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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 2, 1995 - 5
for AIDS
BOSTON (AP) - Doctors have
shown for the first time they can re-
build the immune systems of people
infected with the AIDS virus. They
have found away to dramatically boost
the number of blood cells which the
virus normally destroys.
The AIDS virus typically takes 10
years to kill aperson. During this time,
the virus relentlessly destroys a variety
of disease-fighting white blood cells
called helper T cells.
If the new treatment works as doc-
tors hope, it could tip the balance in
favor of the body, allowing it to pro-
duce these cells faster than the virus
can kill them.
"This is the first time I truly in
my gut feel excited" about an AIDS
treatment, said Dr. H. Clifford Lane,
a researcher at the National Insti-
tute of Allergy and Infectious Dis-
eases who reported his findings in
today's issue of the New England
Journal of Medicine.
The new approach involves on-and-
off infusions of interleukin 2, a natural
protein that regulates the body's im-
mune defenses. It worked only in those
patients who were infected with the
virus but had not yet developed AIDS.
Some patients have been taking it
for up to 3 1/2 years with no sign of
waning effectiveness-something no
other medicine has accomplished.
Other treatments, such as the drug
AZT, attack the virus directly. While
this may temporarily spareTcells from
destruction, allowing them to rebound
modestly, the drugs quickly lose their
punch, White-cell levels fall again.
Thenew treatment carries a serious
drawback- side effects that mimic a
severe case of flu. Furthermore, re-
searchers have not tested it long enough
to be able to prove that it actually helps
patients stay healthy longer.
"While extremely provocative, it
remains to be shown that this will trans-
late into resistance to opportunistic in-
fections or prolongation of life," said
Dr. William Paul, head offederal AIDS
A key to the new treatment appears
to be its intermittent use. Once every
two months, doctors give patients a
five-day continuous dose of IL-2, which
requires them to be attached to an infu-
sion pump.
Healthy people have between 800
and 1,200 helper T cells per cubic mil-
limeter of blood.
Clinton, Republican leaders
open battle on foreign policy
Clinton portrayed foreign policy differ-
ences with the Republican majority in
J ti >:.;Congress yesterday as a struggle be-
{ 4 1 tween those who want to continue U.S.
" : J! %~ leadership and "those who advocate a
new American isolationism."
"The new isolationists are wrong,"
he said in remarks prepared for deliv-
..a cry at a forum sponsored by the Nixon
...*.4 .f}tCenter for Peace and Freedom.
Republican leaders preceded
'f Clinton, and Senate Majority Leader
Bob Dole (R-Kan.) criticized the ad-
J t.~ ........ ministration for"misguided devotion
to Russia and what he called a failed
policy in Bosnia and mistakes in deal-
! .} ing with Iraq and North Korea.
Dole accused the administration of
"timidity" for not threatening to veto
any U.N. effort to lift economic sanc-
tions against Iraq. Anthony Lake, White
x A ' Huse national security adviser, coun-
___ tered that Dole's criticism was "un-
founded on the facts." He said U.N.
Ambassador Madeleine Albright had
, - told other governments that Clinton
would veto such a resolution.
Legislation passed two weeks ago
by the House that would cut back U.S.
- support for U.N. peacekeeping ac-
tivities has been attacked by the ad-
: ministration as isolationist and likely
4 to destroy the United Nations as a tool
} };!"::,,.irh.? . ., >s..> <}:>.:;' .. f:,.Y;..for dealing with trouble spots around
- the world.
Clinton said the legislation would
Enlightenment 'S'-PHANIr{GRACE.__________________h__SHNErACE__L/Di_
School of Art junior Erin Smith catches a stream of light in the North I OO tf El) i
Campus Commons yesterday afternoon.I
"the Soviets
have lost the Cold -
War, but the
United States has
not yet won IL"!
- Senate Majority Leader
Bob Dole (R-Kan.)
quoting Richard Nixon
"deny resources to peacekeepers and
even to our troops and squander them
on Star Wars," the space-based missile
defense system first proposed by Presi-
dent Reagan.
He said the approach would
"weaken America. We must not let the
ripple of isolationism they have gener-
ated build into a tidal wave. If we
withdraw from the world today, we
will have to contend with the conse-
quences of our neglect tomorrow."
There is far less support for the
legislation in the Senate. Dole never
mentioned the United Nations orpeace-
keeping, but his speech had a strongly
internationalist tone.
The Kansas Republican, expected
to formally enter the 1996 presidential
race in April, quoted Nixon as saying
that "the Soviets have lost the Cold
War, but the United States has not yet
won it."
Dole described a troubled world
that "will test America's resolve and
her leadership. If we fail those tests, if
we refuse the mantle of leadership -
any declaration of victory will be along
time coming."
The senator recalled that he was an
early supporter of Boris Yeltsin, back
when the Bush administration was
backing Soviet President Mikhail
But Dole said that Yeltsin "has
made serious errors and has moved
toward authoritarian rule." He accused
the Clinton administration of mis-
guided devotion to a "Yeltsin first"
policy that has "resulted in the loss of
tremendous opportunity to state
American concerns forcefully before
thousands were slaughtered in
He called for a new, more realistic
attitude toward Russia in which dis-
agreements would "not be excused,
ignoredand minimized."
Dole also repeated .his long-
standing criticism of the adminis-
tration for what he regards as inac-
tion in the face of Serbian aggres-
sion in Bosnia and for entering into
a nuclear agreement with North
Korea that "has little prospect of
addressing the North Korean threat."
Rather than pleading for coopera-
tion, Dole said, the United States should
declare its intention to veto any U.N.
resolution lifting sanctions againstIraq.
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