for the faculty because the people
who were elected have all participated
well in faculty governance," he said.
SACUA chair Jean Loup said that
any of the seven candidates would
have comprised a good group. "It is of

course nice to see a woman elected,"
she said.
Some faculty members said that
although four members will change,
the composition and goals of the body
will remain almost the same.
"I think they will be comparable to
this SACUA which is concerned with
governance, grievances, and tenure,"
Loup said.
SACUA member Mark R.
DeCamp agreed that SACUA would
be very similar. He currently holds
a one-year term and was not re-
"I don't think there will be much
of a change. The people who were
appointed to regular terms are in a
sense replacing those that are there
now," he said. "Us guys from the
small places like Kinesiology and
Dearborn got lost in the shuffle."
Loup said that to accomplish their
goals, the group members must work
together. "I think it is important to
listen to opinions and refrain from
coming too quickly about what the
right thing to do is. There are a range
of opinions, and it is important to not
act on the first opinion."

Death toll in nerve
gas attack rises to 8

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TOKYO (AP) - Police seized
five packages of nerve gas that spread
death yesterday through Tokyo's
crowded subway system as they
hunted for clues in a chilling new
chapter in urban terrorism: the use of
chemical weapons.
By this morning, the attack had
killed eight people and sickened nearly
4,700 others. There were no credible
claims of responsibility, but there was
growing speculation that the incident
may have been politically motivated.
Police have identified a possible
suspect and intend to question him as
soon as he recovers from the effects
of the nerve gas, Japanese television
and newspapers reported today.
Gas spread through the subway
during the morning rush hour yester-
day, leaving passengers vomiting and
in convulsions in stations across cen-
tral Tokyo. All three of the lines hit
ran under Kasumigaseki, the district
at the heart of Japan's government.
The authorities blamed sarin, a
nerve gas developed by the Nazis
during World War II. The same gas
was blamed for seven unsolved deaths
in the central Japanese city of
Matsumoto in June.

The threat of chemical or biologi-
cal terrorism has worried governments
increasingly in recent years, as the
technology became more widespread
and easy to obtain.
"Terrorists have taken that step
across the threshold into the use of
weapons of mass destruction," said
Kyle Olson of the Chemical and Bio-
logical Arms Control Institute in Al-
exandria, Va.
Olson studied the Matsumoto poi-
soning and warned in February that it
could happen again.
"I began to reach the conclusion that
this was a dress rehearsal of some type,
that someone was trying to get the hang
of using a new weapon," he told Asso-
ciated Press Television yesterday.
Several media reports said that
police had identified one man hospi-
talized for nerve gas poisoning as a
possible suspect. Police refused to
confirm or deny the report.
The reports said several people
saw the man place a plastic bag
wrapped in newspaper on a train.
When he got off at Kodenmacho sta-
tion, a passenger kicked the object
onto the platform and it began to emit
white fumes.

Buchanan opens presidential bid
MANCHESTER, N.H. -Patrick J. Buchanan yesterday joined the grow-
ing list of candidates seeking the 1996 Republican presidential nomination
with a pugnacious, "America first" message of economic
nationalism, restored U.S.military muscle and apledge to
wage and win a cultural war.
Buchanan, the conservative commentator whose 1992
challenge to George Bush helped plant the seeds of the
former President's defeat, claimed that, unlike his rivals
for the nomination, he is not a "leap-year conservative."
Buchanan said many of the issues he campaigned on,
such as affirmative action and immigration, have been
adopted by other presidential candidates. "We may have lost
that nomination, my friends, but you and I won the battle for Buchanan
the heart and soul of the Republican Party," he said.
Like 1992, Buchanan said, "This campaign is about an America that once
again looks out for our people and our country first."





Simpson gives jurors
look at his finger
LOS ANGELES--O.J. Simpson,
surrounded by attorneys and armed
guards, gave jurors a close-up look at
his trembling left middle finger yes-
terday in an attempt to deflect pros-
ecution claims it was wounded in the
knife murders of his ex-wife and her
Simpson glanced toward the ceil-
ing, rolled his eyes, shook his head
and grinned when lawyer Robert
Shapiro asked permission for Simpson
to approach the jury..
Shapiro, questioning Detective
Philip Vannatter in his first major
cross-examination of the trial, sug-
gested the knuckle was always "swol-
len due to a medical condition and not
any laceration."
The bailiffs escorted Simpson
across the courtroom and along the
jury box, where panelists leaned for-
ward to betterexamine his hand, which
trembled noticeably. They did not
touch him. At the end of the box,
Simpson stretched and leaned over so
the alternates could get a look.

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Don't just fall into any job...

Bosnian truce near
collapse after worst
fighting since Jan. 1
ZAGREB, Croatia-The faltering
truce in Bosnia-Herzegovina teetered
near collapse yesterday when heavy
fighting broke out in central and east-
ern Bosnia, killing and injuring dozens
and dashing hopes that spring will bring
a thaw in the protracted civil war.
Officials with the U.N. Protection
Force said early-morning fighting in
and around the towns of Travnik and
Tuzla was the worst since the two sides
launched a four-month cease-fire on
Jan. 1, as part of a peace initiative by
former U.S. President Carter.
The battles came after more than a
week of increasingly deadly flare-ups
in the capital of Sarajevo, including
sniper fire that ripped a hole in an
airplane carrying the U.N. special en-
voy to the former Yugoslavia. Three
people were killed in sniper attacks
over the weekend, and at least a dozen
have been gunned down since the cease-
fire began.
"We are seriously concerned about
the status of the cessation of hostilities
agreement," said U.N. spokesman
Christopher Gunnes. "We are at the
point where we are asking: 'When can

Earlier, jurors saw a picture of
Simpson's bruised and swollen
knuckle taken the day afterNicole
Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman
were slain.
Big Boy killed; pieces
spread around town
TOLEDO-Who killed Big Boy'.
Someone stole the 300-pound, 6-
foot Big Boy statue from a restaurant
Friday, dismembered the grinning fi-
berglass fellow with a hacksaw,
scrawled "Big Boy is dead" on the
pieces and dropped them off around
town Sunday.
"This is a sad, sad day for the city
when somebody would desecrate a hal-
lowed symbol of the 1950s and 1960s,'
said Sgt. Richard Murphy said.
"It's really hard to keep a straight
face when you talk about it," he said.
"We've been trying to put him to-
gether again like Humpty Dumpty. I
think he looks pretty good for a guy
who's been cut up."
The hamburger-toting statue has
guarded the doors of Big Boy restau-
rants around the world since the 1930s.
you say something is really dead?"'
U.N. sources said it was clear that
Bosnian government forces had been
the aggressors.
Afghanistan militia
routed from stronghold
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Re-
treating as quickly as it advanced,
Afghanistan's Taliban militia of Mus-
lim students has been routed from its
stronghold near Kabul, ensuring Presi-
dent Burhanuddin Rabbani will not
resign today as required by a U.N.
peace plan.
As a result of the most decisive4
victory by pro-Rabbani forces in
Afghanistan's 3-year-old civil war,
the president now controls all of Kabul
and its outskirts for the first time since
the Communist government was over-
thrown in 1992.
When Mahmoud Mestiri, the U.N.
special envoy, announced the peace
proposal last month, he said he had a
firm pledge from Rabbani to leave of-
fice by March 21. But Mestiri's po-O
litical adviser said yesterday there is
no chance of that happening now.
"We are trying to re-engage the
political process," Charles Santos said
in Islamabad, capital of neighboring
- From Daily wire sirvices

teade t





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NEWS Nate Hurley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jonathan Berndt, Lisa Dines, Andrew Taylor, Scot Woods.
STAFF: Patience Atkin, Danielie Beikin. Cathy Bogusiaski, Jodi Cohen, Spencer Dickinson, Keiiy Feeney. Christy Glass. Ronnie
Giassberg. Jennifer Harvey, Katie Hutchins, Daniel Johnson. Amy Klein. Stephanie Jo Kein, Maria Kovac. Taii Kravitz. Frank C.
Lee, Timothy Lord, Lisa Michalski. Gail Mongkolpradit, Tim O'Connell, Lisa Ponts, Zachary M. Raimi, Megan Schimpf. Maureen
Sirhal. Matthew Smart. Vahe Tazian, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
EDITORIAL Julie Becker, James Nash, Editors
STAFF: Bobby Angel, James R. Cho, Allison Dimond. Jed Friedman. Zach Gelber, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Adrienne Janney, Chris
Kaye, Jeff Keating, Joel F. Knutson, Jim Lasser. Jason Lichtstein, Panha Mukhopadhyay. Scott Pence, Jean Twenge, David
SPORTS Paul Barger, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Darren Everson, Antoine Pitts, Tom Seeley, Ryan White.
STAFF: Rachel Bachman, Roderick Beard, Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton. Nicholas J. Cosonika, Sarah DeMar. Marc Diller, Brett
Forrest. Alan Goldenbach, James Goldstein. Ravi Gopal. Chaim Hyman, Michael Joshua, Julie Keating, Brett Krasnove, John Leroi,
Marc Lightdale, Dan McKenzie, Rebecca Moatz. Chrs Murphy, Jed Rosenthal. Davy Rothbart. Danielle Rumore, Brian Sklar, Tim
Smith. Barry Soilentierger, Dan Stillman, Doug Stevens, Michelle Lee Thompson.
ARTS Tom Erlewine, Heather Phares, Editors
EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bernardo (Theater), Matt Carlson (Fine Arts). Kirk Miller (Books), Andy Dolan (Music), Liz Shaw (Weekend
etc.). Alexandra Twin (Film). Ted Wats (Weekend. etc.).
STAFF: Sangita Baxi, Matt Benz, Eugene Bowen, Jennifer Buckley, Mark Carlson, David Cook. Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Ben
Ewy. Brian Gnatt, Jessie Hallaway, Josh Herrington, Kari Jones, Emily Lambert, Shirley Lee. Scott Plagenhoef, Fred Rice. Joshua
Rich, Sarah Rogacki, Dirk Schulze, Sarah Stewart, Prashant Tamaskar. Brian Wise, Robert Yoon, Michael Zilberman.
PHOTO Jonathan Lurie, Evan Petrie, Editors




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