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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 14, 1995 - 3
Groups come to rescue during National Condom Week
Leak damages
After a pipe burst on the first floor
of the Institute of Science and Tech-
nology, a caller reported damage to
thousands of dollars in computer
equipment located in a room directly
According to Department of Pub-
lic Safety reports, a pipe in Room
1216 broke Sunday morning and more
than "3/4 inch of cold water" covered
the floor.
An officer reported that rooms
01211, 1213, 1215 and 1217J "needed
to be wet-vacuumed and may have
property damage." Steve Smith, who
works in Room 222, directly below
the leak, estimated the damaged com-
puters' value at $120,000.
Flag taken off crane
A construction foreman working
at the C.C. Little Science Building
*requested "extra patrol" from DPS
for his work site after a larceny oc-
curred there.
An unknown suspect climbed a
crane at the site in order to set up his
theft, according to DPS reports.
Someone "replaced the Eliss-Don
banner with a skull and cross bones
flag," at the top of the crane, reports
The value of the banner was esti-
Omated at $100.
Book, cards missing
Saying that someone stole her book
and Christmas cards Dec. 22 in the
Graduate Library, a woman reported
that she needed to officially tell DPS
of the incident for her credit card
company to reimburse her.
The caller said she "placed the
*items on the floor, turned around to
look at another book, turned around
again and they were gone," according
to DPS reports.
There are no suspects in the theft.
The items were valued at $32.29.
East Quad break-in
A caller told DPS Sunday after-
noon that his room had been entered
*Friday night. The caller, a student
who lives in the East Quad residence
hall, said someone must have entered
his room while it was unlocked. He
said pieces of his property were miss-
ing and he wanted an officer to come
to his room to file a report.
Newspaper stolen
DPS received a call from a man in
*Ypsilanti who said a thief had broken
into his car Sunday.
The man, who reported the inci-
dent from the Busch's Valu-Land gro-
cery store, said an unknown suspect
entered his car while he was shopping
and took the man's newspaper.
Ceramic kidnapping
An artist called DPS on Friday to
*report that his ceramic sculpture of a
baby was stolen from the Art and Ar-
chitecture Building.
The caller said his sculpture had
been removed from a painting bin
outside of Room 2805 within the last
two weeks.
The artist described the ceramic
baby to DPS officers as "white in
color, with large breasts, large but-
tocks, fat rolls and a one-inch penis."
The artist reported that there was
no name on his baby.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Josh White
By Katie Hutchins
Daily Staff Reporter
With all the Valentine's Day love
in the air, many students may wish
they knew more about condoms, AIDS
and STDs. In recognition of National
Condom Week, several local groups
are coming to the rescue.
It began last night when Univer-
sity Health Service safer sex peer
educators flocked to dorms during
dinner time to pass out free condoms,
posters and friendly advice.
"Usually, we don't have to prompt
people for questions," said Education
senior Sarah Price, who staffed a table
at East Quad,
Price said she feels the week can
serve as a "strong educational tool" to
help people feel more comfortable
talking about condoms and AIDS.
UHS Health Education Coordina-
tor Polly Paulson agreed. "We tend to
cluster our activities right around
Valentine's Day, because it ties right
in with the theme of Valentine's Day,"
she joked.
Tonight, many Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti bars will be hit by "blitzes,"
in which a small task force of AIDS
educators journeys from bar to bar
armed with condoms, literature and
information for unwary customers.
"It's sort of an 'in-your-face' ap-
proach," Price said.
The blitzes will be run by the
Washtenaw County Human Services
Group and are intended to "make
people think about their risky behav-
ior," said Vicki Nighswander, the
AIDS/STD program supervisor.
The army of educators will also
carry self-assessment surveys for
the clientele to determine how much
they are in danger of contracting
Some of the bars to be hit include
the Flame, the Nectarine Ballroom
and Del Rio, Nighswander said.
"When people drink, sometimes
their resistance goes down and it puts
them at risk," she added.
Other groups involved include
Detroit's Midwest AIDS Prevention
Project, a group that provides AIDS
education throughout the state. .
Eastern Michigan University stu-
dents also will be participating in the
blitzes in some Ypsilanti bars,
Nighswander said.
Price, who is a site-leader for a
Project SERVE Alternative Spring
Break trip that leaves for Chicago this
week to volunteer with AIDS ser-
vices there, said some of the group's
participants will also be assisting in
this week's activities.
Although local groups have being
doing this kind of educational blitz
for National Condom Week since
1988, this is the first year the educa-
tion will be spilling into some of the
local cafes.
"I think it's been a real good aware-
ness activity," Nighswander said.
Price agreed. "It hits so many
people our age. It's one of those things
that people think they know about,
but very few people have accurate
information," she said.
Faculty's governing body.
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
After numerous complaints about
the grievance process at the University,
areporturging timely andbinding griev-
ance review board decisions was pre-
sented yesterday to Senate Assembly,
the faculty's governing body.
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs' subcommittee
on grievances issued the first draft of
the most recent faculty grievance re-
port. The document summarizes cur-
rent problems with the procedure and
offers solutions and recommendations
to restructuring the grievance policy.
Committee chair Thomas Moore
said, "The charge to the committee
was to review procedures, see how
the system was working, and suggest
The committee asked assembly
members yesterday for additional rec-
ommendations and feedback.
Moore said assembly input "pre-
vents the loss of information and en-
courages people to participate in the
Some of the problems cited in-
clude that "the process always took
far too long, the language of the (for-
mal) procedures was legalistic and
complex, and the problems could have
been avoided or minimized if the ini-
tial problems had been handled more
sensitively by the administrators in-
volved," the report states.
The committee based many of the
recommendations on the 20 docu-
mented faculty grievances filed from
1983 to 1993. The committee said,
however, that there were at least five
more faculty grievances during this
time, but the records do not exist.
"One of the matters of consider-
able concern is the lack of adequate
information," Moore said,
The majority of grievances by the
20 faculty members include issues
regarding tenure, salary, appointment
change and promotion.
One primary concern the commit-
tee identified was the lack of timeliness
when reviewing grievances. "Eighteen
of those 20 grievances extended over at
least two years, four extended over three
or more, and one extended over four
years," the report says.
The committee also identified a
time lapse problem between the re-
quest for a grievance review board
and its formation. The number of days
ranged from 30 to 1,080, with a mean
of 201 days.
The completion of a grievance
review is usually delayed because of
the failure to appoint the reviewing
board's chair and a consequent delay
of an initial meeting, the report says.
In addition to timeliness, another
concern is that many of the griev-
ances are rejected by administrators
before a-board is even formed.
"I think when a faculty member
has a grievance, they have a right for
a grievance review board to be estab-
lished," Shirley said.
Currently, the review board's de-
cision can be overturned by adminis-
trators. "Recommendations of griev-
ance review committees often are not
accepted anyway," said Senate As-
sembly member William Hosford.
The report recommends that "the
final decisions of GRB should be bind-
ing on all parties, subject to limited
appeal to another faculty body."
. Assembly members generally sup-
ported the report.
"I think the work that was done by
the committee is focused and I feel
very positive about it," said Senate
Assembly member George Shirley.
The report recommends the griev-
ant first try solving the problem
through informal discussion before
requesting formal review.
"When these disputes arise, more
effort should be made to resolve them
as informally as possible at the lowest
level and as expeditiously as pos-
sible," the report says.
Sew and sew
Yercho Hirochian works on a garment at Campus Tailor on State Street.
In working session,City Council
takes up affirmative action plan
By Maureen Sirhal
Daily Staff Reporter
Heated debate was sparked on dif-
ferent issues in a working session of
the Ann Arbor City Council last night
as council members discussed the
establishment of an affirmative ac-
tion policy and plan.
Councilmember Christopher
Kolb (D-5th Ward) is sponsoring a
plan that creates goals to make the
city's workforce reflect the racial com-
position of those available to work
around Ann Arbor.'
The Ann Arbor Human Rights
Commission would review the re-
cruitment and hiring practices of dif-
ferent departments of the city and
implement yet-to-be-determined con-
sequences if the practices are not
deemed equitable and consistent.
"If there is a consistent pattern
where certain groups are not being
hired or even applying, then some-
thing is wrong," Kolb said.
The goal is to increase hiring of
and job application by members of
minority groups that are under-repre-
sented in certain departments. The
Human Rights Commission would,
based on the goals set, recruit a broad
scope of individuals to make sure that
the applicant pools are diverse. Can-
didates would then have to meet mini-
mal criteria set by the job description.
"If all things are equal, the city
would hire the candidate where the
goal was placed," said City Adminis-
trator Alfred Gatta, who is leaving his
post April 23. "If one candidate has
20 years experience and another has 5
years and the requirement is 3 years,
then they both meet the criteria and
are equal."
Councilmember Peter Fink (R-2nd
Ward) disagreed with that philoso-
"I think that it is a fundamentally
wrong way to hire," Fink said. "The only
thing left is their classification. People
would rather feel that they were hired
because they were more qualified."
Many council members wanted to
make sure the most qualified candi-
date would receive the job.
"The best person available with
affirmative action goals in mind will
get hired," Gatta said.
In addition to the hiring dispute,
the funding of this policy was also
addressed. Fink said it was require a
lot more money.
"It is effort and staff that was not
there before. I know some council
members would allocate the money
from the general fund, no questions
asked." Fink said.
However, Kolb said he didn't think
the funding was going to be a problem.
"I am not anticipating that (the
policy) would require any more fund-
ing appropriated from council. If coun-
cil has a goal of true affirmative ac-
tion, then it will be reflected," Kolb
Fink expressed concern over the
ideas stated in the working papers.
"My real problem in the policy is
that it says 'to ensure equal treatment'
and this does not ensure equal treat-
ment," Fink said.
The worksheet served as the start-
ing block for debate on the revision of
a plan created in 1969. Kolb spon-
sored the idea and hopes to see its
passage at the next regular session of
City Council.
dies at 85
The Associated Press
Claude A. Eggertsen, an educa-
tion pioneer and University professor
emeritus, has died. He was 85.
Eggertsen died Thursday. The
University did not disclose the cause
of death.
Eggertsen joined the Ann Arbor
faculty in 1939, going on to establish
exchange programs with the univer-
Triple towers
The University's power plant lets off some steam in yesterday's cold
morning air with Burton Tower and Tower Plaza in the background.
Notice anynews?
Call the Daily.
What's happening nAnAbrtdy
Q Alianza, 764-2677, Trotter House,
Mail lobby, 7 p.m.
Q Ann Arbor Moderation Manage-
ment, 930-6446, Unitarian
Church, 1917 Washtenaw,
Gaede Room, 7-8 p.m.
Q Amnesty international, Michigan
Union, 7:30 p.m.
Q Gospel Chorale Rehearsal, 764-
1705, School of Music, Room
2043, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Q LSAStudent Government, LSA Build-
ing, Room 2002, 6 p.m.
Q Michigan Students for Peace,
764-5943, Modern Language
President for Researchand Cen-
ter for Afro-American and Afri-
can Studies, Rackham Audito-
rium, 4 p.m.
Q "Jewish Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Questioning Collective Coffee
Hour," sponsored by Hillel,
Espresso Royale Caffe, State
St., 7:30 p.m.
Q "Professional Development Pro-
gram for International Spouses,"
sponsored by International Cen-
ter, International Center, 603 E.
Madison, 2-4 p.m.
"Some Observations on the Chinese
Economic Reform Experience,"
U 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
U Campus information Center, Michi-
gan Union, 763-INFO; events info
76-EVENT or UM*Events on
Q ECB PeerTutorial, 747-4526, Angell
Hall Computing Site, 7-11 p.m.,
Alice Lloyd, 7-10 p.m., Bursley, 7-
11 p.m.
U North Campus Information Center,
North Campus Commons, 763-
NCIC, 7:30 a.m-5:50 p.m.
a Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley