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February 14, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-02-14

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tueday, Feb
Continued from page 1
contact the OPP,just that a request may^
have been sent elsewhere," Blace said.
Blace said theOntariopolice's search
for Arthur Gonda would not be in con-
nection to Baker, but for crimes that
Gonda may have committed in Canada.
"Mr. Baker's investigation in Ontario1
would be done by the FBI because his
alleged criminal activity originated in the
U.S.," he said. "If Gonda is involved in
criminal charges in Canada, that is when
we would get involved."
While Blace declined comment on
Baker's case individually, he said
Canada's laws regarding the import of
pornographic material or hate literature
are fairly strict.{
"I cannot say exactly how this
would apply to Mr. Baker's case, butf
hate mail and pornography in Canada
does not require any action, just the
movement of material," he said. "Il
am not sure how the OPP would deal;
with Baker and Gonda's cases."
Moritz declined further commentt
on Baker's case because an FBI in-
vestigation is pending.3
Mullkoff said he hopes Baker's is1
not the first in many Internet cases the
FBI tries to prosecute.t
"I hope that it is unlikely that otherr
prosecutions of this type would be
coming in the future. I think that the
FBI must have a lot of time on their
hands to be poking around on college
campuses looking for fiction writ-1
ers," Mullkoff asserted.t

ruary 14, 1995
50 years later, Germans remember Dresde

The Washington Post
BERLIN - Church bells pealed
across Dresden, Germany yesterday,
tolling in remembrance of the city's
destruction by Allied bombers half a
century ago, as former adversaries
gathered to reaffirm theirpostwarrec-
Britain's Duke of Kent, a cousin
Continued from page 1
at the start of this school year.
Johanna Frank, an LSA senior and
West Quad resident director, helped
compile the publication and cited it
and the residence staff as guiding
forces for women on campus. "There
are relatively few role models avail-
able to us," she said, adding that the
University should continue to distrib-
ute the handbook.
Street safety was also addressed at
the forum. One student cited the poor
architecture she had noticed over the
years, which enabled pine trees to keep
heavily populated areas in the dark.
Others suggested a collaboration be-
tween the city and the University to
replace the energy-efficient bulbs in
street lamps that shed little light.
Students also urged provisions for
women of color in the agenda and as-
serted that the lack of female professors
leaves women students no outlet when
they are discouraged in their studies.

of Queen Elizabeth, joined German
and U.S. officials in laying a memo-
rial wreath at the Heidefriedhof cem-
etery where many of the city's 35,000
civilian war dead are buried.
German President Roman Herzog,
in a speech at the city's Palace of
Culture, rejected the notion that
Dresden's destruction during World

War H obviated Nazi crimes or that
the bombing converted German cul-
prits into German victims.
"As we recall this event today, as so
often before, we have to make some-
thing clear first," Herzog said. "No one
present in this room intends to indict
anyone or expects anyone to show re-
morse or indulge in self-accusation.

, < <.L. -
Gore defends surgeon gen. nominee
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Striking back yesterday in the
fight over President Clinton's surgeon general nominee,
Vice PresidentAl Gore called Dr. Henry FosterJr. the victim
of an anti-abortion campaign to intimidate Congress. "We're
not going to let the extremists win," he declared.
But critics of the Tennessee obstetrician showed no sign s
of easing up. House Speakek Newt Gingrich said in Georgia,
"I think he's going to be very hard to confirm. I think it's
going to be a very embarrassing set of hearings."
"There are people in this country who want to criminalize
a woman's right to choose and they are now trying to make Foster
Dr. Foster a victim ... in order to make an ideological, political point and win on
behalf of the extremists," Gore said.
"We are not going to let the extremists defeat this man," he said.

Continued from page 1
Washtenaw County AssistantPub-
lic Defender David Lankford,
Mitchell's court-appointed attorney,
filed six motions earlier this month at
the Washtenaw County Courthouse.
The defense contends there was in-
sufficient evidence at the preliminary
examination for the judge to hold
Mitchell for trial.
Lankford also moved to suppress
testimony of a state police crime lab
DNA scientist and the bloody glove
that was allegedly used in the purse-
snatching attempt in the 800 block of
Dexter Avenue. The defense based
the motion on discrepancies between
the description of the attacker given
by the robbery victim and Mitchell's
physical appearance and dress at the
time of his arrest.
Based on these discrepancies,
Lankford contends Mitchell was un-
justly arrested and searched, so any
physical evidence resulting from the
search should be suppressed. But
Mackie said the differences were not
substantially different for the evidence
to be thrown out.
Ann Arbor Police Officer Steven
Lawrence, who arrested Mitchell

ChristmasDay,said at the prelimi-
nary examination, "We felt that we
had enough probable cause to arrest
Mr. Mitchell that night. ... The red
(blood) stain heightened our suspi-
cion at that time."
Lankford also moved to suppress
test results from samples of
Mitchell's blood that were taken by
Ann Arbor police following his Dec.
25 arrest. Lankford said the samples
should not be admitted because the
robbery victim was not sexually as-
saulted and Mitchell was not linked
at that time to a series of Ann Arbor
Police said, however, blood
samples were taken to compare with
the bloody glove allegedly used in the
robbery attempt, and because elements
of the alleged robbery were similar to
the serial rapist's methods.
The public defender also asked1
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Donald Shelton to move the
upcoming trial out of Washtenaw
County over concerns of pretrial pub-
licity, which could possibly compro-
mise Mitchell's right to a fair trial.
Mackie responded by citing a previ-
ous Michigan case where a court found
that pre-trial publicity alone does not
necessitate a change of venue and
asked the judge to deny the defense's
Mackie cited the state Court of
Appeals case People vs. Passeno, in
which the court said a juror who has
formed an opinion from media cover-
age can still try the case if they swear
they are without prejudice and will
try the case impartially according to
the evidence.
Mitchell remains in the
Washtenaw County Jail under
$50,000 bond. The motions will be
heard Thursday in 3rd Circuit Court.

Gingrich will not run
for White House
ATLANTA - House Speaker
Newt Gingrich ended a brief flirtation
with the 1996 presidential race yester-
day, saying he had decided it was more
important to concentrate on the ambi-
tious GOP congressional agenda.
"I think I should stay and focus on
what I am doing and get things done,"
Gingrich told a business group in sub-
urban Atlanta. "I hardly need to run for
president to get my message out."
Many activists had urged him to
run, especially after other prominent
conservatives, including former Vice
President Dan Quayle and former HUD
Secretary Jack Kemp, announced they
would forgo the 1996 race.
The GOP field now includes Sen-
ate Majority Leader Bob Dole of Kan-
sas, Texas Sen. Phil Gramm and former
Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alexander.
Several others are likely tojoin them in
therace, including Sens. Arlen Specter
of Pennsylvania and Richard Lugar of
In recent weeks, some House Re-
publicans grumbled privately that

Gingrich's refusal to rule out a 1996 run'
was an unnecessary distraction to their
legislative work. Several had pressed
him recently to make a definitive state-
ment, said GOP sources.
Court refuses delay of
custody transfer
CHICAGO - The legal odyssey
of a nearly 4-year-old adopted boy*
reached another milestone yesterday
when the U.S. Supreme Court refused
to delay an Illinois court order transfer-
ring custody of the child to his biologi-
cal father.
The action marked the fourth time
the high court or one of its justices has
considered the "Baby Richard" case.
Lawyers for the couple who have
had custody of the boy since he was
four days old said they would return to
the Supreme Court to seek an order for
alowercourt hearing on the "best inter-
ests" of the child before custody is
finally determined. In response, the
lawyer for the biological father, Otakar
Kirchner, threatened for the first time
to act under existing court rulings and
remove Richard from the couple's


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I L3
Peru declares cease- confident that Chile, Brazil, Argentina
and the United States could find a per-
fire in border war manent solution to the conflict.
The four nations are guarantors of a
LIMA, Peru - Peru announced a 1942 treaty that ended a war in which
unilateral cease-fire in its border war Ecuador lost about half its Amazon
with Ecuador last night, according to a territory to Peru.
Foreign Ministry statement read on a
local television news station. Russian refugees
The cease-fire will go into effect at
noon today (noon EST), thecommuni- return to Chechnya
que said.
In the statement, Peru called on GROZNY, Chechnya - With the
Ecuador to cooperate in the cease-fire two-month war in Chechnya shifting
to avoid worse "bloodshed among to the countryside, the first refugees
brother nations." returning to the devastated capital
There was no immediate reaction looked Sunday for their homes - or.
from the Ecuadorean government. But what's left of them.
a television station in the Ecuadorean The refugees' return is one of the
capital of Quito reported that officials firstclearsignsthatthebattleforGrozny
were surprised and skeptical about the is just about over.
announcement. Echo Moscow radio on Sunday
According to thecommunique, read quoted Chechen military commander
over Channel 4, Peru would invite a Aslan Maskhadov as saying he would
commission of observers to verify the hold talks yesterday with the command-
cease-fire in a disputed 48-mile border ers of the Russian military operation,
zone in the Amazon jungle, 590 miles - including Interior Minister Gen.
north of Lima and 220 miles south of Anatoly Kulikov.
Quito. The Russian government has said
President Alberto Fujimori planned for weeks that it controls Grozny and is
to inform the governments of the four taking measures to restore the city to
nations trying to negotiate an end to the normal.
fighting of Peru's decision, the state- Several busloads of refugees have
ment said. arrived daily for the past several days.
The communique said Peru was - From Daily wire services

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NEWS Nate Hurley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jonathan Berndt, Lisa Dines, Andrew Taylor, Scot Woods.
STAFF: Danielle Belkin, Cathy Boguslaski, Jodi Cohen, Spencer Dickinson, Kelly Feeney, Christy Glass, Ronnie Glassberg, Jennifer
Harvey, Katie Hutchins, Daniel Johnson, Amy Klein, Stephanie Jo Klein, Maria Kovac. Tali Kravitz. Frank C. Lee. Lisa Michalski,
Gail Mongkolpradit. Zachary M. Raimi. Maureen Sirhal, Matthew Smart, Vahe Tazian,.Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
GRAPHICS: Julie Tsai.
EDITORIAL Julie Becker, James Nash, Editors
STAFF: Bobby Angel, James R. Cho, Allison Dimond, Jed Friedman, Zach Gelber, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Lauren Goldfarb, Adrienne
Janney, Patrick Javid, Chris Kaye, Jeff Keating, Joel F. Knutson, Jim Lasser, Jason Lichtstein, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Scott Pence.
Jean Twenge, David Wartowski.
SPORTS Paul Barger, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Darren Everson, Antoine Pitts, Tom Seeley, Ryan White.
STAFF. Rachel Bachman, Roderick Beard, Eugene Bowen, Scott Burton, Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Sarah DeMar, Marc Oilier. Brett
Forrest, Alan Goldenbach. James Goldstein. Ravi Gopal, Chaim Hyman, Michael Joshua. Julie Keating. Brett Krasnove, John Leroi,
Marc Lightdale, Dan McKenzie, Rebecca Moatz, Jed Rosenthal. Davy Rothbart, Danielle Rumore, Melanie Schuman. Brian Sklar,
Tim Smith. Barry Sollenberger, Doug Stevens, Michelle Lee Thompson.+
ARTS Tom Etwine, Heather Phares, Editors
EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bernardo (Theater), Matt Carson (Fine Arts), Andy Dolan (Music), Kirk Miller (Books), Liz Shaw (Weekend
etc.). Alexandra Twin (Film), Ted Watts (Weekend, etc.).
STAFF: Matt Benz. Jennifer Buckley, Mark Carlson, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Ben Ewy, Ariel Gandsman. Brian Gnatt, Josh
Herrington, Kari Jones, Shirley Lee, Scott Plagenhoef, Fred Rice, Joshua Rich, Dirk Schulze, Sarah Stewart, Prashant Tamaskar,
Brian Wise. Robert Yoon.
PHOTO Jonathan Lurie, Evan Petrie, Editors
STAFF: Tonya Broad, Mike Fitzhugh, Mark Friedman, Douglas Kanter, Stephanie Um, Judith Perkins, Kristen Schaefer, Molly

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