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high 49*,
One hundred four years of editorial freedom
March 21, 1995
amid cofi
Janet Popper
(right), a
student in the
School of Social
Work, listens as
state Rep. Liz
Brater (D-Ann
Arbor) reads the
names of
victims on the
lag yesterday.
MSA condemns Housing actions
By Stephanie J Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
After an altercation last Monday between
busing officials and members of the Voice
of Black Freedom and Student Power par-
ties, the Michigan Student Assembly passed
a resolution condemning the Housing offi-
cials' actions.
The resolution was in reaction to the
ejection of candidates from East Quad and
Stockwell residence halls. MSA presidential
candidate Jodi Masley said she and other
party members were ejected from the halls
d told "they couldn't talk to people or give
tem fliers.,.
"We were threatened with arrest if we
continued," she said.
Sponsored by MSA Rep. Paul Scubhlinsky
and MSA Vice President Jacob Stern, the
Resolution Supporting the Student's Right
to Campaign cites the MSA Compiled Code,
which states that "no housing unit or other
University official shall maintain or enforce
y rules or regulations that prevent access
orderly persons on electoral matters, un-
less the same rules prevent access by orderly
persons on all other business."
Stern recalled other parties being permit-
ted to campaign door-to-door, and said it
was a very important campaign tool. "espe-
cially in East Quad, where there has been
almost 30 percent voter turnout over the last
two years."
"I think people running for MSA should
be able to campaign anywhere on campus
and let students know what they're all about,"
Stern said.
Department of Public Safety officials
described the incident differently than
Masley. Lt. Wesley Skowron said there was
a report that people were "selling' items
door-to-door in Stockwell.
"They claimed to be working for MSA.
but did not have the necessary paperwork.
The subjects were escorted from the build-
ing by a housing officer." Skowron said.
Masley said that the "subjects" in
Stockwell were two Black males and one
white male campaigning forher party. MSA's
resolution demands that "(DPS) investigate
the charges of racism that have been leveled
by the Voice of Black Freedom and Student
Party Slate.-
The University Housing Division's six-
year-old Solicitation Policy No. 3 outlines
campaigning policies.
"Any individual or organization solicit-
ing in a residence hall without prior permis-
sion may be removed from the building by
Security personnel. A completed applica-
tion must be filed with the Administrative
Assistant of Residence Education at least
two weeks prior to the requested date of the
activity," the policy states.
Masley said she did not know of the
MSA Election Director Christine Young
said she also was not aware of the two-week
policy, and therefore, did not inform the
candidates. She said that. as a result of the
incident. lousing Lofficials have agreed to
waive the two-week waiting period during
this election if candidates ask for permis-
Brooke Holley. the Wolverine Partys
vice-presidential candidate, said her party
had applied for a permit and received one.
"While we don't agree with UPS follow-
ing (the candidates)..we do know that with-
out a permit, you can be run out of the
building. -Holley said.
Skowron said he was told "there was a
misinterpretation by the officer (who acted
in East Quad and Stockwell)." Joel Allan.
manager of Housing Security Services and
associate director of DPS, could not be
reached for further comment.
By Nicholas J. Cotsonika
and John Leroi
Daily Baseball W\ritelr
Michigan assistant baseball coach
Dan O'Brien is no longer with the
Wolverines, the Michigan Athletic
Department confirmed yesterday.
Soui'ces close to the team say his
departure is due to disagreements with
head coach Bill Freehan over impro-
prieties involving the program.
O'Brien reported to the Michigan
Athletic Department that Freehan and
his staff violated NCAA regulations,
sources said. The sources also said
that O'Brien claimed players were
provided with pizzas as rewards for
good performances and were allowed
to take out Freehan's sports car.
O'Brien would not comment on
any alleged discussions with the Ath-
letic Department regarding NCAA
Michigan baseball co-captain
Ryan Van Oeveren said "somebody
filed allegations against (the baseball
program) with the Athletic Depart-
ment. Coach Freehan had a meeting
with someone from the Athletic De-
partment, but I don't know what went
''Some (allegations of impropri-
ety) have been br'ought to our atten-
tion said Sports Information Direc-
tor Bruce Madej. "We're inestigat-
ing those.
"Craig Keilitz (Michigan's NCAA
compliance director) will investigate
any allegations and will keep the
NCAA and the Lniversity apprised of
anything thit needs to be lone.-.
O'Brien denies that he has termi-
nated his ties to the team and said that
his future xwith the Wolverines is -be-
ing discussed." lHe would not specu-
late as to whether he would coach
tomorrow when Michigan opens its
home season against Eastern Michi-
gan at 3 p.m. at Fisher Stadium.
'"I did not resign," O'Brien said.
"I'm discussing mV situation wxith the
(allegations) have
been brought to
our attention..
We're investigating
- Bruce Madej
Sports Information director
Athletic Director (Joe Roberson). I
can't say if I'll be back (against the
The Michigan Athletic Depart-
ment released a statement last night
saying O'Brien has left the Wolfer-
ines, but may be back.
'It is true that Dan O Brien is no
longer a coach." Madej said. "We
understand that he will ask for reas-
signment within the Athletic Depart-.
meat and we are awvaiting that letter.'
Team members said Freehan an -
nounced O'Brien's resignation to the
team last Wednesday and that there
was visible strain between the two.
"We knew something was going
on. but we didn't know quite what,"
said freshman infielder Dan Murphy.
"I heatcd about it in the locken-oom
before practice and at practice coach
Freehan told us.'
"I could tell there was tension for
a while. but I didn't know what to
expect."said freshman outfielder John
Papp. "I think the captains knew for a
while. but personally I didn't know
"Coach (Freehan) just told us
(O'Brien) was stepping down - he
didn't tell us why. They just tried to
keep it between the coaches and the
Sources close to the team said
pizzas were given to players and rides
in Freehan's sports car were offered
See BASEBALL, Page 10
The Rule
'An extra benefit
is any special
arrangement by
an institution
employee or a
representative of
the institution's
interests to
provide a
... not expressly
authorized by
NCAA legislation.
Receipt of a
benefit by
is not a
violation if the
same benefit is
available to all
students of the
- NCAA Bylaw
4 faculty
elected to
By Jodi Cohen
tily Staff Reporner
Four faculty members were
elected to the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs yester-
day with a mandate to increase fac-
ulty governance and activism at the
Profs. Louis George D' Alecy,
Valerie E. Lee and Leo McNamara
will serve three-year terms, while
*obert L. Smith will fill a one-year
rm. Seven candidates ran for the
open seats.
SACUA is the nine-member ex-
ecutive committee of Senate Assem-
bly - the faculty's governing body
- and it works to implement the
actions taken by the assembly.
D'Alecy, a physiology professor,
said, "I think there is a new intensity
to faculty governance in the Univer-
*ty. I have been outspoken and I
think that is what the faculty now
wants. I think that is why I was elected
and this is a signal to pursue that.
"They are obviotisly willing to
taike a chance on this moi'e aggressive
I o
Physiology prof.,
three-year term
Lesbian colonel speaks out on
military's policies against gays
Education prof.
three-year term
By Melissa Rose Bernardo.
Daly Staff Reportei
Speaking to more than 1.100
people in a packed Rackham Audito-
rium, Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer
gave a speech and slide presentation
titled "Serving in Silence," in which
she attacked prejudice and discrimi-
nation in the military and society as a
"I want you to know that I try to deal
with prejudice in a very broad sense."
she said. "Nobody gets excluded."
Cammermeyer first made the
headlines in June 1992, when she
became the highest-ranking officer
ever discharged from the military
solely because of sexual orientation
- after admitting she is a lesbian. A
ruling from a Seattle federal court
reinstated her last June.
To speak about prejudice,
Cammermeyer drew on her back-
ground as a lesbian, a woman, an
immigrant and a military officer.
Her autobiography was recently
produced for NBC by Barbra Streisand
and starred Glenn Close.
Cammermeyer kept the audience
engaged for nearly two hours with a
"Well, you have
to understand that
I was the only gay
in the military.
-Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer
variety of humorous anecdotes, from
conversations with Streisand to jokes
about her teenage son's girlfriend.
Slides gave her speech a historical
grounding. Audience members saw
photosoflthe World War IIicon "Rosie
the Riveter," "male role model" Rock
Hudson and even Cammermeyer's
wedding. "You don't have to focus
this one," she said jokingly of her
wedding photo.
After skewering the war propa-
ganda of the '40s, the television of the
'50s and the politics of the '70s,
Cammermeyer brought the audience
back to her current situation.
"Up to the last moment, I believed
President Bush would sign an execu-
tive order eliminating the ban (on gays
in the military). I was shocked when it
didn't happen," she said. "Well, you
have to understand that I was the only
gay in the military," she joked.
Following the presentation.
Cammermeyer was presented with a
National Leadership Award by the
Parents, Friends and Families of Les-
bians and Gays. She then opened the
floor to the audience, many of whom
commended her, solicited her advice
and shared their experiences.
Audience members, who ranged in
age from 8 to 80 years old and spanned
all races and sexual orientations, charac-
terized Cammermeyer's speech as "il-
formative." "invigorating and "acces-
Many said they xere pleased that
Cammermeyer addressed both gen-
ders and all sexual orientations.
Ronni Sanlo, director of the Les-
bian Gay Bisexual Programs Office,
said she was very pleased with the
event. "It's exciting to see someone
who truly exemplifies this spirit of
leadership, sense of courage and brav-
ery," Sanlo said.
Cammermeyer also said she plans to
retire from the military Sept. 16, after 30
years of service. "I thoroughly enjoyed
wearinvthe uniform," she said withpride.
Col. Margarethe Cammemeyer, the highest-ranking
officer ever to be discharged from the military for
sexual orientation; speaks at Rackham Auditorium last
English nrof.
Former football capt. pleads no contest to charge